The "10/14/10 - The Worst Hour Of Impact, No, Wrestling Ever" Wrestling Thread

I'd almost agree with Vince on how it's asinine to not allow people to wear a fucking Triple H hat while voting, but...

1) If the owner of an NBA team was running for office, the same thing would likely come up in that case. Even though it's stupid, it's not specifically picking on WWE.

2) This is the guy that confiscates signs at TV shows and disables comments responding to his video about freedom of speech/expression.
[quote name='BlueSwim']:lol::lol::lol:


Have you heard that Connecticut voters aren't going to be allowed to vote if they show up to polling locations wearing WWE merchandise? Seriously, Connecticut!?

This makes me wanna stand up for WWE!

Seriously though, I wonder how much Bill Maher's Craziest Candidate coverage of Linda inspired the whole campaign by WWE.
[quote name='KaneRobot']I'd almost agree with Vince on how it's asinine to not allow people to wear a fucking Triple H hat while voting, but...

1) If the owner of an NBA team was running for office, the same thing would likely come up in that case. Even though it's stupid, it's not specifically picking on WWE.

2) This is the guy that confiscates signs at TV shows and disables comments responding to his video about freedom of speech/expression.[/QUOTE]

There's plenty of precedent, WWE isn't alone. In 2008, you couldn't wear an Obama shirt to the polls, or a McCain shirt, or even any official currently running for office. In terms of entertainers, California has plenty of precedent in this case in its history. WWE items being regarded as "political" in nature is following the rule, and is not the exception.

It's also semantic. Poll workers can request you cover up, but they can't tell you that you can't vote until you do - so it's a largely symbolic gesture, simply.

The only thing I don't like about it is that it sows the seeds of hubris for the McMahon family such that they will be able to blame external factors when they lose next Tuesday, rather than Linda being someone who doesn't have good ideas, lacks a firm grasp of policy, is vastly out of touch with the 'common man,' has policy suggestions people don't like, and is so unlikeable that female voters are 2-to-1 for Blumenthal - instead of realizing that (i.e., the facts of the polling), they'll blame the "LIBRUL MEDIA" and whatnot for their loss.

If it makes me an "elitist" when I see the Big Show pooping on a bus in a preview clip for "Knucklehead," and I roll my eyes and groan, then I'll gladly take the mantle of elitist.
[quote name='pitfallharry219']Isn't there a storyline in that? THE ALL AMERICAN AMERICAN IS EXPORTING JOBS TO OTHER COUNTRIES![/QUOTE]

Now you're thinking like Vince McMahon!

[quote name='JJSP']In case anyone cared, the guy playing Swagger's eagle mascot is actually Chavo Guerrero.


Funny, just last night I was just wondering who was inside the suit.

Poor Chavo. Poor guy can't catch a break, and even worse, inherited the dreaded Guerrero "dressing up as poultry" curse from Hector.
^ Wow, that truly sets up a "which is worse?" question between those in-product glitches and the Lucha Libre game. For real, see you at $20.

[quote name='Purple Flames']Poor Chavo. Poor guy can't catch a break, and even worse, inherited the dreaded Guerrero "dressing up as poultry" curse from Hector.[/QUOTE]

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Yeah, Lesnar got *fucked up* tonight. Dang.
Gail Kim rehearsed throwing a bucket of confetti and still botched it :D

That SvR video makes me miss the crazy shit they put in older Smackdown games like jumping from the Smackdown fist, and cars that exploded when you did moves on them.
Is that Ted Turner in the background standing and sleeping?

And did the Undertaker ask "You wanna do it?"

Regardless, though, Undertaker's response when asked if he would have gone into MMA at his physical prime tells a lot about how MMA has impacted pro wrestling. Instead of pro wrestling, athletes (collegiate and former professional) are attempting to "make it" in MMA instead of pro wrestling.

I imagine Kurt Angle, for instance, would have done well in MMA. He has an outstanding wrestling base, and could have learned the rest. Shelton Benjamin could have pursued his Olympic goal, and become a prototype for present-day fighters, like Matt Hamill, Ryan Bader, and Rashad Evans.
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[quote name='masked lemon']So what's the story with Taker and Brock?[/QUOTE]

It's personal.

Seriously though, Undertaker is kinda seen as the ruler in the locker room.. I'm guessing Lesnar pissed him off when he left.
That video of that short exchange is just awesome. Taker eyeing him as he was walking up. Pure awesome.
Hey guys, I just uploaded my match from last night to YouTube!

I wrestled as Cabana Man Dan and I faced fitness expert, "Lean Beef" Ace Haven in Sandusky, Alabama for Unchained Wrestling. It was Saturday, October 23rd.

It was my first match in well over a year and I felt fantastic about it. The only thing I wished was that more than 3 people would have been there. So disregard the empty building and dumb remarks made over the microphone.

The Undertaker is goddamn awesome. How many broken down old men would have the balls to say shit to a pissed off Brock Lesnar? Dude is Clint Eastwood.

And in the unlikely event this is a work (and the even more unlikely event that Brock is going to wrestle again) it was a brilliant way of planting the seed for a later match.

"It's personal" could mean anything, but the most obvious explanation would be after WM20 when Brock was scheduled to have a program with Undertaker where 'Taker would go over, Brock suddenly decided he didn't like wrestling.

...then again, for all we know Brock fucked Sara Undertaker (or even grosser, Undertaker fucked Sable).
That video says a lot about the state of pro wrestling over the past decade. More than any other feud, I now want to see Undertaker/Brock. It's not going to happen, but that's not the point. Five seconds, one exchange that wasn't convoluted, had no pyro, run-ins, general managers, entrance music, and standing in the ring with a microphone for fifteen minutes. It was one tough guy calling out another tough guy.

That exchange is more compelling than anything I've seen in wrestling in years.
That video makes me miss biker Undertaker more than ever. I'm so over the deadman gimmick. Cut the spooky lights and holes in the ring. Give him a mic and let him talk about protecting his yard. But don't bring back the Kid Rock song. Or Limp Bizkit.
[quote name='pitfallharry219']That video makes me miss biker Undertaker more than ever. I'm so over the deadman gimmick. Cut the spooky lights and holes in the ring. Give him a mic and let him talk about protecting his yard. But don't bring back the Kid Rock song. Or Limp Bizkit.[/QUOTE]

He was great as a heel with that character. I remember him having a pretty good ladder match with Jeff Hardy on Raw during that time.
[quote name='Blackout']He was great as a heel with that character. I remember him having a pretty good ladder match with Jeff Hardy on Raw during that time.[/QUOTE]

yeah its on the ladder match dvd set, and its awesome. hardy is strung out as fuck by this point and it was fairly close to the first time he left WWE, but still a good match
I can't be the only one thinking Brock was all "Wtf?" during that little moment.Even though hes a leader in the lockroom I didn't even think he'd have to balls to do something like that but damn.I can see why hes pretty disappointed though with his training before the fight with him only doing it 2 hours a day rather then treating it like a full time job.It's a little sad that the seed planted right there would be bigger then anything else going on in pro-wrestling right now.
"You wanna do it?" F'ing badass, 'Taker. Not so much what he says but the nonchalant way he said it.

If you watch the video it looks like 'Taker was eying up Brock long before Brock walked past him.
Had no idea I could do moves onto steps.. I knew about ladders and whatnot, but the steps thing is awesome.

Here's more TLC physics stuff.

For the physics they added, I think they did a pretty good job. I'm going to love throwing chairs.

In regards to the glitch videos posted, look at the guy's account. He has glitch videos posted from 2010 that I never encountered, not even a little bit. Did YOU run into this glitch in 2010? No? Me either.

Read the comments. He "promised himself that he wouldn't tell anyone how to do these".
The terms for Heyman's potential TNA deal that Dixie turned down were that he wanted the ability to make roster moves, wanted to cut $1M in current payroll (while adding $200K in indy/international talent), and wanted to hire Dave Lagana and Gabe Sapolsky to the writing staff.

Instead, TNA is going with Hogan, Bischoff, and WWE cast-offs.
[quote name='Blackout']He was great as a heel with that character. I remember him having a pretty good ladder match with Jeff Hardy on Raw during that time.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='cdubb1605']yeah its on the ladder match dvd set, and its awesome. hardy is strung out as fuck by this point and it was fairly close to the first time he left WWE, but still a good match[/QUOTE]
It's still my favorite ladder match to this day. It was also the beginning of Biker Taker's slow face-turn, too (but that's not why I like it).
It says more to me about what a bitch Brock Lesnar is. There's no shame in losing the fight, but be a man about it and not try to prove yourself by stepping up to someone for no reason right in front of his wife. And that's what happens, he gets completely punked.
yall gotta quit uploading to's now deleting gifs on certain forums which will of course delete yours if you didn't save it
[quote name='Survivalism']In Brock's defense, I'd cower and back down like a scalded dog, too.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, lest you feel the impact of the soupbones! SOUPBONES!!! BAH GOD!!!

I wouldn't mind a return of a humanized Undertaker either, if for no other reason he'd get to spout off lines like "Hey, why don't you say 'WHAT' if you sleep with your sister?" in the middle of a promo. I guess my idea would be to have him lose to Kane tonight and come back after a month off with the modified character.

That said, it would be pushing the Kane feud into the 4th PPV match, and even though it has been very well done for the most part, that's pushing it. If they had some fucking patience and Survivor Series would only be their third meeting it might work, but even I don't really have much interest in seeing Taker/Kane again.

[quote name='Survivalism']It says more to me about what a bitch Brock Lesnar is. There's no shame in losing the fight, but be a man about it and not try to prove yourself by stepping up to someone for no reason right in front of his wife. And that's what happens, he gets completely punked.[/QUOTE]

Well of course - he didn't pick up the punk card 'Taker dropped on him. This is where I'd insert that promo where Undertaker mentions said punk card if I knew where to find it.
[quote name='JJSP']The terms for Heyman's potential TNA deal that Dixie turned down were that he wanted the ability to make roster moves, wanted to cut $1M in current payroll (while adding $200K in indy/international talent), and wanted to hire Dave Lagana and Gabe Sapolsky to the writing staff.

Instead, TNA is going with Hogan, Bischoff, and WWE cast-offs.[/QUOTE]

Dave Lagana is an old WWE producer, yes? I thought he already worked with TNA.

Kinda interesting that Heyman wanted to come in and reduce their overhead, and they thought that was over the line. :lol:

Though chances are that $1M he intended to cut was just shitcanning Hogan.

I'd like to think TNA will eventually realize that they've brought over damn near every major wrestling talent they possibly could in their 8 years in the business, and they've not moved interest in their product forward one iota. Eventually they'll have to discover that the product is pisspoor, and the answer to their woes is not to sign this ex-WWE guy. Who are some of the major names that have never worked in TNA? Taker, Bret, HBK, Austin...and who?

The only people who seem unaware that what TNA is not lacking for is talent is...TNA themselves.
So, despite not advertising it on any of their shows, I checked's Bragging Rights site, and Goldust vs. Ted DiBiase is our 6th match on the card.

Picks: Undertaker vs. Kane ends in a no-contest when Undertaker buries Paul Bearer
Orton over Barrett
Team Raw (Miz & Sheamus survive) over Team Smackdown
Daniel Bryan over Dolph Ziggler
Layla over Natalya
DiBiase over Goldust (DiBiase has to gain the advantage at some point in the feud, right?).

Who I want to win: Kane
Barrett (even though I love Orton)
Team Raw (Miz, Sheamus, & Punk)
Daniel Bryan
DiBiase (I like Goldust better, but see above).
[quote name='mykevermin']Dave Lagana is an old WWE producer, yes? I thought he already worked with TNA.

Kinda interesting that Heyman wanted to come in and reduce their overhead, and they thought that was over the line. :lol:

Though chances are that $1M he intended to cut was just shitcanning Hogan.

I'd like to think TNA will eventually realize that they've brought over damn near every major wrestling talent they possibly could in their 8 years in the business, and they've not moved interest in their product forward one iota. Eventually they'll have to discover that the product is pisspoor, and the answer to their woes is not to sign this ex-WWE guy. Who are some of the major names that have never worked in TNA? Taker, Bret, HBK, Austin...and who?

The only people who seem unaware that what TNA is not lacking for is talent is...TNA themselves.[/QUOTE]

They really do nothing to shake of the "WWE Rejects" stereotype either. Their homegrown talent has the B Title, while the two guys vying for their A Title at the next PPV were both in the WWE less than one year ago. It seems they really feel like they can't connect with the audience without promoting a talent somebody else built. What's worse, they've also brought down the talent they've built by jobbing them to talent somebody else built.
[quote name='Purple Flames']Here's hoping this'll be a decent PPV.[/QUOTE]
I agree, I paid for a large pizza to watch this so that better not be a waste.

Damn, King is just taking shot after shot at Vickie. Some good ones too.
bread's done