It Took 18 Seconds to Realize I Was Watching Fat Dudes Hug Each OTTher

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[quote name='DT778']I don't know how you throw sriracha on everything Mak. I can only use it on chinese food.[/QUOTE]

I only use Frank's Red Hot. What's siracha? I use that stuff in the Red Rooster bottle at Chinese restaurants at times.

A glass of Claret and then Uncharted 2.
Morning all

[quote name='DT778']I don't know how you throw sriracha on everything Mak. I can only use it on chinese food.[/QUOTE]

Well I don't use it on everything exactly. Some situations call for a more tangy heat like Louisana or Frank's. Problem with those though is that they're barely hot. I like sriracha cause it actually has a good spice to it that in enough quantity can make the nose run. My hot sauce drawer is getting pretty big now - I got Sriracha, Louisana, Franks, Texas Pete, Cholula, Tapatio, and Valentina. (and a bunch of hot sauce packs from various Chinese food places :lol:)
[quote name='CaseyRyback']That new deus ex really feels like DX. Just started the game and am a little mad I waited this long to play it.[/QUOTE]

I just beat it a week or two ago and it is a worthy follow up. I still like the original more but Human Revolution did a lot right. The only thing that's bad really are the fucking shitty boss fights.
[quote name='SneakyPenguin']I just beat it a week or two ago and it is a worthy follow up. I still like the original more but Human Revolution did a lot right. The only thing that's bad really are the fucking shitty boss fights.[/QUOTE]

I can't believe they outsourced them to another developer while they made the game. That to me makes absolutely no sense.

I believe I read that the DLC fixed this, so I am excited to see what the difference is after I finish the main game.
Yea the DLC is way different (though I haven't played it yet). The boss fights were so bad that Eidos came out and apologized for it at PAX or GDC this year. They've learned their lesson at least.
[quote name='Eviltude']In Canada all the sports talk was dominated by hockey, not even exclusively NHL. It's also "Sports Centre" and they have an "Honour Roll" up there.[/QUOTE]

Do they also pronounce aluminum, "Al-U-min-E-um?"
[quote name='CaseyRyback']That new deus ex really feels like DX. Just started the game and am a little mad I waited this long to play it.[/QUOTE]

I never played a Deus Ex before and really liked it. It was like MGS meets something... I liked it enough that I had fun platinuming it, even with my playthrough being on hard with no kills/no alarms and having fucked up something before one of the bosses to make it much harder than it had to be.

Still not sure why people bitch about the boss fights, I had absolutely no problem with them in any capacity, other than I got fucked by doing something stupid before the 3rd one.
The boss fights are garbage because you are FORCED into a combat encounter where you MUST kill them. Those two emphasised words should not ever apply to a Deus Ex title. Hell, in the first one you can completely avoid damn near every boss fight and even then, the bosses can be knocked out or in some cases killed with a single word (or even really early in the game if you plan well enough).
[quote name='SneakyPenguin']The boss fights are garbage because you are FORCED into a combat encounter where you MUST kill them. Those two emphasised words should not ever apply to a Deus Ex title. Hell, in the first one you can completely avoid damn near every boss fight and even then, the bosses can be knocked out or in some cases killed with a single word (or even really early in the game if you plan well enough).[/QUOTE]

Oh, they sucked because you're comparing it to previous entries? That's fair.
I had nothing to compare it to. And so it felt like MGS. There was no single word to disarm Psychomantis or Sniper Wolf, you couldn't avoid those encounters and you had to kill them, so I felt right at home.
Technically in Twin Snakes I think you can tranq them.

But even ignoring the previous entries in Deus Ex the boss fights are lame because the game is geared towards letting you make any character and beig able to play that way. My character was a stealthy hacker with barely any armor, health, or combat abilities and it worked fine for most of the game. Getting thrown into a firefight with a tank like Barrett was murder. I stopped playing for months after I encountered him.
[quote name='SneakyPenguin']Technically in Twin Snakes I think you can tranq them.

But even ignoring the previous entries in Deus Ex the boss fights are lame because the game is geared towards letting you make any character and beig able to play that way. My character was a stealthy hacker with barely any armor, health, or combat abilities and it worked fine for most of the game. Getting thrown into a firefight with a tank like Barrett was murder. I stopped playing for months after I encountered him.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, no, I get it -- was Barrett the leader, boss fight 3 or 4, the second china boss?
Because I did that on hard, as a stealth based player, with the chip. And it fucking sucked. I thought I was done for. I almost quit, I was raging so badly. That fight just sucks if you get the odds stacked against you.

And even in Twin Snakes, if you try to tranq the bosses, I think you need to deplete a "health" meter for it, which is no kill, but still, you're in a firefight with a boss in some capacity.
Barrett was the first one. For the one you're thinking of
you can actually kill him in a single shot. When he jumps over a wall if you run over really fast you can perform a takedown and either kill him or knock him out immediately. Granted, that might require you to not have the chip (I didn't) but it did cheapen the encounter.
[quote name='SneakyPenguin']Barrett was the first one. For the one you're thinking of
you can actually kill him in a single shot. When he jumps over a wall if you run over really fast you can perform a takedown and either kill him or knock him out immediately. Granted, that might require you to not have the chip (I didn't) but it did cheapen the encounter.

The first one was a bit of a shock, but I just used cloak to my advantage and exploited all the guns left there, I didn't think it was that bad. I know you can do the takedown on the third one, but I couldn't ever get it... not sure if it was the reason you listed or not.

Still loved the game. If I ever go back and do it again (on PC next time), I'm probably going to go in like Rambo.
Well this sucks. Apparently need to buy new glasses. Was due time since I've easily had this pair for over two years, just too cheap to spend that kind of money.

Looks like it'll be a learning experience in the sense that this will be my first time ever using insurance, so I guess there's that.
[quote name='JStryke']Well this sucks. Apparently need to buy new glasses. Was due time since I've easily had this pair for over two years, just too cheap to spend that kind of money.

Looks like it'll be a learning experience in the sense that this will be my first time ever using insurance, so I guess there's that.[/QUOTE]
You can always reuse the same frames if they are in good condition and you still like them to keep the costs down. Other option is to see if any thrift stores have any frames, thats what one of my brothers did
[quote name='HumanSnatcher']You can always reuse the same frames if they are in good condition and you still like them to keep the costs down. Other option is to see if any thrift stores have any frames, thats what one of my brothers did[/QUOTE]

You know...I never thought of that. Considering these are the wire frames or whatever they're called (the glasses don't have a bottom), I don't how feasible that is, but maybe worth a shot if I can find the same model again.
[quote name='JStryke']You know...I never thought of that. Considering these are the wire frames or whatever they're called (the glasses don't have a bottom), I don't how feasible that is, but maybe worth a shot if I can find the same model again.[/QUOTE]
It wouldn't hurt to ask the fittings guy if you can still use them. As far as I know, you can reuse frames like that. Afterall, they were originally without lenses till they were put in. If you can do that and your insurance is good enough, you may not have to pay jack squat other than a small co pay if at all
I did, but at the time. I wasn't connected to the internet and I never really gave it the proper time. Then Dark Souls was announced so I decided to just wait for that. Makes me look forward to going back to that someday.
Lucked out on the eyeglasses. They didn't have my old frame, but they found a new arm and just replaced my old one. Colors don't match, but since it's free, fine by me.
[quote name='Maklershed']The American Girl with the Dragon Tattoo is on amazon streaming for $1.99 this wekeend. Rumors have it its pretty good.[/QUOTE]

It was pretty similar to the European version but the rape scenes were toned down slightly, which made it almost ok to watch with a girlfriend. I liked it slightly more than the European version because it was easier to follow.
[quote name='Eviltude']It was pretty similar to the European version but the rape scenes were toned down slightly, which made it almost ok to watch with a girlfriend. I liked it slightly more than the European version because it was easier to follow.[/QUOTE]

The Fincher version was far better. He went into way more detail and fixed characters and the story got the better.
[quote name='seanr1221']Dark Souls is cool, but I don't like playing a game with a wiki guide at the same time. I wish they explained things better.[/QUOTE]

Why do you need a wiki guide?
Quick question guys. I was just told by the friend thats going to putting my new system together that I would need Win7 Ultimate to be able to run the OS off my SSD. Is that true or am I gonna have to install to a regular hard drive and/or pony up for Ultimate? As I just bought an OEM copy of Win7 Home Premium
[quote name='corrosivefrost']Why do you need a wiki guide?[/QUOTE]

A waypoint would be nice. I had no idea where I was going, or if I knew everything about the games mechanics.
Could be worse Sean. At least the instructions for that game are in English. Was playing Espgaluda II last night and I don't understand half the scoring system at all thanks to it being in japanese.
[quote name='seanr1221']A waypoint would be nice. I had no idea where I was going, or if I knew everything about the games mechanics.[/QUOTE]

Within the first 5 minutes, the game teaches you about it's waypoints (bonfires). You played Demon's Souls, so you should have had a decent idea of the games mechanics; most of the stuff works the same. :)
I mean having a map with a point on it. Something. Anything.

I played Demon's Souls with a wiki open.

"drop this item near a random tree to have a bird come and take it and leave something later."

Last night I went to an art show being hosted by Mike D of the Beastie Boys. The show has had performances most nights that it had been open and Friday's guest was the only one kept a surprise. I got my free tickets early because everyone thought it would end up being the Beastie Boys performing. Turns out the special guest was Thom Yorke performing! It was a fucking sweet surprise and the venue was very intimate and just a surreal moment having a fairly private performance by such a great artist.
[quote name='zewone']Last night I went to an art show being hosted by Mike D of the Beastie Boys. The show has had performances most nights that it had been open and Friday's guest was the only one kept a surprise. I got my free tickets early because everyone thought it would end up being the Beastie Boys performing. Turns out the special guest was Thom Yorke performing! It was a fucking sweet surprise and the venue was very intimate and just a surreal moment having a fairly private performance by such a great artist.[/QUOTE]

That's awesome. Where was this?
Did the 6 mile March for Babies walk today. Feet and legs are only slightly sore. Was supposed to go to work this evening, but after waking up at 6 and 7:30 am after maybe 6 or less hours of sleep, I said fuck that and called in.
[quote name='zewone']Last night I went to an art show being hosted by Mike D of the Beastie Boys. The show has had performances most nights that it had been open and Friday's guest was the only one kept a surprise. I got my free tickets early because everyone thought it would end up being the Beastie Boys performing. Turns out the special guest was Thom Yorke performing! It was a fucking sweet surprise and the venue was very intimate and just a surreal moment having a fairly private performance by such a great artist.[/QUOTE]

Holy shit that sounds amazing. Jealousy abounds. Speaking of which - do you still have that Banksy thing?
[quote name='Maklershed']Holy shit that sounds amazing. Jealousy abounds. Speaking of which - do you still have that Banksy thing?[/QUOTE]

I do in storage at my parent's.
And one hour or less until bedtime. I hope all of Uncharted 2 isn't a flashback to the impressive first 15 minutes.
In Media Res ?
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