PlayStation 4 - General Discussion Thread

I have played Madden every year since 95, NFL 2k5 was the only year I skipped Madden because of 2k5, and the only previous years game i still own and still play. It was the greatest achievement when it came to football games. It had the best presentation with football games having NFL live and Chris berman do highlights from every game each and every sunday! The first person camera was tough to use but an amazing extra feature. They had the create your own team and play celebrities based off their tendencies when they played the game. The crib where you could customize a house by winning in the game to get credits. And the franchise was just that, a full fledged franchise. Like has been said, Madden keeps adding "features" that have been in the game in the past and they just bring it back because it hasn't been in the game for a while and people are like wow I can't wait.

If 2k had of stayed around... man I could only imagine what both games would look like. EA needs the competition so they actually push themselves with innovating the game. Yea Madden 25 is a great game, but what can you really compare it to when they are the only football game on the market?

You also realize that the football publisher is the one in charge of NBA now, and the NHL and MLB were done by completely different 2k developers. So yes they have sucked, but the team in charge of football and basketball have been nearly perfect. Sad news is they can only do Basketball thanks to EA's scared tactic of getting exclusivity. Let's also not forget that NFL 2k5 cost $20 new when it came out! Sorry but to have one of the long standing "greatest football games" title and only had cost $20 at release... that was a big deal and EA got scared... threw the money at the NFL and boom, Madden becomes king by default.

Did you even play 2k5? Heck you can go back to it now, and besides the bad graphics due to the time, it still holds up!
i never bashed 2k football back in day i played them on dreamcast and then on ps2/xbox. I hated the 360 game they made and was not close to 2k back on ps2/xbox. 2k5 was great i think that is the oe with t.o on cover i played that more then madden that year. I also remember espn nfl that came up with the helmet cam that was awsome.

I was at my local Costco yesterday and happened to notice Watch Dogs (PS4/X1) priced at $49.99. Just thought I'd post this info for those still undecided.

Naughty Dog has announced they have a second game on the same level as Uncharted in production!!!  And also the two lead directors for The Last of Us have officially taken over Uncharted 4...  Great PS4 news!!!

YES!!!!!!! E3 a week away!!!

Naughty Dog has announced they have a second game on the same level as Uncharted in production!!! And also the two lead directors for The Last of Us have officially taken over Uncharted 4... Great PS4 news!!!

YES!!!!!!! E3 a week away!!!
Oh boy!!!! Naughty Dog is the best in the biz so I cant wait to see what they have cooking. UC2 and TLOU are two of my all time favorite games so I have NO problem with Neil and Bruce taking over. So excited!

MKX officially announced for 2015. Also a new HomeFront game was announced. Are any of you guys going to the Sony E3 Theater Experience?
I never played the original Homefront but the open world coop has me very interested.

Oh boy!!!! Naughty Dog is the best in the biz so I cant wait to see what they have cooking. UC2 and TLOU are two of my all time favorite games so I have NO problem with Neil and Bruce taking over. So excited!

I never played the original Homefront but the open world coop has me very interested.
My thoughts exactly, those have been the best two games Naughty dog have done and the people who left weren't actually the big guns like these two were... E3 can't come soon enough!!!

Is that just a guess or did someone actually say that?

Btw it seems we are get Hardline Beta codes!
yellow comic sans is the sarcasm text of cag.

people keep throwing that out, and it aint gonna happen. At most maybe a year of plus or a free digital game of some sort. Im hoping for free game, and my guess is knack.

Either way, should be fun, cant wait for next monday.

yellow comic sans is the sarcasm text of cag.

people keep throwing that out, and it aint gonna happen. At most maybe a year of plus or a free digital game of some sort. Im hoping for free game, and my guess is knack.

Either way, should be fun, cant wait for next monday.
I thought we'd at least get a month's worth access to Playstation Now (assuming that the service will start during E3).

If someone doesn't want their battlefield code could you kindly send said code to this Battlefield fan. :)
If/when I receive mine, you are more then welcome to it. I would probably play it once to check it out then never play it again.

This site has helped me plenty of times and got me some amazing deals, I have no problem giving back every once and awhile.

I bet the trading forums fill up with these codes once they are sent out. I hate when people try to make profit from something they received free.
So on the PS4 for May and June retail exclusives it's:

MLB: The Show

Bound by Flame

The Last of Us Remastered

Moto GP

Meanwhile on the Xbox One:

chirp chirp chirp 

Also PVZ: Garden Warfare coming to PS4 in August.

And who has no games again?

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So on the PS4 for May and June retail exclusives it's:

MLB: The Show

Bound by Flame

The Last of Us Remastered

Moto GP

Meanwhile on the Xbox One:

<crickets> chirp chirp chirp

Also PVZ: Garden Warfare coming to PS4 in August.

And who has no games again?
Those are all lies. We know PS4 is only an indie-box.

Oh, and don't forget DriveClub. Isn't War Thunder going to be playable starting today? And PlanetSide 2 is rumored to come out this year as well.

When did Arkham night become a PS4 exclusive to make that joke make any kinda sense?
I've been seeing similar jokes all over the place... And it's a multiplatform game. Some people are just trying to hard.

Delays happen A LOT in this industry, it really isn't a Sony problem. Part of it is the culture of this business with how so many devs/publishers thinking they need to announce ASAP to garner hype and keep themselves relevant. Games should not be announced unless they are within 3-6 months of being ready to ship, in my opinion. There's just way too many unknowns in this medium that can cause a delay. And then when your game hits a delay or two, it only becomes negative press with people freaking out thinking there are problems or just getting pissed since the game they think they're entitled to receiving yesterday now won't be released for another year.

It's something that the whole industry would have to shift toward in order for it to work, but unfortunately I don't really ever see it happening.

I've been seeing similar jokes all over the place... And it's a multiplatform game. Some people are just trying to hard.

Delays happen A LOT in this industry, it really isn't a Sony problem. Part of it is the culture of this business with how so many devs/publishers thinking they need to announce ASAP to garner hype and keep themselves relevant. Games should not be announced unless they are within 3-6 months of being ready to ship, in my opinion. There's just way too many unknowns in this medium that can cause a delay. And then when your game hits a delay or two, it only becomes negative press with people freaking out thinking there are problems or just getting pissed since the game they think they're entitled to receiving yesterday now won't be released for another year.

It's something that the whole industry would have to shift toward in order for it to work, but unfortunately I don't really ever see it happening.
I would agree. Would like to see this stop happening and more devs/publishers work to hold off on announcing it until it's too close to really get that drastically wrong. Like you said, it definitely won't happen unless it becomes an industry standard, but that will never happen.

At the same time, they may receive negative press, but I don't think it means much. The Internet likes to uproar about anything and everything, but rarely does that actually equate to anything. Watch Dogs is a great example where it received tons of negative press (delays, graphical downgrade complaints, etc), and it's now the most successful new IP ever. It is one example, but it's one of many where the outrage online doesn't match with the end result.

Announcing games early is fine to build hype/interest. They just shouldn't give them any release dates until they're sure they can make it. Even just saying "Fall 2014" is problematic as it generates some negative PR as many stupidly associate delays with the game being problematic.
Announcing games early is fine to build hype/interest. They just shouldn't give them any release dates until they're sure they can make it. Even just saying "Fall 2014" is problematic as it generates some negative PR as many stupidly associate delays with the game being problematic.
I know this is a terrible analogy but let's say you have a strict deadline for a grant application (self-imposed) but you miss said deadline because the application is not in the best possible shape. Who's at fault?

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I know this is a terrible analogy but let's say you have a strict deadline for a grant application but you miss said deadline because the application is not in the best possible shape. Who's at fault?
Well the difference there is the developer/publisher set the deadline, and not an outside agency. :D

No need to set that deadline if you're not sure you can make it.

Quality wise the principle is the same. If I and my co-PIs miss a grant deadline, we'll keep polishing it up and submit it to a new solicitation at a later date and have a better quality product. Game gets delayed, it gets more polish and ends up being a better game. Many game forum dwellers get pessimistic about delays, and some how don't see that most great games go through delays as there's so much pressure to put stuff out in that holiday window. Which is silly IMO since things like TLOU show that games can release pretty much anytime and sell big numbers if they're great games and marketed well.
and it's now the most successful new IP ever. It is one example, but it's one of many where the outrage online doesn't match with the end result.
Most successful ever? Ever? or for Ubisoft?

Would be interesting to compared sales console by console against other IP's----funny numbers to just say ever when you base day one sales across like five platforms.

Well the difference there is the developer/publisher set the deadline, and not an outside agency. :D

No need to set that deadline if you're not sure you can make it.

Quality wise the principle is the same. If I and my co-PIs miss a grant deadline, we'll keep polishing it up and submit it to a new solicitation at a later date and have a better quality product. Game gets delayed, it gets more polish and ends up being a better game. Many game forum dwellers get pessimistic about delays, and some how don't see that most great games go through delays as there's so much pressure to put stuff out in that holiday window. Which is silly IMO since things like TLOU show that games can release pretty much anytime and sell big numbers if they're great games and marketed well.
Agreed. Watch Dogs proves you theory correct but why have a public deadline/release date at all? Just give us a release window.

Most successful ever? Ever? or for Ubisoft?

Would be interesting to compared sales console by console against other IP's----funny numbers to just say ever when you base day one sales across like five platforms.
It sold 4 million copies during its first week of release (admittedly across 5 platforms).

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Agreed. Watch Dogs proves you theory but why have a public deadline to begin with.
That was what I was saying--they shouldn't have public deadlines. Reveal the game early if they want, but don't give it a launch window. Wait until you can give it a date you're 100% you can hit.
I would agree. Would like to see this stop happening and more devs/publishers work to hold off on announcing it until it's too close to really get that drastically wrong. Like you said, it definitely won't happen unless it becomes an industry standard, but that will never happen.

At the same time, they may receive negative press, but I don't think it means much. The Internet likes to uproar about anything and everything, but rarely does that actually equate to anything. Watch Dogs is a great example where it received tons of negative press (delays, graphical downgrade complaints, etc), and it's now the most successful new IP ever. It is one example, but it's one of many where the outrage online doesn't match with the end result.
Watch Dogs was actually on my mind as I was typing that, and while it may be true that it won't affect anything in the grand scheme of things, I would still think it best to avoid any kind of negative press if possible.

I am a bit surprised that WD has done so well, what with so many worried due to the lengthy delay and some of the sub-par reviews... But it is a pretty good game and you have to give credit to Ubi for salvaging what could have been a disappointing situation and bringing in those impressive sales numbers.
I hope the success of WD, TLOU etc. lead to more big summer releases. As a professor, I have more time to game from mid-May to Mid August than any other time of the year since I'm not teaching or dealing with administrative work and just focusing on my research. Vs. doing all three the rest of the year. So a lot of the big holiday releases just end up getting lost in the shuffle and never played as by the time my schedule frees up there are more recent games I want to play more.
Watch Dogs was actually on my mind as I was typing that, and while it may be true that it won't affect anything in the grand scheme of things, I would still think it best to avoid any kind of negative press if possible.

I am a bit surprised that WD has done so well, what with so many worried due to the lengthy delay and some of the sub-par reviews... But it is a pretty good game and you have to give credit to Ubi for salvaging what could have been a disappointing situation and bringing in those impressive sales numbers.
Here is the hing with Watch Dogs and why I think it didn't matter to them to delay it... right now there are no new games! I mean people who are wanting games to play will get whatever new games come out. We are starved for games, so the bad press Watch Dogs got didn't hurt it. Add that to the install base of both new consoles who want a new AAA title and there is a big group wanting to buy the game

Yeah May has always been a good month to release stuff. There's a dearth of new games out at that time. Plus a lot of kids are starting summer break.
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So on the PS4 for May and June retail exclusives it's:

MLB: The Show

Bound by Flame

The Last of Us Remastered

Moto GP

Meanwhile on the Xbox One:

<crickets> chirp chirp chirp

Also PVZ: Garden Warfare coming to PS4 in August.

And who has no games again?
all 4 of those games are on multiplat and a port to ps4. Not trying to start something but other then watch dogs no NEW games worth talking about is out until destiny.

all 4 of those games are on multiplat and a port to ps4. Not trying to start something but other then watch dogs no NEW games worth talking about is out until destiny.
Ok, so what multiplat X360 to Xbox One games does MS have that they are releasing to help ease the lack of new current gen games?

all 4 of those games are on multiplat and a port to ps4.
Also, is Moto GP even coming out in the US? I'm pretty sure it's not. Not that there aren't people from Europe or around the world on this site, but I wouldn't include a non US game in a list of new releases on here.

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Also, is Moto GP even coming out in the US? I'm pretty sure it's not. Not that there aren't people from Europe or around the world on this site, but I wouldn't include a non US game in a list of new releases on here.
it is coming to u.s but who knows when it's only out in uk in june

Yeah. I just googled it and saw an article from yesterday where they said a US release was in the works, but no release date. I couldn't find an Amazon or Gamestop listing for it.

bread's done