Stand Down Mel OTT!!!!

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[quote name='Moxio']I had that exact problem.

The problem is, though, not our graphics cards, but the server itself. Since this is a stress test, there's TONS of people online. I noticed that they were all bunched together, also, especially in the tavern. It was so bad I actually lagged out. :cry:[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I had that exact problem.

I never liked the HoM&M series.
[quote name='crazytalkx']Freaking loving Shadow of the Colossus so far, took down two colossi. Tis great stuff.[/QUOTE]

God I wish I had this game. But it's still fucking retail, isn't it?
[quote name='Moxio']God I wish I had this game. But it's still fucking retail, isn't it?[/QUOTE]

I picked ity up used for 20ish during the ebgames b2g1 combined with edge. That was sucha sweet, sweet sale.
No more iRiver for I. I returned it today , it froze up on me a few times and it was just too much money right now. On the plus side, my Target Red Card now has a $27 credit on it :) Now the question is, what to buy?
[quote name='Moxio']God I wish I had this game. But it's still fucking retail, isn't it?[/QUOTE]

Moxio, I just wanted to let you know that they just did a reboot of the servers on DDO. It's still a little laggy, but much better than beore. you might want to give it a try now. I'm going to start the Barkeeps quest.

I'm Ackbar Forgefist
[quote name='Danro']At least he wont have to be submitted to hours and hours of Garden State every day ;)[/QUOTE]

I actually really like that movie.
bah! if I have to reformat my PC again I am going to go nuts. I took out my old drive and moved Windows to my new drive and also took out a DVD drive that my system not registering right.

now to spend the night updating shit and reinstalling games
fucking TCF bank. Bunch of fucking bullshit. They've started charging me a $2.95 per month "online service fee" for what was supposedly free. This is the second god damn time they've charged fees to me without informing me.
So, I just spend twenty minutes on the DDO and the initial Tutorial.

Some things that I don't like and some things are sweet. Amnd it's not a perfect translation of the D&D rules.

However one thing I like are action points. To get special bonuses that are not feats but like them. It's another added little bonus. As a dwarf, I had a choice for a armor penalty reduction, and extra +2 against poison, and a +5 to searching. Also, as a cleric I could get the ability to recharge others spell points with turnings, extra turnings, or bonus spell points.

When I started I took the feat that gives me bonus spell points becvause I thought that would be important down the line. it's +10 at 1st and another 5 every level. And there's another feat on topof that to double it again. And an Action point feet to give even more. That combined with the meta magic feats could make you really, really kick ass.

And I summoned a celestial dog. Long enough to help me in a battle but he didn't last too long. I coul;dn't figure oput how to cast command though.

As for my first action points, I went with something mundane but useful. I took the +5 search bonus. Since search is a cross class skill it'll be tough for me to improve that. Abd I have average intelliugence so no bonuses there. But a +5 and another +2 for being adwarf gives me seven and that should help in dungeon crawling when no thieves are around.
Even though I was bashing Geist a few days earlier, I have to admit possessing things and people is pretty cool. The game is still ugly, though. And one thing I don't get, if I'm a fucking ghost why do I need to blow up walls to go through them?
[quote name='crazytalkx']Freaking loving Shadow of the Colossus so far, took down two colossi. Tis great stuff.[/QUOTE]
Further pushing me to get my hands on that. Oh well, back to FFIV...
[quote name='CaseyRyback']thats sad that he does cold calls to see if someone committed murder due to a video game.[/QUOTE]
But he's not calling to see if video games was involved in the murder. He's calling to insist that video games were responsible for the murder.

Left to right= Detroit Newspaper Anime Reviewer - Smart guy - Translator/Smart Guy - Shinichiro Watanabe

- Started off by watching the openings of both CowboyBebop and Samurai Champloo.
- Watanabe explained that he's always had an interest in Detroit. He listened to a lot of Kiss when he grew up. He liked Detroit Rock City as a song but he thought Detroit looked like the cover to Destroyer Large Cover Clicky . He was very happy to see that the city didnt really look like that :)
- We watched Samurai Champloo episode 1 on a half size movie screen, with Japanese dialouge and English subtitles. Watanabe was happy to see it, since he normally doesnt get to see finished project.
- When asked about how he chose music for his works, he said that most of the time he chooses it after the fact, but with Rain in episode 5 of Cowboy Bebop, he made the visuals to fit the song. He also mentioned that he feels flattered when people compliment him on music choices, since its so important to him.
- He was asked what he though about downloading anime. He said that he cannot tell people what to do, but if you download something, and you really do enjoy it, buy it. That way he will still get asked to make more stuff. Also, if you want to see a Samurai Champloo movie, email/write to Geneon.
- He has 8000 songs on his iPod...all paid for, and burnt from his own cd's. He has about 16000 more he'd like to put on thier but its too small :)
- "Hollywood" has asked him about directing a Live action movie. He's thinking about it.

It was a very interesting 2 hours. There was a reception type deal upstairs where he was going to sign autographs...There where too many people and one of the kids we brought had homework, so we left.

A steal for only $9

EDIT: He found it funny that Lucas used an anime style for Star Wars Clone Wars. The stilted animation was always about $$$ in Japan, and now its a style being used by Lucas to capitalize on a popular trend. Because you know, Lucas is so poor :) (he had a great sense of humor)
BTW, they said no pictures :) Oops. Most of my shots are of the people in front of me and the ceiling. Finally got a few good shots while they where taking questions from the other side of the theater.
[quote name='SpottedNigel']BTW, they said no pictures :) Oops. Most of my shots are of the people in front of me and the ceiling. Finally got a few good shots while they where taking questions from the other side of the theater.[/QUOTE]

I fear you underestimate the sneakiness. :)
Yeah, DDO is pretty sweet. I like a lot of the stuff.

It has a really slick interface. That's great on my widescreen monitor because I can set up either simple hot keys or spread out 11 quick use bars that have ten items each. So I set up one for skills, one for items, one for spells, and one for standard stuff and border the screen with them.

Also, it has a nice party system. It's easy to find groups looking for people and join up with strangers. Which can be a real problem on Guild Wars.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']I hate this part of the year, as it's in the 80's but we don't have any AC and we probably won't get it back until April at the earliest.[/QUOTE]

:roll: pathetic
I LOVE how Kanye West was all "Two years now, it's about time for me to win a Grammy!" and he didn't get shit. What a no talent assclown. THE GRAMMIES DO NOT LIKE BLACK PEOPLE, right? fucking whiner. He can't sing so he talks his way through songs and hopes his shitty mixed beats catches the ear of someone who wishes they were trendy. Posing as Jesus on the cover of Rolling Stone? Nuh uh. Did anyone see him tonight on the pre-show or when he sang? He looked like a fucking retard with his oversized glasses and wearing biker gloves when he probably can't ride to save his life. I wish he would just.. disappear from the radio airwaves and everything. Man I can't stand him. I hope this is a reality check to him. was also disappointing to see everyone kiss Bono's ass. I didn't care much for HTDAAB, but it swept the place tonight. Did I hear wrong or during the very last speech, did Bono say that it was a good time for him to stop making music and that he'd like to go out on a high note?

I really don't want to drive in the morning. It won't just be cold, it snowed/iced in some spots, so the morning commute should be a blast.

[quote name='Scorch']I LOVE how Kanye West was all "Two years now, it's about time for me to win a Grammy!" and he didn't get shit. What a no talent assclown. THE GRAMMIES DO NOT LIKE BLACK PEOPLE, right? fucking whiner. He can't sing so he talks his way through songs and hopes his shitty mixed beats catches the ear of someone who wishes they were trendy. Posing as Jesus on the cover of Rolling Stone? Nuh uh. Did anyone see him tonight on the pre-show or when he sang? He looked like a fucking retard with his oversized glasses and wearing biker gloves when he probably can't ride to save his life. I wish he would just.. disappear from the radio airwaves and everything. Man I can't stand him. I hope this is a reality check to him. was also disappointing to see everyone kiss Bono's ass. I didn't care much for HTDAAB, but it swept the place tonight. Did I hear wrong or during the very last speech, did Bono say that it was a good time for him to stop making music and that he'd like to go out on a high note?

I really don't want to drive in the morning. It won't just be cold, it snowed/iced in some spots, so the morning commute should be a blast.



Excellent rant!
[quote name='Scorch']I LOVE how Kanye West was all "Two years now, it's about time for me to win a Grammy!" and he didn't get shit. What a no talent assclown. THE GRAMMIES DO NOT LIKE BLACK PEOPLE, right? fucking whiner. He can't sing so he talks his way through songs and hopes his shitty mixed beats catches the ear of someone who wishes they were trendy. Posing as Jesus on the cover of Rolling Stone? Nuh uh. Did anyone see him tonight on the pre-show or when he sang? He looked like a fucking retard with his oversized glasses and wearing biker gloves when he probably can't ride to save his life. I wish he would just.. disappear from the radio airwaves and everything. Man I can't stand him. I hope this is a reality check to him. was also disappointing to see everyone kiss Bono's ass. I didn't care much for HTDAAB, but it swept the place tonight. Did I hear wrong or during the very last speech, did Bono say that it was a good time for him to stop making music and that he'd like to go out on a high note?

I really don't want to drive in the morning. It won't just be cold, it snowed/iced in some spots, so the morning commute should be a blast.


i hate kanye west too. and bono is just meh. i dont like him or hate him.
[quote name='2poor']i hate kanye west too. and bono is just meh. i dont like him or hate him.[/QUOTE]

You know what I hate?

Little redheaded fraggles.

[quote name='RedvsBlue']Well huh, what do you know? The Island wasn't too bad of a movie afterall...[/QUOTE]

It was 2 movies in one. I liked the sci-fi mystery of the first half, and the action in the second part was great. Steve Buchemi was great as usual and Ewan McGregor was great too (both of him :) ). Unfortunately, both "movies" where flawed, and didnt work all to well as a whole. That being said, it was still a fun movie... and I want the desk from the lab that is actually a screen.
I'm probably going to skip the gym tonight or just go jogging in the evening to play D&D Online. TOnight might be my last night sicne the Stress Test is only supposed to be good until Friday. But I hope my account is correct when it says that it doesn't expire until March 3rd.

I'd lke to get into the game, But I just can't pay $15 a month. Also, not when I have nine months of WoW sitting around I haven't tried yet.
[quote name='DT778']pussy, i have statistics at 7 m-f[/QUOTE]
Well if I had stats I wouldn't go cause stats is pretty fucking easy. Pussy.
[quote name='SpottedNigel']It was 2 movies in one. I liked the sci-fi mystery of the first half, and the action in the second part was great. Steve Buchemi was great as usual and Ewan McGregor was great too (both of him :) ). Unfortunately, both "movies" where flawed, and didnt work all to well as a whole. That being said, it was still a fun movie... and I want the desk from the lab that is actually a screen.[/QUOTE]

If by "flawed" you mean huge plot holes? Yes, that's very true. Like the fingerprint thing, I think it bugged me because I just took a forensics course, but fingerprints are unique but NOT genetic so therefore two people with identical DNA patterns (twins, clones) will not have the same fingerprints. How did Ewan get up from that rope at the end of movie? etc.

Its still a good movie despite the gaping plot holes and made-up science because of the mostly intact storyline and action sequences (some of the best I've ever seen).
Now this is a pithy image tag from the Gamespot MS Saga Preview.

"When your world is destroyed and all your friends are murdered, the only answer is giant robots."

It kinda sucks the Gundam are superdeformed.
[quote name='Admiral Ackbar']Now this is a pithy image tag from the Gamespot MS Saga Preview.

"When your world is destroyed and all your friends are murdered, the only answer is giant robots."

It kinda sucks the Gundam are superdeformed.[/QUOTE]

Technically, they are Chibi, not Super-deformed. :)
Well today was a good day for games between my friend and I. I got Legendia at EB and Killer 7 from TRU for $10. And he got MK:Shaolin Monks from Target for $30, Final Fantasy 1&2 and Rumble Roses from TRU for 10 each, and Genji from Best Buy for 20. We should be good now till Shadow Hearts comes out.
[quote name='Mouse']Who killed the OTT? Hardly any posts over the last 5 hours. Horrendous yo.[/QUOTE]

Stupid D&D Online Last day to play but can't log in to any servers. I wanted to try making two more characters and try some other stuff.


I am Ackbar, Kiler of Ott's
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