The Blockbuster Thread XXV: June 25th - July 1st, 50% off used games $19.99 and under


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Welcome to the Official CAG Blockbuster/Gamerush video game deal thread.

June 25th - July 1st, 50% off used games $19.99 and under

See here for the deal:

There used to be a coupon to print for it, but now stores should have the bar code to scan at the register.  If not, show them their own web page (above) and maybe they will figure it out.

See BlockbusterGuy's thread for a list of titles eligible under (and commonly found at BBV) for the promo:

Coming July 2nd: B1G1 free on games $29.99 and under


Note that anything below here might be out of date. To be honest, I have no idea if Blockbuster even takes games for trade-in any more!

What is this thread for?
The primary function of this thread is to discuss current trade-in and sale promos, post any trade-in values you have obtained, and discuss new and used game selection and availability. Please post trade-in values with the date of the trade (or quote) and system.

It is also permissible to discuss system availability, credit issues, etc. As long as it is related to game trades or sales at Blockbuster it is generally OK to discuss it here.

Unlike more tightly focused clearance threads, it is OK to discuss more general Blockbuster issues here as well as trade requests as long as they are kept to a minimum (and usually just during specific deals).

What is this thread NOT for?
Please do not discuss the flipping of games from one Blockbuster store to another should another such opportunity arise (through trade-in deals). It is one thing to "play the market" with trade-in values from one chain to another (BBVto Amazon to EB) - free market buy low/sell high and all that. But taking advantage of loopholes in a single store's policies/promos is frowned upon and has, in the past, led to trade-in bans from BBV.


Blockbuster Game Trading Info
- You must sign up for a trade account in addition to your regular Blockbuster account
- You must sign up for a new trade account at every store you wish to trade at, even if using the same main account
- Trade-in credit will be placed onto your store account
- Credit on store accounts can only be used at that one store
- Clerks at one store cannot see your trading/purchasing history at another store via your account
- Depending on state law you may or may not get sales tax added to your trade-ins (and thus get more than normal). You will always be charged sales tax where applicable on purchases.


Current Trade-In Deals
There are no trade-in deals at this time nor have there been for a very very long time. They did however just recently cut down all their trade-in values to Gamestop-like levels (but without deals to make them more appealing as at GS).


Trade-In Values

Trade-in prices are usually universal at Blockbuster, but can be wildly different at franchise Blockbuster stores. Used game prices change on Monday. We are not currently sure when trade-in values get updated but a few years ago it used to be on Mondays. Any quotes given in this thread may thus be good through Sunday of the current week. If you want to be sure to get the same value another CAG has reported then do your trading by Sunday as the price may drop on Monday.

Also note that many stores will no longer accept video games without cover art. This is the official policy for DVD trade-ins but apparently many clerks will confuse the two and not allow it for games either. Just beware that it might be a hassle if you have a disc-only game to trade.


Links to previous Blockbuster/Gamerush Threads (dating back to June 2005!):
1 (by no means the first one but the earliest that can be found - check it out for some drama)
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

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[quote name='hawaiiboy']latest info i have is a friday start date for both the game and blu ray sale. nothing about it starting early like memorial day. i'll keep everyone updated if anything changes.[/QUOTE]

@hawaiiboy, thanks again for all your updates.

I'm hoping that Friday is the true start date for both the used video game and pre-viewed blu-ray sale. I can easily take Friday off:)
I must have strange blockbusters, because none of this stuff is in the ones around here and all I could find during the last sale was a mountain of FNV.
[quote name='bgame2']For what it's worth, I'm currently playing through SWFU II. I definitely think it's worth 7.50.[/QUOTE]

I agree. I found it for 7.00 dollars during the whole clearance sale. I played it and finished it in a couple days and took the game to Best Buy and traded it in for 20 dollar gift card.

Game was just short to me
I don't think MoH is horrible by any means. It's nothing that special, but the single player campaign kept my interest at least. Don't bother with the multiplayer though.
I thought the campaign was OK, especially if you can get it for $7.50 or so...decent graphics, and weapons; the scenery could get a little repetitive, though. Never did manage to check out the MP, though...heard it was kind of a camp-fest.
C'mon, it wasn't that bad. I actually enjoyed the campaign. Not great or anything, but definitely enjoyable and worth $10-$20.

[quote name='cardsharkrob']Medal of Honor is HORRIBLE.[/QUOTE]
There probably isn't much left for me to pick up. I feel like this B1G1 sale is too soon since the last one. We need more time for stuff to sit and drop a bit.
[quote name='crazedracerguy']I'm playing through my $20 CE version of SWTFUII and really enjoying it - even for the $20...[/QUOTE]

I've only had time to get through the first part, but ditto. I like it enough that I'll probably get the 360 version just to have it for both systems.
I'll be picking up SWTFUII as well. It's a game I've been wanting for a while and waiting for it to drop to the 15$ price mark. And now, I can get a free game with it. Not a bad deal. I hope Mafia II drops to 15$ though as that's the price I wanted for that one as well. Maybe I can get both for only 15$ if it does drop. Here's hoping..
So....any nice, helpful folks on the east coast gonna try their store at 10 a.m. tomorrow just to see if the sale starts early and report back to the rest of us? :)
[quote name='Tsel']The multiplayer is basically a beta for Battlefield Bad Company 2.[/QUOTE]

It was not nearly that's no good, but I guess for 7.50 it don't matter.
I scoped out a couple BBVs tonight to see what they had in their inventory. I was surprised to see some pretty good games in stock today like God of War Collection, Uncharted 2, Ninety Nine Nights 2, Cod 4 (Wii), Mario Strikers (Wii), Lego Harry Potter, Mafia II, Star Wars FU II all for $14.99. Also saw command and conquer 3 for $6.99.

Actually, Mafia II (360) was marked $19.99, but I believe this is one of the $14.99 titles Hawaiiboy posted.

I also checked out the prices on the previously viewed blu rays, but I didn't uncover much more than the drops Hawaiiboy already posted. I noticed Twilight (original) was $9.99 now. Hoosiers dropped to $6.99 (maybe it was already this price, idk). I couldn't find any of those disney blu rays (sleeping beauty, snow white, beauty and the beast) that we all $16.99 during the last sale.

I asked employees that know me at all the stores if "there's a B1G1 videogame sale coming up" and none of them knew anything about it. :p
Can't wait for Friday! I wish my closest BB's would've not closed down, though, because I'd love to go do a little advanced recon on the selection of some stores. But it would be a HUGE PITA, time-wise, to make the trip twice in a week, with my young son in tow, no less...:whistle2:k
[quote name='cereal_killerxx']How is Medal of Honor?

I think I'm gonna head to my BBV to see what's available.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='cardsharkrob']Medal of Honor is HORRIBLE.[/QUOTE]Couldn't disagree more. I won't say that it is amazing, but HORRIBLE, no. SP is fun, there is a better variety in scenery than I thought there would be. You've got desert, small towns, arid, mountainside snow, caves. I found the campaign to be pretty intense due to the singular focus of one area of battle fought over a day or so as opposed to CoD's movie like jumping all over the globe (I like CoD too just for the record), but even on Hard, the initial hardest difficulty, I hardly died and wasn't challenged too much except for a few tough spots. Haven't played much MP, got killed alot since I didn't know the map and there did seem to be more camping, but unfortunately what mp doesn't have alot nowadays. I have several friends who play the mp as a break from CoD or Halo and they like it enough. It's definitely worth 7.50 although a new LE copy gets you a BF3 beta pass.
All this Medal of Honor talk made me want to play the single player. Since I bought it and played a few hours online. And it's not too bad. The online wasn't that bad either, I just rarely play online games so I never got into it.

Definitely worth $7.50

I bought everything I wanted. Maybe I'll look for Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II and something else.
I'm always amazed that some don't play MP online. I've put in endless hours into MW2, BFBC2, Blops, Resistance 2 and only put about a half an hour into the single player for resistance and MW2. MP is the best part.
I personally wouldn't even pay $7.50 for Force Unleashed 2. Thought the game was just a garbage, clearly did it for the money sequel.

Another B1G1 so soon seems kind of crazy, but I know what I'll be doing Friday before work.
[quote name='BudzMcGee']I personally wouldn't even pay $7.50 for Force Unleashed 2. Thought the game was just a garbage, clearly did it for the money sequel.

Another B1G1 so soon seems kind of crazy, but I know what I'll be doing Friday before work.[/QUOTE]

I somewhat feel the same, not that it was complete garbage, but moreso that $7.50 is a bit steep for how sohrt and shallow it is.

However I would gladly pay $15 for Uncharted 2. So I just look at it as like pay $13 for Uncharted 2, get Force Unleashed II for only $3! (because of tax, not that I do not know math)
[quote name='SonictheHedgehog1337']I scoped out a couple BBVs tonight to see what they had in their inventory. I was surprised to see some pretty good games in stock today like God of War Collection, Uncharted 2, Ninety Nine Nights 2, Cod 4 (Wii), Mario Strikers (Wii), Lego Harry Potter, Mafia II, Star Wars FU II all for $14.99. Also saw command and conquer 3 for $6.99.

Actually, Mafia II (360) was marked $19.99, but I believe this is one of the $14.99 titles Hawaiiboy posted.

I also checked out the prices on the previously viewed blu rays, but I didn't uncover much more than the drops Hawaiiboy already posted. I noticed Twilight (original) was $9.99 now. Hoosiers dropped to $6.99 (maybe it was already this price, idk). I couldn't find any of those disney blu rays (sleeping beauty, snow white, beauty and the beast) that we all $16.99 during the last sale.

I asked employees that know me at all the stores if "there's a B1G1 videogame sale coming up" and none of them knew anything about it. :p[/QUOTE]

Actually last time he posted price drops Mafia II was hanging in there at 19.99$ :bs: but here's hoping I'm wrong. I would love to get a copy and since I'm gonna go for SWTFUII I might as well pick up Mafia II for free if I can.

Kind of odd that no employee knew about it. Must be trying to keep this hush hush :whistle2:$ so they can snag all the good stuff.

[quote name='BudzMcGee']I personally wouldn't even pay $7.50 for Force Unleashed 2. Thought the game was just a garbage, clearly did it for the money sequel.

Another B1G1 so soon seems kind of crazy, but I know what I'll be doing Friday before work.[/QUOTE]

I think looking at it in terms of 7.50 is a poor decision. It's 15$ for 2 games of your choosing. One game can outweigh another. If you buy SWTFUII with a game that's worth 10$, you technically only spent 5$ on it ;)

Personally I think it's a good game, at least from what I've seen of it. I loved the first game and I'm dying to get my hands on this one. I'm hoping there will be a copy there when I walk into the store.

PS: When do you go to work? I think BBVs open at 10am if I'm not mistaken so unless you go in late that's gonna be a little tough.
[quote name='Toss']I'm always amazed that some don't play MP online. I've put in endless hours into MW2, BFBC2, Blops, Resistance 2 and only put about a half an hour into the single player for resistance and MW2. MP is the best part.[/QUOTE]

I get motion sickness from most FPS. And I also suck at them. I'm the guy that at the end of the round has 3 kills and like 12 deaths. But I will go online once in a while.

[quote name='BudzMcGee']I personally wouldn't even pay $7.50 for Force Unleashed 2. Thought the game was just a garbage, clearly did it for the money sequel.


I got the first one during the last B1G1 and I really liked it, so I don't mind spending $7.50 on the sequel. I also like to try really bad games.
[quote name='AXV1']I get motion sickness from most FPS. And I also suck at them. I'm the guy that at the end of the round has 3 kills and like 12 deaths. But I will go online once in a while. [/QUOTE]

But don't you see, us people that go 20-5 or 30-5 NEED guys like you who are willing to take all those deaths ;)

I for one love online FPS games, but I do think a game needs to have a damn good single player experience. I admit I put a lot more hours into Blops/MW2/MW1 in the online aspect but I do appreciate when I can turn the online part of it off and enjoy some bad guy killing on my own and not have to listen to 12 year olds shriek in my ear because I shanked em from behind once or twice and they naturally assume I'm camping/haxxorz-ing/a douche. :roll:

I often have to mute my TV as you can already tell lol.
[quote name='IronZombie']But don't you see, us people that go 20-5 or 30-5 NEED guys like you who are willing to take all those deaths ;)

I for one love online FPS games, but I do think a game needs to have a damn good single player experience. I admit I put a lot more hours into Blops/MW2/MW1 in the online aspect but I do appreciate when I can turn the online part of it off and enjoy some bad guy killing on my own and not have to listen to 12 year olds shriek in my ear because I shanked em from behind once or twice and they naturally assume I'm camping/haxxorz-ing/a douche. :roll:

I often have to mute my TV as you can already tell lol.[/QUOTE]
:lol: People used to do that all the time to me in GTA(screaming at me saying I'm hacking or something), but that's cuz my connection sucks so I would likely be lagging although I wasn't doing it intentionally.

Although some of my other tactics in game(priming grenades while running at people, using attack choppers to chop up other players, etc) were intentional and worked well MANY times.;)
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']:lol: People used to do that all the time to me in GTA(screaming at me saying I'm hacking or something), but that's cuz my connection sucks so I would likely be lagging although I wasn't doing it intentionally.

Although some of my other tactics in game(priming grenades while running at people, using attack choppers to chop up other players, etc) were intentional and worked well MANY times.;)[/QUOTE]

lol cooking grenades is so much fun especially in some maps in Blops or whatever when I see guys camping in small room areas or towers it's so easy to just walk up to it while holding RB and then throw it and it blows up within 2 seconds. They have no time to counter or run or anything and they don't even realize I'm there to begin with. It's very rare to see people in the post-match screen who have a nice laugh about it and say "good game" lol most of the time it's 12 year olds using questionable language.
:lol: That's why I rarely use my headset anymore.

Just tonight I had someone from Japan griefing me in a free mode in GTA Episodes and as soon as I got my hands on a chopper to turn the tables and downed their chopper they rage quit. :rofl:

Then they messaged me for 20-30 minutes calling me a loser and so on.:lol:
Speaking of Episodes, how is that? I think it should be 15$ or 10$ (can't remember) I definitely wanted this game since I beat GTAIV a long time ago. I hope I can snag a copy.
[quote name='IronZombie']Speaking of Episodes, how is that? I think it should be 15$ or 10$ (can't remember) I definitely wanted this game since I beat GTAIV a long time ago. I hope I can snag a copy.[/QUOTE]
It's pretty good. I liked the storylines in the game a lot more than I did the one in GTA IV. Mind you, as soon as I was done with the storylines in Episodes I started playing multiplayer and I haven't stopped since.

A few friends and I will routinely play for 3-4 hours a night and try to find glitches to mess around with. Probably the most interesting one is a certain building in Alderney where you can slam a chopper into the roof and take it underneath the map....and fire up from under the map at other people.:lol:
All I remember from GTAIV online was the swing glitch LOL! Me and my buddy would take a bunch of random cars and stuff there and make em fly all over the map or he would stand on top of the car and go flying and splatter into a building. Hilarious stuff, but it would get boring after a while. I hope the multiplayer modes other than free roam can hold my interest.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer'].

A few friends and I will routinely play for 3-4 hours a night and try to find glitches to mess around with. Probably the most interesting one is a certain building in Alderney where you can slam a chopper into the roof and take it underneath the map....and fire up from under the map at other people.:lol:[/QUOTE]

Made me laugh just imagining it!
There was a glitch in resistance 2 MP where guys would somehow get into buliding you normally can't and shot gun your ass as you went around the busy corner. It used to piss me off... but I would've laughed my ass off if I was in there!
[quote name='IronZombie']All I remember from GTAIV online was the swing glitch LOL! Me and my buddy would take a bunch of random cars and stuff there and make em fly all over the map or he would stand on top of the car and go flying and splatter into a building. Hilarious stuff, but it would get boring after a while. I hope the multiplayer modes other than free roam can hold my interest.[/QUOTE]
In Episodes you have a reloadable/reusable parachute(like in Just Cause 2, if you've ever played that game), so you can now base jump from whatever high buildings you see in the game. If you can get to the top of the building, you can base jump off of it.;)

That also makes for more fun when doing the swingset glitch, since now you can bail out of your flying car and parachute to safety.:D
[quote name='Toss']Made me laugh just imagining it!
There was a glitch in resistance 2 MP where guys would somehow get into buliding you normally can't and shot gun your ass as you went around the busy corner. It used to piss me off... but I would've laughed my ass off if I was in there![/QUOTE]
I've learned how to fly a chopper under the map now and I can get up inside buildings you normally can't in the game. I sat in the one building the one night for like 45 minutes waiting for some random griefer to come by trying to shoot me while I was inside the building.

So one finally comes by and starts trying to shoot me with a shotgun. I whip out my RPG and blast him to kingdom come and sit there laughing for the next couple of minutes.;)
[quote name='IronZombie']But don't you see, us people that go 20-5 or 30-5 NEED guys like you who are willing to take all those deaths ;)
I'll remember that next time I play. I really don't care about K/D ratio. I just wanna run around a shoot things.
[quote name='AXV1']I'll remember that next time I play. I really don't care about K/D ratio. I just wanna run around a shoot things.[/QUOTE]

Thats all I ever do and maintain an above 1:1 average with kills. Rarely over 1.2 though...
Well, I called a store on the East Coast (in New York) and the lady said it didn't start today...actually her exact words were "I don't have anything for this week."

[quote name='mrwogs2']The employees usually have no idea about these sales until the morning of.[/QUOTE]

And sometimes not even then.
Hawaiiboy excepted, of course. :)
I asked an employee in store and she said that it will start on Friday. I did not have any games rung up, though, so there is still a chance. I'll be content to get there on Friday.
Update, b1g1 sale begins Friday 7/1 like everyone already knows but the new details are

Buy ANY priced game and get a $14.99 and under title free.
bread's done