Minecraft: Xbox 360 Edition - 1600 points

[quote name='KingBroly']Where are diamonds and gold supposed to be in terms of depth? I've only found Diamonds twice so far, and I'd love know where I could get more.[/QUOTE]

I heard 10 levels above bedrock but I found some all over deep underground
I've had some success doing the branch mining thing to find gold and diamonds. But honestly, where I had my biggest score was scouring my map until I found a natural cave system, and just meticulously exploring it. It's going to take some trial and error though, as some of the caves go nowhere. But once you find the right one, it will have pathway after pathway branching out and going down (you'll need A LOT of torches...I'd say at least 100). You'll see minerals just out in the open. I ended up with 31 blocks of gold this way.

You'll also find diamonds, lapis lazuli, redstone, iron ore, and a crap ton of coal this way. I also found two natural obsidian sections down there as well. Plus, if you search well enough, you'll most likely find a dungeon where you can get the saddle for the flying pig achievement. Branch mining in one random area under your home is fine for just "something to do", but finding these natural caves seemed to be the true exploration purpose of the game, and in my estimation was more efficient.
Finished my project.

He is 3 blocks wide. Hollow in the center and filled with water. I could have used diamond blocks and lapis blocks but that would have taken a lot longer.

Night shot from one of my sky ways.

What do you think? Didn't take to long to make. Since I can't fly like on the pc, I started my wife's profile and made a small tower to stand on while I bounced around. Worked out well.
I dug a spiral staircase down to the bedrock near my home. Used stairs for the first time (because I'm an idiot and like holding A all the time apparently), so I can walk down and up it. Got to go back to my other mine systems and add stairs so I can be civilized. Found 13 diamond and a bunch of ore. I'll eventually have to get a better rail system set up.

Big ups to Dark Rider for help the On Rails achievement!
[quote name='infamy']^ That's not a mod, that's creative mode, coming to Xbox 360 soon as well. Let's you fly around and gives unlimited recources.[/QUOTE]

Maybe there's more than one way to do it. He installed something (I had to help him with that) and then it gave him the ability to type console commands like "noclip" which let him fly around (and through blocks and such). That's what I was talking about.
Man, people are a lot more creative than I am... I made a House of Ice and a House of Fire. I'm working on getting more Lapis then im gonna make a House of Blue(s).



The Ice house is two stories and the 2nd floor is completely glass (minus the front part). I'm trying to figure out a good way to throw some windows in the fire house without having glass just hanging in the middle of the air to prevent the liquid displacement from sending lava all over the inside.
[quote name='Dark Rider']Hey man, super sorry I missed your message live.

I didn't think anyone needed it, so I ended up going to bed a little early. I saw your message this morning. Next time we're both on, I will invite you.[/QUOTE]

Any chance I could receive some assistance with this achievements as well? :D
[quote name='Spanky']Any chance I could receive some assistance with this achievements as well? :D[/QUOTE]

Yeah, just hit me up with a friend request, and I will invite you next time I am on.
[quote name='Bezerker']

That's pretty cool. I don't have a speck of snow in my world so I can't do that.

But man, I have spent far, far, too much time playing this game. I can't believe Cheapy (and Wombat and Shipwreck) just totally dismissed this game in the CAGcast (partly because of the dated looking graphics). I have never found an objective-less game so addicting (not to mention that some of the vistas and creations can actually be pretty nice looking). I'm going to have to force myself to stop playing for a few nights so I can get some other stuff done.

I decided my house wasn't quite big enough so I made a second floor below. But I ended up making a pretty big mistake. I put in a fireplace down there and then went upstairs only to find all my wool (I had made nearly all the colors a few days ago) and most of my wood floor burned away. I didn't realize the fire would travel up (through air) 5-6 blocks and catch that stuff on fire. I had done too much work on the addition to reload my save so I'll just have to replace the floor and the wool.

My new fireplace now just uses glowstone instead of netherrack lit on fire ;).

I also decided to jump with both feet into the duplication glitch just as something interesting to do. I'll show some of that stuff later. I heard the upcoming patch (as soon as this Friday maybe?) will eliminate that so I wanted to get some materials before that happens. The glitch actually creates a lot more work because for the most part, you cannot store duplicated items in chests - you need to place them right out of your inventory.

So I spent about 2 hours digging out this huge vault under one of my pyramids to store stuff:


It is about 16 squares wide and deep, and about 10 high - all carved out of solid stone. I should have used TNT to excavate it but I didn't have enough gunpowder.
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Just finished 100%. Very happy! When pigs fly was most annoying for me. The rail was long but not nearly as frustrating as trying to get the damn pig to fall.
[quote name='Matt Young']No snow? All my randomly generated worlds contain a ton of snow.[/QUOTE]

Not a speck of snow and I've been all over. I did use a seed I found on the Interwebs though, so it wasn't random.

My younger son made a random world and it has tons of snow but I thought maybe he wouldn't get cactus as a result as he has very little sand. But he found a tiny area with exactly 4 cactus in it.
I just found four wolves so I hooked them up with some bones and now I have a small pack. I'm starting to get a bit ADD with my world. I'll find a new place to start a mine system and then I'll just go wolf hunting or I'll dig down to bedrock near my house then I'll want to build something so I'll start collecting something to do so or I'll go hang out in the Nether. Gotta start focusing. This is a great game to get ADD in though.
[quote name='io']
I also decided to jump with both feet into the duplication glitch just as something interesting to do. I'll show some of that stuff later. I heard the upcoming patch (as soon as this Friday maybe?) will eliminate that so I wanted to get some materials before that happens. The glitch actually creates a lot more work because for the most part, you cannot store duplicated items in chests - you need to place them right out of your inventory.


The duplication glitch is what has kept me playing, due to lack of creative mode. I can't believe they would take that away from us without adding what we want.

Also, I have had no problems storing the duplication glitch items in chests. You're doing the dispenser glitch?

Edit: BTW: I 100% the game! (400/400) :D
For me I just hold down X in the chest and it's like endless stacks. Those stacks you create IN the chest work normally you can do what you please with them.
Just got 400/400 too. Started farming as well. Thanks for tips on the duplication glitch. I'm able to put things in chests too though, io.
[quote name='advanced']Just got 400/400 too. Started farming as well. Thanks for tips on the duplication glitch. I'm able to put things in chests too though, io.[/QUOTE]

Hmmm - I actually never tried but my older son said things just glitched and disappeared when he did that. I watched that happen with him a few times too. I didn't want to mess with any chests by doing that. I guess I can make a few just for that and try it. I know for sure if you just drop them they can't be picked up again so I guess I thought it would be the same for a chest. I know also that if you try to craft with them out of your inventory they get glitchy.

Still, though, my huge vault full of diamond, gold, and lapis blocks is pretty impressive looking. I also took to stashing extras under my floors and behind walls when I was building my downstairs extension. I was going to find a few random caves around my world and line them with gold, too, just as a surprise for anyone exploring.
The stack that comes out of the dispenser is glitched. So you take the glitched stack and u bring it to a chest and hold down x to make more stacks. These new stacks will be just like normal items.
Oh, that's why I'm getting different results.

You can make gold/iron/diamond bricks with only three gold/iron/diamond [instead of 9 gold/iron/diamond] if they're all individually placed in your inventory (3 1x stacks, not 1 3x stack). That's what I've been doing. I wanted to build a better rail system (and stop using stone tools). It's already been stated that this method will be patched out too (according to x360a), so I'm trying to strike while the iron is hot.
OK, are you guys making multiple stacks of 64 in chests with the dup glitch stacks? When I put them in there I get multiple stacks but all but the first one disappear - so all I get is 64 of them. While that's not too bad (considering I made it from just one) it isn't quite as nice as having 255 in your inventory and being able to place them as long as you want (it goes back to 255 when you run out). As soon as you do anything with the chest or multiples from your inventory, though, the stack turns to "normal" and once you run out that's it.

So what exactly is the mechanic that you are mentioning Dthib87? Are you using 'A' to pick them all up, and then 'X' ("place one") to fill up each spot in the chest and that keeps it going? I was using 'X' to take half, then using 'A' to place - that actually lets you place multiple times but like I said most of them disappear. I also noticed (by accident) that if you drop a glitched stack in front of a chest, another player can place multiple stacks from that into the chest without even having to pick them up first (as you can't pick them up anyway).

So I went back to stuffing empty caverns with my spoils. I realized it was much easier to use the natural caves beneath my house rather than excavate a new vault (though I think the one under the pyramid with all the riches is pretty neat).
I press a to pick the glitched stack up, then in the chest I just hold x and it makes infinite stacks which are not glitchy. When it hits zero it resets to 64.
[quote name='Dthib87']I press a to pick the glitched stack up, then in the chest I just hold x and it makes infinite stacks which are not glitchy. When it hits zero it resets to 64.[/QUOTE]

Are you doing the thing where when you take them from the dispenser you put one down in its own slot and then the other 63 in another slot? That's what you need to do to get 255 in the "held" part of your inventory. But maybe that messes up the chest placement. I guess I'll play around with all the combos tonight and see exactly what needs to be done.
[quote name='io']Are you doing the thing where when you take them from the dispenser you put one down in its own slot and then the other 63 in another slot? That's what you need to do to get 255 in the "held" part of your inventory. But maybe that messes up the chest placement. I guess I'll play around with all the combos tonight and see exactly what needs to be done.[/QUOTE]

Nope I didn't know you could even do that lol. I pick up the "glitched" 64 stack out the broken dispencer and put it into my inventory. I then goto my chest and open it then pick up my 64 stack with A and goto the chest and just hold down X. That creates "non glitched" stacks of 64 for me. Don't drop the glitched stack, just hover over the chest inventory slots and hold X.
[quote name='Dthib87']Nope I didn't know you could even do that lol. I pick up the "glitched" 64 stack out the broken dispencer and put it into my inventory. I then goto my chest and open it then pick up my 64 stack with A and goto the chest and just hold down X. That creates "non glitched" stacks of 64 for me. Don't drop the glitched stack, just hover over the chest inventory slots and hold X.[/QUOTE]

OK, so it could be the drop 1, place 63 is messing that up with respect to the chest. However, if you want to go build something then you definitely want to do this:

1) Craft and then place a dispenser on the ground.
2) Place 1 of each item you want to dup in the dispenser.
3) Keep the dispenser menu open for player 1.
4) Player 2 (can just be a guest on a second controller) breaks the dispenser while player 1 is still in it.
5) Player 1 picks up each stack that now has 64 of the item, places one in an inventory slot (using 'X') and then places the remaining 63 in an "active" (bottom) inventory slot (using 'A').
6) Once everything is moved, close the dispenser dialog.

You will then have 255 of each item that you can place at will. But even better than that, when the 255 runs out, it resets to 255 again!

I was having some issues with step #4 in that my dispensers were breaking and disappearing when just breaking them by hand. But last night I used a diamond pickaxe and player 2 was then able to recover the dispenser.

Also, after step 4 do not exit Player 2 from the game - that will close the dispenser for player 1 and you'll get nothing. I found this out the hard way last night. It is tempting to have the second player quit because in split screen it is really hard to see what you are doing when moving the duped items around.
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[quote name='io']OK, so it could be the drop 1, place 63 is messing that up with respect to the chest. However, if you want to go build something then you definitely want to do this:

1) Craft and then place a dispenser on the ground.
2) Place 1 of each item you want to dup in the dispenser.
3) Keep the dispenser menu open for player 1.
4) Player 2 (can just be a guest on a second controller) breaks the dispenser while player 1 is still in it.
5) Player 1 picks up each stack that now has 64 of the item, places one in an inventory slot (using 'X') and then places the remaining 63 in an "active" (bottom) inventory slot (using 'A').
6) Once everything is moved, close the dispenser dialog.

You will then have 255 of each item that you can place at will. But even better than that, when the 255 runs out, it resets to 255 again!

I was having some issues with step #4 in that my dispensers were breaking and disappearing when just breaking them by hand. But last night I used a diamond pickaxe and player 2 was then able to recover the dispenser.

Also, after step 4 do not exit Player 2 from the game - that will close the dispenser for player 1 and you'll get nothing. I found this out the hard way last night. It is tempting to have the second player quit because in split screen it is really hard to see what you are doing when moving the duped items around.[/QUOTE]

Welp, I know how I'm going to get more Gold and Diamond now.
[quote name='Dthib87']damn, i had no idea. that will be very useful in finishing my castle! Gets annoying having to go back for more blocks.[/QUOTE]

I found out last night you can do both.

So, use 'X' to fill up a chest (or however many slots you want) off a glitched stack of 64, then put 1 in a regular inventory slot and the other 63 in an active slot and you still end up with a renewable 255! So you can place in a chest and then have a big stack to build with.

It does act a little strange, though, especially as you pick more things up. I was placing a bunch of glass and then a sheep got in my way so I hit it with the glass and got some wool - and my glass stack disappeared. It didn't break (I had been digging with it before). Plus I also lost some colored wool the same way. But hey, at that point I had already laid the foundation for my wool-n-glass pyramid so I'll just make some more. I really hope they don't patch tomorrow. I guess I can just go offline and finish but hopefully it will be next week or later (end of June would work ;)).
Not seeing much activity in this thread. I can't be the only one still consumed by this game though.

If anything, the "glitch" has made me play it almost obsessively. I'm trying to do all kinds of crazy things while I can. And when I'm not building something I'm stashing stuff in chests for later. I just figure it will be patched at any moment and I want to stockpile good materials for when they actually add new features I'll want to play with (like the upcoming pistons).

Anyway, this is what I've been working on the last few days (amongst other things):


Yeah, that's my wool pyramid. I used all 11 (non-black/white/gray) colors in a near rainbow-like arrangement (remembering Roy G. Biv from way back when ;)). Unfortunately there is no Indigo so I just made due by using multiple shades of green and blue and kind of stretched it out. Of course I had to top the whole thing with glass so it won't catch fire. So that was really like making 2 pyramids at once. (inner wool and outer glass). I have tons and tons of work to do inside. It is so huge that animals are spawning in there right now. It started off being the same size as my cobblestone pyramid (67 x 67). But since I built this one in a valley and started on one of the upper slopes, when I got to the other side it was stuck off the ground quite a bit. So I extended it down to ground level on all sides. So in some places it is more like 80 or so (though parts of it are buried). So it kind of has this buried into the landacape appearance about it which is cool.

Here are some more shots:


D'oh! Looks like I forgot a section of glass at the lower left - unless it just isn't being rendered for some reason. I'll have to check that out tomorrow. It is hard to check from up close so this wide view actually helps. I should take pictures from each side just for that.

And in the rain as viewed from my original mine cart ride:


Later my son was joking with me about making a pyramid out of jack-o-lanterns since I was stashing a bunch in a chest. Then I thought, you know, that's not a bad idea. I might do that next - maybe underwater ;).

Oh yeah, and I need to post some pictures of my extravagant new downstairs room (festooned with gold, lapis, and diamond). I forgot to get those tonight.

Also on my to-do list:

1) Fight some more Creepers to get more gunpowder (I only have 1) to make TNT and then dup it. Use that to blow a hole to the bottom of the world (my son did this - looked like fun). I'm just not sure where I'd do it as I kind of like all the "natural" areas ;).

2) Find some gold ore and dup that and use it as a building material. This didn't even occur to me until I saw my son do it. You can put iron and gold ore back down as blocks and build with it. It makes for much more interesting looking stone! Unfortunately you can't do this with diamond and lapis blocks.

3) Finally finish my around-the-world mine cart. It is close to being done but now I want to make it loop back to the wool pyramid and then approach my house from there.

4) Build something underwater (whether the jack-o-lantern pyramid or just a regular structure). My son figured out how to do this effectively and it is kind of cool because you can have water falling through part of your structure without flooding it.

5) Maybe some sort of lava house (using tons more glass).

6) FInish the road to my pyramid and maybe another to my hunting lodge. The roads are nice to orient you quickly to certain places. I use the one between my house and my cobblestone pyramid all the time.

7) Finish duplicating lots of other stuff (buckets, buckets with lava, wood, gold ore, TNT, and finally mine carts and chests (and place those around my track so there is always a close-by point to get a mine cart and ride home). I'm sure there's more I'll think of later.

8) Oh yeah, and search for some clay and if I can find it, make (and then dup) some brick blocks. It is possible to find it - in the 888 seed you can find some for sure. But due to a bug in 1.6 (was in the computer version and carried over to the 360 one) it is only generated along the diagonal of the map (upper left to lower right). And then only given certain conditions. So many worlds may not have any at all and those that do have very little.
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That's an awesome pyramid. Lol @ at Roy g biv, I think they still teach that. Atleast they did 7 hrs ago in high school. Here's an update on the upcoming patch via twitter.

4J Studios
1.7.3 is in early test, and goes to full test after the bug fix update is out. We'd guess release early July

4J Studios
Bug fix update is in test at Microsoft. Can be a few weeks in MS Cert testing, so we expect release to be around mid-month
[quote name='io']Not seeing much activity in this thread. I can't be the only one still consumed by this game though.

If anything, the "glitch" has made me play it almost obsessively. [/QUOTE]

I have no idea how to do the glitch. building the old-fashioned way which is slow going... I see little blurbs here and there on the glitch but no easy summary of what to do.
Um, last page I posted this. It can't get much simpler:

[quote name='io']
1) Craft and then place a dispenser on the ground.
2) Place 1 of each item you want to dup in the dispenser.
3) Keep the dispenser menu open for player 1.
4) Player 2 (can just be a guest on a second controller) breaks the dispenser while player 1 is still in it.
5) Player 1 picks up each stack that now has 64 of the item, places one in an inventory slot (using 'X') and then places the remaining 63 in an "active" (bottom) inventory slot (using 'A').
6) Once everything is moved, close the dispenser dialog.

You will then have 255 of each item that you can place at will. But even better than that, when the 255 runs out, it resets to 255 again![/QUOTE]

Note that you can place those items in chests by picking up the entire 64 stack and placing it in your inventory. Then go to a chest, and pick it up out of your inventory and hold down 'X' to place one at a time (but rapidly). You can fill up each slot in a chest with one item that way if you want. You can then still do the 255 thing by putting one down in another slot and then 63 down in your active inventory. So that way you can stash stuff in a chest and then go use it to build. The stack will disappear eventually and it seems to happen randomly when you dig with it or even hit a sheep or something. It is best to dig with a regular item and just place the "glitched" stuff. Once it is on the ground, it isn't glitched any more and can be dug back up later and acts normally.

In other news, my son has been completely locked out of playing his games online. I thought maybe it was glitch-related but even the worlds he spawned and just played a few minutes in don't work. He can play them offline but whenever he plays online it "loses connection to the server". He can play online with other people on his friend's list. I'll have to see how mine acts later tonight.
[quote name='io']Um, last page I posted this. It can't get much simpler:

Note that you can place those items in chests by picking up the entire 64 stack and placing it in your inventory. Then go to a chest, and pick it up out of your inventory and hold down 'X' to place one at a time (but rapidly). You can fill up each slot in a chest with one item that way if you want. You can then still do the 255 thing by putting one down in another slot and then 63 down in your active inventory. So that way you can stash stuff in a chest and then go use it to build. The stack will disappear eventually and it seems to happen randomly when you dig with it or even hit a sheep or something. It is best to dig with a regular item and just place the "glitched" stuff. Once it is on the ground, it isn't glitched any more and can be dug back up later and acts normally.


thanks for the explanation! I think part of the problem I have is that I haven't even reached the point of building a dispenser (I didn't even know what a dispenser is and what it's supposed to do). Also, I was confused about the stack randomly disappearing. So if you create multiple items with this glitch and you put it in the chest, is it safe? or it can disappear?

I still don't know how to get a minecart to go on a railroad (haven't watched any Youtube tutorials). I built a railroad and a cart, but when I sat in the cart, it wouldn't go anywhere.

but much appreciated about the tips! :)
So I made a home out of a cave, everything is sealed but when I put my dude to bed I get woken up by a zombie or a skeleton beating me up...anyway to avoid this?
[quote name='LinkinPrime']So I made a home out of a cave, everything is sealed but when I put my dude to bed I get woken up by a zombie or a skeleton beating me up...anyway to avoid this?[/QUOTE]

Make sure your bed isn't touching a wall. That worked for me.
[quote name='dirtyvu']thanks for the explanation! I think part of the problem I have is that I haven't even reached the point of building a dispenser (I didn't even know what a dispenser is and what it's supposed to do). Also, I was confused about the stack randomly disappearing. So if you create multiple items with this glitch and you put it in the chest, is it safe? or it can disappear?

I still don't know how to get a minecart to go on a railroad (haven't watched any Youtube tutorials). I built a railroad and a cart, but when I sat in the cart, it wouldn't go anywhere.

but much appreciated about the tips! :)[/QUOTE]

If you can get them in a chest or on the ground they will stay. It is only the stack in your inventory that sometimes disappears and all that means is that you have to go duplicate it again. It is an annoyance that's all. I mean, while making that pyramid I had the different wool stacks and glass stack disappear dozens of times but the pyramid itself is still there.

I think a dispenser normally is something you hook to a switch and it shoots out whatever you put in there. But for the glitch you are never hooking it up to a switch. Note that it takes a bow to make a dispenser. And you need string (3 I think) for a bow. I found my strings in a dungeon treasure chest but you can also get it from some enemies.

For the mine cart to move, you have to get into it. So face the direction you want to go and put it down with LT and then quickly get in it (also with LT). It will move in the direction you are facing but won't go far unless you have it going downhill (or are using powered track made with gold - another good thing to duplicate by the way). Look at my 3rd picture and you can see the slight downhill track my railroad goes on. That was enough for it to go on its own. I added powered track later so I could ride it back up but it worked just fine for going downhill - I even got the achievement off this track before I made any powered sections. I did have to start at the top of a mountain and go all the way down to the bedrock though.

if you want to make a good starting point with a little powered track here's what you do:

1) Put a block of stone (or whatever) behind your first track.
2) Make your first couple of tracks powered.
3) Connect a button via redstone to the track so that when you push it the track becomes active.

Of course this requires gold and redstone. Redstone is very easy to find at the bottom of the world (and also in caves). Gold is a little more scarce but you can find it. But I've found so much redstone I don't even feel the need to duplicate it.

Now you can put the cart down and get in it at your liesure and simply push the button to get a running start. The block at the end of the track tells the game which way you want to go. if you do this in the middle of your track it won't make you go because it doesn't kwow which way you want to go. This is causing me problems with the stops along my route. I pretty much have to get out, break the cart, run down the track to my next powered section, and hop back on again. I'm still trying to figure out how to make better train stops - there's got to be a solution.

[quote name='n8rockerasu']Make sure your bed isn't touching a wall. That worked for me.[/QUOTE]

The only time I played with enemies on this didn't work for me. I made a small, completely enclosed house with a bed in the middle of the floor - still got attacked when sleeping.
wow! thanks for the tips, io!

this glitch is crazy! now I feel a little guilty as it is basically cheating the system. now the thing I wonder is will mojang/4jstudios crack down on this and reset people that did this glitch?

I worked so hard on my world (yes, it's still meager compared to what you guys are doing) that it would be tragic if I got penalized for using the glitch.

but this glitch basically breaks the game as you don't have to mine any more. you don't have to fight monsters for certain supplies.
[quote name='onlysublime']wow! thanks for the tips, io!

this glitch is crazy! now I feel a little guilty as it is basically cheating the system. now the thing I wonder is will mojang/4jstudios crack down on this and reset people that did this glitch?

I worked so hard on my world (yes, it's still meager compared to what you guys are doing) that it would be tragic if I got penalized for using the glitch.

but this glitch basically breaks the game as you don't have to mine any more. you don't have to fight monsters for certain supplies.[/QUOTE]

Meh - it's not like this is some sort of competetive multiplayer game with leaderboards. Frankly, without this glitch I probably would have stopped playing a week or two ago. This is giving me tons more to do since I can go crazy and not worry about limited supplies. After I found out about it, I felt like a tool for spending an hour or two mindnumbingly hacking at obsidian deep underground to make my tiny obsidian pyramid (before I knew about the glitch).

And really, it ls just a form of "creative mode" which will be coming some time anyway. You do still have to get out there and place blocks subject to the rules of the game though. So it only saves you time on the tedious parts of resource collecting so that you can be free to create.
ionno... the mining and exploration parts interested me as well. i remember digging down and finding some cool passageways that just keep going and branching. finding and destroying multiple monster generators. seeing some cool water vs lava action going on. i even got lost trying to get back to the surface (torches didn't help because I basically laid torches everywhere).

it was nerve-racking because I didn't bring along enough food to heal. but then the save game tip kind of takes away that danger of survival as well.

i see the allure of creative mode. it is digital legos where you play in a sandbox.

but I also see the allure of survival mode and how you're living and building in a virtual world. building a community.

and thanks for the tips on the railroad. I'm still a little confused (should've watch the design of railroads in the tutorial, darn). I'm going to watch some youtube vids eventually to understand how to do it. What I had set up for an eventual rail was underground tunnels that were flat so I can travel fast around the map. That way, I didn't have to worry about being attacked by monsters and I could jet around the map in my subway system. The tunnels are built. But since I didn't know how to do the railroad stuff, there's only 1 set of tracks and I can't really move since it's a flat tunnel.
It is pretty sick!

BTW I'm late to the game but not sure if you all know already. If you pause and share a screenshot to Facebook, you unlock a Minecraft Wood Premium Theme.
Sick pyramid IO!

[quote name='LinkinPrime']So I made a home out of a cave, everything is sealed but when I put my dude to bed I get woken up by a zombie or a skeleton beating me up...anyway to avoid this?[/QUOTE]

If I remember correctly you have to have your house well lit so monsters don't appear while you sleep.

As for me I almost had the "When Pigs Fly" achievement and the damn pig strolled right past me before I could get on and ride him off the ledge. I rage quit so I'll just try it later. As for building goes I'm working on a beach house with a dock to store boats. Gonna have to try the dupe glitch to stock up on materials so I can really get everything I want done.
[quote name='dirtyvu']ionno... the mining and exploration parts interested me as well. i remember digging down and finding some cool passageways that just keep going and branching. finding and destroying multiple monster generators. seeing some cool water vs lava action going on. i even got lost trying to get back to the surface (torches didn't help because I basically laid torches everywhere).[/QUOTE]

I like exploring, too - and was doing it a bit more last night to find some gold ore. I found a lava room with just about every type of ore in the side walls. I'll take a pic of that tonight (since I left most of it there).

The one thing I have had a hard time finding (besides clay) are those dungeons (with the chests and monster generators). I have only found one so far in my world. So that is something I can definitely do later once I'm tired of making new stuff. Did you find some deep in the world, or mostly at the surface? The one I found was actually up in a cliff and just a few blocks inside a cave.

[quote name='Spanky']As for me I almost had the "When Pigs Fly" achievement and the damn pig strolled right past me before I could get on and ride him off the ledge. I rage quit so I'll just try it later. As for building goes I'm working on a beach house with a dock to store boats. Gonna have to try the dupe glitch to stock up on materials so I can really get everything I want done.[/QUOTE]

The way I did this was to find a pig and then dig him into a hole first so he was trapped. Then a block or two over I dug a hole about 9-10 blocks down. I then cleared a path from the pig's trap to the deeper hole. As soon as I connected them I hopped on and then just waited for him to stumble into the deeper one. It is much easier if you have help - the second player can guide/push you to the hole.

Last night I was wandering around my world and then came over a mountain and got this view:


That's my original (for the achievement) railroad going in front of the pyramid. That was really hard to make because you can't place blocks underneath when you are on top of something so I had to build from below using towers of dirt to reach the track.
[quote name='io']The one thing I have had a hard time finding (besides clay) are those dungeons (with the chests and monster generators). I have only found one so far in my world. So that is something I can definitely do later once I'm tired of making new stuff. Did you find some deep in the world, or mostly at the surface? The one I found was actually up in a cliff and just a few blocks inside a cave.

The way I did this wa[/QUOTE]

I still haven't found any clay. :(

As for those monster generators, I've found 6 in my world so far. Location-wise, it's been all over the place. some deep, some shallow. as for the chests near the generators, yeah, that's been my best sources of cool items. I can't find any of this stuff! :(

I'm not sure destroying all the monster generators would make a difference. As I can't imagine that they would have the generators so close to each other. I destroyed a couple in an area but there were still monster spawns.

but yeah, my time has been very unbalanced. I think I've mined and explored about 80% of the time and built only 20%. the problem is there's so little daylight time (especially if you go out early morning when enemies are still around). I wasted so much time traveling between above ground and below ground. And before the glitch, I had so little items. making glass took forever and a lot of coal. so with the little time available, I can't build much above ground.

has anyone built any cool underground worlds? like a city beneath the ground? that sounds interesting as well.

in terms of the glitch, I made a bunch of stuff but am deciding to stop until the next update to see whether or not I'm going to be penalized in some way because of using the glitch. I don't want to invest too much time in my structures if 4J/Mojang just shuts down this world. I'm more in it to build a virtual civilization with multiple buildings, farms, railways, etc. rather than cool looking one-off buildings.

oh, another question: can you grow grass?
bread's done