Humble Indie Bundle 9 - Bonuses unlocked: Rocketbirds, A Virus Named TOM, Bastion, LIMBO


56 (100%)
Pay What You Want ($1+ for Steam keys)

  • Trine 2: Complete Story
  • Mark of the Ninja
  • Eets Munches Beta
  • Brutal Legend

  • FTL: Faster than Light
  • Fez
  • Rocketbirds: Hardboiled Edition*
  • A Virus Named TOM*
  • Bastion*
  • LIMBO*
*Bonuses added on 9/18 at 11 AM Pacific. Unlike previous bundles, you must beat the average at the time of your purchase to get these regardless of when you bought it.
There has been talk of not wanting to support Phil Fish if Fez was ever bundled. Please do not use this as an opportunity to punish the other developers. You can choose to adjust the payment that goes to each. But remember, if you decide that a game is worth redeeming and playing, it's probably worth paying for.

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I'll gladly pay for this bundle and give 0 money to phil fish. And NOT play FEZ. (I have never had any intention of playing the game, especially with the way he has acted and treated people. Guy has no sense of humility, )

I do feel bad for the people who worked with Fish though. Because he's effectively harmed all of them. People need to realize that when you are the head/lead guy. You represent your entire team. Any money they don't get is a result of his poor behavior and social misguidings.  You can't just mentally decide that your money will go to someone else because that just isn't entirely true.

But I do feel bad for the RCR guys, shame about that.

Maybe they should've waited and put it on Wii U instead.

But you know, Micro/EA/N/ aren't the only ones with insane policies. Sony is the cream of the crop

I am having trouble paying with paypal for some reason though. It gives me transaction cannot be completed message.


Probably karma for not wanting to give Fish any money

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I wonder how many people loudly denouncing Phil Fish are more than happy to lick GabeN's grease-and-Cheeto-dust-encrusted nuts despite his decade-long history of being a fat fuck ing liar because party hats and trading cards? Just saying the whiny entitlement directed against a solo developer while a major company treats gamers like rubes is odd. "But, but we can lend our games soon! V4lv3 4evuh!" Whatever.

I'll gladly pay for this bundle and give 0 money to phil fish. And NOT play FEZ. (I have never had any intention of playing the game, especially with the way he has acted and treated people)

But I do feel bad for the RCR guys, shame about that.

Maybe they should've waited and put it on Wii U instead.

But you know, Micro/EA/N/ aren't the only ones with insane policies. Sony is the cream of the crop

I am having trouble paying with paypal for some reason though. It gives me transaction cannot be completed message.


Probably karma for not wanting to give Fish any money
Well the game has been in development since before Wiiware's inception, so waiting for WiiU wasn't really an option. It just took a really long time to make I guess? I didn't mean to suggest that Sony's had bad policies, I have no idea what they have in place, but Nintendo/EA/MS are the one's you always hear about. And Nintendo really did screw the man over, he complained about Microsoft too but at least he got paid for that work.

You seriously have never heard any stereotypes of mac users/apple junkies? Again, not saying they are true or I believe them, but you have to have at least heard them, right?

I'm actually in the camp that hasn't seen IGTM or any Phil Fish assholery other than his hilariously childish fit of canceling Fez 2. When it comes to assholes I really do feel they have the right to make games if they want and the internet backlash is a bit overblown, but again, I haven't seen the movie yet. Humble put it in my account I think.

I just respond to start shit since I think the "DEFEND PHIL FISH" posts are like 1000x more outrageous and over the top than any hate. One guy posted he gave 0 to Fish and then you have a guppy army coming out to defend him. He's a grown up who probably doesn't read CAG so I doubt this is really affecting him.

When it comes to things like homophobia, racism, and so forth, I really do try to vote with my wallet. To each their own and I definitely see your point of view of not punishing everyone in the company for the owner being an asshole. I know Chick Fil A actually has some pretty good policies when it comes to employees compared to most fast food places. That said, I never ate there much outside of their free days and there are none here in Seattle so that takes care of that. Lots of other restaurants serve fried chicken breasts and nuggets so my waistline won't be getting smaller thankfully!

oh I have definitely heard of the stereotypes, I was just trying to figure out which one you were specifically referencing.

I am definitely not defending Fish, but I just don't want to let the internet decide whether or not I can play a game I have been interested in for a long time.

I am glad we can understand each other on the point of not punishing a whole company based on one person though. To be fair, its less of a crusade to buy what I want regardless of the consequences and and more of a I don't want to have any guilt of someday buying a game or product and later having someone tell me that the owner of that company once pushed them off their bike. This way, I can just decide what I want and get it, someone in the chain of command somewhere probably deserves the money.

I have a chik-fil-a a block away, so when that stuff first came out I was like, "oh man, the internet decided I'm supposed to hate yummy chicken? well too bad because jeff who took my order doesn't hate gay people so I paid for his 2-3 hours of work today." and thats where it all started, I was just tired of all the drama.

Of course I just got Brutal Legend during the daily deal a few weeks ago thinking it wouldn't be in the $1 tier of a bundle. Oh well, at least it was card money. Anyway, great bundle but I already have everything except the Eets beta.

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Well the game has been in development since before Wiiware's inception, so waiting for WiiU wasn't really an option. It just took a really long time to make I guess? I didn't mean to suggest that Sony's had bad policies, I have no idea what they have in place, but Nintendo/EA/MS are the one's you always hear about. And Nintendo really did screw the man over, he complained about Microsoft too but at least he got paid for that work.
For sure, I can't disagree. That was a terrible situation for the RCR dev.

Also: What about Valve treats us like Rubes exactly?

Steam is a DRM mechanism that works,doesn't screw the user (Except for when companies put EXTRA DRM), and is acceptedly necessary on PC due to rampant and easy to access piracy(even though it doesn't curb piracy of Steamworks games at all really).

I don't play TF2, and after the recent CS GO update, I quit playing. It's clear all they care about is monetization in the most accessible way possible.

I've almost never had an issue with steam and whenever i've made some kind of error when purchasing something i've always gotten a refund to be able to purchase something right(Like something as a gift, or using the wrong source of funds)

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I didn't know anything about him insulting PC gamers. If anyone has a link they want to share I'd love to read it, otherwise I'll try to dig it up myself later. Unless he was making fun of the mentally handicapped war veterans or something, I'm inclined to give him a free pass. It's not easy being an independant developer, and they don't have the PR departments that Nintendo/Sony/Microsoft do to stop them from saying something that they may regret. If he did it several times though i'd totally boycott them.

Fez now seems, for the moment at least, safe. Officially signed with Microsoft for an exclusive XBLA release, eschewing the often more lucrative avenue of Steam on PC, Fish remains adamant about Polytron’s decision for the game’s fixed destination.

“Fez is a console game, not a PC game,” he states, emphatically. “It’s made to be played with a controller, on a couch, on a Saturday morning. To me, that matters; that’s part of the medium.” I get so many comments shouting at me that I’m an idiot for not making a PC version. ‘You’d make so much more money! Can’t you see? Meatboy sold more on Steam!’ Good for them. But this matters more to me than sales or revenue. It’s a console game on a console. End of story.”

"If PC's are made for spreedsheets, why are you porting Fez then?"

"for profit."

I can understand wanting to port a game because of making more money, but to completely dismiss PC gamers and act like he doesn't care about money, but his principles, and then to do a 180 and bluntly say that the only reason for him doing it is "for profit" is ridiculous.

Like I said, if PC gamers want to support Fez go for it. I've heard it's a decent game. However I don't want anything to do with it.

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Fez now seems, for the moment at least, safe. Officially signed with Microsoft for an exclusive XBLA release, eschewing the often more lucrative avenue of Steam on PC, Fish remains adamant about Polytron’s decision for the game’s fixed destination.

“Fez is a console game, not a PC game,” he states, emphatically. “It’s made to be played with a controller, on a couch, on a Saturday morning. To me, that matters; that’s part of the medium.” I get so many comments shouting at me that I’m an idiot for not making a PC version. ‘You’d make so much more money! Can’t you see? Meatboy sold more on Steam!’ Good for them. But this matters more to me than sales or revenue. It’s a console game on a console. End of story.”

"If PC's are made for spreedsheets, why are you porting Fez then?"

"for profit."

I can understand wanting to port a game because of making more money, but to completely dismiss PC gamers and act like he doesn't care about money, but his principles, and then to do a 180 and bluntly say that the only reason for him doing it is "for profit" is ridiculous.

Like I said, if PC gamers want to support Fez go for it. I've heard it's a decent game. However I don't want anything to do with it.
Phil Fish got 0 dollars from me....BTA and set your slider to 0 for Fez...problem solved

thanks Fish

Sounds to me like that's EXACTLY what he did. These games aren't easy/cheap to port, not when you are one guy working on your lonesome. Is there more to it or are people really just pissed that he flip-flopped and brought his game to PC?

It reminds me of all the Nintendo asshats who shat all over the Retro City Rampage dev for not porting to WiiU. He puts up with Nintendo's bullshit practices and puts his game on Wiiware (which cost him approximately $20,000, not counting manhours or health issues from overworking) simply because he'd previously said he was going to, knowing he'll never see a single penny from it, let alone any profit. Then the Nintendo fanboys bitch and moan and cry that he won't port it to a system that can already play the game anyways, many of them swearing they'll boycott the game and anything else he makes. The man literally pays $20,000 to work himself to sickness and all the ungrateful little shits can do is bitch at him for not doing more work to port a game to a failing system that can already play it anyways.

I don't get people sometimes. They bend over and take whatever Nintendo/EA/Microsoft/ect thrusts at them with a smile on their face, yet the second the one guy working out of his garage voices the smallest insignificant opinion all hell breaks loose.
Wow this is all so... meta. Can't it just be good game = buy and play?

I really couldn't care less who made the game/movie/music/book. If the product is worthwhile to me, I'll pay whatever its asking price is.

Re: This Phil dude being an ass. Can anyone provide a link for citation?

I BTA, 100% to Charity.
They've taken down every upload of Fish being a complete fucking shithead to a Japanese developer at a GDC panel. In the video the young Japanese developer asks Fish what Japanese games influenced him and he responds with "none of them, they all suck". The panel then giggles among themselves like smug twats and the guy who asked the question is made to look like an idiot because of it.

There is some merit in pointing out the flaws in modern japanese game development, but there are much better ways to go about it than to belittle someone publicly the way they did. It's shameful, and it really does make me feel nothing but resent and anger towards him. He makes no apologies for the way he is, and that's fine, but it just means I won't support any project he's involved in.

Great bundle!  Trine 2 is the only game I already have on Steam.  BTA, so looking forward to see what the bonus games are.  Hopefully Deadlight is added.  :D

I'd love it if Terraria shows up in one of these bundles. I think it's about the only other PC game I want to play (that I can think of) at the moment.
Figures I bought FTL and Fez both under a months time and bam. I have everygame in this bundle almost ugh. No BTA for me.

Mark of Ninja:   N8APC-GEN6K-54P6G

Trine 2: A9CBC-XAHHW-WBB63

Not really clear on the bonus game eligibility. I've currently paid $1. Can I raise my order amount to be eligible for the bonus games? If so, can I wait to do so until the bonus games are revealed or would it have to be before that? If not, would I have to start a new purchase and BTA all at once?

It's not letting me purchased the Humble Bundle. Anyone else having that problem?

About Phil Fish -- I stand in the camp that he's an asshole. His comments about Japanese games and his comments towards certain games writers (and obvious trolling behavior) were unacceptable. He also censors any criticism of his game on the Steam forum (which you'd think he'd be more than willing to accept being so vocal about Japanese games). I bet he'll still release Fez 2 -- it was just a publicity stunt.

Mooby wrote:
Honestly at this point you should have just bought Terraria for $2.50.
I almost bought it last time I saw it on sale for ~$3. You have to understand I don't really play PC games much at all after getting over my WoW addition. I'm interested, but not really enough to pull the trigger. Nearly all of my Steam library comes from HIB games because I like the concept and am willing to toss a few bucks in the pot. I haven't played any of them yet and I've bought every bundle since the second or third one.
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oh I have definitely heard of the stereotypes, I was just trying to figure out which one you were specifically referencing.

I am definitely not defending Fish, but I just don't want to let the internet decide whether or not I can play a game I have been interested in for a long time.

I am glad we can understand each other on the point of not punishing a whole company based on one person though. To be fair, its less of a crusade to buy what I want regardless of the consequences and and more of a I don't want to have any guilt of someday buying a game or product and later having someone tell me that the owner of that company once pushed them off their bike. This way, I can just decide what I want and get it, someone in the chain of command somewhere probably deserves the money.

I have a chik-fil-a a block away, so when that stuff first came out I was like, "oh man, the internet decided I'm supposed to hate yummy chicken? well too bad because jeff who took my order doesn't hate gay people so I paid for his 2-3 hours of work today." and thats where it all started, I was just tired of all the drama.
lol @ the chic-fil-a analogy.

It's not letting me purchased the Humble Bundle. Anyone else having that problem?

About Phil Fish -- I stand in the camp that he's an asshole. His comments about Japanese games and his comments towards certain games writers (and obvious trolling behavior) were unacceptable. He also censors any criticism of his game on the Steam forum (which you'd think he'd be more than willing to accept being so vocal about Japanese games). I bet he'll still release Fez 2 -- it was just a publicity stunt.
You might have to enter a captcha phrase. One time I tried to purchase and it kept not doing anything and I finally realized that's what I had to do.

Not really clear on the bonus game eligibility. I've currently paid $1. Can I raise my order amount to be eligible for the bonus games? If so, can I wait to do so until the bonus games are revealed or would it have to be before that? If not, would I have to start a new purchase and BTA all at once?
Never done it myself, but from my understanding, you can add in money retroactively. Although, if you even at all have a slight interest in FTL or Fez (Fez is great, FTL got good reviews, never played it myself), you should buy now, the average will only go up.

Not really clear on the bonus game eligibility. I've currently paid $1. Can I raise my order amount to be eligible for the bonus games? If so, can I wait to do so until the bonus games are revealed or would it have to be before that? If not, would I have to start a new purchase and BTA all at once?
Unlike previous bundles where everyone - including those who didn't BTA initially - got the bonus games (e.g. people who paid $1 for the Origin bundle got Red Alert and Populus), now the bonus games only go to those who BTA, either initially or by upping their contribution after the fact. If you paid a dollar, all you need to do is make up the difference to the BTA price when you made your initial purchase.

I paid $1 when the BTA price was $3.97; it is currently $4.48. If they add something that I want next week, I'll have to kick in another $2.97 to get it. People who got in for $3.20 or whatever it dipped to would only need to add $2.20; those later more. Go to your account page, click the HIB9 link and at the top of the resulting page you'll see, "Like what we're doing? Click here to increase your order amount!" up top which will open the money dialog where you can add money.

I got this just to get a second FTL Key for my wife, now she can fail miserably at beating the rebels on her own steam account.

I am interested to try out FEZ. Looks cute.

Chic-fil-a would have to bring about Armageddon and even then Id probably be running to have one more sandwich before I went.

On the topic of Phil, he seemed in over his head when watching Indie Game the Movie. Whatever, I guess Ill try Fez and see what its all about.

Unlike previous bundles where everyone - including those who didn't BTA initially - got the bonus games (e.g. people who paid $1 for the Origin bundle got Red Alert and Populus), now the bonus games only go to those who BTA, either initially or by upping their contribution after the fact. If you paid a dollar, all you need to do is make up the difference to the BTA price when you made your initial purchase.

I paid $1 when the BTA price was $3.97; it is currently $4.48. If they add something that I want next week, I'll have to kick in another $2.97 to get it. People who got in for $3.20 or whatever it dipped to would only need to add $2.20; those later more. Go to your account page, click the HIB9 link and at the top of the resulting page you'll see, "Like what we're doing? Click here to increase your order amount!" up top which will open the money dialog where you can add money.
Thanks for this, I wasn't aware that it was linked to the BTA of your inital purchase. Considering that it looks like you'll probably need to beat the average for bonus games from here on, this will probably come in handy at some point.

I'm in to add these games to my backlog.

EDIT: Also, I'm willing to trade my keys for Trine 2 and Eets Munchies for whatever. PM me.

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It's not letting me purchased the Humble Bundle. Anyone else having that problem?

About Phil Fish -- I stand in the camp that he's an asshole. His comments about Japanese games and his comments towards certain games writers (and obvious trolling behavior) were unacceptable. He also censors any criticism of his game on the Steam forum (which you'd think he'd be more than willing to accept being so vocal about Japanese games). I bet he'll still release Fez 2 -- it was just a publicity stunt.
I had trouble with paypal for a while. But trying again 30 minutes after or so worked fine.

I did not BTA. I am waiting to see what the bonus games are.

I'd certainly pay more than the BTA if I had the money right now. (No job atm)

Man, this is another amazing bundle, but I own all of the games except for Brutal Legend. In for $1 for that. I hope the bonus games are something I already have so I'm not inclined to buy them as well. I don't even really have time for games any more...
Is anyone having trouble with their games showing up in Steam? I redeemed Mark of the Ninja and Brutal Legend but there isn't an option to download them and they aren't in my library- then I went to the Mark of the Ninja page and it says I already have the game but when I hit play now it does nothing.  

EDIT: oops they just showed up after a couple of hours  :dunce:

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Is anyone having trouble with their games showing up in Steam? I redeemed Mark of the Ninja and Brutal Legend but there isn't an option to download them and they aren't in my library- then I went to the Mark of the Ninja page and it says I already have the game but when I hit play now it does nothing.
restart steam

Eh, not really. If you're all for art and bettering of the world through art, you should also have something of a social conscience and want to support positive things. Supporting a nazi or homophobe just to enjoy some dumb game? Dunno, strikes me as a pretty selfish way to look at the world.
So does that mean the money you would have spent on the game went to some charity? I don't really see that point being valid unless you are trying to be equally active to counter these dirtbags. I don't see it as selfish at all, quite the opposite. If Fez was made by someone who was a "good" (all things being relative) person outside of making the game, would it then mean it's okay to like the game? I don't get the logic there. A rose by another other name would smell as sweet, no? The creator's personal issues should not factor in to the determination if their product is good or not.

I would love to continue this discussion because I do find it an interesting look at different perspectives, but it is moving more and more off topic. If you (or anyone else) would like to have a tete a tete about this and can keep it civil (like we have thus far) I'd love to hear it through PMs.

I doubt Torchlight 2 will be in any indie bundle for the foreseeable future.  They didn't put TL1 in a bundle until TL2 was out and they used it as marketing.

Unlike previous bundles where everyone - including those who didn't BTA initially - got the bonus games (e.g. people who paid $1 for the Origin bundle got Red Alert and Populus), now the bonus games only go to those who BTA, either initially or by upping their contribution after the fact. If you paid a dollar, all you need to do is make up the difference to the BTA price when you made your initial purchase.

I paid $1 when the BTA price was $3.97; it is currently $4.48. If they add something that I want next week, I'll have to kick in another $2.97 to get it. People who got in for $3.20 or whatever it dipped to would only need to add $2.20; those later more. Go to your account page, click the HIB9 link and at the top of the resulting page you'll see, "Like what we're doing? Click here to increase your order amount!" up top which will open the money dialog where you can add money.
woah they changed it, that sucks!

Thanks for this, I wasn't aware that it was linked to the BTA of your inital purchase. Considering that it looks like you'll probably need to beat the average for bonus games from here on, this will probably come in handy at some point.
woah they changed it, that sucks!
Actually, it makes more sense because it will encourage more people to buy in at the higher price rather than rewarding those who spent the minimum in the first week. I never noticed until the Origin bundle that the bonus games went to those who hadn't already BTA. It will also entice more people to jump in immediately with a buck to lock in the lower BTA price as a hedge against the inevitable increase. I've saved 54 cents at the current price and they got my dollar. Everyone wins and isn't the idea to help developers and charity? (Except for Phil Fish, who butthurt some gamers with his attitude so he should starve or something.)

Because I've bought 14 bundles over the ages I decided to go and compile a list of everything I've got to see if future titles are already on the backlog pile. (Too bad the new Collection system here is totally broken, allowing you to re-add titles you already have.) Here's what I've got:


  1. Alan Wake
  2. Alan Wake's American Nightmare
  3. And Yet It Moves
  4. Aquaria
  5. Atom Zombie Smasher
  6. Avadon: The Black Fortress
  7. Awesomenauts
  8. Back to the Future: The Game
  9. Beat Hazard Ultra
  10. Braid
  11. Brütal Legend
  12. Canabalt
  13. Capsized
  14. Cave Story+
  15. City Generator Tech Demo
  16. Closure
  17. Cogs
  18. Cogs GO (Netbooks)
  19. Cortex Command
  20. Crayon Physics Deluxe
  21. DEFCON
  22. Darwinia
  23. Dear Esther
  24. Dungeon Defenders + All DLC
  25. Dungeons of Dredmor
  26. Dynamite Jack
  27. Eets Munchies
  28. English Country Tune
  29. Gish
  30. Hammerfight
  31. Hector: Badge of Carnage
  32. Hotline Miami
  33. Indie Game: The Movie
  34. Intrusion 2
  35. Jack Claw
  36. Legend of Grimrock
  37. Little Inferno
  38. Lugaru HD
  39. Machinarium
  40. Mark of the Ninja
  41. Multiwinia
  42. NightSky
  43. Offspring Fling
  44. Oil Rush
  45. Osmos
  46. Penumbra Overture
  47. Poker Night at the Inventory
  48. Proteus
  49. Puzzle Agent 1
  50. Puzzle Agent 2
  51. Revenge of the Titans
  52. Rochard + Hard Times DLC
  53. Sam & Max: Devil’s Playhouse
  54. Samorost 2
  55. Shadowgrounds
  56. Shadowgrounds: Survivor
  57. Shank 2
  58. Snapshot
  59. Snuggle Truck
  60. Solar 2
  61. Splice
  62. Steel Storm: Burning Retribution
  63. Super Hexagon
  64. Superbrothers: Sword & Sworcery EP
  65. Swords & Soldiers HD
  66. The Basement Collection
  67. The Binding of Isaac + Wrath of the Lamb DLC
  68. Thomas Was Alone
  69. Tiny & Big in Grandpa's Leftovers
  70. Trine
  71. Trine 2: Complete Story
  72. Uplink
  73. VVVVVV
  74. Voxel Tech Demo
  75. Wallace & Gromit’s Grand Adventures
  76. World Of Goo
  77. Zen Bound 2


  1. Avadon: The Black Fortress
  2. Beat Hazard Ultra
  3. Canabalt
  4. Cogs
  5. Crayon Physics Deluxe
  6. Dungeon Defenders + All DLC
  7. Dynamite Jack
  8. NightSky
  9. Smuggle Truck
  10. Solar 2
  11. Splice
  12. Super Hexagon
  13. Superbrothers: Sword & Sworcery EP
  14. Swords & Soldiers HD
  15. Zen Bound 2

  1. Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box
  2. Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3 - Uprising
  3. Crysis 2 Maximum Edition
  4. Dead Island GOTY
  5. Dead Space
  6. Dead Space 3 (Origin)
  7. Medal of Honor
  8. Metro 2033
  9. Mirror's Edge
  10. Populus (Origin)
  11. Risen
  12. Risen 2
  13. Sacred Citadel
  14. Sacred 2 Gold
  15. Saints Row 2
  16. Saints Row: The Third
  17. Saints Row: The Third - The Full Package (DLC)
  18. The Walking Dead

Yikes! 110 games?!? 77 available for direct download?!? I thought it'd be more like 40 or so.

Tempted to pick this up purely for Mark of Ninja (I have the other games).  

I don't fully understand the fuss over indie devs putting games in bundles.  If you want to wait for it then go ahead and wait.  I for one thought FTL was well worth the full price.  But I wanted it long before it came out, and was really looking forward to its release!  The only time I could really understand this is if you just bought it, and it goes on sale.  But then that's just bad luck; and if you liked the game in the end it is hopefully worth it regardless!  I remember buying Orange Box retail and going online later that day and it being on sale for 75% off... annoying but Orange Box was well worth it even if I owned some of the games.

Surprised about the change for games added later; but at least they made a note of it (and "explained" it).  I think more people would've been annoyed to see they didn't get the games if they hadn't been "warned"

Man the mental gymnastics that some people go through to justify supporting terrible people/companies. On the subject of chick fil a. A portion of your money is/was going to support homophobic organizations who work tirelessly to demonize gay people. Doesn't matter that Chad or w/e doesn't hate gay people, it matters that your money is going to fund things like that. But w/e. Do with it what you will, just don't pretend its anything else but you not caring about what a company stands for (apathy is consent btw). 

On the bundle:

Paid $5 for FTL and also to support the charities. Could not care less about Fez. Japanese games kick ass and I have spent thousands of hours playing JRPGS.

bread's done