The "10/14/10 - The Worst Hour Of Impact, No, Wrestling Ever" Wrestling Thread

Same here. The crowd has it right, this is awesome. Sad part is, I fully expect the PPV to go downhill from here. I really do.
That green tinge to Punks hair is bugging me. I know it's a mixture of bleaching/dying/lighting but damn if it wasn't bugging me.
I figured the tag champs would be put in a match.

EDIT: Oh God... I want Nexus to be pushed, but David Otunga wrestling= suffering. Hey, remember when these 2 teamed when Otunga hosted Raw that one time?
I really want them to force him to use Nexus music. Him having his own music gives him personality. Remove the music, break him more damn it.
[quote name='JP']I really want them to force him to use Nexus music. Him having his own music gives him personality. Remove the music, break him more damn it.[/QUOTE]

I've been thinking the same thing. First the armband, then the music, then the shirt.
Yep... just like I thought. What a waste. I thought Rhodes and McIntyre made great tag champs since they could entertain on both shows, and they really had nothing else meaningful to do on Smackdown with Ziggler holding the Intercontinental title.
Damn it, I hate Cena. I hope Barret forces him to give up his claim to the title or they defend it Free Bird rules (I think that's what they call) and Cena never gets to defend the titles.
I've always thought Cena's just fine as a wrestler; I just hate seeing him as the unbeatable WWE Champion. This is Cena's best storyline in years.
I'm betting he has Cena lay down on Raw tomorrow against Slater and Gabriel - to continue the dissension between Barrett and Otunga.
If those two women don't end up in a catfight at some point I'm gonna get pissed.

[quote name='diddy310']I'm betting he has Cena lay down on Raw tomorrow against Slater and Gabriel - to continue the dissension between Barrett and Otunga.[/QUOTE]

I would be okay with this.

[quote name='Chase']The Wade Barrett-Survivor Series commercial is pretty good.[/QUOTE]
I was thinking the same thing. Let's hope they do the build-up to Survivor Series properly instead of putting the current pieces in a holding pattern and not really expanding them.

Was that a we want blood chant?
[quote name='JP']I was thinking the same thing. Let's hope they do the build-up to Survivor Series properly instead of putting the current pieces in a holding pattern and not really expanding them.[/QUOTE]

I agree. :)

If WWE is turning John Cena heel, and the turn doesn't happen tonight, I expect this angle to reach its apex at Survivor Series during the Nexus-WWE elimination match. I expect Team WWE will be John Cena, Randy Orton, The Miz, and John Morrison, and Team Nexus to be Wade Barrett, David Otunga, Justin Gabriel, and Heath Slater. The match will progress and become Cena and Orton versus Barrett, then Cena will turn heel. WWE can then market the story as the 2010 Survivor Series Screw Job, and do some hyping.

But, we shall see!

And, Myke, David Lagana works for Ring of Honor. Paul Heyman desiring Lagana and Gabe Sapolsky would have lead TNA into a much better direction. Sapolsky is an excellent booker, and Lagana is responsible for establishing John Cena during Cena's early heel years and making JBL a mega-heel.

If I put on cheap-o paper 3-D glasses, do the WWE ropes pop-out and slap me in the face?
[quote name='Chase']If I put on cheap-o paper 3-D glasses, do the WWE ropes pop-out and slap me in the face?[/QUOTE]
No need for the glasses, their booking does that on a regular basis.
[quote name='JP']No need for the glasses, their booking does that on a regular basis.[/QUOTE]

:lol: True, true.

Well, the Nexus interference has made this god awful Buried Alive match a bit more interesting.
[quote name='Chase']:lol: True, true.

Well, the Nexus interference has made this god awful Buried Alive match a bit more interesting.[/QUOTE]
Yeah, makes me curious as to what was up with that. Clearing out the biggest dog in the yard to make room for their further expansion into Smackdown and the eventual "domination" of the WWE.

[quote name='Chase']If WWE is turning John Cena heel, and the turn doesn't happen tonight, I expect this angle to reach its apex at Survivor Series during the Nexus-WWE elimination match. I expect Team WWE will be John Cena, Randy Orton, The Miz, and John Morrison, and Team Nexus to be Wade Barrett, David Otunga, Justin Gabriel, and Heath Slater. The match will progress and become Cena and Orton versus Barrett, then Cena will turn heel. WWE can then market the story as the 2010 Survivor Series Screw Job, and do some hyping.[/QUOTE]
Also, looking back your comments on the Cena turn, here is what I'd like to see. I agree the angle will end at Survivor Series. I highly doubt they will turn Cena heel. I'd love to see them do it though. I'd like to see Cena want to be on Team WWE even though he is Nexus. Barret let's him join without any questions or complaints. Makes Cena suspicious and also makes the rest of Team WWE suspicious. Build this up as much as possible before the PPV. They don't trust him and refuse to work with him or acknowledges him and it eventually just causes Cena to snap, laying out all of Team WWE and walking out of the match. That would ideally be about halfway through the match. Not quite the same as Sting/NWO Sting but a similar vibe of Cena getting fed up. I hated the idea behind NWO Sting but I liked what it accomplished. Never happen though.

Did Chimmel's voice crack during Edge's intro? I think he might have pulled something.
[quote name='JP']Did Chimmel's voice crack during Edge's intro? I think he might have pulled something.[/QUOTE]

He always does that. IIRC, he has the same problem announcing Cena's name.
JP, I like your idea concerning John Cena, Nexus, and how to make it work. That would also give WWE something to book for the next few weeks building up to Survivor Series.

I appreciate how Michael Cole mentioned how Ezekiel Jackson was the WWE ECW champion. Preferably, they should bring up, from time to time, how Jackson was the last ECW champion--until Jackson accomplishes something new in his career.

And I love the "CM Punk" chants. It's clobberin' time! :D
Is it sad that I want to see Hornswoggle bite Alex Riley? Come on, don't get both of them counted out. Bogus.
Looks like Lesnar/Taker is all but confirmed for Mania:
"- Dave Meltzer has confirmed that World Wrestling Entertainment has made an offer to Brock Lesnar to face The Undertaker at WrestleMania.

The news was kept secret from the majority of the creative team, and there has been a lot of talk today with people asking what the latest was.

It's thought that Lesnar will not be saying anything publicly for at least two weeks."
They can make an offer all they want really, but I'm pretty sure his UFC contract keeps him from actually accepting doesn't it?
[quote name='HydroX']Why would Lesnar sign on just to job to Taker? Seriously. Bogus.[/QUOTE]
Yeah, if you are facing Taker at Wrestlemania you are going to lose. Wasn't that one of the reasons why he left, he didn't want to job and put people over?
Normally, Edge winning makes me very happy, but I wanted Raw to take this one- Miz in particular. They also totally wasted Ezekiel Jackson's return, not that I care one way or the other about him, personally. I just like to see logical booking that makes the most sense for all parties involved.

*waits for someone to ask how I've watched wrestling for 20 years when desire logic*
Man, the Raw-SmackDown elimination match ended in a clusterfuck. I enjoyed the Steiner Brothers pose with Edge and Rey Jr., though. :)
I'm willing to bet it's legit. Dana and Vince have always had a good relationship. The way the media grabbed onto this story made me immediately think something was up. Seriously, coverage on USAToday's website? Come on.
Just found the entire Meltzer blurb:
"Regarding the Undertaker-Brock Lesnar thing from last night, WWE has made Lesnar an offer to face Undertaker at WrestleMania. I don't expect anything to come of it, but nobody can read Lesnar's mind. It's smart business for Vince if he can pull it off. It was kept secret from many, if not most or all of creative. Obviously it was the talk of things backstage in Minneapolis today and everyone was asking everyone if they knew what was up."
This is directly from f4wonline... so I guess it is anything but "All but confirmed".
As for his next UFC fight, Meltzer states:
"As noted here, he (Lesnar) would likely be offered Frank Mir as his next fight, which will do huge business. How quickly he (Lesnar) wants to come back is something I wouldn't even hazard a guess at."

This picture says it all.
I fully expect WWE to fuck this whole Cena/Nexus thing up. Cena will be a part of Team Nexus at Survivor Series and Cena turns on them and helps Team WWE win but he gets "fired" he can go shoot his next movie. It'll be a huge waste of a decent story when they do it too. I can't help but think about how much they will fuck it up. I really want to enjoy this match and build up but I know what WWE will do so it's just bugging the shit out of me.

Fire Cena chants FTW.
[quote name='mykevermin']^ He wrestled tonight, though, and won the tag titles with David Botch-tunga, yes?[/QUOTE]

:lol: Wow, can't believe I forgot about that already.

Uh oh, ref bump.
[quote name='Chase']This result pretty much confirms a John Cena heel turn at Survivor Series, yes?[/QUOTE]
I don't know about confirms but definitely strengthens the idea.
So... Orton vs. Cena vs. Barrett in a "triple threat" at Survivor Series, with Cena being forced to help Barrett win the belt? They could still have Nexus in a 5 on 5 SS elimination match (if they even bother with those after making tonight elimination) by including McGillicutty and Harris.

The finish of the main event makes sense, but they would have been better off ending the show with the Raw vs. Smackdown match and ended with Team Smackdown celebrating their victory if this was how things were going to go down.
bread's done