Gears Of War: Judgment - Lost Relics DLC out now VIP - 6/25 for Non VIP

[quote name='DJP519']That reminds me, I ran into a glitch last night in Overrun. Playing as the COG, as Baird, I died right before the Locust opened the first hole. When the second round started, instead of being at the screen to select my character, I just started the match as Sofia, but without a weapon. I couldn't shoot, couldn't throw a grenade, couldn't melee, couldn't do anything but run around the map. I had to run into the Krill-shield near the Locust spawn to kill myself, so I could respawn again with a gun. Weird. Anyone else see anything like that happen?[/QUOTE]

Exact same thing happened me a few days ago.
The sequence of weapons in Master of Arms is so weird. You'd think they go from cleaver to boom. I suck with the hammerburst, sawed off, and gorgon pistol....ugh.
Played some casual Survival on Terminal, while I had some free time to kill. Beat it, holding the 2nd e-hole...should have just lost the 2nd e-hole close to the end of the 10th so I could check out the Generator area. Looks to be a really fun Survival map.

Did anyone else notice, when you check out the Leaderboards for Survival, it not only lists the newly added Terminal map but also maps called Ward and Dreadnaught? I looked for them on the private Survival but didn't notice them as selections. Hopefully, these new maps will be available soon.

Hey Ebbtide, saw that you were online but on a private Overrun game. I wanted to ask if I could join you, but I really didn't have too much time and once I start having fun with friends, I lose track of time and I end up going hours too long. Hopefully, to catch you guys on a game this Weekend.
[quote name='GuitarMan']Did anyone else notice, when you check out the Leaderboards for Survival, it not only lists the newly added Terminal map but also maps called Ward and Dreadnaught? I looked for them on the private Survival but didn't notice them as selections. Hopefully, these new maps will be available soon.[/QUOTE]
I guess those are the next DLC maps from VIP? They said it'd be 6 maps, 3 for Versus and 3 for Overrun. I just wish they'd have actual DLC playlists, and not playlists mislabeled DLC that include on-disc maps and and Haven. Not sure why they didn't make Haven a must download map and just include it in standard rotation.

Anyway, if people don't know this, the Professional Locust achievement did keep track of your kills from before the DLC, so you should have progress for it if you've been playing Overrun since the games release. You can do those in Private, too, if you have a hard time getting kills as a specific type of Locust.

And Master at Arms doesn't count for the 5 FFA victories on Boneyard. Someone posted this on the Gears Forums, and people were rightfully disappointed.

Anyone want to team up to get through 5 Cole Trains on Terminal Hardcore and 5 Car No. 13 skins in a Team Deathmatch Victory? It seems like the Car 13 skins can be done on any map, and people are speculating that the 5 Coles only have to be the characters used when you win, so you might be able to use any characters, then die and pick Cole when you're close to finishing.
Definitely annoying that you only get Terminal once every 5 maps in the rotation, especially since those overrun matches take about 25 minutes to complete.
I think the cleaver being last is good, it gives people a chance to catch up and take the win from you, hey it happened to me! If it was something like a Boom last, the first person to get boom would most likely win due to how easy it is to get a kill with.

I played once on terminal today. I really dont know how i like it yet, but i must say trying to get to the 2nd ehole is like a marathon. It seems like you have to run a mile just to get near it, at least when you are going left side. I wasnt able to see the 3rd generator part.

Professional Locust. I already had 100 kills with Ticker, Wretch, Grenadier, Rager, and Mauler. Seriously 100 kills with a mauler? That surprises me. I only have 8 kills with the kantus, 8 kills with serapede, and 5 kills with the corpser. Overall i think this achievement is dumb, because it takes away from the focus of the game, which is destroying the ehole/generator. Now you would think people would be more interested in getting kills than doing the objective. At least its good news you can do this in private.

Getting 5 FFA match wins in boneyard is going to be tough not to boost. I dont even like playing normal FFA, at least Master at arms is fun. There is no way in hell im getting this achievement legit unless its against bots.

PS if anyone wants to do the cole/taxi cab skin TDM win, it seems like it shouldnt be that hard. Id be in if anyone wants to do that. Also count me in with the 5 soldier survival match.
I would do the cab/other achievements. From what I have read you have to be a soldier the whole time. Someone posted they had one guy be a medic for 1 life during the run and they didn't get it. So might be better to be safe until it is confirmed one way or another.
I got my first win in Call To Arms in about my 5th match last night. I think the key is to get off to a fast start. If you lose your first battle and half to respawn with the Lancer, you're going to be running up against opponents with one or two shot kill guns, like the gnasher and especially the boomshot, as well as the breechshot, and be in a bit of a disadvantage. But if you get off to a fast start, you can cruise until you get slowed down a bit by the hammerburst and the gorgon pistol.

I was so excited to get that win, I literally burst into a Daniel Bryan-style YES chant in my living room, lol. Felt like I SHOULD have earned an achievement for that, but oh well.
For the hammerburst i feel im better when i hip fire it, unless the opponent is more than 15 feet away. But i usually try to get close and hip fire, cos when i shoot from long range it seems like it takes forever or i get my kills stolen.

For the gorgon i try to run up to someone and melee them first, then shoot the gorgon, which usually kills them pretty fast after the melee.

I agree with DJP519, when you lose your first battle with lancers it really hurts you. Seems like every time i get into a chainsaw battle i lose, even against bots. I dont know if its due to my slow connection, ping, or what. But i know im tapping the button fast enough to beat a bot! :rolleyes: But in Master of Arms it seems like you die quicker than in other modes. Maybe its just me?

Here is the official gun order if anyone was wondering.

  1. Lancer
  2. Gnasher
  3. Boomshot
  4. Breechshot
  5. Retro Lancer
  6. Scorcher
  7. Mulcher
  8. Hammerburst
  9. Gorgon Pistol
  10. Sawed Off Shotgun
  11. Digger
  12. Markza
  13. Booshka
  14. Longshot
  15. Classic Hammerburst
  16. Boltok Pistol
  17. Torque Bow
  18. Snub Pistol
  19. Cleaver
I think the top guns that give me problems are....

Sawed Off
Snub Pistol

Maybe the snub cos when i actually get that high im panicking trying to get a kill with it and i spray more than usual lol.
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[quote name='kklems']From what I have read you have to be a soldier the whole time. Someone posted they had one guy be a medic for 1 life during the run and they didn't get it. [/QUOTE]
That sucks. Seriously. To get to the end and not get it. This is why I wish they could be more descriptive in achievement requirements in many cases, instead of being restricted to a few sentences. The word 'only' should have at least been in that description.

And some people are reporting that Surprise is glitched as well, so don't worry about getting a double kill as a Corpser for now.

Between 7th Number, Packedosprey and myself that's 3 people. Would you want to try this on Friday night around 8-9 EST? I'd assume GuitarMan would play, which would give us 4. We'd just need another. We could probably do the Car 13 skin first, just play as default Baird and set the skin on him, that way if we join into matches we'd already have the skin. Hopefully 5 of us would easily crush another team.

After that we could get through Survival. At least we shouldn't run out of ammo if we're all Cole. And there's plenty of places to bounce Booshka shots around to keep out the early enemies.

Someone else might need to host it, though. My connection wasn't working well when I was playing with GuitarMan, but when he hosted it was fine. Not sure why that was, but I wouldn't want to have that happen during a game of Survival.
Im on most nights after 8pm ET, but this friday i think i have plans. But i might be on after 11Pm ET that night. I really dont know. I have a couple guys i usually play with, if they are on i can always ask them to help.
I'm in for any team get-togethers. I'm gonna try to get on most nights but have to be done by 11-12p. I've already got my Car13 suit already programmed to go...just have to remember to choose Cole when we play Survival.

Ebbtide, I was wondering how your connection was when I hosted the games. That was the first time I've hosted ANY private match, so I wasn't sure if you had any lag or not...but, it looked like you weren't having any trouble.
[quote name='GuitarMan']Ebbtide, I was wondering how your connection was when I hosted the games. That was the first time I've hosted ANY private match, so I wasn't sure if you had any lag or not...but, it looked like you weren't having any trouble.[/QUOTE]
I had no problems, and you'd be a fine host for this sort of thing.

We can resolve team issues by just setting up one.

Just put a number and your gamertag onto the list. When 8PM EST on Friday comes around, the first 5 that can connect just get started. If we have extra players that can't get in on the game, we can either play later on if you're still on, or arrange it for the next day (Saturday) or Sunday even.

I'll keep playing afterwards, so if we have more than 5 people who want to play you should still be able to get into later teams. Maybe we'll get lucky and have 10 players, so that we'll have two separate teams for Survival, and we might just be able to face each other for the Car No. 13 thing.

1. The Ebbtide

As people add their gamertags, send them Friend Requests. Don't worry about your skill too much. Just spot, stay together, talk, and we should be fine. Hopefully we get 5, and everybody shows up.
This is for the Survival and the Car 13 achievements, Friday around 8pm eastern, right? If so, I'm in!

1. The Ebbtide
2. Packedosprey
3. DJP519
1. The Ebbtide
2. Packedosprey
3. DJP519
4. Ryuukishi634
5. GuitarMan (GuitarMan0069)

Woohoo...this should be fun!!
Beat Terminal on Survival Hardcore last night, with randoms. They weren't going for the 5 soldiers achiev, but I tried out the soldier just to get used to him since I don't play him too much. It's kinda tough, knowing where to place the grenades to just keep pumping away and know it'll hold them off. It's like using the digger...don't like depending on it.
Also, holding the barriers is gonna be tough, as well as resisting the urge to switch to Baird to fix them. ;)
Latest Gears forum tidbits:
Shotgun+Sniper Loadout could become a permanent option or for seperate playlists
Fans overwhelmingly want the stim gernade REMOVED from vs.

Nice to see them actually listening to feedback lately. Now if only we can get even more maps, along with the survival maps to hit vs.
I want frags and inks as pickups only, but i really dont see them changing that. At least not to every playlist, maybe they would make them pickups in a special playlist though. I dont know why, i mean i never had a problem with COD or Halo starting with frags, but in gears its really annoying.
Frags are so much weaker in Judgment than in prior Gears games, I don't have a problem with having frags. Basically, if you don't get lucky with a sticky-tag on your toss, you're probably not getting an easy kill unless the other guy is already wounded.
[quote name='The 7th Number']Yeah they are pretty weak if they dont tag you. But sometimes i dont see or hear them until they beep.[/QUOTE]
Have you ever had those frags that stick to you, and then instantly explode as they are beeping. I have that happen a lot in OverRun.

I've also had people roll over top of my grenades in FFA and survive the explosion. And last night I was melee'd twice and died without having been hit by anything else. While it was only one time, I still couldn't believe that happened since they've made it 3 to kill. And if you haven't seen it, over on the Gears Forums there's a thread calling out Epic for not communicating with the community. It's received a lot of attention from Epic and they're swearing they'll talk more, and that they're looking at things. Not sure what will happen, but they really did respond to it quickly, like they were scared by it.

People really don't seem satisfied by this DLC.

[quote name='GuitarMan']Beat Terminal on Survival Hardcore last night, with randoms. They weren't going for the 5 soldiers achiev, but I tried out the soldier just to get used to him since I don't play him too much. It's kinda tough, knowing where to place the grenades to just keep pumping away and know it'll hold them off. It's like using the digger...don't like depending on it.
Also, holding the barriers is gonna be tough, as well as resisting the urge to switch to Baird to fix them. ;)[/QUOTE]

Start with Lancers until those initial barriers are gone. 2 Players on the left, 2 on the right, and the last player picking a side initially. Just keep dropping ammo between each other so you never run out. Tickers can still be killed when they're priming to explode, and they have to take out the spike strips that are in the Kryll fog first, so holding them there is something that could be done for maybe the first wave. They seem to attack the stairway spike strips on each side initially, so it's a good place to be looking for them.

The biggest threat to Cole is probably Maulers and Corpsers because of their frontal shields, and Serapedes because the Booshka seems useless against them. But if 2-3 people are working to kill those creatures, we should be fine.

If we can hold the first E-hole until round 5, we should last. For the Second E-hole, we should have 3 Cole guarding the left in the arcade and 2 on the right. Again, being aggressive. If we're pushed back, someone on the right should man that Troika, especially against Serapedes.

Since barriers are limited, always be ahead of them if possible. That way if you're killed it delays the Locust while you respawn. Being behind them is a terrible defense, as we have no way of salvaging them when they're damaged, so our main priority should be protecting them while killing what comes at them. We'll definitely lose them overtime, but keeping what we can should be our paramount plan.

And we'll have to be sure to kill Wretches as quickly as possible, so that they don't sneak by us and destroy the generator while we're too far away to stop them.

If CheapAssDude and and 7th Number want to play later, I'll definitely help even if we get it. Since 7th Number said he has people to play with, there should be enough for 5 people to make another team.

We just need to figure out who will host the Survival game.
[quote name='The Ebbtide']Have you ever had those frags that stick to you, and then instantly explode as they are beeping. I have that happen a lot in OverRun. [/QUOTE]

Maybe a nade gets tagged then shot by a sentry gun?
I wish they'd remove the markza as a starting weapon. Can't stand getting killed from across the map with that damn gun. Gears is suppose to be a up close and personal experience!!!
Thanks for showing up last night. We tried, and maybe we'll get lucky in another attempt.

At least we got that bot match.
Yes, thank God for that bot match! Showed how much MP some of us play.
I for one went 2-12 on one match and the other matches my k/d ratio weren't that much better.

I think we're really close to getting 'All Aboard' achiev just have to be able to hold the 1st e-hole longer. And, I think someone manning the Troika all the time, on the 2nd e-hole will work. I'd love to try again today if y'all are up to it.
I used a one day free rental code that was going to expire to check out Aliens last night, but I'm returning it today and can help out tonight if you guys need another. I won't be on until 10pm est ish though.
I will probably be on tonight, i want to at least get the car 13 achievement, that should be easy. But the FFA achievement has me wondering if i should even waste my time trying to get the rest because i dont think id get that one, ever. Plus the fact that i heard the corpser achievement is glitched and wont pop. IDK, i went back to gears 3 last night, the game was more fun but the rifles were more annoying. LOL.
If there's enough for 5 tonight I'd be willing to see if we can get through Terminal with Cole.

Everything I read by people who did it was that they held the first E-hole until at least Wave 5, and that they had 3 left and 2 right at E-hole 2. The right side had at least one guy on the Troika, while the other player was firing Booshka shots around the corner at the peak of the staircase. This way no one was blocking the Troika shots. I guess the players could alternate Troika positions as they run out of Booshka shots, if they drop their ammo boxes near the Troika player and resupply each other. Also, the Troika could fire on the left side near the end of the Arcade if the left players needed help keeping those barriers up.

The Generator part is just luck. Troika seems to work best covering the right side, but it's poorly placed on the left side, so that people block its shots. Seems like another 3 pressing left hard and 1 person tries to defend the right side while the Troika player fires on the right as well.

Just seems like it's a bad thing to try to hold out Corpsers or Serapedes, though, since the Troika is blocked from firing low at the Generator section.
[quote name='DJP519']I'm down to try again. Maybe sometime Sunday afternoon? Or else Monday evening?[/QUOTE]
I'll probably be on after 3 PM EST if there are others that want to try this.

Is anyone else experiencing lag in FFA matches? I keep thinking it's my connection, but I'll play other times and I'll be fine. I just keep losing shotgun matches where we're literally firing at the same time, and then I'll die and they'll not die by my same shot. Sometimes it's the other way, and I'll hear the other person talk about it (why they allow chat in FFA is beyond stupid).

I know it's supposed to be on dedicated servers, but I've seen some other people post similar things on the Gears Forums. I'm getting annoyed by it when I'm constantly so close to getting more than 3rd place, and in some cases even near 1st.

And this BS of joining into a match where someone already has 10+ kills is lame. Most of the time they're playing bots, so it's not even a fair fight. Everyone else joins with a handicap and we're expected to somehow catch up?

And my God that Flamethrower is so powerful. I've never heard so much complaining about it like I did when I used it on Blood Drive. I eventually had to mute strangers just to be able to save my ear from the excessive amounts of mumbled profanity coming out of some people.
I got 2nd place in boneyard FFA today, :(

For some reason i think i had better connection in FFA than i did in TDM matches. Or maybe FFA had less skilled players? I dont know. But i do experience times where we both shoot and i die, i shoot more and i die, i point blank and i die. There are even times where we both shoot at the same time and then he gets a 2nd shot off and i dont. I dont know why that is happening. But it is annoying when i feel like they should die, and they dont, then they put less shots into me and i die.
I dont know how many care about it, but "Mad Dog Malcs" was nice enough to invite me after i asked, and i killed the reaper twice. He is from UK, and it was super laggy, but i got it. :) So if you are looking maybe send him a xbox live message.
[quote name='The 7th Number']I dont know how many care about it, but "Mad Dog Malcs" was nice enough to invite me after i asked, and i killed the reaper twice. He is from UK, and it was super laggy, but i got it. :) So if you are looking maybe send him a xbox live message.[/QUOTE]

Thanks for the info, 7th.
I heard they are really tough to kill and have special abilities and weapons combinations and such. If it's anything like going against the reaper on that Library easter egg, good on you for getting him twice.
With my luck & MP skill, I'd ask for an invite and he'd kill me a couple dozen times without me getting him once. #-o

I also heard that they change who the reapers are every week or so, and that people vote for them to be reapers. That'd be awesome to vote a CAG member to be a reaper and be able to host a CAG only games.
[quote name='GuitarMan']Thanks for the info, 7th.
I heard they are really tough to kill and have special abilities and weapons combinations and such. If it's anything like going against the reaper on that Library easter egg, good on you for getting him twice.
With my luck & MP skill, I'd ask for an invite and he'd kill me a couple dozen times without me getting him once. #-o

I also heard that they change who the reapers are every week or so, and that people vote for them to be reapers. That'd be awesome to vote a CAG member to be a reaper and be able to host a CAG only games.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, he isnt as hard as the easter egg. First time i killed him i used a nade and then retro for the rest. Second time i had switched to my gnasher and it was only a couple shots. You just have to watch out for his instant melee kill. And instead of jumping down, he floats down slowly. Usually they give it to members on twitter or epic forums who have done a lot for the community. If i ever got it i would help CAG out, but i dont think i would be selected.

BTW, got the 5 FFA boneyard achievement thanks to a buddy who was able to somehow get a bot only lobby and no one ever joined. Took about an hour to get through the map cycle but it was worth it! LOL. Im still looking for people to do the 5 coles on hardcode survival, and 5 taxi skins for the TDM achievement.
I'm still trying to do that 5 Coles on Terminal, so that's two of us if you want to try it. Maybe we can get another team of CAGs again this weekend.

I also tried Insane Survival last night with a few people from the Gears site. It was brutal. You died from one shot from a Hammerburst. We were able to last until Wave 8 the first game and Wave 9 during the second, but the Locust were overwhelming. They moved in groups, and even with a few Engineers it was impossible to stop them. As soon as a Baird placed a Sentry it was being destroyed in many situations.

Some guys who had played it before said it usually never plays like that, and you can take a few hits before you die. I really think it was due more to connection errors, as that might account for it seeming like a 1 shot death. This seemed supported by grenades just appearing on a few of us when there was no real animation of them being thrown by a Grenadier.
I'd love to join the Survival game, if I'm available and weather permits...and, the Taxi TDM games if you need backup, though I'd probably hurt our score more than help it. :)
[quote name='GuitarMan']I'd love to join the Survival game, if I'm available and weather permits...and, the Taxi TDM games if you need backup, though I'd probably hurt our score more than help it. :)[/QUOTE]
That's 3 people potentially.

Also, Epic let some news out today during their stream. It's on the forum, but if you don't check it;
-Horde is not coming back. It's dead. They claim they'd like to bring it back, but it'd take 'too much work' to do.*
-Locust are also never coming back outside of OverRun; same excuse as above.*
-Classic Loadout is being made permanent sometime this weekend for all competitive modes except Free For All. This mean that you'll have a rifle and a shotgun of choice to start matches with.
-Stim Grenades are being removed as a starting grenade, except for in Free For All (What?! That's where it's really awful!!!).
-Prize Boxes are being fixed to give you unlocks first, and then XP, rather than give you useless XP with the chance of a Weapon or Character skin.
-Jungle Tai will never be able to use the Locust skin due to some error on their part that they can't fix, and won't be bothered to fix.
-There is a Title Update coming eventually that will address the "Surprise" achievement not working on Epic's Servers.

*In this title. No news about future Gears of War games featuring or neglecting these features.

In other news, double XP this Weekend (which apparently means 4x XP for VIP holders). And Torque Bow Tag is the Special Event.
No fix for jungle tai, thats pretty lame. But it seems like they are making the game better. Removing stims is a big plus. Rifle + Shotty is an improvement. Fixing Prize Boxes is good, im saving a normal prize box i got until after the fix. I also read you wont be able to replenish nades via ammo boxes, which is good news, because its at least something they are doing to cut down on all the frag kills i see a lot.
5 Coles tonight? 8 PM EST again?

I've beaten Terminal several times now, just never as Coles. We'll figure out the plan if we can get 5.
- Dual weapon loadout will be propegated to all playlists with the exception of FFA.
- Stim grenades will be removed from all playlists with the exception of FFA.
- Torquebow charge time reduced back to Gears 3 Active levels (from 2 seconds down to 1.5 seconds).
- Prize boxes updated in the next TU to deliver all content before doling out XP (instead of assigning randomly).

For More info!

Big changes recently.
Yeah game is way way better now. Still need DBNO to feel more like Gears, but getting rid of the Stims in MP is awesome!!! All those stim noobs now will learn to play legit.
I'm sorry I missed any gaming session last night. Unexpected events popped up and I couldn't get away until late. I have things I have to take care of this morning and early afternoon, but I'm hoping :pray: that I'd get into any gaming session late afternoon and evening.
Yeah the DBNO is still needed but most changes seem postive.
I guess Gears 3 will always be with me with Horde since It's never going to go in Judgement.
bread's done