MLB 08: The Show CAG League 2.0 - Dodgers World Series Champs! Congrats to cdrw123!!

My PS3 is at my girlfriend's place and I won't be back there until tomorrow (Friday) night. Though I should be over there during the weekend and can try to fit the game in whenever it works for you. I don't have any set plans yet.

[quote name='talonthrawn']UMX when you avail? I can play basically anytime tonight or anytime during the day tomorrow. Let me know.[/QUOTE]
Papi, are you gonna be around Sunday night? Honestly my weekend and week next week is uber busy. The best chances for me would be tonight after like 11 PST, Sunday night after like 8 PST, or Monday night, same time. There's no way I can do Tuesday, so it'll have to get done before then. Let me know.
Destro - great game
Thought you had me there, but Giambi (if I remember correctly) just missed a 3 run homer. I was gripping the controller pretty tight for the last 4 outs.
Play again anytime.
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[quote name='melokeith']Destro - great game
Thought you had me there, but Giambi (if I remember correctly) just missed a 3 run homer. I was gripping the controller pretty tight for the last 4 outs.
Play again anytime.[/quote]

yeah, I dunno how he just missed that, oh well... good game.
Crazy pitching duel til the eighth really though. Not going to lie, Garland's line was pretty ridiculous. 9 IP 0 R 0 BB 23 K's 2 H. Anyways good game, you just gotta work on laying off that 0-2 junk I was throwing ya.
Yeah, I can't really tell where pitches are gonna go cause the lag so I swing at everything. Anyway, it was a good game.

For future reference though, I'd like to make a policy of not rushing pitches during games. You did a little bit of it during an inning (not saying you meant to) and I did some back, but personally it's something I try to avoid. So in future games I'd like to avoid rushing pitches with my opponents. If anyone feels I'm doing it let me know and if I feel it's happening I'm just gonna pause.

I mean I'm probably gonna lose anyway, as I'm terrible, but I'd at least like to enjoy my loss. :)
to block quick pitches, make sure you hold down the guess pitch buttom before it even goes to the pitching screen
Sorry about rushing the pitches, didn't realize I was doing it. Michigan State was on and I wanted to watch them so I mighta went a little quickly. Anyways, I know lag is a bitch sometimes, a swung at a few sliders way early. I'll try to watch the pitching next time.
Been on all day looking out for you, haven't seen you. I'll try to be on a little longer but don't know how much, have some things to do before today ends.
[quote name='Fuzi0n']Been on all day looking out for you, haven't seen you. I'll try to be on a little longer but don't know how much, have some things to do before today ends.[/quote]

He's been on Xbox Live today. It's Sunday. Day of Madden, lol. Try PMing him.
Good game Papi. Really good pitching duel. And I appreciate the good connection, game played very smooth except for an inning or two. Good pitches to get me to hit in double plays a few times. Also good play to throw out my runner at home in the 8th. Fortunately Arroyo was an ace today and I was able to get a lot of ground balls to hold down the shutout. Really only one bad pitch from you too with that Patterson home run. Didn't help I guessed the location and pitch as well. Good luck with the rest of the year.
Yeah, that was a good game. Sucked that it started lagging at the end, but still played pretty well. It was funny because on the Patterson homer, I wanted to throw a 2-seamer, but hit square because that's what yours was set at instead of r1. As soon as I saw you had guessed it, I knew I was in trouble. Seemed like everything I was making contact on was right at someone or just foul. Oh well, those are the breaks.
[quote name='cdrw123']N8 can i use Brad Penny he's back but they put him at the LRP spot?[/quote]

You can use Penny this week, but he'd be your #3. Since you used Lowe last week (when you had the option of using your #1 or #2), he's either your #1 or #2...with Billingsley occupying the other spot.

Regardless of what you choose, you have to pitch a #4 next week, whether that's Maddux, Kuroda, or Kershaw. Just tell me what you're envisioning your rotation of being. I want to see 1-5, so I can understand where you're coming from with this. Thanks.
[quote name='cdrw123']okay so my 5 starters will be:
d. lowe
c. billingsley
b. penny
h. kuroda.
c. kershaw[/quote]

Thank you. That I can deal with...just hope Penny doesn't hurt himself again in a couple days, lol. I take it you're not a fan of Maddux.
Hey CaptainBackSlap,

We got each other next week. I'm actually leaving Friday to fly home for a week, so I won't have my PS3...but I am staying with my brother, DestroVega and I could use his PS3 if I need to. But I was wondering if you are free this Thursday night so we can play our game before I leave for home, that way I won't have to try and juggle the game with my plans for next week. The other brother is getting married so it may be hard for me to play the game. Let me know if that is good for you. I could play anywhere from 6-10 PST that night. Thanks man. I'll send you a PM also just in case you check that first.
Well, I just finished (well, not even finished) my worst game ever against humanoidtyph0on. I'm sorry I quit on that one man, but I was about to throw my controller through my 50" plasma...and that's when you just walk away. The lag wasn't the worst I've ever had, but I don't know. For me, a little lag screws with me more than a ton of lag. I knew it wasn't going to go well when the first batter of the game was hit with a backdoor 2-seamer, and then the wonderful "flip to 2nd" animation screwed me out of a double play...not even getting the out at 2nd.

From there, it just got worse and worse. I don't mind taking a beating, but I'm sorry, that felt like the game/connection humiliating me. Maybe I'm having a bad day, and if that's it, I apologize. I just couldn't handle any more frustration. Congratulations, you now have first place...

Edit: I guess that's my only problem with the rosters being SO up to date (and I think Destro is suffering from the same fate as me). 2 months ago, we both still had pretty good teams, but now as they've faded, and players have given up on the season, our teams have gotten worse, making our early wins virtually irrelevant. I almost feel like the games might as well be simmed at this point. Sorry, probably a pointless rant, but like I said...bad day...

Edit 2: I'm also a little peeved (and somebody shrink me and tell me this a natural human response) that I busted my ass to accomodate humanoidtyph0on and his ever-changing rotation, and then I got ripped a new one. I realize that this is not his fault, but that doesn't exactly make it sting any less.

Ok..I'm done. I think..
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Well, on a lighter and brighter note, EVERY game got played this week! One day early even! Great job guys! Again, I apologize for being the lone blemish. I've been playing Madden and NHL 09 so much, maybe my focus is waning. Luckily, as fate would have it, I have the bye this week. Maybe that'll give me a chance to clear my head and put in some practice or something.

Anyway, there are really no pitching changes of consequence this week, but since Supreme had the bye last week, I'm giving him the same choice others have had:

Supreme: You can pitch either Lester or Byrd this week, but either way, you have to use Wakefield next week. Let me know who you'd like to use.

And now, on with your week 9 schedule!

Week 9 Schedule (the current round expires on Sep 23, 2008 01:47 PM PST.)

Cincinatti Reds (Wpark83) at Boston Red Sox (CaptainBackslap)
Pitching Matchup: Johnny Cueto vs. Jon Lester/Paul Byrd

Chicago Cubs (cusemanKeith) at Cleveland Indians (TheUMX)
Pitching Matchup: Ted Lilly vs. Anthony Reyes

Tampa Bay Rays (ICT_EsqGamer) at Los Angeles Dodgers (humanoidtyph0on)
Pitching Matchup: Hiroki Kuroda vs. Andy Sonnanstine

Detroit Tigers (FuzionMC) at New York Yankees (DestroVega)
Pitching Matchup: Zach Miner vs. Sidney Ponson

Los Angeles Angels (talon7) at Philadelphia Phillies (PapiChullo)
Pitching Matchup: Joe Saunders vs. Kyle Kendrick

*off this week: Arizona Diamondbacks (n8rocker82)
[quote name='n8rockerasu']Edit: I guess that's my only problem with the rosters being SO up to date (and I think Destro is suffering from the same fate as me). 2 months ago, we both still had pretty good teams, but now as they've faded, and players have given up on the season, our teams have gotten worse, making our early wins virtually irrelevant. I almost feel like the games might as well be simmed at this point. Sorry, probably a pointless rant, but like I said...bad day...[/quote]

I've been wondering about this for when the rosters hit the off-season... are they going to put the best guys back even if the are injured or what?...

If Wang doesn't make it back before the end of the season, which I doubt he will, I can't use him until the next game is released?

I don't even mean it in terms of this league, just in general.
[quote name='DestroVega']I've been wondering about this for when the rosters hit the off-season... are they going to put the best guys back even if the are injured or what?...

If Wang doesn't make it back before the end of the season, which I doubt he will, I can't use him until the next game is released?

I don't even mean it in terms of this league, just in general.[/quote]

Well, I guess you'd have to use the default roster...or the last roster he was included on (if you happened to have that "stored" somewhere...which is unlikely). Or find a custom roster on Operation Sports or something. I don't know if Sony will care after the last playoff update.
[quote name='Supreme']So whoever I don't use will be my fifth starter for the rest of the season?[/quote]

No, no. Since it's week 9 (week of #4 starters), but you didn't play last week (when we used our #3's), you can choose your #3 OR #4. They'll retain their spots in the rotation either way. If you choose Lester (your #3), Byrd will still be your #4. But since week 10 is the week of #5 starters, you'll have to use your #5 then (ie. Wakefield).

The only reason I've been letting guys choose is so the bye doesn't force anyone to miss a start. At least this way, you get to decide who gives you a better chance to win. I would have just allowed rotations to be completely offset (ie. if you have a bye, just pick up where you left off), but I didn't think I'd be able to keep up with it. I hope it's not too confusing. It made sense to me, and seemed fair.
Okay, I just wasn't 100% sure how you handled the bye weeks. For some reason I thought you shifted the rotations if someone choose one pitcher over the other.
Hey Supreme, guess I got home too late for ya tonight. that's okay. Hopefully we can set something up so I can play you while I'm at home. Just let me know what days work best for you.
Good game Keith. I'm kinda glad the score was embarassing so my mistakes battling the controller didn't matter, heh. The second inning or whatever killed me though.
Good game dude. Glad we got it in. You turned a few sick double plays.

[quote name='Ultimate Matt X']Good game Keith. I'm kinda glad the score was embarassing so my mistakes battling the controller didn't matter, heh. The second inning or whatever killed me though.[/quote]
Supreme, let me know if you are available tonight or tomorrow night. I might be able to hop on and play you if I'm free.
I can be on around 9 EST while my better half watches Prison Break. I'll get on around then.
It's 9:15 and you aren't around waiting another 5 then if you aren't here I can play tomorrow anytime after 3:30 pm EST, let me know.
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Sorry for my absence guys. The bye week has seen me spending time on other games (and submitting my order for my 360 coffin), and spending time with family. I just sent out PMs to those who have yet to play their games, and although it's not much of a reminder, the deadline is tomorrow/today (9/23) at 4:47 PM EST. Hopefully since it's later in the day, you guys will still have time to get the games in. Good luck, and I'm ready to go for week 10!
All right guys, we had 3 games that didn't get played this past week. Supreme, ivanctorres, and DestroVega all get wins. The standings are EXTREMELY close in both divisions, so make the most of the remaining 7 games. ANYBODY can still make a run at it. Due to ineffectiveness and pitchers being shut down for the season, rotations are a bit of a mess this week. Please try to stay with me here.

Ultimate Matt X - Anthony Reyes has been shut down for the season. But you just used him in your last game, so that leaves you with a choice of throwing Zach Jackson (your previous #5) or Bryan Bullington (your new #5). Either way, you'll be back to Cliff Lee next week for week 11. Please, let me know.

Fuzi0n - The Tigers are capping off their terrible season by blackballing Kenny Rogers. He's a free agent next year, and they're not resigning him, so they shut him down. The Show slid up Galarraga and Miner in the rotation and added Dontrelle and Freddy Garcia. You can choose one of these guys for this week (and as your new #5), and use the other as your #2 in place of Rogers...or you can leave him at #4. Doesn't matter to me. It's a bit of a mess, I know, but please let me know what you want to do.

PapiChullo - Kyle Kendrick lost his spot in the rotation. You just used him, so here's how it affects you this week. You can use Brett Myers (your previous #5) or J.A. Happ (your new #5). Either way, you'll be back to Cole Hamels next week for week 11. Please, let me know.

Wpark83 - As you may have noticed, Josh Fogg is no longer in your rotation. You've got Ramon A. Ramirez as your new #5. I'm assuming that's who you'll use this week. If you've got another idea, just let me know.

As for me, Yusmeiro Petit was put into long relief, and replaced by rookie Max Scherzer. Since I had the bye last week, I get to choose between him and Doug Davis. I decided to go with Davis in an effort to neutralize Big Papi. We'll see how that works out.

All right, I think that's it. Now, here's the schedule for week 10!

Week 10 Schedule (the current round expires on Sep 30, 2008 01:58 PM PST.)

Boston Red Sox (CaptainBackslap) at Arizona Diamondbacks (n8rocker82)
Pitching Matchup: Tim Wakefield vs. Doug Davis

Philadelphia Phillies (PapiChullo) at Chicago Cubs (cusemanKeith)
Pitching Matchup: J.A. Happ vs. Jason "Grand Slam" Marquis

Los Angeles Angels (talon7) at Cincinatti Reds (Wpark83)
Pitching Matchup: Ervin Santana vs. Ramon A. Ramirez

Cleveland Indians (TheUMX) at Detroit Tigers (FuzionMC)
Pitching Matchup: Zach Jackson vs. Dontrelle Willis

Los Angeles Dodgers (humanoidtyph0on) at New York Yankees (DestroVega)
Pitching Matchup: Clayton Kershaw vs. Darrell Rasner

*off this week: Tampa Bay Rays (ICT_EsqGamer)
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Just so you know, Kendrick had already lost his spot before my game was played. So I used Brett Myers this week, he was in the #4 spot.
[quote name='Supreme']Hey n8, when do you wanna play this "whiny Boston fan"? ;)[/quote]

damn...that's one hell of a memory you have there. I can play late tonight (like 12:30...1'ish) or anytime tomorrow. Whenever's good for you. Just let me know.
[quote name='PapiChullo']Just so you know, Kendrick had already lost his spot before my game was played. So I used Brett Myers this week, he was in the #4 spot.[/quote]

Ok, that makes sense! Sorry, forgot the roster update is like mid-week now. That's cool. I guess that means you'll be using Happ then?
Supreme, where are you man? It's 3:15...nothing like a Sox fan being late, haha.

EDIT: This is wasting my day man. Our game should have started like an hour ago. I'm glad you showed up, but your connection is F'd majorly. Get it straightened out and let me know when you can play.
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bread's done