NCAA Online Dynasty

NCAA advanced. I have another bye unfortunately. You've got Illinois this week. Did my recruiting so ready when you are.
I beat Illinois 24-21 in an odd game. I converted on a 4th and 9 with 19 seconds left to score and win the game. The odd thing is that it was even that close considering they only had 1 first down for the entire game. :/

They pinned me at my 1 yard line on a punt and got a turnover @ the 3. We ended up taking a 10-7 lead with a few seconds before halftime. They decided to run the ball and the half out, but they liked that idea so much, they ran all 75 yards, shaking off probably 4 or 5 would be tacklers to score and take the lead at the break. They scored their third TD on an Iowa Hawkeye patented bonehead pick 6, which included several ankle breaking jukes. Pretty impressive for a MLB.

NCAA advanced. I've got Penn St. I also am ranked once again, finally, at 23. You dropped from the rankings and play 19 Rutgers
Haha as soon as I wrote that we were waiting on you I thought "that doesn't sound right....but I'm going to leave it out there anyway".
Nice. That should get you back to being ranked. If not tonihht I'll definitely have time to play tomorrow.
I play the Jets this week. I think that's CC? Just let me know when you want to play, as long as it isn't too late at night I should be able to get on.

Yup that's me. How does tomorrow look for you. I have plans for the morning but should be available from about 3pm EST through the night.
Sure we can do tonight. I saw you messaged me, but I was in the middle of installing a game, so I couldnt respond. Want to shoot for 9PM EST? Is that too late?

My god, today was nothing but lagging MFers in MUT. I played 8 games (went 7-1) and half of them I won because the game kicked my opponent for lagging their connection intentionally. I would say 2 of the others games the opponent was doing it, but it wasn't enough for the server to kick them I guess. I was winning all the games that got kicked anyways, but it sucks to not complete them because you get hosed on the coins earned. I'm 7-2 on my S2 of MUT, hope I win my next game, get that bye and finally win the SB. I totally blame my loss in last years playoff and my first game of this season on that bum Carson Palmer. I bought him because he was 10 rating pts higher than Cutler and he was tuuuuuuuuuuuuurible. I made the switch back and Cutler nailed everything Palmer would miss.

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My god, today was nothing but lagging MFers in MUT. I played 8 games (went 7-1) and half of them I won because the game kicked my opponent for lagging their connection intentionally. I would say 2 of the others games the opponent was doing it, but it wasn't enough for the server to kick them I guess. I was winning all the games that got kicked anyways, but it sucks to not complete them because you get hosed on the coins earned. I'm 7-2 on my S2 of MUT, hope I win my next game, get that bye and finally win the SB. I totally blame my loss in last years playoff and my first game of this season on that bum Carson Palmer. I bought him because he was 10 rating pts higher than Cutler and he was tuuuuuuuuuuuuurible. I made the switch back and Cutler nailed everything Palmer would miss.
And then I'll give you my account info and you'll win a SB for me. Thanks.

Good game captain. 31-21 jets. It was close the whole way, I think I scored a TD to put it out of reach with about two minutes left. Impressive play, I see no reason why you shouldn't be beating up the CPU most games.
Well, only threw like six INTs against CC, so that's not too bad, right?

31-21, he wins. I would say that I'm going to start tanking from here out to just get me a number one draft pick, but I'll probably lose naturally. I also managed to get Gronkowski back, and lose him again in the first quarter. I also lost Brady. I'm thinking this season will end up being a wash for me.

Good game captain. 31-21 jets. It was close the whole way, I think I scored a TD to put it out of reach with about two minutes left. Impressive play, I see no reason why you shouldn't be beating up the CPU most games.
Yeah, it was 24-21 and I threw it right to one of your guys on a short pass. Brady was doing amazing, and then just goes down, so I was stuck with Mallett. He can't throw more than 5 yards at a time and have it be accurate.

I stand corrected, only 4 INTs. 3 by Mallett.

There was a bit of a WTF moment toward the end. You threw to the endzone, and a penalty was called. I was 100% sure it would be roughing the passer, since that's the only thing I ever see called. It turned out to be pass interference against you, but you still converted the 3rd and 13 by like a yard. Had I stopped you there, you might have been limited to the would have been 27-21, and I could have driven all the way down the field to have Mallett throw an INT in the red zone. It would have been much more dramatic that way.

Yup you're right. I was surprised by that too. It was my offensive lineman that got called for pass interference. How does that happen exactly (I could see it on a screen pass but not throwing downfield)? Had you stopped me there you would've had a shot in the two minute drill, TD for the win.
I've resorted to trying to boost MUT wins. It seems like lately I only get paired against jerks who go for it every 4th down and always go for two point instead of the PAT. I'm tired of it.

I've really held up NCAA. I'm sorry. If I don't play this weekend I'll turn over commish to you and/or advance a week.
I think Yanks is holding up Madden anyways. He said in another thread that he's been busy at work or something.

Side note, I said I'd give up MUT, but then I thought let me just finish this season and I've won 5 in a row. I'm now 5-4 this season, with game 10 either sending me to the playoffs or sending me to a new season...which I'll probably play because I can't quit.
Haha I really have to try that mode one of these days. Glad he's busy at work and hasn't felt the effects of my lagging behind.
Sorry guys, I was holding up Madden. I had played but didn't set it to advance. I advanced it this morning and pummeled the Dolphins since my little one had me up early anyhow. EJ completed over 80% and had 6 TDs.

Yea, shit is pretty busy lately, but nothing you guys don't have going on either I am sure. No problem at all on my end CC for NCAA, whenever you can is cool by me. I got to work both weekend days anyhow to try to catch up, so my gaming time will remain limited.

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Had a chance to play one game of MUT before work this morning. Got the win and clinched the first rd bye. Hoping for better results in the playoffs this year without that bitchass Palmer ruining everything for me.

Played NCAA and lost to pen st I scored with 40 seconds left and they managed to go 80 yards downfield in that time to score a TD. I transferred commish to you yanks since you're more on top of NCAA at this point

Won the Super Bowl in my S2 of MUT with a FG at the end of the game. I am glad that is over with, now I can just concentrate on building my team up.
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I beat the Colts. Or I should say, I crushed the Colts. Easily the most decisive victory I've had since I started the league. I think this was the first game I've played where I've had my entire team. Brady had 427 yards and 6 TDs, only one INT that came at the very end when I was trying to get greedy for a 7th TD.

I was up 35-7 at the start of the 4th. Then I let them score a couple times because I wanted the ball back and stopping them on defense takes more time. Trying to boost those numbers.

Played NCAA and lost to pen st I scored with 40 seconds left and they managed to go 80 yards downfield in that time to score a TD. I transferred commish to you yanks since you're more on top of NCAA at this point
Ouch. I am on a bye this week but got my recruiting done. I checked and you're still commish on NCAA btw, not that I mind, it has worked out well that way..just depends if you want to keep up with that league.


I beat the Colts. Or I should say, I crushed the Colts. Easily the most decisive victory I've had since I started the league. I think this was the first game I've played where I've had my entire team. Brady had 427 yards and 6 TDs, only one INT that came at the very end when I was trying to get greedy for a 7th TD.

I was up 35-7 at the start of the 4th. Then I let them score a couple times because I wanted the ball back and stopping them on defense takes more time. Trying to boost those numbers.
Damn, not bad. Looks like you have adjusted quickly based off your close game with CC and now this.

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Ouch. I am on a bye this week but got my recruiting done. I checked and you're still commish on NCAA btw, not that I mind, it has worked out well that way..just depends if you want to keep up with that league.


Damn, not bad. Looks like you have adjusted quickly based off your close game with CC and now this.
Yeah, just wait for next season.

MUT Super Bowl and first round bye are mine. Now to just complete a collection. MUT is more fun when the outcome of the game doesn't matter and you're just trying to rack up coins.
Captain was definitely solid when we played. I'll try to play tonight. If not, weekend is right around the corner.
Thanks CC.

On another note, I just got the platinum for Madden. I was able to get some decent players for cheap off the auction house to boost me to an 85 MUT rating and I already had enough chemistry in short pass and zone defense to get that trophy.

I don't know if you guys are going to keep playing MUT, but I'm done with it for real this time. I have a few good players I could trade you guys if you wanted them:

- Ray Rice - HB - 89 - Short Pass +5

- Percy Harvin - WR - 95 - Short Pass +8/Speed Run +11

- DeAndre Hopkins - WR - 88 - Short Pass +11/Speed Run +8

- Matt Ryan - QB - 93 - Short Pass +13/Speed Run +9

- Cory Redding - LE - 94 - Zone Defense +9

- Malcolm Smith - ROLB - 94 - Zone Defense +10/Pass Rush +10

- Lavonte David - ROLB - 94 - Man Defense +9/Run Stuff +10

Both the ROLB can be used as LOLB, but their rating drops to a 93. If they're used as a MLB, they get dropped to an 89.

Thanks CC.

On another note, I just got the platinum for Madden. I was able to get some decent players for cheap off the auction house to boost me to an 85 MUT rating and I already had enough chemistry in short pass and zone defense to get that trophy.

I don't know if you guys are going to keep playing MUT, but I'm done with it for real this time. I have a few good players I could trade you guys if you wanted them:

- Ray Rice - HB - 89 - Short Pass +5

- Percy Harvin - WR - 95 - Short Pass +8/Speed Run +11

- DeAndre Hopkins - WR - 88 - Short Pass +11/Speed Run +8

- Matt Ryan - QB - 93 - Short Pass +13/Speed Run +9

- Cory Redding - LE - 94 - Zone Defense +9

- Malcolm Smith - ROLB - 94 - Zone Defense +10/Pass Rush +10

- Lavonte David - ROLB - 94 - Man Defense +9/Run Stuff +10

Both the ROLB can be used as LOLB, but their rating drops to a 93. If they're used as a MLB, they get dropped to an 89.
Hell yea, I want them. How do you get the chemistry up? I don't think I have gotten a single trophy for them.

Hell yea, I want them. How do you get the chemistry up? I don't think I have gotten a single trophy for them.
Every player has a chemistry associated with them. I focused on short pass for offense and zone defense for defense. Until you get to an 85 rated team you can only have one chemistry, so I had short pass. Basically, just look at your cards to see what they have. If your QB has a short pass chem of say +5, and you take my Matt Ryan, you'll be up to +13 so that's an 8 point boost.
I don't think I've ever heard of someone getting a plat in one of these sports games. Incredible. Congrats. I was working on Hitman last night, I'm now 6 challenges away from my 6th plat (need to complete 100 challenges for the final gold trophy).

I'm always impressed with how many plats some people here have but I wonder how much "cheating" goes into some of them. Clearly captain is doing them legit as he's been playing a lot of madden lately.

While I'm ranting, I tried remote play for the first time last night and the back touchpad was very inconsistent for L2/R2. I think I may have been touching too much/too little/wrong place. Any advice on how those vita touchpads are supposed to work?
I've only used remote play with God of War. There was way too much lag, so I ended up stopping about five minutes in. I was sitting about 5 feet from my PS3 too.

Yanks, if you ever see me online just send me a message and I can get on Madden to send you some players.

Captain (and a few others around here) are beasts when it comes to trophies. Everyone here that I know of acquires them all legitimately, assuming that one does not have an objection to guides. I don't have an issue with them, as strategy guides have been around since the SNES days.

Can't really offer any advice on the Vita thing, as I don't have a PS4 to do remote play with. Sorry CC, good luck though.

I have to tell you captain that there is no lag on ps4 remote. When I tried it I left the tv on to watch how quick the response was and it was almost identical to playing with a dual shock
Something to look forward to when you make the leap to next gen :). Seriously though, you both need a ps4 before the next madden comes out. Even better if you do it before MLB The Show
I won't be on PS4 until well in the future, sadly. But I will be getting MLB for PS3. I would say we could league up for that, but I don't know if we could manage a full season without getting burnt out. I haven't played MLB online, can you do a shortened season?

As for trophy guides, I have no objections to them. I've even written a few myself. I've always used guides for games, even back to when I was a kid. I hate missing things, especially in RPGs. The only objection I have is against glitching things in multiplayer games that affect other peoples enjoyment. Breaking the game on someone who is legitimately trying to have fun with it is a real jerk move.
bread's done