NCAA Online Dynasty

Oh and I use a combo of stick and square. I miss a lot using the stick so square is for safe tackles. A lot of times I run into the ball carrier and then when I stand him up I push the stick to trow my weight. I have no idea if this actually works but it seems to.
Pretty much this for me too.

I was about to play madden when I saw yanks playing the lightning returns demo. I'm going to check that out and then play my game so we can advance again.
Just finished it. Damn, the character models on that are unbelievable, esp for last gen hardware. I loved the demo, can't wait for the final product.

Was thinking exactly the same thing. Looks almost like it could be on PS4. I though 13 was eh and 13-2 was terrible. In my opinion there hasn't been a good FF since X, so I haven't been looking forward to it the way I've looked forward to every FF since X. Demo sure turned me around. I still dislike these characters/worlds, but that's the most fun combat system I think I've seen in FF to date. Very excited for this one now.
Close game but a win over the fins, 24-21. Starting to question whether Boyd is the franchise QB I had hoped for.
The FFXIII games are just ok in terms of gameplay and story, but damn they are beautiful. I can only imagine what the final FFXV product will look like.

Was thinking exactly the same thing. Looks almost like it could be on PS4. I though 13 was eh and 13-2 was terrible. In my opinion there hasn't been a good FF since X, so I haven't been looking forward to it the way I've looked forward to every FF since X. Demo sure turned me around. I still dislike these characters/worlds, but that's the most fun combat system I think I've seen in FF to date. Very excited for this one now.
You young'uns and your FFX. It is one of my least favorites, but I loved FFXII.

Close game but a win over the fins, 24-21. Starting to question whether Boyd is the franchise QB I had hoped for.
It was about this point in the season I was questioning EJ's future too. You might be surprised where he could end up at the end of the season (hopefully).

The FFXIII games are just ok in terms of gameplay and story, but damn they are beautiful. I can only imagine what the final FFXV product will look like.
The story never hooked me on FFXIII, which is why I have never advanced past 5 hours into it yet, despite starting it three different times. I still want to go back to it, because I actually did like the gameplay once I adjusted to it. I *really* hate the severe hand holding in it most of all.

I lost power for about a half hour during my game against Dallas. I was rolling 21-0 with three TDs for EJ. I started again and struggled. I still won 35-10, but I scored two garbage scores late when they started heaving it. I only scored after good returns and had a pick 6. Any time my offense had to drive, they just couldn't.
I'm pretty sure you and I are about the same age. I'm 31.

In fairness though, FFX was the first one I ever played. I think that everyone's favorite is usually the one they started with. FF is like heroin (at least from what I've read of heroin) - first time is the best and you're forever chasing that feeling that you got from the first FF you played.

I didn't have a PS1 growing up so I missed VII VIII IX although I've purchased them on psn and barely played each of them. I have to get back around to those. My console history started with NES when was 5, that day literally being my first memory. Then got Genesis, N64, PS2/3/4. I think timing wise I had the N64 instead of PS1. I also never had an SNES (Genesis instead) so I missed a lot of classics like super Mario world, link to the past, super metroid. I've since played a lot of them although super metroid I still never have had the opportunity to play. Ahh memories.
Absolutely agree on the 'first is your favorite' theory for most people, though pertaining to myself, I do classify it a little bit. I played FF1 first, but it is definitely not my favorite. I enjoyed it for what it was and played the crap out of it, but I first got hooked onto FF with FFIV, which was the first FF to really push individual characters and story. Even then, I still put VI at the top, though barely.

VI > IV > VII > XII > > IX > > V > XIII > > X > > VIII > III > I > II

You definitely need to rectify not playing Super Metroid as soon as possible. Unbelievable game.

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I don't fall into the first is favorite logic. I played FF3 on SNES, which is now 6. Then most of the others in order. I've never played 1,2,4, 5, or 12. But 10 is far and away my favorite of the series. For the games I've played:


Someday I'll play V, since I got it free from Plus.

You've always defied logic, why change that now?

So since you both are X fanboys, perhaps you can enlighten me into what makes that game stand out for you both?

I love the sphere grid. I've always loved RPGs that offer more than just standard character builds, and let you really go off and do whatever you want. However, I don't like job class systems. The sphere grid is the perfect system in my opinion. You can put someone toward a certain class, or just have them be a specialist in everything.

Also, Blitzball.

Sphere Grid was one of the things I did really enjoy as well. I don't hate predefined builds, but I liked the grid for the same reasons you listed.

Blitzball was a major disappointment for me. I wanted to play it, wish it was free roaming and not turn based. It would have been a fantastic change of pace from turn based gameplay in battles to participate in blitzball and have it play like a FIFA match.

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Since you enjoyed the Grid, did you not like the system XIII employed? Maybe I haven't spent enough time with it, but it reminded me of X.

Just like the actual game, XIII's system was too linear. There really wasn't a lot of customization. You could pick different classes, but each character really was only good in a couple of them, and sucked in the others. And within each class, there weren't any options to choose from, you basically just go on one path until you get to the end.

That sucks to hear, I was hoping it would open more up as the game eventually did. Sounds like neither really ever does.

I think if it wasn't for Tidus and Yuna, I probably would have enjoyed X a lot more. I am looking forward to the HD remake to see if my opinion has changed much.

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Best things about X in no order:

1). Cared about the character in a way I really never experienced before in a game
2). Sphere Grid. Exactly as captain said. You can make whoever you want into whatever you want. I love games that let you build your character and the balancing act of specializing in a certain area while insuring they are well rounded enough for other situations. I also love knowing what powers are out there so that I can plan and make it my goals to get to a crazy power
3). Turn based + the thing that let you see the next five to ten moves (who's turn was coming up). I haven't played this since it came out originally (remaster soon!) but I remember being able to see the order of moves on a bar on the screen. There was a lot of strategy as a result ("can I make it 3 turns back to yuna without healing this time"?)

I didn't like the version if sphere grid in xiii. I also had no connection with the characters.

One of the reasons I bought a vita was to play PSOne games that I missed out on, but with so many free Plus games for it I've barely scratched the surface in the three months I've had it.
Yea, I liked #3 too. You could see the impact of casting Haste/Slow before casting to determine if it would be effective move (at least short term).

I've had my Vita for like a year and a half and still have a shitload of content to get to, so I don't think that will go away anytime soon for you. Good problem to have.

My MUT team is up to an 81 overall raiting, and I've lost 5 games in a row. Combine that with what I've lost in the league, and I'm not having a good time in Madden the past few days. I keep getting stuck with people who are really good. For example, the last game I played, the guy ran back every kickoff for a TD. I only lost 21-14, but that's because I was running the clock down. But Jesus, he didn't play a single snap of offense and he beat me.

Also, I'd just like to point out that facemask penalties in a video game are fucking stupid. It's just completely random, it's not like anyone can do anything to stop or trigger it.

My MUT team is up to an 81 overall raiting, and I've lost 5 games in a row. Combine that with what I've lost in the league, and I'm not having a good time in Madden the past few days. I keep getting stuck with people who are really good. For example, the last game I played, the guy ran back every kickoff for a TD. I only lost 21-14, but that's because I was running the clock down. But Jesus, he didn't play a single snap of offense and he beat me.
The better your team rating gets, the better pool of players you will be matched up (or at least that is my understanding).

In MUT, I have learned that you need to kick off kicking it as high in the air as you can and to the right or left. Have you been doing that, or just kicking it straight down the field as far as you can?

Hm, I just thought the matchups were random. Now I'm trying to make my team a little lower rated by getting rid of my higher rated players that I never seem to use. I have a 96 rated ROLB, which is awesome, but I can deal with having a lower rated one if it means standing a chance at winning some games.

As for kicking, I'm just using the right stick. I tried to adjust using the left stick, but it never really seems to do anything.

Yes, you use the right stick to kick. Before you ever use the right stick though, you can use the left stick to aim.

Line up your kicker to kick the ball as high as possible (pushing up on the left stick) and then aim the kick (using the left stick) to the left or the right so its more towards the sideline.

Once you have the aiming down, use the right stick to kick. The ball will kick higher, but not as far. The advantage here is that the receiving team's return team may not adjust in time and a slower player may catch the ball. Even if this does not occur, your team will be on top of them quicker. They will probably start the ball around the 30 yard line, but it beats giving up TD after TD on returns.

Or you could just kick the ball out of bounds. This is a penalty and will place the ball at the 40. Not good field position, but again, beats the TD.

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Well, I basically left my QB/receiver core intact and got rid of some of my more highly rated players. Now I have a 75 rated team, and I just played one game that matched me up with someone who seems more my skill level. I won 21-14 for my second win of this current season. I just moved a lot of those high rated players to my reserves, and I'll call them out later when I want to go for that trophy for having a team rated 85 or higher. Right now the MUT plan is to just keep my current team as is, rack up some coins, and try to win the Super Bowl.

I've been doing alright in MUT since I made my team a little worse. I've actually won 3 in a row. I'm not sure I'll be able to pull off 8 wins in a season to get that first round bye though. But my current record is 11-17, despite losing 7 games in my last season.

Where are we in the league (who has yet to play this week)? It might be me? I'm playing NCAA right now by the way and, take note Captain, I think my freshman QB is the next Andrew luck. More on this soon....
Now granted, I'm playing BYU, but I win 49-24. Freshman QB Harwell goes 15 for 17, 315 yards, 6 TDs and one pick. There different receivers with 2 TDs a piece. And I ran 17 times, just as many as I threw.
Holy crap, that is awesome. I wish I could steal him away from you somehow..

I am pretty sure I am caught up.

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Played and lost to Pittsburgh, 28-27. I scored a TD with 5 seconds to go and went for two bc my son was acting up. It failed. :(

Sucked bc they took the lead on a pick 6 where the ball bounced off the defenders hands, rolled down and through his body and he picked it up off the ground and ran it back. Clearly not an INT but they reviewed it and it stood.

I should definitely be dropping from the Top 25 this week.

I'm ready to advance.
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Big rivalry game. I'll put it out there now that if our schedules don't match up before Sunday, I'll be around all afternoon and night.
That works for me unless you are free tonight.

Up to 7-1 in MUT, two games left in the season and I just need one win for a first rd bye.
That works for me unless you are free tonight.

Up to 7-1 in MUT, two games left in the season and I just need one win for a first rd bye.
Ok, how. Wtf man. I always seem to get paired up against the best people. Give me some strategies.

And I just played my league game. I finally won one against the equally bad Chargers 27-13. I only threw 4 INTs that game! I swear if I could just get better at not throwing the ball into the other team's hands, I wouldn't have nearly as many close games. This game was close until the fourth quarter. I was up 17-14, and then the fourth started and they kept going for it on 4th down, on my 30-40 yard line, and kept failing. Stupid Chargers.

I'll toss you some tips on what works for me later tonight. But most of it is just learning how to play Madden and not necessarily football. Computer AI definitely has improved but it still isn't like real life. There are things that CPU can't adjust to and there are things they can do that they shouldn't be able to. Once you learn those ins and outs, it helps a lot.

CC, 10:30 ish work?
Most likely. I think I need to beat you or I'm going to have trouble winning the division.

Captain, I sometimes struggle passing too but here's what I've got:
1). Man v zone - if you can figure out the D you can figure out who will be open before the snap or hot route accordingly. Cover 2 for example has holes downfield in the middle and sideline 7 yards out.
2). Out routes rarely work unless it's the TE running it
3). The middle of the field 15 yards out is difficult for the computer defense. It's in between the safeties in cover 2. If they are playing man, send whoever is being covered by a linebacker to that area. If your line holds long enough then your receivers speed will give him enough separation from the linebacker to make a clean catch
4). Start slow. all of these sports games, in my opinion, try to emulate real life hot and cold streaks, but they aren't random as they may be in real life. If you complete some short passes at the start you can get that receiver or QB hot and then start going downfield (yanks, you better believe my first two passes are deep ones tonight after saying that)
5). Keep CPU off balance. You went four wide and they are I dime? Audible to same formation run. You are in a running set and they stack the box? Play action. You picked three run plays in a row? Great time for play action.
Thanks CC. I'm in no way a football follower, and this game, plus the occasional Sunday game I watch are the most experience I have. So needless to say, I'm still figuring out a lot. I know all the basics, positions, rules, etc. The stuff that really gets me, is how I go about figuring out what defenses to run, or what's being run against me. I know that's a whole topic altogether, so I'm not expecting any kind of lessons on it.

My general strategy in MUT, is that I have probably 3 pass plays, and 2 runs that I stick to. I actually do pretty well on offense in MUT since I've upgraded my QB from an 80 OVR to a 93. I'm usually not getting picked off in MUT nearly as much as I do in league games. My problem in MUT is on defense. I just can't seem to stop anyone, and usually if I score, my opponent is able to answer right back. So for me, it comes down to a lot of clock management and basically keeping the ball out of my opponent's hands as long as possible. If they don't have the ball, they can't score as easily. I heard that was a good rule...or just common sense.

Depending on the outcome of the coin toss, I aim for a certain number of possessions in each half. If I'm receiving first, I try to score quickly, then if they score, I'll play the clock and try to shoot for a TD, but settle for the FG if I'm running low on time. Hopefully the second half starts with me ahead, and then if they score on their opening drive, I can play the clock down and go for a TD at the end. When this works, it really works well. I'm sure it's super cheesy, but I'm not trying to establish myself as some amazing player...just trying to get those MUT trophies.

And I definitely think you're right about the hot and cold streaks. If I'm driving down the field in a time crunch, I'll stick to all short passes, and use quick huddles. I would say I'm best when there's a minute on the clock and I need to score to win the game or put it out of reach. Sometimes I'll even do stupid things to try and catch the other person off run and complete the same play 3-4 times in a row, and then throw in a run for 15-20 yards. You can tell that strategy is working when you see the other dude manually moving his linebackers and secdondary to wherever I've been throwing it the past few times. Then I just target my run for the opposite side. Again...cheesy, but effective.

None of this works in the league for me though. And also, I pretty much just told you both how I cheese the crap out of the game, so you'll know exactly what to expect when we face off. :D/

Good game yanks. Jets have the Bills number recently. Captain, I won 28-17.

Held you scoreless in the 2nd half (it helps that I was able to drive downfield the entire 3rd quarter)
Yea, I couldn't stop your offense (obviously). I don't know why 3 of my first 5 passes ended up hitting my lineman, but it certainly didn't help my offense. The game was never close in the 2nd half, I almost fell asleep along with the little one in my lap.

Taj Boyd for MVP.

Tahj had only 200 passing and I think 1 TD 1 INT but he made plays when he needed to. Those passes that hit linemen were odd. A bit unlucky.
Taj was fantastic. The INT he had was trying to force a pass at the end when the game was already over. Not for sure why you were even passing then.

There were still two minutes left and 3rd and long. I really didn't want to give you the ball back. Against the CPU I would've run but not against you.
Ha, I couldn't do anything. My team was sunk.

BTW, I really liked the delay of penalty at the end of the first half to run 10 more seconds off the clock. I hadn't thought of doing that before.

I actually didn't realize that there was a clock runoff! I did it because I thought I might have accidentally selected fake punt and had no timeouts left.
The funniest part of the delay of game 5 yard penalty was that I downed the punt at the 6. I thought "if you weren't such an idiot and hadn't selected fake punt he'd be on the 1"
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lol, nice. I'm going to do that next time I am in that situation though..I am surprised that isn't used more online, though clock management isn't really anything most online players know about..

MUT update - I got the first rd bye and won my first playoff game. I bought a new QB card (Carson Palmer - 91) and it was a huge mistake. He overthrew my WRs consistently and I got routed in the 3rd rd. I guess I should have stuck with Cutler (83) instead.

I have Matt Ryan for my MUT QB he's pretty awesome.

I played two league games yesterday. Beat the Dolphins and then got crushed by the Giants. The Giants game was pretty close through the whole first half, then they just became a whole different team and I got wrecked.

So are trades disabled in this league? Or does the are we past the deadline? And how does drafting work? Do you import the draft class, and then we go from that? I saw cc mention something about his star NCAA player, and yanks wishing he could take are there dibs on players you have in NCAA when it comes time to draft in Madden?
You can trade all you want with us or the CPU as long as the deadline hasn't passed, but I think it probably has since we are in week 9 or 10. You'll be able to trade again pre-draft, and sign free agents (which is really easy by the way if you look at who the CPU isn't chasing. I picked up Maclin, Britt, Asoumgha, Mathis, and Sam Shields this past offseason).

For the draft we import the NCAA players. They are actually already imported for the coming draft because we are a season ahead in NCAA I think (go to scouting menu and you'll see the real college players). yanks and I go online at the same time and do the draft, skipping the CPU picks. He and I both traded up last year to get high first round picks, which was a lot of fun.
bread's done