GGT 177 can't wait for the crash of the gaming industry

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Ugh. BG2's pathfinding goes to shit in chapter seven...

EDIT: Gary Gygax you son of a bitch, who decided that golems should be able to haste themselves? I thought the point of the big, slow, hard-hitting rock monsters was that they were big, slow, hard-hitting rock monsters.
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[quote name='The Crotch']Ugh. BG2's pathfinding goes to shit in chapter seven...

EDIT: Gary Gygax you son of a bitch, who decided that golems should be able to haste themselves? I thought the point of the big, slow, hard-hitting rock monsters was that they were big, slow, hard-hitting rock monsters.[/QUOTE]

I already hate how that game looks (or anything Infinity engine really) and you're making it ever the more easier for me to not want to touch it.

[quote name='Jesus_S_Preston']no[/QUOTE]

Are you?

[quote name='j-cart']Appropriate.


I used to have that shirt. I suspect am insecure ex threw it out on me.

I don't know why, but I'm moderately looking forward to skull girls.

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[quote name='Indignate']I already hate how that game looks (or anything Infinity engine really) and you're making it ever the more easier for me to not want to touch it.[/QUOTE]

I can live with that.
[quote name='hankmecrankme']KOF XIII showed up already. That was fast as hell. Left Amazon's warehouse @ April 5, 2012 02:43:34 PM
and just got here 2 minutes ago.[/QUOTE]

Don't you live in a state adjacent to a major Amazon Warehouse?
[quote name='BlueScrote']Don't you live in a state adjacent to a major Amazon Warehouse?[/QUOTE]

Kentucky, all the way down south. Illinois is a long state. Usually 2 day Amazon prime = 2 days, not 1 though. Not complaining at all. ^__^
[quote name='The Crotch']

Poor IGN. At least I have this livestream of baby eagles.[/QUOTE]

I don't know what this post is about (although I'm assuming competitive StarCraft 2), but that elephant is really cute. :3
[quote name='icebeast']I don't know what this post is about (although I'm assuming competitive StarCraft 2), but that elephant is really cute. :3[/QUOTE]
SC2 stuff, yes.

And that is Elly the eSports Elephant. She's become somewhat of a mascot for of late. She mostly shows up whenever something goes wrong - 404 errors, access denied, etc.



EDIT: Hey, a horse just ran through in the background of the eagle nest stream.
[quote name='corrosivefrost']Doesn't matter, you don't have a console... :([/QUOTE]

Don't worry, I'll figure out something.

[quote name='hankmecrankme']I'm going to grill some burgers in a bit.

Who wants some?[/QUOTE]

Went vegetarian for the last 3 weeks. Need to keep it up for two more.
[quote name='The Crotch']I don't have a good reason.

But holy shit, have you ever had a bison burger?[/QUOTE]

It's awesome, I know.
[quote name='j-cart']Yes, I am. But I have a good reason.

That reason is to make sure I look good without a shirt for Coachella.[/QUOTE]
Good reason. You're excused.

[quote name='The Crotch']I don't have a good reason.

But holy shit, have you ever had a bison burger?[/QUOTE]
Yes, they are fucking delicious.
I don't really have a reason, I went vegetarian to see if I could do it, but I actually feel a lot better not eating meat I think it's the lower amount of protein so I don't gain muscle all that fast so I can still work out a bunch to stay in shape without worrying about gaining a bunch of muscle . It's been a long time since I've even had meat now, I think I'm probably at a year and half of being a vegetarian, and I was on a mostly vegetarian diet for 6 months before I went fully vegetarian.
FYI within the next week all WM locations will have SF x Tekken for $40. Monsta Mack, a WM manager, posted this in the deals thread and it all depends on when each individual store does their price updates. Most likely this will be a temporary thing like when WM had Skyrim for $40 when others didn't but that could also mean $20 off sales or an MSRP drop in the near future at other stores.
[quote name='icebeast']I don't really have a reason, I went vegetarian to see if I could do it, but I actually feel a lot better not eating meat I think it's the lower amount of protein so I don't gain muscle all that fast so I can still work out a bunch to stay in shape without worrying about gaining a bunch of muscle . It's been a long time since I've even had meat now, I think I'm probably at a year and half of being a vegetarian, and I was on a mostly vegetarian diet for 6 months before I went fully vegetarian.[/QUOTE]
But... why would you worry about gaining muscle?
[quote name='icebeast']I don't really have a reason, I went vegetarian to see if I could do it, but I actually feel a lot better not eating meat I think it's the lower amount of protein so I don't gain muscle all that fast so I can still work out a bunch to stay in shape without worrying about gaining a bunch of muscle . It's been a long time since I've even had meat now, I think I'm probably at a year and half of being a vegetarian, and I was on a mostly vegetarian diet for 6 months before I went fully vegetarian.[/QUOTE]

Meat =/= muscle. I've purposely gained weight during my veggie phases. What it comes down to is calories in vs. calories out. You can still be a fat ass vegetarian if you eat shitty non-meat foods (ie chips and the such).

What being a veggie eater does is curbs your appetite due to the amount of fiber you intake. This means, you eat less and your body understands what it needs to save to survive. But if you try to cover all bases of your diet, you can increase your mass with just nuts and fruit.

I need to workout for the day, but I can go more into this at a later time.

Also some chick I havent talked to in like 2 years messaged me asking what is happening in my life. Since MGS3 is so fresh in my mind i decided to pretend I was Naked Snake:

Her: hey stranger, how have you been?

Me: TERRIBLE, my employer wants me to "remove" my former teacher and boss

Her: that sucks, where are you working now?

Me:Us Government, a bunch of tools

Her: haha cool

Me: no it isnt, i am their tool

Her: if you are so upset, why are you staying there?

Me: loyal till the end right?

Her: what do you mean?

Me: when i say i am do something, i must be loyal to myself, loyal to what i say, loyal to the end

Her: ooo, so youre sticking out
[quote name='The Crotch']But... why would you worry about gaining muscle?[/QUOTE]

Trust, sometimes there is a point where you worry about gaining muscle. For me I almost do no weights on my arms because I don't want the stretch marks.
[quote name='The Crotch']But... why would you worry about gaining muscle?[/QUOTE]

It is mostly because I like to look more effeminate, so I don't really want to bulk up, but at the same time I like being in shape, basically I work out enough to be slender but with muscle tone, and not much more. Only issue is that because I do so much running my legs tend to build muscle and look more masculine, but by reducing the protein in my diet it slows the ability for my legs to gain muscle. For arms and upper body I never lift more than my body weight, basically do a bunch of push-ups, pull-ups, and very light dumbbell stuff.

[quote name='hankmecrankme']When you're rolling rogue, you don't need much muscle.[/QUOTE]

Although this isn't a bad reason either, haha.
High-level abilities for spellcasters: Summon a dragon who does up to 200 fire damage over an area and doesn't harm allies. Or deal up to 100 fire damage and 100 crushing damage (which virtually nothing in the game has resistance to) and to a single target and render him temporarily unable to move or attack. Or summon an angel that can not be dispelled, is as strong as any of your fighters, has a ton of immunities, and has a huge repertoire of spells. Or a spell that lets you dump out nearly your entire spellbook on the enemy in the space of a couple of turns.

High-level abilities for fighters: Guaranteed critical hit on next attack (which is, like, 50-70 damage or so for my main character). Except most human enemies are immune to critical hits. Or get more attacks per round at the cost of accuracy. Or become more resistant to attacks from other fighters.

Baldur's Gate!
[quote name='icebeast']Why do you think magic was banned in the city?[/QUOTE]
Except they only banned arcane magic. Divine spellcasting is still allowed. That is, mage and sorceror bad, cleric and druid good.

So that knocks out the dragon fire breath thing, but instagibbing someone with the implosion spell or summoning an angel? Still totally legal. Unsure of the ramifications of summoning an angel and having it cast arcane spells.

Incidentally, it's utterly bizarre to me that Bioware would make set two games in "no magic allowed cities" (BG2's Athkatla and DA2's Kirkwall), and do it really well in the older one (you get in some pretty big shit for casting spells in public in BG2), then not even try to make it matter in the newer game.

EDIT: Also, Stephano Vs White-Ra BO3 gogo.
Carl Davis: y'know, if I try hard enough, sometimes I can see why others like a game I dislike
Carl Davis: but I will never understand why anybody likes any of bugthesda's garbage ass games
HankmeDewme: I can.
HankmeDewme: lol
Carl Davis: redeeming qualities = zero
HankmeDewme: MW3.
HankmeDewme: I watched some dude play it.
HankmeDewme: Skyrim isn't even that buggy.
Carl Davis: yeah, see, I can understand why somebody would like MW3
HankmeDewme: After like, 5 patches.
Carl Davis: instant gratification
Carl Davis: skyrim is still a bad game, even if it's not as buggy
HankmeDewme: People like Skyrim because you can roam about and do whatever.
HankmeDewme: MW3's only redeeming factor is MP.
Carl Davis: so if I take a bunch of garbage and throw it in a giant dump people will enjoy it?
HankmeDewme: And it's just ADD FPS.
HankmeDewme: Some might.
HankmeDewme: Whoknows would.
HankmeDewme: lol
Carl Davis: I think even whoknows' standards are too high for skyrim
HankmeDewme: Should ask him.
HankmeDewme: He played Operation Racoon City.
HankmeDewme: That game looked like trash.
Carl Davis: better than skyrim


So, whoknows... please answer.
I haven't played Skyrim is my answer.

EDIT: Not because I can't, but because I don't care to.
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[quote name='whoknows']I haven't played Skyrim is my answer.

EDIT: Not because I can't, but because I don't care to.[/QUOTE]

Pretend it's Oblivion, because it might as well be.

What's your opinion on it now?
I'm not the biggest fan of Bethesda's games, but I do like them, so I guess I could try to explain what I like about them for you, uraizen.

The openness of character customization in those games far exceeds most other WRPGs. It's very satisfying to see the effects of your character building reflected in the gameplay. For instance, if I put in a lot of work throughout the whole game into making the best bow ever, it's an awesome feeling when that bow just starts taking down difficult enemies with ease. And even before I'm able to make that bow, the game allows a good level of progression up to that bow. So before I have my smithing skill maxed, I'm able to periodically improve my gear in a way that makes me feel noticeably more powerful.

On top of the character customization, there's also a variety of ways to go about most quests. For instance, in Fallout New Vegas, in order to enter the city of New Vegas, you have to get accepted into it. On one hand, you could get on the good side of the leader of a local gang, and he will in turn do you a favor. You can use that favor to get a pass into the city. Alternatively, you could raise your science skill or something like that in order to bypass the security robot's protocols. Or you could simply raise enough money to be allowed into the city. The appeal of something like this is really just being able to play whatever kind of character you want.

So in a lot of ways, Bethesda's games allow the player to dictate how they want to play the game rather than the game dictating how you are supposed to play it.
I am not a big Bethesda fan. Their worlds and characters feel soulless, and they've yet to make a melee combat system that satisfies me.

And New Vegas was done by Obsidian.

I am, however, a fan of the fact that White-Ra and MKP are going to game three. Go Aleksey!
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