RPG Thread VI needs a remake

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The best thing to come out of FFXIII was the 360 faceplate. Despite the fact that I hated the game (and that I played it on PS3), the faceplate is still on my 360 as it looks better than any other I've found on a white console.
[quote name='keithp']So I've been playing FF XIII since I got it with the Reward Zone deal last week.

Good god, is it one boring game! Move forward, hit "A" to get past a fight, watch cutscene. And repeat. No strategy to the fights. No difficulty to the enemies, even the bosses so far. Paradigm shifts? I don't see the big advantage to how revolutionary this gameplay advance supposedly is.

Now, I'm only on Chapter 4, mind you, and I know that in Chapter 10 it supposedly opens up, but I honestly don't know if I'll make it that far. The story is pretty good, but Vanille and Hope make me want to take a .38 special to my TV screen whenever they're on. Hope because he's so emo and a pussy, and Vanille because she's so stupid, and squeals too much. And runs like an girl, all exaggerated and arms flailing, you know what I mean.

My fear is I'll sink 40 hours in and get to Chapter 10 or 11 and still be disappointed.

I do like the story though. And the graphics...oooh, pret-ty!....

I also read it's the best-selling Final Fantasy, so I'm depressed on top of it all, because it probably means more dumbed-down FF games in the future.

So does it get appreciably better in Chapter 10, or will the bad taste in my mouth have destroyed any chance I would've had of enjoying this game?[/QUOTE]

I got to Chapter 12 and just gave up. It was boring, battle system was a step backwards IMO not offering you full control over your party. Granted it was to stream line the battle system and what not but I felt it hampered it and made battles more reliant on luck(hoping your two AI controlled players pull through in time with their abilities).
[quote name='panzerfaust']You'll notice how FF fans love 1-2 FFs and hate all the rest, this is precisely why.[/QUOTE]

Final Fantasy I - Alright game, but I can never really get into it because it feels really dated. GOOD.

Final Fantasy II - Has an interesting cast of characters and a deeper story, but I never beat it. GOOD.

Final Fantasy III - Didn't really like this game since the story is a bit less interesting than 2s and the job system isn't very refined. DISLIKE.

Final Fantasy IV - Love this game, this and FFVI are why I got into RPGs. LOVE.

Final Fantasy V - I really like how the job system plays out in this game, but the plot could be better. GOOD.

Final Fantasy VI - One of my favorite games of all time. LOVE.

Final Fantasy VII - The reason I got a PS1, and it was totally worth it. LOVE.

Final Fantasy VIII - I like the characters and the plot seems interesting, but the gameplay changes were a bit drastic. I really want to beat this one at some point. GOOD.

Final Fantasy IX - Awesome until the ending which was awful. GOOD.

Final Fantasy X - Really linear, but I loved the plot and the ending was amazing. LOVE.

Final Fantasy XI - Alright for an MMORPG, but a bit too hardcore for my taste. DISLIKE.

Final Fantasy X-2 - This game shouldn't exist and kind of takes away from the plot of FFX. HATE.

Final Fantasy XII - The plot basically put me to sleep and I wasn't a huge fan of the combat or the way treasure chests were handled so I'm fairly sure I'll never beat this game. HATE.

Final Fantasy XIII - The plot is way better than 12, but the linearity of the dungeons really bothers me and combat is just alright. UNDECIDED... but probably DISLIKE.

So I guess that makes 9 games in the series I like to 5 games that I don't. And, of those 5 games all but one are after FFX. Like I think I just really hate where the series has gone recently completely leaving behind its JRPG roots.
[quote name='GhostShark']I think I may be the only person on this planet that loved Final Fantasy X-2. :([/QUOTE]

I don't have any strong opinion on it either way at this point, but I know I enjoyed it when I played it.
I didn't mind FFXII. it wasn't great by any means, but it was better than the average RPG. If it wasn't called Final Fantasy, I would like it more.
[quote name='momouchi']I didn't mind FFXII. it wasn't great by any means, but it was better than the average RPG. If it wasn't called Final Fantasy, I would like it more.[/QUOTE]

I liked it more than most actually. Hardly my favorite in the series or close to it, but I liked the plot, characters, etc and I also really enjoyed the battle system for what it was. To me its very reminiscent of the battle system in Dragon Age (albeit a simplified version), which I really enjoyed.
[quote name='bvharris']I liked [FF12] more than most actually. Hardly my favorite in the series or close to it, but I liked the plot, characters, etc and I also really enjoyed the battle system for what it was. [/QUOTE]

Same, more or less. I really liked the Gambit system. I thought the story/plot was handled poorly and the characters were only ok, but I just really liked the gameplay. Biggest problem for me was the random chests, but if we didn't have super-detailed FAQs we wouldn't have even known that was a problem....
Well, yes I was exaggerating when I said FF players "hate" all the game save for a couple, but they definitely are the most sensitive over whatever new one releases. You don't really see this with other franchises because like we said before, each FF is essentially a new IP with the same title (some people still have trouble coming to terms with that).

Most often, when someone declares their first "favorite" FF, nothing will ever surpass it. So naturally, you get a lot of upset people every time one comes out, ranting about how everything is going downhill since FF [Insert Number Here].

There are legitimate flaws within each game, sure -- but of the ones I played (FFVI - FFXIII), I can safely say they are all pretty top notch RPGs.

When it comes to the main installments of FF (hell, even X-2 was a solidly built RPG), Square puts in a lot of effort each time. Not being able to enjoy their latest project because it was a "miss" for you, does indeed suck.

For me personally, I can't decided if I like X, XII, or XIII more =D
Oooooh, FF debate.

As with I think a large group of people, my first RPG was FFVII. I don't know why I never played them before, but it was the first memorable one. I didn't play VIII, and I only played IX a few years after its release (er, about two years ago). Beat X, skipped XI, and am in a playthrough of XII which is now running since the game released. I've gone back and tried to replay VI, but I can never just keep going. It seems like I'd like it, but other games keep cropping up for me to play when I get the urge to play it. xD

I didn't not like any of the ones I played. XII departed from the turn-based feel, sure, and I may be looking at VII with a bit of nostalgia, but they were by no means bad. VI was pretty neat, and the battles were fun and moved along. My favorite of those, though? It has to be IX. Even if the battles move at a snail's pace and I wish they would go faster, I just really liked it for some reason. And then my save game got corrupted when the power went out while saving at around 30 hours. I haven't really wanted to start it again since. :/
[quote name='panzerfaust']Well, yes I was exaggerating when I said FF players "hate" all the game save for a couple, but they definitely are the most sensitive over whatever new one releases. You don't really see this with other franchises because like we said before, each FF is essentially a new IP with the same title (some people still have trouble coming to terms with that).[/QUOTE]

I don't really think that is it, at least not for me; my main problem is if you look at almost all of the games they are mostly the same gameplay wise up through X-2 and then suddenly at XII they decided to turn FF into something else and I don't like that. I mean Tales games and Dragon Quest games are basically new IPs with each game since the stories typically have nothing to do with each other but they manage to keep the gameplay fairly consistent between each one which is what I like. With FF12 they tried something very different and I didn't like it and then with FF13 they tried something different from FF12 or the earlier games and again I'm not really sure that I like that.

I guess you could call me old fashioned but I like the old FF and DQ games and I don't mind seeing an upgrade to an old or outdated system but what FF12 and FF13 did was totally gut anything relating to the old gameplay and then created something totally different.
I actually liked FF12. The story was the biggest disappointment in that game for me, but I had no problems with the combat and gambit system, and the characters didn't nearly grate on me like Hope and Vanille in FF13.
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[quote name='GhostShark']I think I may be the only person on this planet that loved Final Fantasy X-2. :([/QUOTE]
I loved it too! Lack of emo, a Yuna I could actually like, and a sweet battle system, for starters.
Final Fantasy is practically dead to me.

The last good one in my mind was 9. That seemed like a good time to get off the bus.

Then again, I haven't played one since then.

My favorites are 4, 6 and 9.
[quote name='icebeast']

I guess you could call me old fashioned but I like the old FF and DQ games and I don't mind seeing an upgrade to an old or outdated system but what FF12 and FF13 did was totally gut anything relating to the old gameplay and then created something totally different.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='ForeStorm']Oooooh, FF debate.

As with I think a large group of people, my first RPG was FFVII. I don't know why I never played them before, but it was the first memorable one. I didn't play VIII, and I only played IX a few years after its release (er, about two years ago). Beat X, skipped XI, and am in a playthrough of XII which is now running since the game released. I've gone back and tried to replay VI, but I can never just keep going. It seems like I'd like it, but other games keep cropping up for me to play when I get the urge to play it. xD

I didn't not like any of the ones I played. XII departed from the turn-based feel, sure, and I may be looking at VII with a bit of nostalgia, but they were by no means bad. VI was pretty neat, and the battles were fun and moved along. My favorite of those, though? It has to be IX. Even if the battles move at a snail's pace and I wish they would go faster, I just really liked it for some reason. And then my save game got corrupted when the power went out while saving at around 30 hours. I haven't really wanted to start it again since. :/[/QUOTE]

I like RPG comfort food, and DQ delivers that. Most of the new stuff they try in FF doesn't appeal to me.

I keep quitting FFVI at the ruined world in my replays. I like my RPG linear too.

I think after I beat DQIX and do some post game stuff, I'll play some Legend or Heroes III. That series is fairly consistent too. I wonder what the next three will be like from XSeed?
All the running around in DQ IX's battle system makes me wonder what the original battle system was supposed to be like.

There's something about it that reminds me of Diablo.
[quote name='kainzero']All the running around in DQ IX's battle system makes me wonder what the original battle system was supposed to be like.


I'm glad they didn't break with tradition. I like DQ's battle system the way it is.

Although an ARPG would have fit better with multiplayer.

How many multiplayer turn based RPGs are there, anyway?

FFVI had it if you plugged another controller on SNES, Little Ninja Bros. & Super Ninja Boy were multiplayer & Turn-based on NES and SNES during the boss fights.
[quote name='suko_32']Tales of Graces F, port of Wii verison for PS3 and Tales PS3 game @_@

Then watch them never come out here.[/QUOTE]

Well it doesnt really hurt us since we never got Graces. It might slightly improved our chance of a US release
[quote name='blueshinra']I loved it too! Lack of emo, a Yuna I could actually like, and a sweet battle system, for starters.[/QUOTE]

Yuck, I thought Paine looked totally emo, Yuna had become slutty, and Rikku got more slutty. And then the main enemy for half the game is basically Team Rocket. And lets be honest even if somehow you got 100% completion (which is almost impossible without a guide since some of the percentage points in that game are just for talking to people at specific 1 chance times) you get an ending which basically just pretends like the ending of FFX never happened.
[quote name='icebeast']And lets be honest even if somehow you got 100% completion (which is almost impossible without a guide since some of the percentage points in that game are just for talking to people at specific 1 chance times) you get an ending which basically just pretends like the ending of FFX never happened.[/QUOTE]

Why I stopped playing. I had the guide, but apparently missed 1 conversation in the first 5 minutes of the game. I was at 77 percent completion, and it said I should have been at 78, so I said fuck it and never looked back. Not completely unenjoyable, but too much work for too little gain.
[quote name='icebeast']Yuck, I thought Paine looked totally emo, Yuna had become slutty, and Rikku got more slutty. And then the main enemy for half the game is basically Team Rocket. And lets be honest even if somehow you got 100% completion (which is almost impossible without a guide since some of the percentage points in that game are just for talking to people at specific 1 chance times) you get an ending which basically just pretends like the ending of FFX never happened.[/QUOTE]
I beat the game without getting 100% (since I never use guides on the first playthrough ;)), so I looked up the hidden ending on YouTube. Fanservice, like I expected. The "Normal" ending is blander, but I prefer that one.

FFX-2's story is total crack to begin with. It doesn't take itself too seriously, and is wrapped around a helluva meaty game to boot. I never paid it much mind at all, though it had its moments.

Maybe it helped that I found FFX merely "okay" overall (didn't help that I had the ending of that spoiled for me, either), so I wasn't overly attached to it. I also couldn't stand Yuna in that game *shrug*
[quote name='icebeast']I don't really think that is it, at least not for me; my main problem is if you look at almost all of the games they are mostly the same gameplay wise up through X-2 and then suddenly at XII they decided to turn FF into something else and I don't like that. I mean Tales games and Dragon Quest games are basically new IPs with each game since the stories typically have nothing to do with each other but they manage to keep the gameplay fairly consistent between each one which is what I like. With FF12 they tried something very different and I didn't like it and then with FF13 they tried something different from FF12 or the earlier games and again I'm not really sure that I like that.

I guess you could call me old fashioned but I like the old FF and DQ games and I don't mind seeing an upgrade to an old or outdated system but what FF12 and FF13 did was totally gut anything relating to the old gameplay and then created something totally different.[/QUOTE]

I could see that. FFX and the ones before it had more fundamental similarities in combat and random battles. Square is just now trying to push the hardware by using more "realistic" aspects.

In an interview they said FFXIII was never going to be traditionally turn based because it would look jarringly artificial seeing HD res characters standing in place. They wanted to go for a more natural feel. So I personally don't believe we're ever going to see a line-em-up and take your turn approach to FF combat again -- at least on PS3/360. Instead were gonna see more crazy shit, probably like what were going to see with Versus.

And at the other end of the spectrum WRPGs are practically all diving into more casual territory these days with more streamlined elements. So these days you just have to appreciate the new flow of things, or sit out :cry:
[quote name='panzerfaust']In an interview they said FFXIII was never going to be traditionally turn based because it would look jarringly artificial seeing HD res characters standing in place. They wanted to go for a more natural feel.[/QUOTE]

They could've still kept it traditionally turn-based without them lining up. Grandia pulled this off well. Heck even good ol' Lunar did this.

Maybe FFXIII should've taken a cue from the Tales series if they wanted a natural, fast paced feel.

[quote name='suko_32']Tales of Graces F, port of Wii verison for PS3 and Tales PS3 game @_@

Then watch them never come out here.[/QUOTE]

Good news. I hope they come out here. I need a fresh JRPG.
[quote name='Rodimus']They could've still kept it traditionally turn-based without them lining up. Grandia pulled this off well. Heck even good ol' Lunar did this.

Maybe FFXIII should've taken a cue from the Tales series if they wanted a natural, fast paced feel.[/QUOTE]

Well in that case XIII is also technically turn based. It's just there is less emphasis on tactics planning and more on adaptation.
[quote name='panzerfaust']Well in that case XIII is also technically turn based. It's just there is less emphasis on tactics planning and more on adaptation.[/QUOTE]

You mean it's more emphasis on suck.

Ohh FFXIII hate \\:D/
[quote name='2DMention']I'm glad they didn't break with tradition. I like DQ's battle system the way it is.[/QUOTE]
It's because of people like you that we can't have nice things. Multiplayer RPGs don't make sense with turn-based battle systems.
[quote name='pete5883']It's because of people like you that we can't have nice things. Multiplayer RPGs don't make sense with turn-based battle systems.[/QUOTE]

While I agree it's an odd concept, and one that doesn't really appeal to me, I don't know that what you said is inherently true. If you know what you're doing on Dragon Quest, how long does it really take you to select each command? 5 seconds tops? My biggest concern would be whether there's sufficient communication to come up with a good strategy in local wi-fi unless you're literally looking the person in the face.*

* This conjured an amusing mental image of some Japanese office worker on a subway train suddenly shouting out "who the hell casts Kabuff there?" to his anonymous questing partner in the next car while people look at him strangely.
[quote name='pete5883']It's because of people like you that we can't have nice things. Multiplayer RPGs don't make sense with turn-based battle systems.[/QUOTE]

Persona would work very well as a multi-player RPG. Etrian Odyssey III might be pretty good too, although I'm not sure how far their multi-player goes. I imagine the draw for EO would be the multi-player exploring, map sharing, and resource sharing rather than the turn-based battles.
[quote name='pete5883']It's because of people like you that we can't have nice things. Multiplayer RPGs don't make sense with turn-based battle systems.[/QUOTE]

If you add extra layers of strategy to the fights; IE. High-level post game boss battles in DQ, and force players to do more than just select "fight" and plow through the game that way, it could be alot of fun.
Alright, FFXIII's gotten a little more tolerable since I'm past the point where I can upgrade stuff. One more point in it's favor, seems to have a pretty good alchemy system from all the ingredients I've been collecting. I'm going to give it some more time. I really like the story and am interested in seeing where it goes. And Lightning is growing on me. I just wish she'd beat the hell out of Hope.
[quote name='bvharris']
* This conjured an amusing mental image of some Japanese office worker on a subway train suddenly shouting out "who the hell casts Kabuff there?" to his anonymous questing partner in the next car while people look at him strangely.[/QUOTE]

Except that no one would look at him strangely, assuming the subway is in Japan :)
[quote name='pete5883']It's because of people like you that we can't have nice things. Multiplayer RPGs don't make sense with turn-based battle systems.[/QUOTE]
Having tried out DQIX's multiplayer at the launch event, I can say with certainty that it totally works.
[quote name='KingBroly']I guess I could list my RPG backlogs from memory:

Dragon Quest IX: 55-60%
Dragon Quest VIII: 1%
Dragon Quest IV: 30%
Final Fantasy X: 30%?
Final Fantasy VI: 45%
Final Fantasy IV: 15%
Fallout 3: 50% of main quest?
Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days: 20-25%
Demon's Souls: Uh...30%?

Such a mighty backlog of RPG's that I can never hope to fully conquer.[/QUOTE]

Careful, I used to play many RPG's at once and eventually I got RPGitis, a hate and loathing for anything RPG for about a year and a half.(missed out on a lot of gems during that period).
I would guess DQ6 is beyond March 2011 at least. With 9 out in the US, their next fiscal year looks pretty dry right now.

Does DQ9 have anything to do with 8 at all or does is it completely standalone?
[quote name='Dr Mario Kart']I would guess DQ6 is beyond March 2011 at least. With 9 out in the US, their next fiscal year looks pretty dry right now.

Does DQ9 have anything to do with 8 at all or does is it completely standalone?[/QUOTE]

Completely standalone. Unless you consider the fact that you can fight Dhoulmagus and dress up like the hero as connected, in which case it's connected to all 8 previous games.

And that sounds about right for DQVI, I'd been hoping we might see it by Christmas, but we probably would have heard something about it by now. I assume now that IX is out, the localization on VI has begun in earnest.
*phew* Finally finished Tales of the Abyss. Been playing that game for about a year now. I enjoyed it, a bit cliched, but a solid JRPG. Besides Anise I liked all the characters especially Jade. It was pretty darn easy, no grinding, never died once. I didn't do any side quests, just a strait shot to the end.

On my quest to clear up my backlog I think I'll finish Xenosaga next.
Well since is this the rpg thread I'd thought I'd ask-Anyone aware of any rpgs even coming out after October? I mean there's Fallout: New Vegas (though I just finally finished Fallout 3 like a month ago so I'm not sure I want to play more anytime soon) and Fable III, but that is like it. Seems like not much else. The Last Story might hit this year, but given the track record of rpgs on the Wii I'm pretty wary. Any others to look forward to?
[quote name='Erad30']Well since is this the rpg thread I'd thought I'd ask-Anyone aware of any rpgs even coming out after October? I mean there's Fallout: New Vegas (though I just finally finished Fallout 3 like a month ago so I'm not sure I want to play more anytime soon) and Fable III, but that is like it. Seems like not much else. The Last Story might hit this year, but given the track record of rpgs on the Wii I'm pretty wary. Any others to look forward to?[/QUOTE]

On the handheld front Final Fantasy: The 4 Heroes of Light should be out in October, and Amazon currently has Golden Sun DS slated for December 31st, though I don't believe an official date has been announced.
[quote name='Rodimus']*phew* Finally finished Tales of the Abyss. Been playing that game for about a year now. I enjoyed it, a bit cliched, but a solid JRPG. Besides Anise I liked all the characters especially Jade. It was pretty darn easy, no grinding, never died once. I didn't do any side quests, just a strait shot to the end.


Sounds like a good reccomend to me, I just picked it up yesterday. Though I'd really like to finish Star Ocean 4 before I get into it, I've been on the second disc of that for months because I keep stopping to play something new.
[quote name='keithp']Alright, FFXIII's gotten a little more tolerable since I'm past the point where I can upgrade stuff. One more point in it's favor, seems to have a pretty good alchemy system from all the ingredients I've been collecting. I'm going to give it some more time. I really like the story and am interested in seeing where it goes. And Lightning is growing on me. I just wish she'd beat the hell out of Hope.[/QUOTE]

I really hated Hope as a character. He is a fantastic magic-user though.
[quote name='momouchi']Jade was easily my favorite, and probably one of my favorite characters of all time.[/QUOTE]

I've never seen a character quite like him. He has such an odd personality.
[quote name='MasterSun1']Griding makes RPGs less fun.[/QUOTE]

I like it when it's optional. I'll pour myself a stiff drink and grind away for an hour or two. I find it relaxing.
It depends on the game, to me. Grinding in DQIX isn't bad, so I tend to do about an hour at a time if I'm chilling at a friends house or while we watch TV/movie/Nextflix/whatever they've got on.

To me, I can't ever decide where to put skill points. Or if I should save them all. Or make another party member because I don't like the name I chose for my martial artist. *sigh*
[quote name='MasterSun1']Griding makes RPGs less fun.[/QUOTE]

Some people really like grinding, it's just a matter of personal taste. I think Rodimus hit it on the head, as long as it's an optional thing it can be quite enjoyable. I think it's especially well done in DQIX since there are lots of different types of grinding you can do, and you can also accomplish more than one thing at a time through grinding (leveling up a side skill tree, stealing alchemy items, etc).
[quote name='Rodimus']I like it when it's optional. I'll pour myself a stiff drink and grind away for an hour or two. I find it relaxing.[/QUOTE]

This is why I'm still chugging away at DQVIII. So much grinding, that in large doses makes it a chore, but I play it when I need a "break" from other games because in small doses it is quite a relaxing experience.
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