Grand Theft Auto V - 11/14 New trailer released! We're bouncin' now!

The only thing I hope they add one day is plannable heists you can do outside the story. I thought that was supposed to be one of the big pasttimes you could do to begin with but no, just in the story do they let you do them. The mechanics behind it is there since they're enabling you to do them in GTA Online with real people so the programming is definitely there that could allow it in the story with just some modifivations probablly since you'd be using your AI crew.

Wont you be able to do heists when online mode is available? I do agree the hair options is lacking. Same with tattoos, but they have a lot of clothing options. But i think people who bought the special edition or collectors edition got extra stuff like that, along with those garages i cant seem to put any cars into. Maybe eventually those things will become optional DLC later.

It would be cool if i could buy songs off a fake itunes website for my phone, to play music while walking or riding a bike.

The music is definitely lacking in this game. I tend to hear the same couple of songs now. I guess I've always had that issue with GTA but it's particularly noticeable in this one

There is a problem with the garages apparently.

We have received some reports about problems with cars and garages, particularly after upgrading and then completing a mission, and are looking into this now. Unfortunately, we do not currently have a workaround to recover a car if it is missing. If you would like to receive an automatic email notification as soon as there is more information, please log into the Support Site and click Subscribe at the top of this page.
This issue may occur if you drive another character’s personal vehicle. We are looking into a fix to prevent this from occurring in the future. If you would like to receive an automatic email notification when the fix is live, please log into the Support Site and click Subscribe at the top of this page. In the meantime, please try to avoid parking a car in a garage, driving one already in a garage, or getting in a default vehicle, when playing as a character other than the one with your upgrades.

The music is definitely lacking in this game. I tend to hear the same couple of songs now. I guess I've always had that issue with GTA but it's particularly noticeable in this one
The soundtrack is disappointing in the sense that there are very few songs in the game I recognize. It's always fun to discover new music, but the rock station and the pop station have some really third-rate songs. We know the budget did not go to get top-tier pop or rock songs.
The soundtrack is disappointing in the sense that there are very few songs in the game I recognize. It's always fun to discover new music, but the rock station and the pop station have some really third-rate songs. We know the budget did not go to get top-tier pop or rock songs.
The pop station has some pretty quality stuff (Rihanna, Fergie, Britney, etc) considering it's GTA. The classic rock/80's station is pretty awesome. Everything else is pretty much unrecognizable to me, unless it's Snoop/Dre/Tupac.

i love how missions in this game are not over hard like past gta's which makes it fun. I can't remember how many times in past gta games missions were pretty hard at times made me stop having fun till i got past that missions.

I remember that mission in GTA III where 8 Ball had to plant a bomb on a ship and you had to snipe the bad guys for him at a distance. I must've played that thing 40 or 50 times before I finally beat it. I got so sick of hearing him say "Okay, let's do this thing!" at the beginning every time.

i love how missions in this game are not over hard like past gta's which makes it fun. I can't remember how many times in past gta games missions were pretty hard at times made me stop having fun till i got past that missions.

For me that was because the controls were such shit usually or you would die so quickly from an explosion and no real checkpoints. It was the worst or if you failed you had to drive all the way back to where the mission started etc. Thank god they gave this game decent checkpoints and you get to retry them if you die/fail right there and then. That's the best!

yeah the check points are great addition and so is mission replay which i think i will do alot once story is done for me. Might i add when i seen airplane school i was like nooooooooo i had enough of that in gta S.A thankfully the controls are so much better this time around.

I don't know if it's just me but I feel the controls are better but could still have been tighter. I still feel clunky when I'm on foot. Also I'm horrible at the helicopter controls. I feel like I'm doing it wrong

I didn't find flying terribly hard --- until I had to face the Helicopter courses at Flight School. Had to get gold because of the perfectionist in me, and took me such a long time

There's a glitch that lets you get any property for free (you still need initial cash to purchase it though).

1. Go purchase the property at the location, as soon as you do so and it goes into the mini-cutscene, hit the start button.

2. From the start menu, replay any mission, the shorter the better (Masks takes like 20 secs to complete)

3. After you finish the replayed mission, you should be back at the property with you as the owner while still having the same amount of cash that you did before you purchased it.
Just finished the game last night and i thought it was good.

After the credits roll it shows you
a psychological evaluation of your time spent playing GTA V. It said that you could see it on the social club site, but i cant find where its located. Anyone know where its at?

Is there any point to changing the characters' clothes? It seems like anytime I switch characters or begin a mission, the game picks different clothes for them.

Is there any point to changing the characters' clothes? It seems like anytime I switch characters or begin a mission, the game picks different clothes for them.
I thought the same thing, sometimes they still are wearing the same clothes you bought them, sometimes they change back to something in their closet. Kind of pointless if they are going to keep changing their clothes to something else. Maybe its different after you beat the game? I guess its more "realistic" for them to change their clothes after a while.

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I like that they usually have something different on when I switch characters. I know GTA isn't the most realistic thing in the world, but it's a nice touch.

I saw that Chalupa Batman was the last person to reply and I had to say that I love the choice of user name. Taco is one of my heroes.

Welcome to CAG!
So I finally got the stripper's appeal all the way up, I then messed up by ahh running to a car after talking to her in the parking lot and she thought I ditched her. ><

You can join more than one crew at a time, right?
Pretty sure you can.

Man one thing i really hate is switching to trevor and finding out he is being chased by the cops. I really hate the cops in this game, especially if you have 3+ stars. The time for the stars to disappear is a lot longer than in GTA IV

I saw that Chalupa Batman was the last person to reply and I had to say that I love the choice of user name. Taco is one of my heroes.

Welcome to CAG!

Thanks Matt! Great show and I'm loving CAG!
Pretty sure you can.

Man one thing i really hate is switching to trevor and finding out he is being chased by the cops. I really hate the cops in this game, especially if you have 3+ stars. The time for the stars to disappear is a lot longer than in GTA IV

I found running away from the cops in this game to be way easier than any other GTA. Just find a small alley to hide when you're map isn't flashing. Has worked every time for me. Though I have only gotten to four stars so far. I'm not sure how bad 5 stars is yet.

I found running away from the cops in this game to be way easier than any other GTA. Just find a small alley to hide when you're map isn't flashing. Has worked every time for me. Though I have only gotten to four stars so far. I'm not sure how bad 5 stars is yet.
Yeah i actually "escaped" the cops once because i drove accidentally into someones back yard and i just stood there and eventually they stopped looking. What i hate though is if you are in Trevors default car, or a slower car, the cops just keep ramming you in the back and it seems like you have no chance to gain any distance on them to even jump down an alley. But i dont really try to view behind and shoot them off me, that just brings more cops too. I mean i know its not supposed to be easy. LOL.

I found running away from the cops in this game to be way easier than any other GTA. Just find a small alley to hide when you're map isn't flashing. Has worked every time for me. Though I have only gotten to four stars so far. I'm not sure how bad 5 stars is yet.
i have had cops follow me into a hiding spot if they see my car out in area they will get out of their cars and look for you in my mind the cops are the smartest in this game then past gta.s

i have had cops follow me into a hiding spot if they see my car out in area they will get out of their cars and look for you in my mind the cops are the smartest in this game then past gta.s

Yeah I had that happen once with 4 stars but I just kept jumping through backyards until I found a nice hiding spot. At least so far for me I've always had major problems losing cops in GTA games except for this one. I haven't hit 5 stars yet though. we shall see.

The only thing I noticed is that almost every time I jack a car I get a star by the cops. Unless I kill the driver.

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Yeah I had that happen once with 4 stars but I just kept jumping through backyards until I found a nice hiding spot. At least so far for me I've always had major problems losing cops in GTA games except for this one. I haven't hit 5 stars yet though. we shall see.

The only thing I noticed is that almost every time I jack a car I get a star by the cops. Unless I kill the driver.
that's because people call the cops on you lol when ifirst got the game last week i was like WTH no cops are around then i looked after i hit someone once and the person standing next to that person got on phone and called the cops :/

I'm almost done with the game. It is an awesome game through and through. It's a technical achievement and all, but it's just a great game. Not much else. I don't even feel like this is a top 5 game for me. I've never been a huge GTA fan though so that could be part of it. Trevor has been hilarious. Love Franklin and Michael was good too, but there is just something missing. Plenty of games even this year that have been better overall in my opinion. Bioshock infinite and Splinter Cell Black List come to mind

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I'm almost done with the game. It is an awesome game through and through. It's a technical achievement and all, but it's just a great game. Not much else. I don't even feel like this is a top 5 game for me. I've never been a huge GTA fan though so that could be part of it. Trevor has been hilarious. Love Franklin and Michael was good too, but there is just something missing. Plenty of games even this year that have been better overall in my opinion. Bioshock infinite and Splinter Cell Black List come to mind
Mother fucker, are you serious!? How can you justify that distinction before the online portion of this goes live. Yeah there's something missing, the fact that you haven't played the other half of the game! *smack forehead* No offense dude but you're picking the apple before it's ripe.

I was getting chased by the cops as Trevor when I switched to him and yeah I had no alley ways to go and hide as I was on the highway out on the shoulder of the island so I ended up ditching my car and running up the mountain, my stars disappeared lol.

The dynamic nature of switching to three different characters can really give Rockstar some freedom with mission design and story.

Mother fucker, are you serious!? How can you justify that distinction before the online portion of this goes live. Yeah there's something missing, the fact that you haven't played the other half of the game! *smack forehead* No offense dude but you're picking the apple before it's ripe.

I was getting chased by the cops as Trevor when I switched to him and yeah I had no alley ways to go and hide as I was on the highway out on the shoulder of the island so I ended up ditching my car and running up the mountain, my stars disappeared lol.

The dynamic nature of switching to three different characters can really give Rockstar some freedom with mission design and story.

The online is going to be exactly the same as GTA 4 with the addition of robbing stores. Which is a good thing but I don't really care all that much. You'll be doing the same thing in the multiplayer that you do in the single player only with 15 other people if you want. Rob stores, race, kill people, do random activities etc...That's fine and dandy. It won't change my opinion of the game. My friend that was looking forward to the game for 2 years and spent most of his time on reddit/gta5 said the same exact thing. It's a damn fine game but not even close to being his favorite game ever.

GTA 5 is a fine technical achievement like I said. I'm going to spend countless numbers of hours on it. Overall though it's just another GTA game. Honestly how much better is this than GTA 4? It's basically the same game but more fine tuned. GTA games are fun time wasters but how much of the stuff do you really want to do over and over? It's honestly a game where the hype blinds people in my opinion. If you guys disagree that's fine. IT'S YOUR OPINION VS MINE. I thought San Andreas was a better game than GTA 5. It had all the elements of 5, but the radio was better and the game was just more fun.

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It is much better than GTA 4 but GTA 4 had a lot of faults especially coming off San Andreas and Vice City. I'm not denying the quality of the game. Simply that its not the greatest game of all time like many people are making it out to be. It's a fine game with a lot of stuff to do. 

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The online is going to be exactly the same as GTA 4 with the addition of robbing stores.

That's one hell of an assumption. The main point you aren't grasping is you can't quantify something if it's not whole ie the Online hasn't launched yet! We know there are crews, there will be new content down the road and don't forget the editable content the community can make. I'm pretty sure last time I checked that wasn't in GTA IV. I'm not arguing about your opinion, I'm baffled on what the heck you're talking about lol.

The online is going to be exactly the same as GTA 4 with the addition of robbing stores.
It's already known that its gonna be nothing like that. You can create your own maps and races, own property, and do co-op heists (not just holding up a liquor store). If you didn't think GTA V was your cup of tea, then that's fine, but it seems like you're just trying to hate on the game for the sake of hating on it.


That's one hell of an assumption. The main point you aren't grasping is you can't quantify something if it's not whole ie the Online hasn't launched yet! We know there are crews, there will be new content down the road and don't forget the editable content the community can make. I'm pretty sure last time I checked that wasn't in GTA IV. I'm not arguing about your opinion, I'm baffled on what the heck you're talking about lol.

And here's the important point you are missing. It will be the exact same stuff you are doing in the single player only with a crew. Don't believe me? Read this. While I'm sure that will be fun that doesn't make this game the greatest ever

Those are the exact same activities that we can do now. The "content creator" is for people to create deathmatches and races. That's been a feature in plenty of other games.

I never said I "hated" GTA that's not right. I said its a great game but it's not the greatest game ever like people are making it out to be. Heist are what I meant by robbing stores. This is exactly what I'm talking about. If you say that this isn't the greatest game ever people automatically dismiss you.

It's already known that its gonna be nothing like that. You can create your own maps and races, own property, and do co-op heists (not just holding up a liquor store). If you didn't think GTA V was your cup of tea, then that's fine, but it seems like you're just trying to hate on the game for the sake of hating on it.
You could race in GTA 4. You could customize your character in GTA 4. So the biggest differences are owning property and heist. I doubt most people will even use the create your own deathmatch/race feature after a few weeks/months. Also from what I am reading this content creator is nothing more than boxing off certain areas of the map for deathmatch and races. It's not like the map creator that Far Cry had. Most people are going to just cause mayhem and do heists. Which is great if people enjoy doing that. I have no issues with that. It is just the same thing you do in the single player. Which means it will be great fun. I'm not disputing how good this game is. I don't get why you guys aren't getting that. I'm just stating my opinion that its not some once in a life time, greatest game ever created type of game.
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And here's the important point you are missing. It will be the exact same stuff you are doing in the single player only with a crew. Don't believe me? Read this.

Those are the exact same activities that we can do now. The "content creator" is for people to create deathmatches and races.
And what's so bad about that? The singleplayer in GTA V was already pretty damn fun (not for you obviously, but for most people), and doing it with friends just makes things exponentially more fun. The shooting and driving mechanics are as tight as a GTA games has ever been, the physics engine is just tons of fun.

GTA games are fun time wasters but how much of the stuff do you really want to do over and over?
That's literally what you do in every game, do something over and over again, from killing motorized patriots to stealth killing enemies, "over and over again." GTA V was at least a significant improvement over 4 and SA in this regard, as at least every mission was unique and varied (from rescuing your son who's caught in a runaway boat stolen to abducting people by ziplining down a building), and that's not to mention some of the insane side missions as well (like some of the highs you go on with that Barry guy).

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And what's so bad about that? The singleplayer in GTA V was already pretty damn fun (not for you obviously, but for most people), and doing it with friends just makes things exponentially more fun. The shooting and driving mechanics are as tight as a GTA games has ever been, the physics engine is just tons of fun.

That's literally what you do in every game, do something over and over again, from killing motorized patriots to stealth killing enemies, "over and over again." GTA V was at least a significant improvement over 4 and SA in this regard, as at least every mission was unique and varied (from rescuing your son who's caught in a runaway boat stolen to abducting people by ziplining down a building), and that's not to mention some of the insane side missions as well (like some of the highs you go on with that Barry guy).
Perhaps you missed the 3 or 4 times that I said it was an awesome/fine/great game in my other posts involving this discussion? I mention that GTA isn't one of my top games ever and everyone loses their mind. My biggest knock on GTA 5, as far as not being one of my top games, is the music and the story. If I'm being really picky the heist are fun, but they are simplified so much that it sort of takes the luster off of them. Lester basically does all of the work for you before hand. I don't remember saying it wasn't a fun game, but if you want to make things up about my posts then that's ok I guess.

When I said doing the same stuff over and over I was referencing the yoga, tennis, golf, parachuting etc...How much of that are you actually doing again? That's the kind of stuff people are mentioning that makes the game great but overrated. It's always good to have choice, but honestly how much of it are you actually doing?

In terms of pure fun, I enjoyed Sleeping Dogs more than GTA 5. It wasn't as polished or as expansive and there wasn't as much to do, but it was more pure fun to me.

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ugh mini rant
im doing all these fucking missions stealing stuff and whatever and nobody is fucking paying me. it's all "in due time my friend" etc" fucking annoying.

Perhaps you missed the 3 or 4 times that I said it was an awesome/fine/great game in my other posts involving this discussion? I don't remember saying it wasn't a fun game, but if you want to make things up about my posts then that's ok I guess.

When I said doing the same stuff over and over I was referencing the yoga, tennis, golf, parachuting etc...How much of that are you actually doing again? That's the kind of stuff people are mentioning that makes the game great but overrated. It's always good to have choice, but honestly how much of it are you actually doing?

In terms of pure fun, I enjoyed Sleeping Dogs more than GTA 5. It wasn't as polished or as expansive and there wasn't as much to do, but it was more pure fun to me.
I'm sorry for mis-interpreting for what you said, but there's really no reason to get so hostile/dickish.

I feel like all the mini-games are great (with an exception to yoga). They add to the immersion to the game, and actually are truly fun, and some could even be games in their own right (tennis even was, with Rockstar table tennis.) Even if you don't like them, nobody's forcing you to play them, there's plenty of other shit to do. Are you really gonna find fault with that in GTA V? With this and your earlier complaints about online, it looks like you're really trying your hardest to not like the game.

Also, it seems you rate games by how much "pure fun" they seem to you. If you can't explain why you find a certain game more "pure fun" than another or the elements that make something more "pure fun" than something else, then there's not much discussion to be had.
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bread's done