The Blockbuster Thread XXV: June 25th - July 1st, 50% off used games $19.99 and under


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Welcome to the Official CAG Blockbuster/Gamerush video game deal thread.

June 25th - July 1st, 50% off used games $19.99 and under

See here for the deal:

There used to be a coupon to print for it, but now stores should have the bar code to scan at the register.  If not, show them their own web page (above) and maybe they will figure it out.

See BlockbusterGuy's thread for a list of titles eligible under (and commonly found at BBV) for the promo:

Coming July 2nd: B1G1 free on games $29.99 and under


Note that anything below here might be out of date. To be honest, I have no idea if Blockbuster even takes games for trade-in any more!

What is this thread for?
The primary function of this thread is to discuss current trade-in and sale promos, post any trade-in values you have obtained, and discuss new and used game selection and availability. Please post trade-in values with the date of the trade (or quote) and system.

It is also permissible to discuss system availability, credit issues, etc. As long as it is related to game trades or sales at Blockbuster it is generally OK to discuss it here.

Unlike more tightly focused clearance threads, it is OK to discuss more general Blockbuster issues here as well as trade requests as long as they are kept to a minimum (and usually just during specific deals).

What is this thread NOT for?
Please do not discuss the flipping of games from one Blockbuster store to another should another such opportunity arise (through trade-in deals). It is one thing to "play the market" with trade-in values from one chain to another (BBVto Amazon to EB) - free market buy low/sell high and all that. But taking advantage of loopholes in a single store's policies/promos is frowned upon and has, in the past, led to trade-in bans from BBV.


Blockbuster Game Trading Info
- You must sign up for a trade account in addition to your regular Blockbuster account
- You must sign up for a new trade account at every store you wish to trade at, even if using the same main account
- Trade-in credit will be placed onto your store account
- Credit on store accounts can only be used at that one store
- Clerks at one store cannot see your trading/purchasing history at another store via your account
- Depending on state law you may or may not get sales tax added to your trade-ins (and thus get more than normal). You will always be charged sales tax where applicable on purchases.


Current Trade-In Deals
There are no trade-in deals at this time nor have there been for a very very long time. They did however just recently cut down all their trade-in values to Gamestop-like levels (but without deals to make them more appealing as at GS).


Trade-In Values

Trade-in prices are usually universal at Blockbuster, but can be wildly different at franchise Blockbuster stores. Used game prices change on Monday. We are not currently sure when trade-in values get updated but a few years ago it used to be on Mondays. Any quotes given in this thread may thus be good through Sunday of the current week. If you want to be sure to get the same value another CAG has reported then do your trading by Sunday as the price may drop on Monday.

Also note that many stores will no longer accept video games without cover art. This is the official policy for DVD trade-ins but apparently many clerks will confuse the two and not allow it for games either. Just beware that it might be a hassle if you have a disc-only game to trade.


Links to previous Blockbuster/Gamerush Threads (dating back to June 2005!):
1 (by no means the first one but the earliest that can be found - check it out for some drama)
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

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Mine didn't have much out a while ago but it seems like people are just finding more and more...wonder if it's worth going back and checking out, hmmm.

So are controllers on sale? Last time I was there they had new 360 controllers... Bad thing is that all the "good" stuff they still had behind the counter when I was there about two weeks ago.

Bad thing is it's a REAL pain to head in there with my two kids, no real easy way to do it. The big stroller probably wouldn't fit and while my older Son can walk he's too young to let roam around...grrrr. I might have to head over after my Wife gets off work or maybe during her lunch.
[quote name='Readthepost']My haul.

Coolest things:
I got the PS3 80GB Click & Transformers bundle #3 for $87.50, DS lite Cobalt for $25 and 2 TiVo HD for $25 each.
I forgot I found 2 New Super Mario Wii guides for $10 each.

Here's are some pics links.
I still don't know how to make pics show on the post itself.

Hope this works.[/QUOTE]

Where did you find the Sackboys? I only found one store out of 5 in NJ that had them. I think I know where in NJ you got the DS Lite. I told my co-worker about it (she wanted one for her kids) but never went to get it.
[quote name='mkernan']Hahaha, nice catch. I've fixed it (to XIII, of course).

My 360 wireless headset does indeed appear to be DOA. I'll leave it plugged in for a day or two and see what happens. If not, I'll try giving Microsoft support a call. Anybody who bought them back at $20 had similar experience? Did leaving it plugged in a long time help?[/QUOTE]

Yes I bought one when it was $20 and it took a good 6 hours to charge. appears to work ok so far.
[quote name='RallyV']Where did you find the Sackboys? I only found one store out of 5 in NJ that had them. I think I know where in NJ you got the DS Lite. I told my co-worker about it (she wanted one for her kids) but never went to get it.[/QUOTE]
I got all the sackboys at the first Store...I don't want to say where exactly because I don't want lose my honeyholes. I left 2 caesars and 2 pirates at that store.....I didn't know they were ebaying for so much.
I saw and left a lot of them between store 2 to store 5...meaning I saw 2 or 3 per store.

I originally got them for trade fodder with CAGs....but when I got wife asked if I was going to sell them on ebay. Her actual words were "Why did you buy all these dolls? You are going to sell them on ebay, right?":roll:

I might go back for some more...I don't know if it's worth the time or gas.
I should have bought all of them yesterday for trade fodder.

I'm debating if I should keep one of each and sell the dupes.
[quote name='Readthepost']I tested problems....thanks for the warning.

Hey, you should still buy it for parts. plus you get a dualshock3, a remote, HDMI cable, Click Blu ray, and the 12 week BBV Rental.

I would buy it and I already have 3 PS3.;)[/QUOTE]
I only have two PS3's anymore cuz I sold my one buddy my 120gb slim for $100 a couple of days ago.;) I initially made the offer like 2-3 months ago when I first let him borrow it as I was testing the 160gb PS3 that came from the Amazon BF bundle I bought from Warehouse Deals.

So it was quite a shock when he said he was going to buy it off me the other night, but at least it gave me the $100 I used yesterday to grab all dem shitz at at least 3-4 of the local BBV stores.

The last store I hit last night said they had a used PS3 they were going to sell but didn't know what they were gonna price it at yet, but I was told they didn't have a controller for it.:cry: I'll probably stop back this weekend sometime to see if they still have any Taylor Swift CD's left and to see if they priced the used PS3 yet.

If it was like $40-60 for it I'd grab it just for something to mess around with.

Either way, congrats on the haul. I hope the store(s) I'm gonna try and hit up today when I'm outta town have something really good lurking in the back room.;)
[quote name='Readthepost']I got all the sackboys at the first Store...I don't want to say where exactly because I don't want lose my honeyholes. I left 2 caesars and 2 pirates at that store.....I didn't know they were ebaying for so much.
I saw and left a lot of them between store 2 to store 5...meaning I saw 2 or 3 per store.

I originally got them for trade fodder with CAGs....but when I got wife asked if I was going to sell them on ebay. Her actual words were "Why did you buy all these dolls? You are going to sell them on ebay, right?":roll:

I might go back for some more...I don't know if it's worth the time or gas.
I should have bought all of them yesterday for trade fodder.

I'm debating if I should keep one of each and sell the dupes.[/QUOTE]
Damn. The last store I hit up yesterday had 2 of the Caesars and I think two other random Sackboys left when I grabbed the Yukiko and another Chop Chop last night.:bomb:

I may have to go back and hope they're still there.
[quote name='Readthepost']I got all the sackboys at the first Store...I don't want to say where exactly because I don't want lose my honeyholes. I left 2 caesars and 2 pirates at that store.....I didn't know they were ebaying for so much.
I saw and left a lot of them between store 2 to store 5...meaning I saw 2 or 3 per store.

I originally got them for trade fodder with CAGs....but when I got wife asked if I was going to sell them on ebay. Her actual words were "Why did you buy all these dolls? You are going to sell them on ebay, right?":roll:

I might go back for some more...I don't know if it's worth the time or gas.
I should have bought all of them yesterday for trade fodder.

I'm debating if I should keep one of each and sell the dupes.[/QUOTE]
Damn. The last store I hit up yesterday had 2 of the Caesars and I think two other random Sackboys left when I grabbed the Yukiko and another Chop Chop last night.:bomb:

I may have to go back and hope they're still there.
[quote name='georox']I'm bummed that my store didn't have any LBP Pirates left.[/QUOTE]

Did you try the two I posted? I know one of them had a pirate when I called.
[quote name='JBLAZEisaCAG']Yes I bought one when it was $20 and it took a good 6 hours to charge. appears to work ok so far.[/QUOTE]

The LEDs on mine don't even indicate that it is charging though.... Did yours start out that way?
[quote name='jdawgg76']Went back to a store today on a whim and scored big! Someone had returned an Onyx DS Lite that I missed out on last week. It didn't look opened and I opened it and checked it out and it looks good. Was hoping for two for my kids, but they can use mine. Total haul today between two stores was like this:

Onyx DS Lite 25
PS3 Wireless Keypad 5
360 Wireless Headset 4
2x Koss ur40 Headsets 7.50
2x Koss earbuds with zipline 1.99
2x Hello Kitty plushes .59
25 ft HDMI
3 meter HDMI
God of War 3 new 7.50
360 UFC 2010 new 7.50
Slim Money Clip as seen on TV .99 (just broke mine the other day)
Bunch of 9V C and D batteries
Hello Kitty Wall Stickers

Glad I passed on GoW3 and UFC in the B1G1 sale now.[/QUOTE]

May I ask what store/state u got the DS Lite?
I really wanted the Onyx black ds lite, but took the red one since thats all they had
[quote name='mkernan']The LEDs on mine don't even indicate that it is charging though.... Did yours start out that way?[/QUOTE]

No indicate light means its dead
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']I only have two PS3's anymore cuz I sold my one buddy my 120gb slim for $100 a couple of days ago.;) I initially made the offer like 2-3 months ago when I first let him borrow it as I was testing the 160gb PS3 that came from the Amazon BF bundle I bought from Warehouse Deals.

So it was quite a shock when he said he was going to buy it off me the other night, but at least it gave me the $100 I used yesterday to grab all dem shitz at at least 3-4 of the local BBV stores.

The last store I hit last night said they had a used PS3 they were going to sell but didn't know what they were gonna price it at yet, but I was told they didn't have a controller for it.:cry: I'll probably stop back this weekend sometime to see if they still have any Taylor Swift CD's left and to see if they priced the used PS3 yet.

If it was like $40-60 for it I'd grab it just for something to mess around with.

Either way, congrats on the haul. I hope the store(s) I'm gonna try and hit up today when I'm outta town have something really good lurking in the back room.;)

Damn. The last store I hit up yesterday had 2 of the Caesars and I think two other random Sackboys left when I grabbed the Yukiko and another Chop Chop last night.:bomb:

I may have to go back and hope they're still there.[/QUOTE]
I Am the cheapest gamer,
I have a feeling u got all the lbp during the 75% deal last week. I hit up 3 BBV: Columbia,md, silver spring,md, and rockville,md. How many lpb do u have now? U trying to build a army
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']I only have two PS3's anymore cuz I sold my one buddy my 120gb slim for $100 a couple of days ago.;)Either way, congrats on the haul.[/QUOTE]
Thanks, BTW this 80GB is the cheap one with 2 UBS slots.

I don't think anyone mention this yet....
Got the Trio portable Media player 4.3 Touch screen Video Player for $6.99.
This is not the slim MP3 player....this one looks like a GPS.
It's on the left side of the DS a blue box with a yellow sale sign.
On the first pic.

I forgot to take pics of the blankets and snuggies (was washing them) and the Xbox 1600 live points and some other stuff. I didn't notice that my wife took some stuff into another room.
Ask one more time...are normal controllers on sale and if so how much? Last time I was there they still had a few controllers for all systems.
[quote name='The Punisher']I Am the cheapest gamer,
I have a feeling u got all the lbp during the 75% deal last week. I hit up 3 BBV: Columbia,md, silver spring,md, and rockville,md. How many lpb do u have now? U trying to build a army[/QUOTE]
Actually I have an army's worth now(18) and luckily I only bought FOUR when they were $3.24 each last week.

I hit up FOUR BBV stores yesterday and I left some good shit at the last one(2 Tivo HDs, one Tivo SD, 3-5 Sackboy plushes, 10+ copies of the Taylor Swift CD) and some other random shit.
[quote name='JKSonic']Ask one more time...are normal controllers on sale and if so how much? Last time I was there they still had a few controllers for all systems.[/QUOTE]
I checked 10 stores....the answer is no. Both Dualshock 3 and Black Wii remote with Motion+ are full price.

Just to recap:
8 pack batteries are full price.
New Scratch out is full price $5.99...old scratch out are .59 cents.
Flash drives with the ulgy background are not the cheap ones.
Koss headphones (buds) are 3.74 only 75% off....I asked for adjustment to 90% and one manager credited the difference.
Koss headphone (over the ears) are $7.49, was told they will not go lower.
[quote name='JKSonic']Ask one more time...are normal controllers on sale and if so how much? Last time I was there they still had a few controllers for all systems.[/QUOTE]

Only 360 controllers are.
Well stopped by my blockbuster while i was out and got some stuff

Sony Headphones
PS3 HDMI and USB Kit
10 packs of batteries
packages of benderoos (for my kids)
couple little stuffed figures

They still have a High Def Tv box for 25 dollars might go back for that just to resell it.
[quote name='JKSonic']Ask one more time...are normal controllers on sale and if so how much? Last time I was there they still had a few controllers for all systems.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='xskaxninjax']Only 360 controllers are.[/QUOTE]

And the PS3 Sixaxis. Found one yesterday for $5.
[quote name='dino88']And the PS3 Sixaxis. Found one yesterday for $5.[/QUOTE]

Perhaps the original Sixaxis is, but the newer Dualshock 3 isn't, because I know I had them price check a controller at my store, but it was a Dualshock.
Cool then, hopefully they still have a controller then because I have a 360...just got a new one not long ago but for $5 or so I'll pick up another for sure.
[quote name='mkernan']Perhaps the original Sixaxis is, but the newer Dualshock 3 isn't, because I know I had them price check a controller at my store, but it was a Dualshock.[/QUOTE]

That's why I specified Sixaxis, not Dualshock 3.
[quote name='JKSonic']Cool then, hopefully they still have a controller then because I have a 360...just got a new one not long ago but for $5 or so I'll pick up another for sure.[/QUOTE]

I think someone here said they have a xbox 360 play and charge kit for $6.
what color is it? does it come with a controller?
My store has a beige play and charge kit. My preferred controller is black, so I didn't buy it. Well, that and I would be afraid the battery is already dead from sitting in the store for so many years (like the headset I bought).
[quote name='The Punisher']I think someone here said they have a xbox 360 play and charge kit for $6.
what color is it? does it come with a controller?[/QUOTE]

I would really like to know this also. I politely asked for a price check on two white play and charge kits yesterday at BBV and they assured me that they were full price. It looked like this . If hawaiiboy or anyone else could help me out, I'd really appreciate it. Also, I only need 1 so I could trade/sell the other to a CAG.:)
[quote name='mkernan']My store has a beige play and charge kit. My preferred controller is black, so I didn't buy it. Well, that and I would be afraid the battery is already dead from sitting in the store for so many years (like the headset I bought).[/QUOTE]

How much was it?
The one I saw was white and I didn't get to see if it was the charge kit, wireless or wired. Honestly though for $5 I wouldn't care if the batter was dead, I used engergizer rechargeables anyway and i'm pretty sure I have an extra back for batteries someplace.
[quote name='mkernan']My store has a beige play and charge kit. My preferred controller is black, so I didn't buy it. Well, that and I would be afraid the battery is already dead from sitting in the store for so many years (like the headset I bought).[/QUOTE]

It should still hold a charge.
[quote name='SonictheHedgehog1337']How much was it?[/QUOTE]

Well, it wasn't properly marked, but I believe it'd be $5, assuming they had it at the $19.99 MSRP there.

[quote name='The Punisher']It should still hold a charge.[/QUOTE]

Well, that's only half of the issue; I'm also too picky to stick a beige battery on my black controller.:D
[quote name='mkernan']Well, it wasn't properly marked, but I believe it'd be $5, assuming they had it at the $19.99 MSRP there.

Well, that's only half of the issue; I'm also too picky to stick a beige battery on my black controller.:D[/QUOTE]

Yeah. i was picky on the ds lite, but couldnt pass up on a great deal.

i think u should got it for $5.
[quote name='The Punisher']Yeah. i was picky on the ds lite, but couldnt pass up on a great deal.

i think u should got it for $5.[/QUOTE]

The battery case pack is really easy to spray paint. You could buy the charge kit and a can of cheap spray paint and still be well under what the MSRP is.
Picked up a couple sack boys at the Newport, KY store, a pack of Clone Wars wall applique type things and some other miscellaneous stuff to bribe my 3 year old to behave.

Also picked up some batteries, a couple EA Active for the Wii ($10 each), about as many earphones & headphones as I could carry (presents & stocking stuffers!), and that $10 Blockbuster 2Wire streaming box that like another poster I am hoping in vain for someone to hack so it can be used as a full-on media player (the inactive USB & SD slots just sit there, taunting me).

They hadn't gotten around to physically marking everything down by early evening, so it was pretty easy pickings.
[quote name='mkernan']Well, it wasn't properly marked, but I believe it'd be $5, assuming they had it at the $19.99 MSRP there.

Well, that's only half of the issue; I'm also too picky to stick a beige battery on my black controller.:D[/QUOTE]

The guy at one store I stopped by swore up & down it was not included in the sale because he said he scanned it himself earlier and it came up full price. I figured he was full of it, but didn't want to press the issue even though I could use another battery or two.

I was going to get two but this guy after me wanted 1 so Good KARMA, I hope as I let him have one. Couldve used a second one for my downstairs tv
[quote name='mkernan']Well, it wasn't properly marked, but I believe it'd be $5, assuming they had it at the $19.99 MSRP there.

Well, that's only half of the issue; I'm also too picky to stick a beige battery on my black controller.:D[/QUOTE]

thanks for trying to help. I already know is SHOULD be $5. It would be cool to have confirmation that some1 bought it for $5
[quote name='nas6034']BEST FIND EVER: LOGITECH HARMONY UNIVERSAL 520 REMOTE - $4.99 retail is $ 120

I was going to get two but this guy after me wanted 1 so Good KARMA, I hope as I let him have one. Couldve used a second one for my downstairs tv[/QUOTE]

I concur look at what amazon's full site says!

List Price: $4,972.99
Price: $119.99
You Save: $4,853.00 (98%)

=P... completely serious though thats a good one. I now kinda want to find one =[
[quote name='cardsharkrob']Was wondering, is it worth it to go buy the HD Tivo box that my blockbuster has for 25 dollars to just resell it?[/QUOTE]

Most likely no. Since you need a service to even use Tivo and you can get a box for free (usually) with commitment to the service... you wont get much more if anything more for it.
[quote name='skin21rip']Wish I could find an HD TiVo box as I have service but need HD box in my room[/QUOTE]Pm me your location, I have 2 HD and I know where to get more.
I just wiped clean 5 blockbusters in West Phoenix. I got 22 1600 point Xbox live points at $2 bux a pop. I had to pinch myself while I bought them that I wasn't dreaming. I also hoarded all the 25ft hdmi cords I could find (14) at 1.99 each. Darth Vader air freshners at .39 cents and a misfits key chan at .39 cents as well. I bought over ten 4 gb flashdrives at 1.49 and 5 2gb's at .99 . I've got a ton of those 2gb sd cards at .99 cents as well. feels good to finally be a hoarder and not the victim of one. Brou HAHA !!!
Just swung by my store and the clerk said the play and charge kit actually is regular price still.
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Arrrrrrrgh I'm pissed I'm not finding any 1600 pt cards. The second BBV out (the first one is only a couple miles from my house) is around a 35-45min drive and I'd have to bring my two baby boys... I don't want to call there on the off chance and employee decides to take all the stuff.

I'm going to check my closest one again quick today and then decide if I want to drive out to the other one tomorrow... Maybe I can talk my Sister into coming so she can either sit with my boys or drive them around or something while I go in.
[quote name='mkernan']Just swing by my store and the clerk said the play and charge kit actually is regular price still.[/QUOTE]

I dont understand why. people on cag claim this. Maybe the manager override the price?

Someone said they got a xbox 360 controller for $5. was it automatice when scanned and does the color play a factor?
[quote name='isaac clarke']I just wiped clean 5 blockbusters in West Phoenix. I got 22 1600 point Xbox live points at $2 bux a pop. I had to pinch myself while I bought them that I wasn't dreaming. I also hoarded all the 25ft hdmi cords I could find (14) at 1.99 each. Darth Vader air freshners at .39 cents and a misfits key chan at .39 cents as well. I bought over ten 4 gb flashdrives at 1.49 and 5 2gb's at .99 . I've got a ton of those 2gb sd cards at .99 cents as well. feels good to finally be a hoarder and not the victim of one. Brou HAHA !!![/QUOTE]

You willing to sell one of those 1600 point cards at a very discounted rate to a fellow cag? =D
[quote name='isaac clarke']I just wiped clean 5 blockbusters in West Phoenix. I got 22 1600 point Xbox live points at $2 bux a pop. I had to pinch myself while I bought them that I wasn't dreaming. I also hoarded all the 25ft hdmi cords I could find (14) at 1.99 each. Darth Vader air freshners at .39 cents and a misfits key chan at .39 cents as well. I bought over ten 4 gb flashdrives at 1.49 and 5 2gb's at .99 . I've got a ton of those 2gb sd cards at .99 cents as well. feels good to finally be a hoarder and not the victim of one. Brou HAHA !!![/QUOTE]

You been to the ones up near 67th ave & Beardsley yet?
Was thinking of heading to those but no point if they've been cleaned out.
bread's done