Official Enhanced Steam Discussion Thread

This condition is caused by your Chrome profile being corrupt and not properly storing the settings for Enhanced Steam.

The easiest way to fix this is to follow this help document from Google. Let me know if that doesn't work for you.
Just wanted to report back so you know know your answer was appreciated - Enhanced Steam is working great on my desktop but I haven't even opened my laptop this week (where the problem was). I've got this bookmarked for next time I'm on my laptop, and thanks for the help and the link.

The "Library" feature of Enhanced Steam is being updated to allow for filtering by feature or by category.  It'll look something like this:


Reposting this from Reddit in hopes of getting some kind of mobile support. :p


for that, and other things. its the best


It feels odd when I use my phone to go on Steam or another's computer without the extension. Forget that it is installed.
Any progress on the Firefox mobile front? I haven't tried for a while.

I saw that the Opera version was updated but getting that to work is tricky because there's only one obscure outdated version of Opera mobile that I found that supports extensions.

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Reposting this from Reddit in hopes of getting some kind of mobile support. :p

Any progress on the Firefox mobile front? I haven't tried for a while.

I saw that the Opera version was updated but getting that to work is tricky because there's only one obscure outdated version of Opera mobile that I found that supports extensions.
I'm getting ready to have to re-write major portions of the Firefox version, and when I do I plan on baking in mobile support as long as it's not overly complicated. Of course, hopefully I "do it right" and it can pass Mozilla's review process.

Version 6.0 for Chrome is getting dangerously close to being released, and I'm putting the final touches on it now. Here's a preview of one of the other features I'm working on:


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Enhanced Steam for Google Chrome has been updated to version 6.0. This update includes a number of changes:

  • Added warning dialog when browsing Steam in a language other than your preferred language
  • Added price history information to the wishlist page when hovering over a game
  • Added option to display store page videos using HTML5 player instead of Flash
  • Added library filtering options by genre and by category
  • Added coupon discount percentage to display on coupon tags
  • Added your personal achievement stats back to app pages in the "My Activity" box
  • Fixed a bug that caused Early Access overlays to incorrectly show on games with coupons
  • Fixed header links inserted by Enhanced Steam not displaying due to a change made by Valve
  • Fixed a bug in some languages where badge filtering didn't work properly
  • Fixed a bug in entering custom amounts into Steam wallet page
  • Enhanced Steam will now display the highest % off coupon you have available on app pages
The extension will update automatically in the next 60 minutes.

As always, if you have any problems with the new version, please let me know.

Is there a written version of what it does somewhere for the Youtube averse?
Yeah, it basically adds an option that lets you filter out items in the "New Releases" section of the home page that aren't actually new releases.

What this does is checks the items on the "New Releases" section against their actual release date.

So games like Handball Challenge 2012, D.W.A.R.F.S., and Science Girls will be removed from this section (as they're older games) and it'll make room for the games that are... you know... actually new.

There will be a checkbox similar to the "Show Downloadable Content" that you can check to show all Steam releases, giving you the same list that's currently available.

The extension will remember the combination of filters you have set and will always show your your new releases section the way you want to see it.

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So about 15-20 times a day now, I'm getting "offers" from marketing companies that want me to "partner" with them so they can help monetize Enhanced Steam.

But don't worry - while Enhanced Steam desperately needs money for upgraded servers, I don't want to stoop to the point of the extension including spyware or adware or anything like that.

Someone suggested I look into Patreon - I'm thinking of starting a campaign there to help fund Enhanced Steam, but I'd like to get some input from you guys.

For those that are unfamiliar, Patreon is a lot like Kickstarter, except that instead of making a one-time payment to help fund something, you commit to making a monthly donation to fund a project's continued existence.

  • Is Patreon's "Commit to X number of dollars per month" way of doing things something that anyone here would be interested in?
  • I'm having trouble thinking of what I could offer as different reward tiers for supporting Enhanced Steam with different amounts. Enhanced Steam has always operated on the principle that all of it's features should be free for everyone, regardless of whether or not you would be able to support it financially. Knowing that, does anyone have any ideas of things I could offer Enhanced Steam supporters of different reward tiers?
  • As several of you have made one-time donations to Enhanced Steam in the past (thank you again!!!), would you feel upset in any way by the change in how the project is funded?
With Enhanced Steam's growth and the ever increasing costs of it's servers and bandwidth, I'm just looking for ways to "keep the lights on" without breaking my own pocket book. In the 15 months that Enhanced Steam has been online, there has only been one month where the donations to Enhanced Steam exceeded it's bandwidth and hosting costs. As I've said above, a huge "thank you" to everyone that's donated already!

I don't like the idea of recurring auto payments. I always worry some month I'll get my account down to the wire and forget about it. In reality I pretty much never let it get that dangerously low, but I have a couple of times and it's more just the worry about it that would bug me. I think I'd rather just do a larger lump sum or a yearly amount than monthly personally.

As for rewards, I don't know. I'm not coming up with much. You could have some extra 'paid' features but that's kind of lame and I think would turn people off and maybe lead to less people using it.

If you know any game developers you could maybe see if they could donate some Steam keys or even some exclusive in game items. The latter would probably sell me because gamewise I just already own too much and probably have most of what would be given as a perk.

I honestly would not be opposed to adds. I know some people get their panties in a bunch over that but it doesn't bother me. I realize stuff costs money and all things being equal it's not a high price to pay to view ads to get something for free. Keeping ads game (or software) oriented would be nice though.

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Enhanced Steam for Google Chrome has been updated to 6.0.1. This is a (mostly) bug fix release that resolves a few issues that users were experiencing in 6.0. Changes include:

  • Added filter to the new release section that will filter out older games (thanks TotalBiscuit!)
  • Fixed a bug on wishlist pages where price history would remain after making changes
  • Fixed a bug on the market page caused by layout changes
  • Fixed a bug on sub pages that caused price history not to display
As always, let me know if you encounter any issues.

I'm not totally cozy with the idea of monthly payments, either.  I wouldn't mind a tiny ad next to the Enhanced Steam link if that helped cover your costs.  

I don't like the idea of recurring auto payments. I always worry some month I'll get my account down to the wire and forget about it. In reality I pretty much never let it get that dangerously low, but I have a couple of times and it's more just the worry about it that would bug me. I think I'd rather just do a larger lump sum or a yearly amount than monthly personally.
I'm not totally cozy with the idea of monthly payments, either. I wouldn't mind a tiny ad next to the Enhanced Steam link if that helped cover your costs.
Just to clarify, a campaign on Patreon would be both 100% voluntary and wouldn't prevent you from making a one-time donation if you chose to do so.

I know you guys don't mind advertisements, but there are a lot of people that use Enhanced Steam that would be pretty upset if they were included.

I've got a few things in the works and I'm pretty confident that we'll be able to get better servers soon. :)

Just to clarify, a campaign on Patreon would be both 100% voluntary and wouldn't prevent you from making a one-time donation if you chose to do so.

I know you guys don't mind advertisements, but there are a lot of people that use Enhanced Steam that would be pretty upset if they were included.

I've got a few things in the works and I'm pretty confident that we'll be able to get better servers soon. :)
I wouldn't mind seeing dancing burger ads, be more exciting than the steam deals lately.

Here's another annoyance. In your feed if you followed any Greenlight games when they post announcements if you right click to open it in a new window it just opens your feed back again. You apparently have to click on them and it brings up a little popup box but I'm a tab whore and prefer everything in tabs.

Hope that makes sense?

I don't know how this is happening, but this just started happening to me in Firefox (it's not happening in Chrome):


Only way that I can fix it is by disabling enhanced steam.

I don't know how this is happening, but this just started happening to me in Firefox (it's not happening in Chrome):

Only way that I can fix it is by disabling enhanced steam.
For now, you'll need to update to Enhanced Steam 6.0, which can be found here.

Valve made a change to the market layout and the latest version of Enhanced Steam fixes this. However, it's still pending official approval from Mozilla, which usually takes a couple of weeks.

Again, I thought I'd posted this, but apparently that was just in my head: I subscribe to the school that disables Adblock on any websites I want to support. Especially ones that ask nicely instead of obnoxiously or with a redirect page. Also, would serving up ads cause any problem with Valve?

Sorry it's been a while since I've posted in, been busy with life things (which suck).

Anyway, made this cool new feature today:


Should make the decision to open or sell a booster pack a bit easier.

I just updated our server code as it relates to custom profile backgrounds.

The list of available backgrounds should now be generated automatically from our Steam marketplace data scrape.  This means that as new profile backgrounds are added to Steam, I no longer have to manually update the data by hand.

This also means there are now over 3,000 profile backgrounds available to choose from.

So this is maybe a bit nitpicky, but would it be possible to change the green highlighting on the sale percentage discounts? I'm so trained now to see green as 'you already on the game' that on some screens I see the green for a sale and for a second think it's something I own.

For me it's especially noticable on the weekly deals screen. Although the sale green is not a full bar and a slightly different color, if you're just skimming really fast the 'on sale and you don't own' doesn't really stand out much to me from the 'you already own this game'.

So this is maybe a bit nitpicky, but would it be possible to change the green highlighting on the sale percentage discounts? I'm so trained now to see green as 'you already on the game' that on some screens I see the green for a sale and for a second think it's something I own.

For me it's especially noticable on the weekly deals screen. Although the sale green is not a full bar and a slightly different color, if you're just skimming really fast the 'on sale and you don't own' doesn't really stand out much to me from the 'you already own this game'.

I think you can choose your own colors through ES options. Top tab "Store".

that's what I get for skimming

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I found another card that ES doesn't mark green as owned in the marketplace due to an atypical character in its name.
I recently re-wrote the function that parses these links, and I can confirm that it's working correctly in the soon-to-be-released Enhanced Steam 6.1.

I think you can choose your own colors through ES options. Top tab "Store".
Correct, you can change the colors that highlight, but I think he is suggesting that I add an option to change the color of the discount tag. Which is technically possible, but would require quite a bit of work to accomplish.

Enhanced Steam for Mozilla Firefox has been updated to version 6.0.1. Since the last published version (v5.9.1) this update includes:

  • Added profile links to private profiles
  • Gift transactions are now listed separately in account totals
  • Added warning if browsing in a language other than your preferred language (set in options)
  • Added ability to add a custom amount to your Steam wallet
  • Fixed a bug that caused inventory pages to not always show price history
  • Fixed a bug that caused highlighting not to work correctly if DOM storage was disabled
  • Fixed a bug that caused emptying your shopping cart to break purchase process
  • Fixed a bug that caused you to not be able to have more than one item in your cart at once
  • Fixed a bug on badge pages that showed incorrect market links
  • Fixed a bug that caused the market page to format incorrectly
  • Fixed a bug in some languages where badge filtering didn't work properly
This version of Enhanced Steam will NOT update automatically from Mozilla. In order to install this update, you must follow these instructions:

This new version of Enhanced Steam will now keep itself up to date automatically from this point forward.

Why the change?
Mozilla has always been slow to approve new updates for Enhanced Steam. By installing the extension directly from the Enhanced Steam website, we can release updates more quickly in the future. There are also a number of Enhanced Steam features that Mozilla has made me remove from Enhanced Steam in order to comply with their publishing guidelines (not for technical reasons). By publishing the extension directly, we are no longer subject to this editorial process. This means that more of the features that have been only available in the Chrome version of the plugin can be ported to the Firefox extension in upcoming versions.

What if I don't trust you and want to keep the version I downloaded from Mozilla?
That's perfectly fine. But keep in mind, it will no longer be updated with new features and bug fixes. The latest version Mozilla has (v5.9.1) is also incompatible with Firefox version 29 and higher. If you would like to keep your existing extension and it's current functionality, I recommend not upgrading past Firefox 28.

Is the source code for this extension available to view online?
Yes. You can find a copy of the source code here. It is released under the GNU General Public License.

I have another question that isn't covered here
I'm always available to help at [email protected]

Hey Jshackles, thanks for the update. The ability to add custom wallet amounts is a much appreciated feature.

I was wondering, though, if it would be possible to add a function on the badge page similar to "estimated card drop worth", only for already owned cards. If not an exact amount based on SCE prices, then would a rough estimate based on average prices and number of cards owned be a possibility?

Hey Jshackles, thanks for the update. The ability to add custom wallet amounts is a much appreciated feature.

I was wondering, though, if it would be possible to add a function on the badge page similar to "estimated card drop worth", only for already owned cards. If not an exact amount based on SCE prices, then would a rough estimate based on average prices and number of cards owned be a possibility?
Do you mean that you want to be able to sort your badges based on the value of the cards you already have for a particular game?

Do you mean that you want to be able to sort your badges based on the value of the cards you already have for a particular game?
I mean like how ES shows an estimate worth of all remaining card drops based on average value and number of drops remaining.

Would it be possible to have a similar function, giving an estimate, or preferably exact, value of cards currently owned?

Enhanced Steam for Google Chrome has been updated to version 6.1. Changes include:

  • Added a "Popular" tab on the homepage to browse the most-played games on Steam
  • Store pages now display a full size background
  • Gift transactions are now separated out in total spent section of account page
  • Selecting booster packs in your inventory now shows the average price of three cards for that game
  • Added option to only search within product names
  • Added inventory marketplace support for Battleblock Theater items
  • Added a loading dialog to custom profile background selection
  • Added price history support for Gameolith and Fireflower Games, removed Beamdog support
  • Added a secret...
  • Fixed a bug that caused price comparison overlays to be partially hidden in some circumstances
  • Fixed a bug that sometimes caused purchase date to be incorrect after buying the game as a gift
  • Fixed a bug which would cause CS:GO items not to get market data in non-English languages
If you already have Enhanced Steam installed, it should update itself automatically within the next 60 minutes.

Hey jshaq. Was looking at the DLC details feature you added, clicked through to the "Suggest a new category" page, and wondered if you'd consider adding another option that denotes that the DLC includes new achievements. Cheers!

I just updated Enhanced Steam for Mozilla Firefox to version 6.1. Changes include:

  • Added a "Popular" tab on the homepage to browse the most-played games on Steam
  • Store pages now display a full size background
  • Added back links in the header (Forums, Games, Reviews)
  • Selecting booster packs in your inventory now shows the average price of three cards for that game
  • Added option to only search within product names
  • Added inventory marketplace support for Battleblock Theater items
  • Added a loading dialog to custom profile background selection
  • Fixed a bug that caused price comparison overlays to be partially hidden in some circumstances
  • Fixed a bug that sometimes caused purchase date to be incorrect after buying the game as a gift
  • Fixed a bug which would cause CS:GO items not to get market data in non-English languages
If you have Enhanced Steam 6.0.1 or higher, this should update automatically the next time you restart Firefox. If you're still using the version of the plugin from the Mozilla site, you'll need to upgrade by following these instructions.

On a personal note, it's nice that I'm able to provide this update to Enhanced Steam's users so quickly after the 6.1 update on Google Chrome. As you can see from the above list of changes, it's almost identical to the changes made in 6.1 for Chrome. I hope that I'll be able to continue providing these updates for Firefox as rapidly in the future.

As always, let me know if you run into any problems with the update process or with the new version!

So Steam's new thing now seems to be defaulting to the Top Sellers tab when you load the page. Any way you could allow an option to go back to defaulting to the New Releases tab?

So Steam's new thing now seems to be defaulting to the Top Sellers tab when you load the page. Any way you could allow an option to go back to defaulting to the New Releases tab?
I'm looking at the feasibility of adding an option to let the user choose which tab they would like to see as the default. Not sure if I'll be able to or not, so stay tuned. :)

I'm looking at the feasibility of adding an option to let the user choose which tab they would like to see as the default. Not sure if I'll be able to or not, so stay tuned. :)
great work as always, but I think I may have found a bug for the enhanced steam standalone for the client. Whenever I'm running enhanced steam, I receive an error (error -7 can not connect to server) about not connecting to server when trying to access inventory or market / community stuff but when I disable enhanced steam it works fine.

Thanks, work fine in chrome, but just loved having it run in the client (I'm spoiled thanks to you :D)

Just a heads up that Enhanced Steam is in the process of moving to a new server.  It's quite a beefy server and should be able to support  the almost 250,000 people that use Enhanced Steam every day.

If you encounter any issues with Enhanced Steam in the next 24-48 hours, it probably has something to do with this server migration.  As always, feel free to let me know if something's not working right.

I'm completely sure this is not the fault of Enhanced Steam in any way, but what the heck is going on with the Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition DLC?





So I own it, but I don't own it, but I do, but I don't.  :???:

Also Capcom or Valve should remove the note about Games For Windows Live on the individual DLC pages.

Motoki, it turns out there are two separate sub IDs for the "All in costume pack".  One is for Steam store purchases, and another is for retail CD Keys.  I'm going to go out on a limb and say that you bought the "Complete" pack from Amazon at some point?  That would have given you a retail key.

So when Enhanced Steam asks the Steam servers if you own the Steam store version of the DLC, it says "nope!" so it doesn't highlight anything.

It's a pretty shitty way to handle it, but it's been that way for years.  It would have been nice if they would have fixed it up (and removed the DRM warnings) when they made the transition to Steamworks.

I actually bought that pack directly from Steam. They must have had an old ID for it pre-patch and a new ID for it post patch I guess.


[customspoiler='Hey, apparently it's my Steam Birthday!']

Thanks, Enhanced Steam!  

edit:  that little graphic is better than the 50% off SpaceChem coupon that Valve decided to give me today.

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ES is pulling the wrong current lowest price for Mysterious Card 3.


It's been like that every time I check back on it for a while now. Not sure where that is coming from unless it's really old from when those cards first went live. Even the foil isn't going for anywhere near that much.

ES is pulling the wrong current lowest price for Mysterious Card 3.

It's been like that every time I check back on it for a while now. Not sure where that is coming from unless it's really old from when those cards first went live. Even the foil isn't going for anywhere near that much.
Yeah, this happens when they release an item then later change it. The database we have (which matches the name of the item) has both, so in this instance it's grabbing the wrong record. I suppose in a couple of days, when all of these cards presumably change names, the issue will resolve itself.

Also, I know a lot of people have been bothered by this bug for quite a while, so I decided to try to tackle it with great success.


bread's done