Stand Down Mel OTT!!!!

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[quote name='flowery']sblymnl what kind of car you have. sorry i dont feel like looking through back posts.[/QUOTE]
[quote name='Admiral Ackbar']

I am Ackbar, Kiler of Ott's[/QUOTE]

Your Fabio av just made that statement that much more dramatic.
It would have been even more dramatic if I had Avy'd this guy.


'm getting tied of waiting to play DDO. guess I'm gonan Jog three-point-five miles, then to the stairclimber for ten, a hundred pushups, and core exercises.
[quote name='Admiral Ackbar']
I'm getting tied of waiting to play DDO. guess I'm gonan Jog three-point-five miles, then to the stairclimber for ten, a hundred pushups, and core exercises.[/QUOTE]

That's weak, man. You gotta get on the DDR regime. That's how I lost 150lbs. That and eating at Subways for breakfast, lunch and dinner. As a matter of fact, I eat at Subways so much, the guys there gave me their secret recipes and now I can make my own Subway subs at home.
Just dropped off my car to get the new tires mounted, and there was an amazingly hot girl wearing a Doors shirt also dropping her car off. So that was nice.[quote name='flowery']Ahh not bad I think I remember now. At least it is a GT.[/QUOTE]I wouldn't accept anything less. :cool: :lol:
[quote name='crazytalkx']I've drinken 4 water bottles stomach hurts....too much healthy stuff.[/QUOTE]

Get this man a vodka, stat!
[quote name='shrike4242']Sounds like you're buying.[/QUOTE]

Uh.. I'll put it on your tab? :D

In other news, it's finally cold in this fucking state. Took long enough to feel like February... :roll:
[quote name='shrike4242']Sounds like you're buying.[/QUOTE]

Would you trust your drink if he gave it to you?
[quote name='Tiphireth']Uh.. I'll put it on your tab? :D

In other news, it's finally cold in this fucking state. Took long enough to feel like February... :roll:[/QUOTE]
I'll have to go check that over, I'm sure you already have.

[quote name='JSweeney']Would you trust your drink if he gave it to you?[/QUOTE]
Only the first one. Beyond that, hell no.

Now yours, I might trust the first two, maybe three. ;)
[quote name='Tiphireth']Uh.. I'll put it on your tab? :D

In other news, it's finally cold in this fucking state. Took long enough to feel like February... :roll:[/QUOTE]
What state would this be again?
[quote name='dcfox']What state would this be again?[/QUOTE]
He said put it on my tab not my tip. Bit of a difference there.

*insert random dcfox comment about anal lube*
[quote name='sblymnlcrymnl']Colorado, I think.

It's 34 here right now.[/QUOTE]

He's right. It's 1 degree here. :x
Its a chilly 72 degrees right now here in Southern California at 5:28pm.

"Chilly".....oy.......winter....where are youuuuu?
[quote name='crazytalkx']Its a chilly 72 degrees right now here in Southern California at 5:28pm.

"Chilly".....oy.......winter....where are youuuuu?[/QUOTE]
Sounds like an even trade, given that it's 3000% more expensive to live there than anywhere else in the US outside of NY.
[quote name='jmcc']Sounds like an even trade, given that it's 3000% more expensive to live there than anywhere else in the US outside of NY.[/QUOTE]

So true.

I live in NY and have been plotting my escape for a year or two now. Too bad there's at least 830 days til I can enact any plan which might work. :whistle2:|
[quote name='dcfox']That's weak, man. You gotta get on the DDR regime. That's how I lost 150lbs. That and eating at Subways for breakfast, lunch and dinner. As a matter of fact, I eat at Subways so much, the guys there gave me their secret recipes and now I can make my own Subway subs at home.[/QUOTE]

Sweet Jesus, it's Jared!
[quote name='crazytalkx']Its a chilly 72 degrees right now here in Southern California at 5:28pm.

"Chilly".....oy.......winter....where are youuuuu?[/QUOTE]
it went over 80 here on the central coast. Stupid sun, making work suck even more. I need to get some sunscreen soon, my beautiful brown skin isn't going to protect me forever.
[quote name='DT778']it went over 80 here on the central coast. Stupid sun, making work suck even more. I need to get some sunscreen soon, my beautiful brown skin isn't going to protect me forever.[/QUOTE]

Heh. About fifteen minutes ago, it started snowing- It's like, four inches on our balcony already. My prayers have been answered. :D

And now it's -3. Praise be for Winter.
[quote name='Tiphireth']Heh. About fifteen minutes ago, it started snowing- It's like, four inches on our balcony already. My prayers have been answered. :D

And now it's -3. Praise be for Winter.[/QUOTE]
Ive never seen real snow.
[quote name='Admiral Ackbar']Sweet Jesus, it's Jared![/QUOTE]
You've discovered my true identity! And just for the record, I was never really that fat. The only reason my pants were that large was so I could smuggle small children in them.

Doing all this calculator work really makes me feel for engineers. I'm sorry you chose a profession with such tedious tools, engineers.
[quote name='DT778']are snowball fights not as good as advertised?[/QUOTE]
Depends on the snow. If it's icy and hard, they're a hideous beast...but if the snow is light enough, they can be fun.

I like snow, but I can't stand warm weather. I'm guessing the two are related. :)
[quote name='SpottedNigel']I'm going insane looking for my DS. I feel like my brain is against me, and wont show me where I last put it. fucking brain, always out to get me.[/QUOTE]
Nintendo: "why not just buy a new DS Lite?"
[quote name='SpottedNigel']...been looking around lik-sang for the last 20 minutes :)[/QUOTE]
Well, if it makes you feel any better, I had too much coffee, thinking homework would be hard, and now I'm not tired at all. I'm trying to balance it out with beer, but I doubt the effectivity.
The OTT is dead, and I'm taking the day off school.

I guess this would be a good time to play some games I haven't got around to yet.
Muahaha. I don't have to take the day off from school. I've got it set so I have no classes on Friday.

God I love myself.
[quote name='Mouse']Muahaha. I don't have to take the day off from school. I've got it set so I have no classes on Friday.

God I love myself.[/QUOTE]
I got yesterday off from school due to a shooting.
[quote name='DT778']might? so half of its gone or something?[/QUOTE]
No, my roommate went to get the mail and saw that my car wasn't in my space. Apparently, the painting of the structures that cover the parking was delayed due to "high winds" or some bullshit reason like that. We didn't find out about this until today, after their rescheduled painting, so we found out that it was just towed to another open spot pretty damn far away. I found my license plate cover broken and my sterring wheel w/club turned around so I had to unlock it to get in the car. It was a pretty good wakeup call, but I'd rather have the kids at the playground wake me up instead of this.
Can't log into the DDO Servers. EIther they're having derver problems or the stress test is voer. But I'm not so sure it's the later since they're supposed to be stress testing the help system tonight from 8-10. But I know Friday was scheduled to be the last day. I just don't know when on Friday. This afternoon, this evening, tomorrow morning. It could already be closed or just having server problems.
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