PS3 FAQ's: PSN, Gaming, Hardware, Accessories, Gen. Discussions...etc.

Going thru my 2nd PS3 service now.
1st issue was a firmware update, after the firmware updated, it just gave me an error message.
So send it back to Sony and they send me a replacement.

Now after 6 months, another issue came out. Games started freezing and the sound started "stuttering". Was playing MGS4, 5 mins into the game, it just freeze. Was playing Grid, the sound just started to stutter and then went silent. Since this new issue appeared and i am out of the warranty period, i ended up having to pay $150 to send it back. Getting tired of crap products Sony comes out with!!!
Thought i rant in here. :(
Can't believe the crappy luck i have with the PS3.
[quote name='Nephlabobo']What model do you have (20? 60? 80?)

And how has the service been?[/QUOTE]

I got the 60G version. The thing is that i am not even a heavy user of the PS3. I use it like 2-3 hours a week, nothing more. Just a casual gamer.
Service wise, when you call them, be prepared to wait 10-20mins on hold. Truly sucks.
There's only so much the Customer Service could do over the phone. Normally, they ask you if you are using a modified system, when you bought it, ask you to do a system restore and in my case, if i am able to play other disc(DVD or Blu Ray, no problems with that).
At least they send you a package for you to send it back to them and their turn around time is normally 10-15 business days. I hope this is the last time this happen.
Even games on PS3 use HDCP. So if your monitor isnt HDCP compatible & DVI or HDMI then no you cant play them on your monitor.
[quote name='I Twitch']I haven't bought myself a 'toy' in a while but... 400 is a lot to throw down in one buy.... so is it ridiculous to wait for a price drop or is that not going to happen until say ps4 comes out....[/QUOTE]
You must have missed the Wal-Mart sale. was $100 off last week. :\
Lame like them removing the "Turn controller off" option during dvd/bd playback, but whatchya gonna do? It's a universal thing for sixaxis and DS3 controllers on all PS3s
If you are talking about a USB wireless adapter (A dongle you plug into your PC to broadcast wireless) then yes, you can do that.

If you are talking about running a USB cable from the modem/PC to a USB port on the PS3, then no, you can't do that.
There is no way around it. PS3 switches to PS2 hardware mode, and when it does, the bluetooth has to switch to PS2 mode. That is why Sony wants a EE + GS software emulator for PS2 games (PS1 games aren't that way because they are playing off of an emulator). That's just a big disadvantage when using hardware components (PS2 wasn't designed to use a bluetooth). If you want PS2 BC, you just gotta deal with it (that is one reason Sony is no longer using any PS2 components in PS2's they make (they 80GB) is just re-using older motherboards and some consoles which never came to retailers)).

Sony was planning on never putting PS2 hardware in the PS3 to make it have PS2 BC, but did so at the last minute until they could get their PS2 EE emulator up and running.

It cannot be fixed in firmware either.
[quote name='QiG']Lame like them removing the "Turn controller off" option during dvd/bd playback, but whatchya gonna do? It's a universal thing for sixaxis and DS3 controllers on all PS3s[/quote]

You can turn the controller off during dvd playback.

I just checked myself. Hold the middle button down and the option to turn the controller or the system comes up.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']No, you should be able to create as many profiles as you want.[/QUOTE]
thank god, otherwise i would have been ruined.

since its my brothers PS3, that is expected to arrive tomorrow... he had no money left over for any games, i bought 2 games.

and then gave him 50 bucks to buy one.

and.....he....bought Ninja Gaiden 2...
ok, so the PS3 finally came... but it came with some problems...

we bought it used from gamestop, and they supposedly tested it......

and when we plugged it in, it did not work.

we tried HDMI cables, and the regular input cables (Red,white, and yellow) and still nothing.

even tried an old converter to see if we could play it on a 20 year old TV.

still nothing.

also, we cannot turn it to standby mode, nor connect the controller.

all we see is the green light when we press the "ON" button, and then the Blue one when we put in a disc.

any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
[quote name='cdietschrun']Try holding down the power button for 5 seconds or so when you turn it on. It might do something.[/quote]
thanks, i can now put it into stand by, but still no picture. :(
haha, sorry for all the spam...

but, we went to our local gamestop, and traded the 60gb for an 80 gb. and it works fine.

my final question (for now) would.... be... how many Playstation Network Accounts can you have? as many as you want?
How do you transfer or import files or saved game files on 40GB PS3? On my old 60GB, I used flash memory card on PSP to transfer files. Since that is not an option on 40GB, how do you do it?
[quote name='zeonmx']How do you transfer or import files or saved game files on 40GB PS3? On my old 60GB, I used flash memory card on PSP to transfer files. Since that is not an option on 40GB, how do you do it?[/quote]

Cant you use a USB flash drive?
Finally got me a new PS3!!!! A have a buddy that has a Video Game Store that is selling me a 40 Gig PS3 and Metal Gear 4 for $260! His cost!!

Sooo..what other cool stuff do i need to get game wise?..(offline and on)
[quote name='DarkSageRK']Metal Gear Solid 4. That is all you will ever need.[/quote]

What this guy said. No need to buy any other games until you're throughly satisfied with Metal Gear. Then get Call of Duty 4.
Actually, no. I didn't. Still anyone that doesn't get a PS3 without MGS4 is missing out so it's good to make sure people see it.
ratchet and clank is good but damn short. i beat it in like 2 or 3 days but there is some replay value in it but id buy it used or trade for it. tiger woods 07 is fun and you cant go wrong with gta4 unless you have i for the 360. can anyone reccommend heavenly sword or assasin creed?
Was thinking of getting Ratchet and Clank then maybe Uncharted..what do ya'll think of uncharted? as to the Gentleman who said Call Of Duty 4 i got that for the 360..its sad..I will prob only use this for a blue-ray player and for sony exclusives....kinda like the only reason I had a Gamecube last generation to play Nintendo exclusives..
Wish I could dude..but this was my best friend getting me something at cost to him...of course it will also lead me to feeding the machine with merchandise from his store....
Do you have a 360???

If not Call of Duty 4, Orange Box, etc.

If you do it depends on which online multiplayer service you prefer and whether you have friends with a 360 or PS3.

I would add Uncharted to the list, nothing ground breaking, but I have thoroughly enjoyed it thus far.

And as others have said, MGS4
mlb the show is pretty good if you're in to sports. I just got a PS3 also, and have GTA, MLB, Hot Shots. They're all a lot of fun. Debating on whether to get Madden when it comes out in August. Heard the 08 one sucks.
[quote name='sotb_96']Wish I could dude..but this was my best friend getting me something at cost to him...of course it will also lead me to feeding the machine with merchandise from his store....[/QUOTE]

where does your friend work, Best Buy? was that a corporate or local deal?
details details!
thanx anyway man, i should be out looking for a job right now instead of browsing the CAG forums.
I guess I put questions here? I found the only 80GB bundle I've seen in almost a year yesterday at Target, so I picked it up. Probably shouldn't have as my backlog is huge again (went crazy at Toy's R Us), but oh well...

Tons of questions:

-Does the Dual Shock 3 keep it's bluetooth radio shut off when it's plugged in through USB? I'm thinking it probably does, as if I'm using it, and then pull the cord out, I lose control for several seconds while the controller flashes. I'm guessing that during that time, it's turning on bluetooth and establishing a connection with the PS3. If it was using bluetooth when plugged in, why would I lose control when I unplugged it?
I'm hoping it shuts bluetooth off, as wireless isn't especially safe (or at best the industry-rigged-jury is still out) and I try to avoid it if there's no reason for it.

-Can you now "deactivate/deauthorize" a PS3/PSP so new ones can be authorized, like iTunes? ie can you theoretically use content on 300,000 PS3s if you go through that process? I thought you COULDN'T do that, but while I was setting up my account last night, I found an option to authorize or deauthorize a PS3 or PSP. I don't see what else it could mean.
If you can do that, that's HUGE. Microsoft and especially Nintendo tie content to a single system, which is completely unacceptable. I may actually buy some stuff from the download store if I know I can move it to a future PS3 if I want/need to. (I still prefer retail, but I wouldn't mind Jumping Flash! or the Bionic Commando remake!) If this works as I think it does, Sony needs to advertise it, as that gives them the best online store of the three consoles by FAR.

-Regarding downloads...I'm confused. I tried downloading three game demos last night through the store. I'd click "background download" or whatever, and it would dump me back to the main store screen. I was downloading Haze, Condemned 2, and some "Live Arcade" style game that turned out to be another horrifically boring (and ugly) dual stick shooter.
So when I exited the store the first time and looked at the downloads in the main menu, it displayed the live arcade game, and Haze twice, but not Condemned. I deleted one of the instances of Haze, then went back to the store and tried to start Condemned, which again said it was going to background download. Exited, and it still didn't show up.
Once my other games had finished downloading, I tried again, and this time it downloaded. But...all three games are still showing up in the "download" list in the store. I can't figure out how to delete them off that list, or why they're even there.
So unless I'm missing something, the whole process is still pretty buggy compared to Microsoft's...although again, I'll take this any day if the DRM is more fair as it apparently is!

Random observations-after downloading those game demos, it has to "install" them? That's...different. Not used to that since the 360 they're ready to run (and the same file sizes). In the case of the lame shooter, it downloads 125MB, then I install it, which takes a few minutes, then it tells me I have to install an update, so it downloads ANOTHER 125MB, then I have to wait a few minutes AGAIN while it's installing. Kind of clunky there. Haze took forever to install, and half the time didn't even tell me it was doing anything.

I haven't played a disc based game yet, but so far while running Folding @ Home it idles fairly loud. I'm not 100% sure if it's louder than the 360 when not running from a disc or not, but it's louder than probably any other system (save the Dreamcast). Exhaust from it is pretty cold, though the case is warm up near the top/right side where the CPU must be. This would be with the CPU(s) pegged at probably close to 100% though versus the 360 running at close to 0%.

It's MUCH quieter than the 360 is when the 360's running a disc game. Not even in the same ball park. My TV's volume goes from 0-100, and on other systems I usually set it around 5-20, averaging around 10. On the 360 I have to set it to 30, just to HEAR it over the system. While playing Haze last night, I had it set to a normal "10" and that was enough to mostly drown out the system (in fact that was a "10" with the sound effects turned all the way down in Haze's menu)...although the real test will be with a disc based game *crosses fingers* as the 360 isn't that loud when running from the hard drive either.

Honestly, if the PS3 shuts down bluetooth when the controller is connected through USB, and it's significantly quieter than the 360, then it's probably going to be my main system, as the 360's noise really bothers me (to Mass Effect's credit, that game's so good it was the first time I could almost forget the sound).

I thought Haze seemed fairly good. Not some disaster like the reviews made out. It ran silky smooth, and controlled really well for a console FPS (and normally I've thought Playstation FPSs don't), and I thought the graphics were on par with a typical better quality 360 game, though without the hitching or texture popping I often see in 360 games. So at least so far the technical aspect of the system seems just fine! Can't believe I now think of a 7900 series GPU as low end! I keep reminding myself that plenty of Playstation 2 games look good (and even DS games), and the 7900 is about 10 trillion times more powerful than the PS2's GPU was, so really no problem there.

Oh, and one annoying thing was getting it to do 720p instead of 1080i. I guess the only way to do that is to unselect 1080i as an option in the video settings? Hopefully that won't screw something up in terms of games or Blu Ray discs only displaying at 480p or something, but so far that seems to keep the games I've tried at 720p. That's one area the 360 does better too, but hopefully unchecking that takes care of it. Not sure if the PS3 will work okay with a computer monitor like the 360 does (that can come in handy in various situations :D )
So generally the interface seems clunkier so far than 360, but less tacky. Not sure how to set the background color to change with the month like the Playstation Portable does. That's kind of fun IMO to have the interface change a bit with the month!
Another question, are there any wired/USB headsets that work with it? I picked up the PS3 version of Splinter Cell because I actually kind of enjoyed the online portion of it, and I'd actually be able to USE it on the PS3. I wonder if it would recognize my 360 headset if I plugged in my 360 controller? :D Probably not.

This thing has PRINTER settings in it. Crazy! You've always been able to tell Sony has actual engineers working for them.

EDIT: Oh, and I don't know if the game's any good yet, but I *LOVE* Metal Gear Solid 4's cover. One of the best/most distinctive, in-your-face covers of all time. Heck, my mom was picking some stuff up while I was unpacking the system, and SHE picked it up and thought the cover was cool.
Hmm I tried registering my PS3 through the playstation site but it keeps giving me an invalid barcode error. I've used the one on the box and the one on the back of the system but neither seem to work. Does this happen to anyone else?
[quote name='snakelda']what's your psn name?[/QUOTE]

dont have a psn name yet..i'll let you on x-box live as claydawg96
[quote name='antlp89']Sell me one for $300? :D[/QUOTE]

I'll get with him and see what he'll sale them for..might be worth your time to give him a call.
[quote name='sandrokstar']where does your friend work, Best Buy? was that a corporate or local deal?
details details!
thanx anyway man, i should be out looking for a job right now instead of browsing the CAG forums.[/QUOTE]

He owns a local mom and pop game his foot in the door before game stop came to town...treats customers like people and looks out for his regulars..also offers way more on trades than fact there is a gamestop manager that actually comes there to trade in games...people..always support the little guy!!
bread's done