Motor City Machine Guns/Beer Money 2010 tag team feud of the year wrestling topic

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It sucks though I really enjoyed him in late-WCW, as the Hurricane, and during his heel Cruiserweight Champion reign. He just seems really bitter for reasons I can't figure out.
[quote name='diddy310']It sucks though I really enjoyed him in late-WCW, as the Hurricane, and during his heel Cruiserweight Champion reign. He just seems really bitter for reasons I can't figure out.[/QUOTE]


For me, all of this just comes off the same way as the Hardy stuff... it's not relevant, and it's hard to take seriously once you realize who it's coming from. Personally, this public airing of dirty laundry isn't something that helps anyone, and I imagine it has to be a big part of the reason Helms isn't currently employed in a major company.

Side note: Any reason why Helms isn't in TNA? He seemed like a lock to go there, but it never happened. Injuries? Money? Anyone know?

The point to this always is, no matter whether it's true or not, it makes him look bad. There's no way you'd want that kind of personality in a locker room. It also, no matter what the truth, just makes him come off like a disgruntled former employee. To top it off, it's Helms. Look, if these accusations were coming from someone like (since he's involved) Jericho, I think fans would take them more seriously. It reads like Michaels somehow personally wronged Helms, which I'd love to know more about.

Honestly, I can't help but chalk this up to the rantings of a disgruntled former WWE employee who was never going to achieve more than a mid-card role. It's very much like Matt Hardy, where I get the sense that they have these delusions of grandeur about where they should've ended up in the industry, but that's another topic altogether. Either way, he gets press for attacking someone who is generally portrayed as a decent guy, and it keeps his profile up. Honestly, if this was about HHH, would anyone care or even question it?
[quote name='007']TNA gave Jesse Neal a new 3-year deal.

I don't have a joke for this.[/QUOTE]
That's longer than his mohawk.

That's longer than chapter 742 of the book of DeliNeoGAF.

That's longer than TNA will be in business.
Yeah, you notice Jeff never really says anything bad about anyone (well, aside from his drunk CM Punk rant) - but to me that really sounded like him parroting Matt's thoughts about the IWC generally thinking that the Jeff/Punk feud was only good because of Punk.

But yeah, it seems like delusions of grandeur from a guy who got a rub from The Rock once upon a time.
Shawn Michaels tattooed Helms' back for him.

Helms and Hardy remind me of Paul Roma and Tom Zenk - two guys who are more or less "never-weres," but retain (to this day) a ton of venom for WWE and other wrestlers. Full of both sour grapes and the free time to let everyone in earshot know about them. Delusions of grandeur indeed; we can all see how political and restrictive WWE is, but none of these four guys would have been a champion in any promotion they work for.

EDIT: Speak of the debil:
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[quote name='HydroX']Here's a pretty awesome Nexus theme (ripped from, then edited for length) for the rest of you savvy wrestling enthusiasts.

Not sure if that's the one Scorch uploaded or not, but if it is, "eh".

I also have a crystal clear version of Ted DiBiase's new theme if it's not on SvR 2011 and someone wants me to upload it.

Also, any requests and I can help you guys out as well.[/QUOTE]

Dibiase's theme is not in 2011, but it is in Scorch's latest pack.


Alberto Del Rio
AJ Styles
Randy Savage
Booker T
Mr Kennedy
Sting - preferably the Metallica version
Diamond Dallas Page
Ric Flair
Kurt Angle's You Suck music

Please and Thank You.
Helms's rants come across like the kid in high school who hates on the people at the popular table in the cafeteria for no other reaosn that complete and utter jealousy.

Also, invoking Godwin's Law? Classy :roll:
[quote name='TheRock88']Speaking of themes, anyone know what theme Barrett used for the SD taping last night?[/QUOTE]

Please don't tell me he has a new theme. I looked around the net and I keep seeing custom trons with "Far From Over" by Rev Theory, but I think that was just some guy's custom tron or something.
That's what I'm wondering, I doubt they're gonna have both Nexus and Wade using the same theme at the same time. Heard he might be using Kaval's theme since he used that previously in FCW.
in SvR2011 is there a point to have the wcw as a faction? will you only be on superstars or none at all? i simmed a couple months and never got called to be on a card
[quote name='m_d_amore']in SvR2011 is there a point to have the wcw as a faction? will you only be on superstars or none at all? i simmed a couple months and never got called to be on a card[/QUOTE]

As far as I can tell. Legends is kinda there if you want to take them out for a while, I guess (I took Cena out for a few months after Orton gave him the kick). I just put other people as free agents so they can go to any show.
Whoa didnt realize the dlc for svr was out..Kept checking the dashboard for addons updates but looks like it only appears on the wwe shop option

When's that nitro arena coming?
[quote name='guyver2077']Whoa didnt realize the dlc for svr was out..Kept checking the dashboard for addons updates but looks like it only appears on the wwe shop option

When's that nitro arena coming?[/QUOTE]

and yea.. I downloaded the freakin pack and I can't get any of the content to appear. wtf
[quote name='guyver2077']When's that nitro arena coming?[/QUOTE]

I think it's the 25th of this month or around that date.
[quote name='guyver2077']and yea.. I downloaded the freakin pack and I can't get any of the content to appear. wtf[/QUOTE]

If it doesn't work after restarting, download the stuff individually. That fixed it for me. You already have the pack, so the individual stuff takes about 3 seconds a piece. It's annoying as fuck, but that's what I had to do.
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Horrible, horrible news.

The contract between Ring of Honor and HDNet, that expires in April, will not be renewed according to ROH.

The final television taping is set for 1/21 and 1/22 in Philadelphia with shows that will air through 4/4, which would be the final episode of the show.

There is talk of ROH getting a live special on HDNet this year.
[quote name='diddy310']It sucks though I really enjoyed him in late-WCW, as the Hurricane, and during his heel Cruiserweight Champion reign. He just seems really bitter for reasons I can't figure out.[/QUOTE]

You'd be bitter too if you had gotten your name tattooed on your back.
Shawn Michaels definitely should have put a few guys over before he retired.
I'm not gonna dis on Helms for a few reasons:

1. Guy usually dosen't hate on many people. In fact most of the time on twitter or his Highway 2 Helms show he's just laughing and having fun. Someone asked about Michaels and he gave them his thoughts/feeling on him. He caught lot of hell for it since it's not not popular to hate on Shawn.
2. I've always liked his work. Just a personal thing.. I started thinking Three count was funny and went from there. I think Shawn is one of the greatest of all time. I don't really care about their relationship as it dosen't effect either guys body of work.
3. I'm not backstage. I don't know Shawn personally. I've never worked him, been in the back with him, or had to go against him at a meeting. I just don't know Shane either and he could be a dick as well. My name is Bennett and I aint in it.

Is he a little bitter, yeah. He has mentioned a few times on H2H that he broke his neck for the company and dosen't think he got a fair shake at the end. Seeing how he and Burchill got swept out the door when they had something good going near the end of ECW was stupid. Smackdown could use them NOW actually. :)

DDP put up the 1st video about the crap that went down in Bluefield, WV (cheap pop for the hometown!)!
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[quote name='007']If it doesn't work after restarting, download the stuff individually. Hat fixed it for me. You already have the pack, so the individual stuff takes about 3 seconds a piece. It's annoying as fuck, but that's what I had to do.[/QUOTE]

thanks.. that plus a restart worked.. how annoying
God damn. God damn. I just read the spoilers for the 1/27 edition of Impact. Aside from a huge clusterfuck...
Scott Steiner returns at the end of the show. This might mean the return of MEM, because on the episodes before this Amazing Red kept saying "they are coming." God dammit TNA.
[quote name='Brak']Shawn Michaels definitely should have put a few guys over before he retired.[/QUOTE]

I want to agree, but there didn't seem to be many guys on the upper tier of "breaking into" the main event scene early last year. By then they'd already given up on the quite good push of "serious Kofi" during his Randy Orton feud. I don't recall what Punk was doing at the time.

So the question I have is this: who do you have HBK put over so it doesn't look forced?
I finally watched SD from last week. That show was probably better than the majority of WWE's PPV's last year. Wrestling from open to close and even Edge/Kane put on a pretty good match. All the other matches were top notch and no complaints at all (except the Divas match, of course). Well, one complaint. Rey/ADR was too short, a 2/3 falls match should definitely have gone longer than that. Overall, though, it was top notch show, far superior to anything WWE has done in a very long time. Hopefully it won't be a year before another show of that quality.
The Jericho, JBL, Undertaker, and DX stuff took up a lot of his TV time in the past few years though. He clearly helped with Jericho's ascension to top heel.

He also tapped out for Rhodes/Dibiase in the submissions count anywhere match.
Once again need to spoiler my thoughts as to not ruin Impact for anyone... or at least not ruin it more than they do on their own every week.

To tape stuff not airing until AFTER Hardy pleads guilty. They mus be damn sure Hardy isn't going to serve a single night in prison
[quote name='mykevermin']I want to agree, but there didn't seem to be many guys on the upper tier of "breaking into" the main event scene early last year. By then they'd already given up on the quite good push of "serious Kofi" during his Randy Orton feud. I don't recall what Punk was doing at the time.

So the question I have is this: who do you have HBK put over so it doesn't look forced?[/QUOTE]
Definitely not The Undertaker.

Maybe someone similar to Michaels, for a passing of the torch... Someone like Morrison, maybe. Although, there'd need to be a program between the two.
[quote name='Brak']Definitely not The Undertaker.

Maybe someone similar to Michaels, for a passing of the torch... Someone like Morrison, maybe. Although, there'd need to be a program between the two.[/QUOTE]

If this comes off dickish it isn't my intent. I think when you have the tenure and have done as much for the company as HBK has, when you announce you're going to retire you can pretty much have any feud you want to be your last. Are their people he could've helped put over, of course. But he didn't work anything during his last run (Summerslam '09 - WM XXVI) but DX and Undertaker build up.
El Generico worked dark matches at the last two Impact tapings. Though he's still under contract to ROH, he was given permission to work the shows for TNA.
[quote name='OnyxPrimal']Helms revealed on his show tonight the contract actually *IS* for Lucha Libre USA.[/QUOTE]

Speaking of Lucha Libre USA, has that come back on TV yet?
[quote name='JJSP']El Generico worked dark matches at the last two Impact tapings. Though he's still under contract to ROH, he was given permission to work the shows for TNA.[/QUOTE]


[quote name='mykevermin']Four Horsemen:[/QUOTE]

I just bought that. THANKS A LOT MYKE

[quote name='diddy310']The Jericho, JBL, Undertaker, and DX stuff took up a lot of his TV time in the past few years though. He clearly helped with Jericho's ascension to top heel. [/QUOTE]

Didn't Chris Jericho wind up winning his feud with Shawn Michaels? Michaels did play a most significant role in helping put over Jericho's new gimmick and mega-heel push.

I do agree that in his last few years, Shawn Michaels could have helped put over some other talent in a more meaningful way.

In 2008, when WWE had teamed the Miz and John Morrison to build them up, they had Miz and Morrison cut promos against Triple H and Shawn Michaels, and while Miz and Morrison shined in the promos, Michaels and H buried them in the subsequent matches.

I enjoyed Michaels' program with JBL, and that took up most of late-2008 and early-2009.

Then we had to endure a lot of D-Generation X garbage in 2009, including the burial of Legacy and JeriShow.

I'm reading through Michaels' per-show activities for 2008 and 2009, and the only people that received legit wins over Michaels include Batista (in one match), the Undertaker (at WrestleMania), Chris Jericho (only in 2008), Lance Cade (once, in a tag match), John Cena, Legacy (in one PPV match that Diddy mentioned), and Jeff Hardy (in one match). The only other losses are losses by disqualification and count out.

... :whistle2:k
More Random pics:








See, the problem with 'HBK not putting people over' is that I'm not sure where the blame really needs to go. I'm not trying to protect HBK or anything, but let's be fair... the time period we were talking about wasn't exactly known for putting guys over anyway. It's why they had such a problem recently when older talent left, they didn't spend that time building anyone. Looking at the same timeframe, I'd say that most of the big guys (HHH, HBK, Cena, Batista, Taker, etc) weren't putting anyone over. To lay it at the feet of HBK because he was retiring seems like narrowing the blame too much.

While he could've had some good programs with younger guys, it's also hard for me to argue with who exactly he *was* in programs with. That Jericho program was easily the best thing in years, and cemented Jericho into arguably his most successful period. I'll grant that the JBL thing wasn't necessary, but I also get the sense that it was sort of a 'retirement present' for JBL... as in, before he left, he wanted a program with Michaels. I could be off base with that, though.

I admit, when it was happening, I hated the DX stuff. It seemed pointless, and really did get over at the expense of younger guys, Legacy in particular. Side note, though... Legacy never got over in general, though it's a question of how much you blame the DX destruction for it. Really, Rhodes only recovered about 2-3 months ago, and DiBiase *still* hasn't. Overall, though, with how it panned out, I can't get too upset about the DX run, as it's fairly obvious that it was one more chance for him to go out there with his friend before he retired. Like I said, I didn't like it, but I understood it once he retired.

So, really, whether he put guys over or not, it's hard for me to complain about how he left. They certainly could've done more, but there's something to be said for a guy to go out the way he wants. Also, let's be fair, there's a certain number of guys that get to do that. You honestly think HHH and Taker are going to spend their final runs putting over younger guys? Or at least to a level that would make someone like Helms happy?

That was my 'lunchtime rant', so that may not have been coherent or make the point I wanted to.
[quote name='mykevermin']There are some others, but those few I really liked. Also, this Ravishing Rick Rude shirt is awesome, but I don't think it was ever a WWF shirt design:[/QUOTE]

Ahhh, dammit, I wish I could find's not a WCW shirt. Some guy made a bunch of designs similar to that and they were awesome - they weren't shirts, just artwork. Very possible someone just swiped it and threw it on a shirt. For instance, a Vader one would have the outline of the mask, Hogan would have the mustache and bandana, etc (not sure if either of those were actually made but that's the idea). If I find them I'll link it here.
There's a report that TNA is considering scrapping the X-Division.
[quote name='Brak']There's a report that TNA is considering scrapping the X-Division.[/QUOTE]

If this was the X-division of the starting years of TNA I'd be pissed, but at this point who give a crap. TNA certainly doesn't

Just when I think TNA might be onto something after reading their spoilers for the next few weeks (specifically where they seem to be heading in terms of who will be feuding w/ Immortal), they go and suggest something dunderheaded like this.

There's no reason to ditch the title. It's not like there's a "division" anyway. TNA never bothered to define what it was (often going for the corny "it's not about weight limits, it's about no limits" tag line instead).

It could be a useful title in the same sense that the IC title is: a vehicle to demonstrate the upward movement of a wrestler. Daniel Bryan winning the US title from the Miz was a pretty well developed storyline with a solid payoff, and holding that belt gives Bryan some legitimacy that he might have had a much harder time developing w/ fans who don't know him from Husky or any other NXT goofball.

They perhaps think the television/legends/global title (it has had all those names, yes?) is what does that. But they just put the fuckin' thing on Abyss, and it's not like it was ever held by someone in the promotion who needed to prove their mettle to the crowd.

The name of the title is fine. What in the world is "Intercontinental" anyway? Sounds like dude who has it is champion of the major global bodies of water. King of the Aquamen or somesuch. It's a silly name, but people don't seem to mind.

Actually, speaking of Intercontinental, I was watching the 1989 Royal Rumble for a minute tonight (I still mark out for Ax and Smash drawing #1 and #2), and I noticed two things:
1) Gorilla Monsoon refers to the 6-man tag (Hart Foundation/Duggan vs Rougeaus/Dino Bravo) as going by "Intercontinental Rules," meaning it was a 2 out of 3 falls match. I can understand why they wouldn't want to overuse that match type (but they should use it far more than they have lately, as evidenced by Rey/Del Rio). Just found it interesting to see that the in-ring content is so unimportant now that it would be insanity to make the opening match in a current wrestling PPV 24 minutes long.

2) This made me fuckin' spittake.

Watch it all, but pay attention right around 1:00 in. They clearly recorded McMahon in one take for the audio overlay, which is fine. He stammers a bit, and that's fine. Announcers do that all the time, and we ignore it and move on.

But at 1:00, the pause while he tries to figure out just who the fuck that guy is made me laugh so damned hard, I watched it about five times. Just wonderful, and I'm glad they didn't edit it from the DVD release.

If you're a collector of the WWE's Big 4 PPVs, I just picked up Royal Rumble 2009/2010 in a 2-pack at WM yesterday for $10. Now I'm only missing 2008.
I agree.

It looks like Eric Bischoff addressed the rumor, saying it's bogus.
Well then, all's well that ends well.

I see TNA is doing Impact (live?) from North Cackalacky some time in February. Should be interesting to see how a non-free-rider crowd responds to the TV product. I think it will reaffirm some of what TNA is doing right, but also help point out areas they can change. They should go semi-regional, it'll be good for the product. They can't over-rely on the Florida crowd each week, it's like using the same focus group twice a month to dictate the feelings of the entire international fanbase.

Speaking of free-riders, I'm getting free tickets to the ROH show on 1/22. Anybody know the lineup for that?
I wonder how good that show might be. Crown is only like an hour away and it might be a decent show since they aren't in Florida.
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