Final Fantasy XIII - Gen. Discussion & Info

Well according to the guide, on 62 you should equip Snow or Fang with 4 magistral accessories so you get magic immunity, but it would take me quite a while to fully upgrade all of my magic items, plus it seems like kind of a waste. I don't think I can even take those things down in 1 stagger either. Usually my party gets completely wiped out before I even stagger one of them anyway. I'm not too worried about either of those marks cause I know once I get a 5th class maxed they will be a lot easier, just not sure what the best way to grind CP and components is. I guess I should probably work on the turtles, so hopefully I don't max out CP and still have 30 hours of grinding left over for treasure hunter achievement.
Yeah, I wish I had more to tell you on 62. I just remember it being easier than I expected. Five classes maxed seems like overkill, I doubt I even had three by that point. What paradigms are you using? Does anybody have the Random: Instant Chain synthesis?-- I feel like that might do a lot of good.
Everyone's health gets too low and I end up on a never ending combat clinic if I start trying to heal. I ended up spending 2-3 hours death spam farming and ended up with 4-5 ingots and 1 trap and at least 500k cp.
[quote name='freshzen']Everyone's health gets too low and I end up on a never ending combat clinic if I start trying to heal. I ended up spending 2-3 hours death spam farming and ended up with 4-5 ingots and 1 trap and at least 500k cp.[/QUOTE]

I was able to do 62 before I beat the last boss. The main paradigms were sab/sab/med, syn/syn/med, rav/rav/rav, and com/rav/rav. Used Fang as my char, lightning, and vanille.

Slow worked wonders on them. Having 3+ witches bracelets on each character made their attacks really weak. I had no trouble after equipping those. I can't find anything on the forum rules about posting videos, but youtube has a great video of a guy doing it in 5 minutes with the above setup. Just search ff 13 mission 62 and it's the first link.

And for turtle farming, try doing it without death spam. It was frustrating for me at first, but i slowly got the hang of it. I read other people's strats on them and modified my own til now I can consistently kill them in about 2 minutes. Just takes practice, trial and error. :)
[quote name='drooli']I was able to do 62 before I beat the last boss. The main paradigms were sab/sab/med, syn/syn/med, rav/rav/rav, and com/rav/rav. Used Fang as my char, lightning, and vanille.

Slow worked wonders on them. Having 3+ witches bracelets on each character made their attacks really weak. I had no trouble after equipping those. I can't find anything on the forum rules about posting videos, but youtube has a great video of a guy doing it in 5 minutes with the above setup. Just search ff 13 mission 62 and it's the first link.

And for turtle farming, try doing it without death spam. It was frustrating for me at first, but i slowly got the hang of it. I read other people's strats on them and modified my own til now I can consistently kill them in about 2 minutes. Just takes practice, trial and error. :)[/QUOTE]

^^ I believe I had the same (if not, some what similar) to your paradigms to beat 62. But I don't having multiple magic acc on each character.

& yes it's better to farm turtles without using death spam (since you're at the mercy of luck). Have you tried the summoning technique? Summon (feet goes down), stick debuffs, built chain, let summon withdraw, then Com Com Com. You should be able to kill it - use Highwind (or a similar level attack) right before the chain gauge depletes.
Why does everyone complain about this game being too "linear?"
When you get down to it, most (with the exception of games like Mass Effect or Dragon Age; ie:Western RPG's) RPG's are "linear."

Tales Series is the definition of linear...

This has been my favorite RPG this gen, even beating out Valkyria Chronicles.
There is so much character development and interaction...the story in this is rich and immersive.

Thats what I mostly play for in a RPG...The story...

Linearity is nothing new when it comes to JRPG's...
The difference between "linear" in FF13 and Vesperia is basically that they give you a world map in Vesperia to explore, giving you the illusion of choice. I think that is also compounded by the fact that in FF13 they won't let you change your party members/paradigm until about 20-25 hours into the game, which is a major misstep considering there are points before that (like 10-15 hours) where you have more than 3 members in your party. When that chance for choice does happen, it's the worst possible point in the game since your current setup is already perfectly setup for the boss ahead of you.
Eh, the forced party makeup was to introduce new mechanics and group combination, as well as enhance the narrative. I think the point you are talking about where party customization might have been ok to have was during the raid on the airship, as this is the first point in the game where the party is all together. But since the only thing that is left once they regroup is a boss fight, perhaps the developers thought it better to introduce the member switching mechanic after you defeat the very tough encounter with their pre-determined makeup.

So, not really a misstep, but being forced along a path of doing things is sure to rub some people the wrong way. That's just how XIII is though.
They introduced party changing at the start of the chapter instead of the very end. There were no tutorials at that point, and there hadn't been for a while. Heck, they could've introduced it in Chapter 4.
Practically all JRPGs (and many Western RPGs too) are "linear" in the sense that there is a set story and only one way to proceed through it. What makes FF13 remarkable is that for the majority of the game, other than the main quest line, there is nowhere else to go and nothing else to do. All of the other FFs and most other RPGs have optional side quests, minigames, conversations, maps to explore, hidden treasures to find, something else to do if you don't feel like just progressing the story. FF13 shunts all of its optional exploration and content (which truly only amounts to one kind of sidequest, repeated many times) into the postgame.

I don't say this just to trash the game by the way, it's one of my favorites this generation. But it is qualitatively different from a game like Tales of Vesperia.
im bored so ill post my opinion from what i remember... (last played it in january when i plated it ^^;;)

I think this was an error to make, i enjoyed the linear story since i hate MORE THAN ANYTHING knowing if you miss 1 thing you got to redo... Like 3d dot game heroes has a sword that you can screw up by not talking to 1 person at X time. I also really liked thee combat system, but i think no matter what in the end too much of the game is you can only do it X way... and if you do it that way eeverything else is unimportant which is just sad
Perhaps they figured that before you get to the Ark, the party was split up so often that it would be kind of pointless to reveal a mechanic since you'll rarely use it, or even need to for that matter considering how lightly developed the Crystariums were.

So in other words, I think they timed it well, and it would have been a flaw for them to tease you with party selection when 90% of the time you don't have more then 2-4 characters.

I really didn't mind it, if I could switch out a single character for another at 8 hours into the game I really don't think it'd make FFXIII a different or more improved game. Hell, I was kind of glad that they forced me to use new party makeups -- otherwise I'd have a Kimarhi sitting out for the entire game. When they did introduce member switching it was pleasantly timed as you get plenty of monsters in the Ark to try different strategies on, and by that point you understood everyone's strengths/weaknesses thanks to earlier in the game.
[quote name='freshzen']I don't think I'm powerful enough yet to farm turtles without death spamming.[/QUOTE]

Speaking as a person who has a Platinum trophy for FFXIII, here's what I did:

Farm the one in Edenhall. Get platinum ingots/traps. Make tier 3 weapons. Save at the save point right there and if you don't get a ingot or trap with the kill, reload your game and kill it again until you do. If you do get one, save, and reload to make him respawn. The turtles are easier than you think. Protect negates their stomp damage by about 50%. Use Syn/Syn/Syn immediately to buff everyone with haste/protect(ra)/faith(ra)/brave(ra). Faith makes your Rav's stronger, Bravery makes your Com's stronger. Use Fang/Light/Vanille in Sab/Sab/Sab to weaken the legs, then switch to Rav/Rav/Rav to stagger the each leg, then Com/Com/Med (to get Vanille to toss you a few heals) and use Highwind to destroy each leg in one shot. Once the turtle falls, Sab/Sab/Sab to debuff the shit out of it and then Rav/Rav/Rav to stagger to 999%, then Com/Com/Com to really lay on the damage thick. Once the stagger bar is about to fade, use highwind and rebuff yourself as it starts to stand back up.

If you're using Hope, stop. He's the best healer, but his AI is retarded. Vanille casts with much better sense, and she's the best Saboteur you can get. Poison goes a long way.

Use this thread for more help:
Ok, i am starting chapter 8...

When should I start upgrading my weapons? I havent upgraded them yet, due to, i really didnt think i needed to...
[quote name='gomikeoh']Ok, i am starting chapter 8...

When should I start upgrading my weapons? I havent upgraded them yet, due to, i really didnt think i needed to...[/QUOTE]
After beating the game and getting the Superstar and L'Cie Paragon achievements. :) You don't really need the extra power until you're fighting the very toughest enemies in the game, and stronger weapons can actually make 5-star ratings harder to achieve since the par times are based on your stats. But if plowing through enemies is more important to you than 5-stars, then upgrade whenever.
Hey guys, just wanted to ask a few quick questions. I am just starting the post game portion of Final Fantasy 13 and had a couple of quick questions. I'm sure they've been answered somewhere in the thread already, but I don't really have the time/energy to get bogged down in the really big thread, and I apologize in advance.

1. What is the minimum number of Dark Matters needed to get the Treasure Hunter Trophy [having held all weapons and accessories]? I think it's five but am not sure. I am only aiming to have one of each accessory/weapon at any point in time and am aiming to do the bare minimum.

2. Is there a place to farm for Dark Matters, or should I just farm gil and buy them?

3. Does the Trapezohedron multiplication technique work multiple times? [ie can I dismantle both a maxed out Kain's Lance and a maxed out Nirvana to turn 2 Traps into 6?]
1) Six. One of Sazh's weapons, Ribbon, Royal Armlet, Adamant Bangle, Power Glove, Weirding Glyph all need a DM to rank-up.

2) Farming Dark Matters is probably the last thing you'll end up doing. After meeting certain requirements that you'll accomplish on the way to other triphies, 'oretoises in the big plains become Shaolong Guis, an even tougher breed of giant 'toise. With the proper catalogs and right strat though, this farming doesn't take much time at all.

3) DO NOT FALL FOR THIS TRICK. Getting traps from breaking down a weapon should only be done as a last resort. At some point, you'll realize you need a lot of money for upgrade components, catalysts, and weapons. The generally agreed upon place to farm money is from the 'Toise in Edenhall. Equip both catalogs, and kill it over, and over, and over. Rare drops are the Traps, slightly-less rare drop is the Plat Ingot, which sells for 125k. Unless you're really unlucky, you'll end up with more Traps than you need by the time you get the money to upgrade everything. Then, and only then, should you consider breaking stuff down.
1. It's true that there are six items that upgrade with Dark Matter, but you can find an Imperial Armlet during the story, so you'll likely only need five.

3. Depends on whether you're going after a perfect save file or if you're willing to "go for broke" to get the achievement. I still only had three Traps by the time I was ready to dismantle and sell everything I had and use the proceeds to buy what I still needed. For me the Trap dismantle trick worked great.
@Salamando3000+Ryuukishi: Thanks for correcting me on the Dark Matter count being at six and the information. I missed Sazh's Procyons requiring a Dark Matter to upgrade.

I haven't really started the missions yet; I think I've only beaten 5 non-story missions at this point. I would've thought that getting some Dark Matters and Traps would be one of the first things I should do, since I heard upgraded weapons/accessories help tremendously with missions, especially the end ones. I had trouble beating the Ademchide's in Eden as part of the story, so I can only imagine how "fun" Adamantoise/tortoise and Shaolong Gui's will be.

I have about 650k gil at the moment and was planning on getting that up to 2 million to buy my first trap, going after missions 9-14 to unlock 55 and immediately get the growth egg, and then just farming gil/dark matters to finish everything off. So is this not an efficient way to go about things? What order should I do things to begin my post-game quest?

Ruukishi, I don't know what you mean by perfect save file. I just want to get one of every weapon/accessory at some point and have optimal equipment on the 3 characters [Lightning, Fang, Vanille] that I will be using.

Thanks again for the help, guys.
[quote name='darkcecil32']I haven't really started the missions yet; I think I've only beaten 5 non-story missions at this point. I would've thought that getting some Dark Matters and Traps would be one of the first things I should do, since I heard upgraded weapons/accessories help tremendously with missions, especially the end ones. I had trouble beating the Ademchide's in Eden as part of the story, so I can only imagine how "fun" Adamantoise/tortoise and Shaolong Gui's will be.

I have about 650k gil at the moment and was planning on getting that up to 2 million to buy my first trap, going after missions 9-14 to unlock 55 and immediately get the growth egg, and then just farming gil/dark matters to finish everything off. So is this not an efficient way to go about things? What order should I do things to begin my post-game quest?

Ruukishi, I don't know what you mean by perfect save file. I just want to get one of every weapon/accessory at some point and have optimal equipment on the 3 characters [Lightning, Fang, Vanille] that I will be using.[/QUOTE]
In my opinion, you should do mission 55 as soon as possible after beating the story. You don't need to be strong at all to beat it, you just need Vanille's Death spell and some luck. There's no reason to wait.

Once you have the Growth Egg, start at the top of the mission list and just work your way through it. I wouldn't worry about 5-starring everything at this stage; some missions will be tough to even beat.

Once you've beaten all of the missions, start again at the top of the list and return to everything you haven't 5-starred. It will be way easier now, especially since you'll now have the Gold Watch.

By this point you'll probably only have Adamant Will and Treasure Hunter, and possibly Master's Seal, left to do. Use the Elixir trick to beat the Long Gui and get the Adamant Will achievement. It's up to you whether you want to save afterward and keep the 200,000 CP, or reload your last save and keep the three Elixirs you used. Personally I'd keep the CP since you won't need the Elixirs for anything else. If you do already have everyone fully developed though, you might as well reload and keep the Elixirs.

Now it's time to farm. Your two prime spots will be Leviathan Plaza for the Adamantoise there (Trapezohedrons and Platinum Ingots), and the area of Pulse northwest of the Cie'th Stone circle for Shaolong Guis (Dark Matters). You can do this in either order, or mix it up, but I wouldn't attempt the Shaolongs until everyone is fully developed. It will take a little time to work out the strategy and timing for killing Shaolongs but once you do, you'll be killing them again and again with little trouble, and the Dark Matters will come quickly.

Adamantoises are a lot easier than Shaolong Gui. You'll want to Summon at the start of the battle. If you're not developed enough, you can use the Death spamming method, but soon you'll feel comfortable just pummeling them to death. After each battle, you can use the soldiers nearby to recharge your TP.

Two things I would not recommend doing: farming for CP and paying money for Traps. It's just not an efficient use of time. Even if you play very quickly and efficiently, you'll fully develop everyone's Crystarium a while before you're done accomplishing everything else. And it's never necessary to max your characters to beat an enemy except for possibly the Shaolong Gui. You can check my achievements, I didn't get Master's Seal until after I had 5-starred every mission.

And the 2,000,000 gil price tag for a Trapezohedron is beyond ridiculous. In the time it would take you to farm that much gil, you would have earned several Traps off of farming Adamantoise in Eden.

What I mean about the perfect save is, there are some people who want to have all of the weapons and accessories at the same time, and have an uber tricked out party. But as you know, that's not necessary for the achievement. If you focus on completing your accessories first, and just upgrade a weapon whenever you happen to earn a Trap, then once you have all of the accessories done, you can sell everything you own, and use the money to finish off the weapons you still need. You'll have a bare bones party with no accessories and crap weapons, but who cares, you're done with the game. :)

Whole deal took me 93 hours, and 55 hours of that was the main quest.

Also, I can respect that you have a favorite group of characters, but I really recommend experimenting with different combinations at different times-- you might surprise yourself. Sazh in particular becomes a bit of a badass in the postgame. Though I agree that Lightning and Fang are the foundation of any great party. :)
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@Ryuukishi: Wow, thanks for the awesome and thorough breakdown! I actually spent about 3 hours grinding in Orphan's Cradle and already bought 1 trap earlier today; won't make that same mistake again =[.

I guess starting with the missions is what I'll be doing and then the adamantoises/shao long guis at the end will give me all the traps and dark matters I need.

One last question: I'm missing the Zephyr ring. I know there is a way to obtain it by dismantling the wind charm (which I don't have yet). The only description I've found for the wind charm is that it's in the Archelyte Step. Does anyone know if I'll get this from a mission/a treasure sphere/a random drop (apparently I missed this as a treasure in Chapter 11)? I had some trouble figuring this out from the results I got from googling.
Who is better for support? Im at the end of chapter 10 i think, where fang has to fight her eidelon...

who is better? vanille or hope in terms as magic/support...
unless you have another character like Sazh with the fundamental haste, protect, shell etc..., i'd stick with Hope. Otherwise Vanille is a fine alternative and has more HP to boot.
[quote name='gomikeoh']Who is better for support? Im at the end of chapter 10 i think, where fang has to fight her eidelon...

who is better? vanille or hope in terms as magic/support...[/QUOTE]
I used Hope during the story because I liked him more as a character, but purely based on stats and abilities, Vanille is probably the stronger mage. She does not have Haste though, and that alone could be the deciding factor if neither of your other two party members have it.
I just started the game yesterday. I have to say, the reviews turned me off a bit- but after playing I am loving it. It reminds me of Final Fantasy X, which is great.
First time posting in here, just wanted to say I'm in Chapter 9 I think and I love the game so far. I had been having an easy time of it for the most part but when I played earlier today I started not faring quite so well. The part
after you fight Cid gets tough, at least for me it did. The enemies they throw at you in groups, big groups, are a real bitch.
I haven't done a whole lot of upgrading my characters weapons yet, I would hate to do a lot and then find a better weapon for that person. I can now choose any role with any character now, I am a little worried I could really sink points into a new role for someone and then not really need/use it at all so I think I'm going to mainly stick to the 3 main roles with each character. My mojo group is Lightning, Fang, and Hope. I would like to switch up the group once in a while but that is my only combination in which 1 of every role is available to use. I guess when I add roles to certain people I can change that. I hope (and think) I'm near Pulse finally, really excited to start that part of the game. But overall I really like the game a lot, only my second FF game, played and beat VII last Summer. I would love to play through FFX as well, maybe next Summer.
Yeah it's not wise to extend into the extra roles since you'll want to focus on the few they're already good at, as they give the best stat boosters. However, if you decide to do all the hunt missions and such, it will be a requirement to max out those trees -- which is actually a lot of fun because you get to see every character use any role.

Also, while there are "better" weapons to acquire for each character, you can upgrade any of your choosing all the way to its unique Ultima level. So if you like a particular characteristic of a weapon, feel free to upgrade as you please. Lightning gets a pretty boss sword in CH 11 or 12 though -- just a heads up =D

Glad you're having fun, the last few chapters are gaming bliss -- and I'm not even referring to Pulse =D
Ok the boss battle towards the end of Chapter 11 is raging me. I had to quit to take a break before I smashed something. It's the battle against the
fucking fal'cie at the top of the tower, can't remember it's name exactly. I have now looked online for all kinds of help, it seems everyone uses a different strategy. I am ok in the fight until he casts something which does roughly 3000 damage and I die. None of my characters even have 3000 HP, they are between 2200-2900 roughly. Anyways this battle can suck my ass. Losing after a 15 minute fight does not = fun. Besides Vanille's Eidolon fight this has easily been the hardest fight in the game for me so far.
I was stuck on that boss for a long time as well. Definitely one of the most epic battles in the game =D

I can't recall a specific strategy but I recall going all out with Cerberus (or maybe Relentless Assault) at one point and simply using the Renew technique to stay alive. You can't turtle too long in that fight, and I think that's what screwed me up before.
Well I finally beat that son of a bitch. EASILY the hardest battle I've had in the game so far. I don't know if my strategy sucked or if I was underpowered or what but man what a bitch! I am so glad to be moving on from that!
I am in Chapter 9 (the very end?) fighting the boss Barthandelus. I can kill the 4 'arms,' and fight his body fine. After I am chipping his life away (sorta slowly?) he cast's doom on my party's leader (Lightning) and I can't kill him before the count down hits 0. This happened twice.

All 6 of my characters are level 3 in all three roles that they have. I am using Lightning, Snow, and Sazh (for buffs).

I would appreciate advice (the ideal party... role.... paradigms... etc.)!
The best team in that situation is the party you had together before you switched it around, Lightning, Fang and Hope.
I'm now at what I think is the last boss fight at the end of Chapter 11
. I tried it once but he whooped my ass pretty good. Any tips on what party is best for this fight? I think I tried it first with Sahz, Snow, and Vanille, just seemed like I couldn't do enough damage hardly. I did grind for a little while in the area before him since I first tried it so my party should be better overall for the next attempt. I'm hoping I can beat him now without having to go grind anymore, I really don't want to grind more in this area, I hate some of the crap you have to fight (especially those stupid things that look like arms that stomp on the ground, get 3 or more in a group and they can really piss me off).
Ohhhhh, I thought that's the one you were having trouble with before. This fight is a real bitch compared to the one you were stuck on earlier =D

I'd recommend Fang/Light/Hope. After the first 2 staggers or so he gets really tough and will cast doom on the party leader, in which case you have no choice but to go all out with Relentless Assault and try to stay alive with a couple of renews.

Having your characters at level 3 in their primary roles is recommended, but not necessary.
OK I have most of my characters at level 4 on at least 2 of their primaries. I will try that party once and see what happens. With that setup I can quickly heal with Med/Sen/Med and then do a lot of damage with either Com/Com/Rav or Rav/Com/Rav. We will see what happens I guess.
I beat it with light/hope/snow you have to use med/sen/med a lot and go com/rav/rav most of the rest of the time also use hope as all 3 of his mains it really helps to keep your party buffed
[quote name='panzerfaust']You gotta go all out with relentless or cerebrus and stay alive with Renews. That's how I did it.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='KingBroly']The best team in that situation is the party you had together before you switched it around, Lightning, Fang and Hope.[/QUOTE]

I beat him last night! I was stressed that night, so I didn't do as good as I should have. I beat him on my first try last nighy. I used Lightning, Vanille and Sazh.

Thanks for the tips!
just finished the story last week, not my favorite FF, but not the worst. anyway, i want to go back and get some of the trophies, can anyone suggest the best place to get CP?

i do have a save before going to the final area where you can keep fighting several sub bosses. that netted me quite a bit there in an hours time, but i did go through a few deceptisols for the one set.
You don't need to worry about CP if you are planning to get all of the trophies/achievements. Work on 5-starring all of the hunts for l'Cie Paragon, and then on grinding for gil for Treasure Hunter. Maxing out your characters will come naturally before you finish both of those.
I'm still waiting for someone to write and post an in-depth walkthrough/strategy guide so I can boost my trophies. Anybody know if such a thing is online yet?
I just noticed something interesting while watching a video of the Chapter 11 boss.
The smaller heads on Barty are actually singing the chorus in the song
. Pretty neat.
[quote name='dustdust']I'm still waiting for someone to write and post an in-depth walkthrough/strategy guide so I can boost my trophies. Anybody know if such a thing is online yet?[/QUOTE]

It's fairly straight forward and if you do need help, google has about all the results you'll need.

grind turtles, grind turtles, grind turtles, grind turtles, grind turtles.
I recently purchased FF13 (shipped but not yet delivered) for $20 on Amazon (deal is dead by now). I started looking through reviews then I stumbled upon a blog post of someone in San Diego filing suit against SquareEnix and/or Sony for FF13 bricking their ps3s. I found a list somewhere where majority of the systems bricked seems to be the older 'fat' models.
Have they fixed this issue? Is my ps3, 'fat' 80gig w/ software ps2 emu, in more danger of freezing/bricking issues?
I apologize if this question has been addressed before on this thread, 91 pages is a lot of posts to read.
There's nothing to worry about, really. People just blame whatever game is in their system when their PS3 bricks. If it were an actual issue, you'd think it would make a bigger splash then just a few rumors.

Hell, my FFXIII froze near the end, but my PS3 has froze randomly before and it was probably because I had the thing on for 12 hours. Just restarted it and kept on playing.
bread's done