GGT 215 got Major Nelson banned from XBL

[quote name='hankmecrankme']Ssx.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='distgfx']ssx.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='hankmecrankme']I already claimed SSX immediately after you posted your list.

It's mine. :nottalking:[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Jimbo Slice']I'd take SSX as I've been wanting to play it, but it seems like other people want it.[/QUOTE]

I wasn't sure if either of you really wanted it cuz you didn't put it in all caps the first time. This isn't fuckin DmC.

If you want it Hank, send me your address.

[quote name='GUNNM']Got the digital download for binary domain?[/QUOTE]


[quote name='CaptainJoel']I want Binary Domaaaaaain. I still need to play it[/QUOTE]

I'll be sure to include more of my art.

[quote name='ihadFG']uraizen come to skype I miss you![/QUOTE]

I did too. That's why I left. Couldn't handle it.

[quote name='distgfx']Too tired, some other day. I claimed it second, that means I win.[/QUOTE]

Lazy ass. That's why you came in second. You so lazy.

[quote name='Jimbo Slice']Also a bunch of you guys just got friend requests on Facebook, courtesy of learning that fool Indignate's real name.[/QUOTE]


[quote name='heavyd853']Gross.[/QUOTE]

You should post more often.

[quote name='CaptainJoel']I'd also take Conviction. I never finished that co-op mode :I[/QUOTE]

I think my friend is taking that, I'll let you know for sure.

[quote name='j-cart']You will never find me![/QUOTE]

[quote name='hankmecrankme']Jake Nguyen.[/QUOTE]


[quote name='The Crotch']That's literally a chapter in the book John Dies at the End. Except with the name "David Wong" instead.[/QUOTE]

I'm pretty sure you're using the word literally wrong then.

[quote name='j-cart']HEY GUYS, Bioware put TRON in my Star Wars.


I just geeked out.[/QUOTE]


Seriously, is this a gay planet exclusive? I'd rock it.

[quote name='whoknows']Yeah. Gearbox outsourced that shit apparently.[/QUOTE]

Why are you cursing? You don't do that.

[quote name='j-cart']Crotch, start reading.[/QUOTE]

They need to stop talking about other games while they're doing their stupid kickstarter.
Given their history of projects getting cancelled/stuck in development hell (Wheel of Time RPG, anyone?), I can't blame them for wanting to get their hands on as much shit as possible. I'm actually kinda curious where all of their Stick of Truth staff are going to go once that's done. I know some are being put on to PE, but nowhere near all of them...[quote name='j-cart']Crotch, start reading.[/QUOTE]
Already read it.

Honestly, it sounds like Dead Money: 50+ Hours Edition. And I really liked Dead Money, but that doesn't really appeal to me.
Gay Planet Makeb doesn't drop until later this summer.

This is a reboot of the final Planet Ilum which had the horrible zerg fest PvP that even top end PCs were unable to even play.

Either way it is new content and gives me more reason to gank some people in open world. I still don't understand why people can't grasp Open World PvP. PvErs are all like "whine whine whine, you are forcing PvP on me". So? Gear up and stop being a bitch, roll with a fat team to prevent people from griefing you.

I have to say, individual Bioware fans are some of the bitchiest people. I really wish Bioware would employ me as the "Slapper". I'll back hand the shit out of these fools.
That armor actually looks pretty cool. As for the PvP: Haters going to hate. People like to find things to bitch about.

So I passed by GameStop after school to buy myself a copy of MGS4.

Gaiz. I never really played the game.

Anyway, as I was looking around the store, I overheard four customers asking for the Aliens game. Why do people do that to themselves? :l

So, yeah, I'm finally going to play MGS4. >_>
[quote name='Luxuria']

So, yeah, I'm finally going to play MGS4. >_>[/QUOTE]
Lucky you I'm still waiting for a port
[quote name='Luxuria']That armor actually looks pretty cool. As for the PvP: Haters going to hate. People like to find things to bitch about.

So, yeah, I'm finally going to play MGS4. >_>[/QUOTE]

The Bitching is from the exclusively only PvErs. Basically these fucks complain about anything that is not PvE. Also congrats on MGS4, play on normal or higher.

[quote name='GUNNM']Lucky you I'm still waiting for a port[/QUOTE]

You can borrow my PS3 and my copy of MGS4, oh wait...
[quote name='whoknows']$20 rewardzone thingy at Best Buy if you paid for gamers club unlocked.[/QUOTE]

I'm too cheap for that.

I think I have a $25 GC to gamestop I could use... but I'd rather purchase from Amazon or whatever and get a $20 credit.
Oh well, I'll just use my DS3 $20 promo credit on it, I guess.
I might give in and pay for it since it expired for me. A lot of games coming out will get it.

Plus being able to price match if it goes on sale. I remember getting Max Payne 3 with the $20 rewardzone cert, then pricematching it for $40 I think and then trading it in for $30 something when I was done.

Thanks Best Buy.
[quote name='corrosivefrost']Are there any deals for pre-ordering Revengeance?[/QUOTE]
Besides bestbuy $20 back the best place is gamestop if you pre-order now you get a 25 page artbook + grey fox skin and sword skin. I cancelled my amazon order just for the artbook.
[quote name='j-cart']
Technically this was not a Gearbox game. Think along the lines of how Duke Nukem Forever was not a direct Gearbox game. Sad that Gearbox is willing to put their name behind this kind of a game.

[quote name='whoknows']Yeah. Gearbox outsourced that shit apparently.

Kind of interesting

Although IGN is annoying with the way they end all of their articles with "we've reached out to ____"[/QUOTE]

Ah I see, I wasn't aware of that. Guess that's why the game isn't up to par then.
Splitting up development between teams is not new. What just annoys me is damage control Randy is always doing for his games. Own up and just admit your game was not up to the standards you want from Gearbox.

Look at the Assassin's Creed games. Ubisoft whores out every single one of their Ubisoft to make a game.
[quote name='whoknows']Patch that does what.[/QUOTE]

Nabs you Kat and the guy from Starhawk for free. Also adds two new maps, one of which you have to pay for if you really want it.

[quote name='mrspicytacoman']yo you need online pass to get new characters?[/QUOTE]

I'm not sure. I'm downloading the game again. I had deleted it from my Vita since I needed space. ._.
[quote name='ihadFG']Man, I'm actually pretty disappointed that Aliens Colonial Marines turned out to be so bad according to most people. I was hoping that with Gearbox developing it, it might actually be good. Oh well, at least the WayForward Aliens game was great. I can always replay that for an Aliens fix. Or one of the older games.[/QUOTE]
Yeah, I'm seriously disappointed :/

[quote name='The Crotch']
Oh God, that gif. So gud.

[quote name='j-cart']Still want that Brother in Arms: Furious 4.

Honestly, someone needs to snag that Fast and Furious IP and make a video game out of it. I would buy day one.


Crotch, start reading.[/QUOTE]
I want to make a fast and the Furious game! Joelio Drift: The TakeDOWN!

[quote name='Indignate']
I'll be sure to include more of my art.[/QUOTE]
YAY! Love youuuu
[quote name='Indignate']I wasn't sure if either of you really wanted it cuz you didn't put it in all caps the first time. This isn't fuckin DmC.

If you want it Hank, send me your address.[/QUOTE]

I don't like what I'm reading here.
[quote name='GUNNM']its live coverage of fucking trees
what does the news media think its gonna catch? fuck this noise[/QUOTE]

Nu uh.

Now it's live coverage of mountains in the distance. So pretty.
The live coverage is nothing right now. There was a sound feed earlier of guns shots and the such. Those cops were in full panic mode.

Honestly, this is my local mountain, I board Big Bear all the time and the more shocking thing I have to say is that there is SNOW in Big Bear?! Seriously that place has been have troubles keeping their mountain open, but that is a fuck ton of snow for them in the past few years.
I would love to live around big bear just for that altitude training. A couple of MMA fighters train up there for that reason.
[quote name='j-cart']You know how many people have that name?

That would be like the perfect cover name...[/QUOTE]

[quote name='ihadFG']Man, I'm actually pretty disappointed that Aliens Colonial Marines turned out to be so bad according to most people. I was hoping that with Gearbox developing it, it might actually be good. Oh well, at least the WayForward Aliens game was great. I can always replay that for an Aliens fix. Or one of the older games.[/QUOTE]
Or just watch the movies instead.
[quote name='The Crotch']

Love this.
[quote name='whoknows']It's alright. The greatness of Duke Nukem Forever negates anything bad Aliens and Borderlands have brought to their name.[/QUOTE]
Agreed, Duke IS forever, baby!!
[quote name='Indignate']I wasn't sure if either of you really wanted it cuz you didn't put it in all caps the first time. This isn't fuckin DmC.
Dunno if you've noticed, dawg, but CAG hates it when you put a post in all caps. :nottalking:
If you want it Hank, send me your address.
Score. :cool:
I'll be sure to include more of my art.
Bitch I'd better be getting some art too.
Lazy ass. That's why you came in second. You so lazy.
You should post more often.
I think my friend is taking that, I'll let you know for sure.
I bet he is.
I'm pretty sure you're using the word literally wrong then.


Seriously, is this a gay planet exclusive? I'd rock it.
Literally gay.
Why are you cursing? You don't do that.
He does now. It's a hard knock life for him.

[quote name='Indignate']It's sure as hell isn't aspiring confidence.

Glad I didn't give them any money :nottalking:[/QUOTE]
Same. fuck 'em.
[quote name='The Crotch']I gave them enough money for both of us. If we were both one person, I mean.[/QUOTE]
You two are practically the same person, don't front.
[quote name='j-cart']Gay Planet Makeb doesn't drop until later this summer.

This is a reboot of the final Planet Ilum which had the horrible zerg fest PvP that even top end PCs were unable to even play.

Either way it is new content and gives me more reason to gank some people in open world. I still don't understand why people can't grasp Open World PvP. PvErs are all like "whine whine whine, you are forcing PvP on me". So? Gear up and stop being a bitch, roll with a fat team to prevent people from griefing you.

I have to say, individual Bioware fans are some of the bitchiest people. I really wish Bioware would employ me as the "Slapper". I'll back hand the shit out of these fools.[/QUOTE]
What the fuck are you even talking about?
[quote name='Luxuria']That armor actually looks pretty cool. As for the PvP: Haters going to hate. People like to find things to bitch about.

So I passed by GameStop after school to buy myself a copy of MGS4.

Gaiz. I never really played the game.

Anyway, as I was looking around the store, I overheard four customers asking for the Aliens game. Why do people do that to themselves? :l

So, yeah, I'm finally going to play MGS4. >_>[/QUOTE]
You should've got Aliens instead. Colonial Marines 4 life, bro!!
[quote name='GUNNM']Lucky you I'm still waiting for a port[/QUOTE]
Shit, better off waiting for MGS4 HD for DURRango at this point.
[quote name='j-cart']You can borrow my PS3 and my copy of MGS4, oh wait...[/QUOTE]

[quote name='corrosivefrost']Those are "Nic Cage only" specials.[/QUOTE]
Nic Cage specials are typically for castles and worthless avant garde modern art bullshit paintings of Superman.
[quote name='j-cart']Splitting up development between teams is not new. What just annoys me is damage control Randy is always doing for his games. Own up and just admit your game was not up to the standards you want from Gearbox.

Look at the Assassin's Creed games. Ubisoft whores out every single one of their Ubisoft to make a game.[/QUOTE]
Agreed. And the next Ass's Creed game sounds hilarious.
[quote name='Luxuria']The patch for PS All-Stars is live. :cool:[/QUOTE]
WTF is PS All-Stars?
[quote name='GUNNM']I would love to live around big bear just for that altitude training. A couple of MMA fighters train up there for that reason.[/QUOTE]

They go to Big Bear because it is close to LA (like an hour an half away). But any set of mountain will be great for training.

You train bro?!

/edit: Technically I have two PS3s. Main one is YLOD and the second one has a non-working blu-ray drive.
[quote name='GUNNM']I don't train at all bro I just run I should though I wanna be a cop[/QUOTE]

Start learning Krav, shit is deadly yo.

BTW, fuck da police
with kind words :p
Yeah I'm not being a cop for the praise I understand the hate that will come with it. Reading that story in LA about those dumb ass cops shooting civilians for no reason is just made me SMH IRL
[quote name='j-cart']
/edit: Technically I have two PS3s. Main one is YLOD and the second one has a non-working blu-ray drive.[/QUOTE]
Take the BD drive out of the YLOD PS3 and put it in the other one.
Frost not sure if you saw my post or not but you don't need to spend real money to get the weapon packs so go make it rain with ration seals bruv
[quote name='hankmecrankme'] WTF is PS All-Stars?[/QUOTE]

A Street Fighter x Tekken clone.

Man, I suck with quotes.

This live coverage shit is boring. People wanting to know everything are part of the problem.
[quote name='hankmecrankme']Take the BD drive out of the YLOD PS3 and put it in the other one.[/QUOTE]

The YLOD PS3 is my main with all of my games and saves.

[quote name='whoknows']If it's just the laser that's not working that's an easy swap if the ps3's are the same model.[/QUOTE]

YLOD if a 40gig model and the dead blu-ray laser is the Motor Storm 80gig.

/edit: It is boring, because they are waiting to bring the LAPD SWAT into San Bernardino county??
There is no reason to be covering this for such a prolonged amount of time. "Here we see a bird." "Oh, here are the cops looking at each other! YOU ARE ONE STEP CLOSER TO FINDING HIM, COPS."

Dark Souls DLC: Y/N?
bread's done