The HP Touchpad Guide Thread (get help with webOS, preware, video converters, etc)

Just going through setup and wow, what a POS. Totally unsurprising this failed at launch. Just in the first minute of setup: no indication if a window is scrollable, no indication of your position once you do start scrolling, and a cryptic "Join (SSID)" field (would "Enter your network key or password" have been so hard?). Worst of all, the screen to create the WebOS account keeps disappearing in the middle of data entry, and reverts to the previous screen.

I was thinking about giving one of these to my mom, but it looks like it would be a nightmare for both of us.
[quote name='gantt']Just going through setup and wow, what a POS. Totally unsurprising this failed at launch. Just in the first minute of setup: no indication if a window is scrollable, no indication of your position once you do start scrolling, and a cryptic "Join (SSID)" field (would "Enter your network key or password" have been so hard?). Worst of all, the screen to create the WebOS account keeps disappearing in the middle of data entry, and reverts to the previous screen.

I was thinking about giving one of these to my mom, but it looks like it would be a nightmare for both of us.[/QUOTE]

This makes me feel better about totally missing this deal.
[quote name='gantt']Just going through setup and wow, what a POS. Totally unsurprising this failed at launch. Just in the first minute of setup: no indication if a window is scrollable, no indication of your position once you do start scrolling, and a cryptic "Join (SSID)" field (would "Enter your network key or password" have been so hard?). Worst of all, the screen to create the WebOS account keeps disappearing in the middle of data entry, and reverts to the previous screen.

I was thinking about giving one of these to my mom, but it looks like it would be a nightmare for both of us.[/QUOTE]

Honestly, I didn't think that it would be so hard for people to understand what Join(SSID) meant. I was done with the signup and running in less then 5 minutes, about the same as my Ipad.
[quote name='AvidWriter']This makes me feel better about totally missing this deal.[/QUOTE]

lol the touchpad is awesome you should feel bad
[quote name='gantt']Just going through setup and wow, what a POS. Totally unsurprising this failed at launch. Just in the first minute of setup: no indication if a window is scrollable, no indication of your position once you do start scrolling, and a cryptic "Join (SSID)" field (would "Enter your network key or password" have been so hard?). Worst of all, the screen to create the WebOS account keeps disappearing in the middle of data entry, and reverts to the previous screen.

I was thinking about giving one of these to my mom, but it looks like it would be a nightmare for both of us.[/QUOTE]

lol you send it my way if you dont want it;)
[quote name='AvidWriter']This makes me feel better about totally missing this deal.[/QUOTE]

Well, I was a little hot under the collar; I really should hold off on final judgment until actually using the thing :). It's just that out-of-box experience is so critical, and I'm kind of shocked that it's so rough. Of course, my Palm experience dates back to the Vx, so maybe the years haven't been kind to their reputation for ease-of-use.

I had to restart the setup process in order to complete it (a little like destroying the village in order to save it), which means I had to re-enter my network password, which is a chore under normal circumstances - but made more so by their decision to obscure each character as you type it, so if you think you might have typed the wrong character or done a double-strike (quite easy with a software keyboard), there's no way to look back and verify that the string you've entered so far is correct. Most interfaces obscure account passwords as you type them (they tend to be shorter and often entered in public places) but not a network password that can be lengthy - and presumably most people can setup their device when nobody is looking over their shoulder.

I knew from reading forums that there was a software update available, but the TouchPad didn't notify me of that after some time, so I initiated it manually. The download phase proceeded to completion, but in the middle of "unpacking" it displayed "Unable to connect. Try again later" and a "Download now" button. Excuse me? Didn't the download finish already? Why connect in the midst of unpacking? Fortunately after clicking the "download now" button a few times, it returned to the unpacking and the rest of the update was apparently successful.

Anyway, what might make you feel better about missing this deal, other than avoiding the above Windows-like aggravation, is the Kindle Fire :)
[quote name='gantt']Just going through setup and wow, what a POS. Totally unsurprising this failed at launch. Just in the first minute of setup: no indication if a window is scrollable, no indication of your position once you do start scrolling, and a cryptic "Join (SSID)" field (would "Enter your network key or password" have been so hard?). Worst of all, the screen to create the WebOS account keeps disappearing in the middle of data entry, and reverts to the previous screen.

I was thinking about giving one of these to my mom, but it looks like it would be a nightmare for both of us.[/QUOTE]

My cousin's 10 year old set his up, in about 15 minutes with a bit of help from me. These things aren't rocket science, if you had that much of a problem with it maybe you should sell it to someone else here that could use the thing
[quote name='docvinh']I was done with the signup and running in less then 5 minutes, about the same as my Ipad.[/QUOTE]
[quote name='Vader582']^This.:applause:[/QUOTE]

Exactly...I was the same with all of my phones. It takes some time getting used to. For instance, I didn't know that there was a center button until a week or two after. I guess I found out when I had to reset the device, lol. ;)
[quote name='Strigol']My cousin's 10 year old set his up, in about 15 minutes with a bit of help from me. These things aren't rocket science, if you had that much of a problem with it maybe you should sell it to someone else here that could use the thing[/QUOTE]

If you could read, you'd realize the only problem I had in that post was with the webOS signup screen that was repeatedly closed mid-entry by the software (the other issues are usability issues that would be support calls for novice users). Your first lesson in software engineering: code doesn't care if the user is 10 years old or 100. If it's buggy, it's buggy.

There's a big range between "rocket science" and suitable for a novice user. The setup hasn't been designed for a novice user. That said, a 10-year-old these days (when 3-year-olds are using iPads and game consoles) is not a novice user. If the two of you took 15 minutes, that's three times as long as it should have taken.

Now that it's setup and updated, it seems to be working OK. Web page text isn't as clear as my Android phone, and I prefer the way Android clearly shows what link or button you've clicked, but otherwise I'm pleased with the web surfing so far.
[quote name='gantt']If you could read, you'd realize the only problem I had in that post was with the webOS signup screen that was repeatedly closed mid-entry by the software (the other issues are usability issues that would be support calls for novice users). Your first lesson in software engineering: code doesn't care if the user is 10 years old or 100. If it's buggy, it's buggy.

There's a big range between "rocket science" and suitable for a novice user. The setup hasn't been designed for a novice user. That said, a 10-year-old these days (when 3-year-olds are using iPads and game consoles) is not a novice user. If the two of you took 15 minutes, that's three times as long as it should have taken.

Now that it's setup and updated, it seems to be working OK. Web page text isn't as clear as my Android phone, and I prefer the way Android clearly shows what link or button you've clicked, but otherwise I'm pleased with the web surfing so far.[/QUOTE]

I came off a bit more snarky than I intended... Aside from a bit of slowdown on my cousin's, which a quick reset of the system fixed, we've not had any problems with them. Your complaints sound more like "i dont like they way they did it" than actual problems with the software its self.
[quote name='gantt']If you could read, you'd realize the only problem I had in that post was with the webOS signup screen that was repeatedly closed mid-entry by the software (the other issues are usability issues that would be support calls for novice users). Your first lesson in software engineering: code doesn't care if the user is 10 years old or 100. If it's buggy, it's buggy.

There's a big range between "rocket science" and suitable for a novice user. The setup hasn't been designed for a novice user. That said, a 10-year-old these days (when 3-year-olds are using iPads and game consoles) is not a novice user. If the two of you took 15 minutes, that's three times as long as it should have taken.

Now that it's setup and updated, it seems to be working OK. Web page text isn't as clear as my Android phone, and I prefer the way Android clearly shows what link or button you've clicked, but otherwise I'm pleased with the web surfing so far.[/QUOTE]

I was following this conversation and I would have to agree with you. At full price the startup and setup is cumbersome and a pain in the butt. If I was a noob or even if I wasn't and paid FULL price I would have been PO'd. No instructions, glitches right off the bat, etc etc etc.

As is even at $100 it was a little maddening. Now I can see for those that are even used to tablets as some friends that tried to use my touchpad were confused as other tablets point you in the right direction and are more geared toward user-friendly and guided help.

To have to search online to find things out and on a non hp site is weird. If I had paid full price The first day I would ask for a refund.

Anyway for me for $100 I like my touchpad and am willing to put up with all of that. Would I buy another or one for a gift probably not.
[quote name='CheapAssHustla']This is a great twitter app for the HP Touchpad! Spaz_HD_Review It's free by the way.[/QUOTE]

FYI day after I got this my account started posting spam, don't know if it was hacked or if it was just the clients permission, but I had to change my passwords. I would say to use caution. Also I only let one other app use Twitter and I have had it for over 2 yeara, its odd that a hack would happen the day after installing spaz.
[quote name='GaMeR_2007']^ Thanks for the warning. It could've been a useful app if not for that.[/QUOTE]

Yeah seemed great, but for that to happen right after I sign up is too big a coincidence.
[quote name='Dragonsbane']Yeah seemed great, but for that to happen right after I sign up is too big a coincidence.[/QUOTE]
I've got the Spaz trial on TP and haven't had any issues yet. *shrug*
How complex is your password? I'm going to assume you logged in on a secure wireless network? If not, someone could have pulled your login info.
[quote name='Vader582']I've got the Spaz trial on TP and haven't had any issues yet. *shrug*
How complex is your password? I'm going to assume you logged in on a secure wireless network? If not, someone could have pulled your login info.[/QUOTE]
I've had this installed probably since the day I got my Touchpad, and I've had no issues. I have three accounts signed up on it, and no spam coming from me.
I have been using mine for about a day and I really think this is a wonderful tablet for $150. I overclocked it at 1.5 and stopped some of the logging so it's running really fast. My only complaint is that this thing is quit heavy. I have only used iPads before and I thought those were pretty heavy as well. I guess anything would seem heavy when the only thing that's comparable in size and I use every day is a Kindle 3.
[quote name='Vader582']I've got the Spaz trial on TP and haven't had any issues yet. *shrug*
How complex is your password? I'm going to assume you logged in on a secure wireless network? If not, someone could have pulled your login info.[/QUOTE]

Secure network and redid my password to really strong after the ps3 hack, so like I said may have been a coincidence, but it happened the day after I signed up. Since I removed the program and redid my pass no issues.
Just noticed something. Even though I like Skin #10, it doesn't have start/select features. So, you'd have to choose a skin with start/select features, start the game, minimize the screen, then change options to Skin 10. Not as tedious as it sounds. Same thing would be needed to 'pause'.

Or, you could, just, stick with Skin #9.
There should be only one TP thread since that other one is for deals. Just watched the dual boot cynagen android. Looks very promising dual booting!
[quote name='eliter1']My only complaint is that this thing is quit heavy. I have only used iPads before and I thought those were pretty heavy as well.[/QUOTE]

Agreed about the weight, for both this and the iPad. I think there's a reason why those iPad ads always showed users reclining with the iPad propped up on their lap - not held in one hand. iPad 2 is lighter, though - haven't spent enough time with one to see how much difference that makes.

More of an issue is frequent loss of Wi-Fi signal when the device is sleeping. It does come back but takes a while sometimes. My signal's probably not the best, but my phone has far fewer issues with losing/re-acquiring the signal.
[quote name='gantt']Agreed about the weight, for both this and the iPad. I think there's a reason why those iPad ads always showed users reclining with the iPad propped up on their lap - not held in one hand. iPad 2 is lighter, though - haven't spent enough time with one to see how much difference that makes.

More of an issue is frequent loss of Wi-Fi signal when the device is sleeping. It does come back but takes a while sometimes. My signal's probably not the best, but my phone has far fewer issues with losing/re-acquiring the signal.[/QUOTE]

I am pretty sure it disconnects in order to extend battery life just like most devices do. I have installed things on both my Palm Pixi Plus and iPhone 4 to keep them from disconnecting but that drains the battery considerably faster. I haven't tried doing the same on the TouchPad but I am sure you could find something to keep it from disconnecting.
[quote name='eliter1']I am pretty sure it disconnects in order to extend battery life just like most devices do.[/QUOTE]

The user guide:
"By default, your device keeps its Wi-Fi connection active even when the​
screen is dark."

So if it is disconnecting by design, that seems to be contrary to the documentation.
[quote name='gantt']The user guide:
"By default, your device keeps its Wi-Fi connection active even when the​
screen is dark."

So if it is disconnecting by design, that seems to be contrary to the documentation.[/QUOTE]

I didn't know that but now that you mention it my TouchPad is always connected to WiFi. There might be something interfering with your WiFi signal.
I thought I heard someone here say you could connect a wii remote or sixaxis to the SNES app. do you have to download something else to do it?
[quote name='mcdaking84']I thought I heard someone here say you could connect a wii remote or sixaxis to the SNES app. do you have to download something else to do it?[/QUOTE]
It would be awesome if they worked with the N64 emulator. Please, someone tell me they do!
[quote name='mcdaking84']I thought I heard someone here say you could connect a wii remote or sixaxis to the SNES app. do you have to download something else to do it?[/QUOTE]

Sixaxis would be sick. It runs off Bluetooth anyways right?
[quote name='Vulcan2422']Sixaxis would be sick. It runs off Bluetooth anyways right?[/QUOTE]

I think, but it lacks a sync button. I'd think you would have to fashion up a mini usb -> micro usb cable (or whatever designation the connectors are)
Got my keyboard from HP today and it's quite good for less than $30. I am probably going to use it a lot with my laptop and PS3 (DCU Online goes free this month). I really do not see myself using this with the TouchPad at all since I have been using it for Comic Shelf HD A LOT! Lately and it is awesome.

Has anyone here tried the 1.7 overclock beta? 1.5 is fine but I am just curious to see if it's a big difference.
I stick to 1.5 since it's stable and it's what the CPU should be running at. I probably won't push it any farther since for $100, this tablet is just amazing. I do see there is now an apk file for Android 2.3 or 2.2 that runs in a card but the card is not swipeable. A lot of people saying its buggy but I just want to test it.
[quote name='Vulcan2422']I stick to 1.5 since it's stable and it's what the CPU should be running at. I probably won't push it any farther since for $100, this tablet is just amazing. I do see there is now an apk file for Android 2.3 or 2.2 that runs in a card but the card is not swipeable. A lot of people saying its buggy but I just want to test it.[/QUOTE]

I was watching a video about it but it looks pretty buggy. The screen flickers from time to time and it seems the touch screen is not as responsive as it should be. I'm happy OnSale only had 32GB the second time around since I will most likely dual boot once it's available
New free apps! HP Touchpad newsletter just came out...

Lithium News HD - code qangy29042thenl

Shopping manager - njoma77762jhdkr

glow hockey HD - lhdji40626sdnrm

above & beyond: john kascht - trowl12396ozwtl

All LIVE right now! Mail came in at 6:04 PM for me. Enjoy!!!
[quote name='crazedracerguy']New free apps! HP Touchpad newsletter just came out...

Lithium News HD - code qangy29042thenl

Shopping manager - njoma77762jhdkr

glow hockey HD - lhdji40626sdnrm -DEAD

above & beyond: john kascht - trowl12396ozwtl

All LIVE right now! Mail came in at 6:04 PM for me. Enjoy!!![/QUOTE]

[quote name='crazedracerguy']New free apps! HP Touchpad newsletter just came out...

Lithium News HD - code qangy29042thenl

Shopping manager - njoma77762jhdkr

glow hockey HD - lhdji40626sdnrm

above & beyond: john kascht - trowl12396ozwtl

All LIVE right now! Mail came in at 6:04 PM for me. Enjoy!!![/QUOTE]

can someone please let me know how to sign up for the hp touchpad newsletter? thank a lot!!
[quote name='yuanhongsung']can someone please let me know how to sign up for the hp touchpad newsletter? thank a lot!![/QUOTE]

I have no idea how I signed up for it. I think it was when I was putting my info on the touchpad when I turned it on the first time. I just got lucky last night that I saw the mail come in on the TP as I was surfing CAG. I got 3 of the apps. The shopping one appealed to me not at all...
[quote name='crazedracerguy']I have no idea how I signed up for it. I think it was when I was putting my info on the touchpad when I turned it on the first time. I just got lucky last night that I saw the mail come in on the TP as I was surfing CAG. I got 3 of the apps. The shopping one appealed to me not at all...[/QUOTE]

lol thx. maybe i should keep a eye on that when i get my touchpad.
[quote name='Strell']ScummVM.
Day of the Tentacle.
Greatest thing ever.
Greatest thing ever.[/QUOTE]


I'm liking the how the Mame project is coming along.
[quote name='Strell']Running ScummVM to play Day of the Tentacle on my Touchpad, which is enough awesome to drown the universe in.[/QUOTE]

Preware? Couldn't find anything about it in the catalog. Care to expand my mind on this?
[quote name='Vulcan2422']Preware? Couldn't find anything about it in the catalog. Care to expand my mind on this?[/QUOTE]

You got to install it with dev mode enabled through a computer. (or last I looked)
[quote name='Vulcan2422']Preware? Couldn't find anything about it in the catalog. Care to expand my mind on this?[/QUOTE]

Yeah, it's Preware. Go through the jailbreak process and get ScummVM, and then transfer the appropriate files via USB.
[quote name='soccerstud652']Are people still able to update to WEBOS 3.0.2? I have 3.0.0 and I hit system update, and it is telling me my touchpad is up to date...[/QUOTE]
Me and my friend had to install WebOS doctor for it to update our TPs because it wouldn't work for us either and we couldn't see all the apps in the catalog.
bread's done