The New, But Not Improved Firmware Thread: 4.00 Currently Available

[quote name='jman619']You must be psychic. I just read your other post and I was about to say it only took me 5 mins to download/install. Stop your bitching. ;)[/QUOTE]

It takes about 30-45 minutes for me, but that's cuz I'm on 'Brazilian internet'. Ask Paco. He tried playing me in Mortal Kombat II the one night and it was like playing in super slo-mo.:lol:

But over $20 for internet ain't happening for me, so unless Verizon gives me a speed boost with no boost in price I'll stick to slow high speed.;)
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']It takes about 30-45 minutes for me, but that's cuz I'm on 'Brazilian internet'. Ask Paco. He tried playing me in Mortal Kombat II the one night and it was like playing in super slo-mo.:lol:

But over $20 for internet ain't happening for me, so unless Verizon gives me a speed boost with no boost in price I'll stick to slow high speed.;)[/QUOTE]

Still though. I don't understand the complaining. You know when its coming and they rarely update... Yet you start every single time a update is coming. xD
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']Except that you do this every single time like updates somehow work differently than before. It's like clockwork every single time.[/QUOTE]

But this time there really is no fuckin' reason for me to have to download it. It's to remove the other OS thing, so it doesn't deal with something on MY system.

But I'm sure if asked Sony would say 'well there's other 'fixes' in there too'.

As of now I'm on 28%.:bomb: fuckin' Sony and their slow ass updates. It's not just me either. Google it and you'll see others bitching bout how slow Sony's updates download versus MS'.
[quote name='jman619']Still though. I don't understand the complaining. You know when its coming and they rarely update... Yet you start every single time a update is coming. xD[/QUOTE]

Because this update really has nothing to do with my system. It takes away the 'other OS' thing and that's it(or at least that's all people have found out it does thus far).

Watch. It probably adds some MySpace and Twitter icons now too. Soooooo useful to me.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']But this time there really is no fuckin' reason for me to have to download it. It's to remove the other OS thing, so it doesn't deal with something on MY system.

But I'm sure if asked Sony would say 'well there's other 'fixes' in there too'.

As of now I'm on 28%.:bomb: fuckin' Sony and their slow ass updates. It's not just me either. Google it and you'll see others bitching bout how slow Sony's updates download versus MS'.[/QUOTE]

This downloaded in about 5 minutes for me, possibly less since I wasn't paying attention the entire time. Slow connections = slow downloads...
This is the first update I would rather not download, but oh well. Nothing I can do about it. And that's because I've only ever used Linux on the PS3 once like three years ago, and didn't even like it.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']But this time there really is no fuckin' reason for me to have to download it. It's to remove the other OS thing, so it doesn't deal with something on MY system.

But I'm sure if asked Sony would say 'well there's other 'fixes' in there too'.

As of now I'm on 28%.:bomb: fuckin' Sony and their slow ass updates. It's not just me either. Google it and you'll see others bitching bout how slow Sony's updates download versus MS'.[/QUOTE]
If you want to make it a Slim versus Fat PS3 thing, you're the reason we lost our Spider-man font intro and game-launching chime in the first update after the Slim came out. So now we're even.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']If you want to make it a Slim versus Fat PS3 thing, you're the reason we lost our Spider-man font intro and game-launching chime in the first update after the Slim came out. So now we're even.[/QUOTE]
Nice one. Although I do like the fancier background with the sparkles. :[
Not sure if that was before or after the slim came out, though. The original start-up sound was better, too.

And the update only took a minute and 30 seconds to download. It's not Sony's fault your internet is slow.
[quote name='SynGamer']This downloaded in about 5 minutes for me, possibly less since I wasn't paying attention the entire time. Slow connections = slow downloads...[/QUOTE]

Seeing as how since the only thing this update is supposed to do is rip out the ability to run Linux and the slims don't have that ability, then WHY did I have to download it?:roll: I bet it added more useless shit, like I said earlier. Probably will find out it added a MySpace or Twitter icon in some menu somewhere and that was the 'good' part of the update.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']If you want to make it a Slim versus Fat PS3 thing, you're the reason we lost our Spider-man font intro and game-launching chime in the first update after the Slim came out. So now we're even.[/QUOTE]

Personally, the extra 1-2 seconds for the Playstation 3 icon intro and game launching chime was time that we could've been playing.

I still get a kick out of how many are actually pro update, even though this update supposedly deleted a function from your console. You PAID for that ability, so I guess you are all ok with losing money?
What other choice would we have had? Despite the fact that I have no interest in Linux, I still don't like features being taken away. I could've chosen not to update, but then I'd be losing out on being able to sign into PSN, as well as the 3D update when it comes out this summer. Those are far more important to me than some feature I never would've used (again).

If it DID matter to me, I suppose I could've went and bought a new 60GB on eBay, or perhaps a slim, and left Linux on my current console. However, the only thing that might drive me to do that (which I doubt will ever happen) is them deciding to disable PS2 compatibility.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']I still get a kick out of how many are actually pro update, even though this update supposedly deleted a function from your console. You PAID for that ability, so I guess you are all ok with losing money?[/QUOTE]

I like to look at the big picture; the longer the PS3 remains unhacked, the better it is for us as gamers because that means the devs are less likely to lose money on their games which means they (the devs) will invest in future games which means we have something else to play other than sequels...(which I don't mind).

I don't care what anyone says, with video game consoles, hacking ultimately leads to pirating...not everyone does it, but enough do to the point that the devs lose A LOT of money, especially the smaller devs...
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']Really? Oh for fuck's sake. The update is for people with the systems with the 'other OS' thing, yet even the slim owners have to update. fuck Sony and the horse they rode in on.

I hate losing gaming time(which I do around this time of day/night)when I'm forced to update with these bullshit firmware updates.

At least if they added in something useful and valuable it wouldn't be so bad. But 90 Playstation Store icons, Facebook icon, etc, etc=not valuable(to me).

Again, fuck Sony. I hope someone hacks their damned network and crashes them for good. They deserve to end up like Sega, only making games for other companies' consoles after pounding consumers in the cornhole this gen thus far.[/QUOTE]
You're bitching because an update is keeping you from gaming, yet you don't have to do this unless you use PSN. Which clearly you do if you HAVE to download this update. So instead you wish there was no PSN period? One of us here is confused.
[quote name='SynGamer']I like to look at the big picture; the longer the PS3 remains unhacked, the better it is for us as gamers because that means the devs are less likely to lose money on their games which means they (the devs) will invest in future games which means we have something else to play other than sequels...(which I don't mind).

I don't care what anyone says, with video game consoles, hacking ultimately leads to pirating...not everyone does it, but enough do to the point that the devs lose A LOT of money, especially the smaller devs...[/QUOTE]

How many truly 'innovative' games have come out recently that weren't clones of something or sequels of popular series? I mean, how many truly innovative games that did something really unique without being copied from another game or series?

The only one I could think of, though I think it copied the game idea from another game/series is Afrika.

[quote name='Buuhan1']You're bitching because an update is keeping you from gaming, yet you don't have to do this unless you use PSN. Which clearly you do if you HAVE to download this update. So instead you wish there was no PSN period? One of us here is confused.[/QUOTE]

But this update had ZERO to do with us slim owners, yet we STILL had to fuckin' update it. It's ridiculous to me that so many seem ok with losing a function on their older model PS3's 'as long as it helps Sony'. fuck Sony. They're a multinational company out for profit.

If I paid the $500-600 like I'm sure some of you did for my system, I would want it to do everything initially advertised and for them to be ADDING stuff instead of taking away functions.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']They're a multinational company out for profit.[/QUOTE]

Wow, really?!?!?!! This is news to me. :roll:

Didnt take long for me to download it, about 5-10 minutes.
Whatever. You all seem ok with losing a function on your system. So be it. I guess you like getting bent over by a company when they get a whim to take away functionality.

I'll just laugh if they go to offer up the 'other OS' as a pay-to-play function later on. But I'm sure some of the same suckers who are ok with them taking it away now will be the first ones in line to pay to get it back later. After all, it'll be offered up by the almighty Sony, who can do no wrong according to some of you.
[quote name='LXL_Guy']I just want to be able to get online again since a must update kind of thing.[/QUOTE]

But that's what gets me is that it's either you MUST update or you're not allowed on PSN. What if I still had a fat PS3 and I used Linux ALOT? I'm fucked because Sony wanted to remove that feature.

They're getting a ton of hate on their blog about this update, but they're also getting an equal number of people essentially saying 'it is what it is' or openly defending them with the 'omg help the developers and stop the pirates' crap.

Some of the more recent games that have come out have been such crap that these companies deserve to lose money on them and have them pirated. But that's another thing altogether.

This update is like when a bank is offering interest of some sort on an account(like my family had on their checking for a while)and after awhile they decide they don't wanna pay the miniscule amount of interest on it. But they send you a letter saying they did it 'for your benefit'. How the fuck is it for our benefit that you took away the extra money we had coming into the account for a while?
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']But that's what gets me is that it's either you MUST update or you're not allowed on PSN. What if I still had a fat PS3 and I used Linux ALOT? I'm fucked because Sony wanted to remove that feature.

They're getting a ton of hate on their blog about this update, but they're also getting an equal number of people essentially saying 'it is what it is' or openly defending them with the 'omg help the developers and stop the pirates' crap.

Some of the more recent games that have come out have been such crap that these companies deserve to lose money on them and have them pirated. But that's another thing altogether.

This update is like when a bank is offering interest of some sort on an account(like my family had on their checking for a while)and after awhile they decide they don't wanna pay the miniscule amount of interest on it. But they send you a letter saying they did it 'for your benefit'. How the fuck is it for our benefit that you took away the extra money we had coming into the account for a while?[/QUOTE]

So you wouldn't bitch if leaving Linux there somehow opened an exploit leading to people pirating PS3 games, Sony losing millions, developers backing away from the system and so forth. None of those are impossible, and clearly Linux which Sony does not control is the biggest vulnerability to that.

Honestly dude use some common sense. You think Sony is removing this feature after 3.5 years because they're bored? It's based on risk probability. IF you were in their shoes I dare you to do any differently when a huge amount of money could be lost.

So re-think whether this is benefiting us. If you support piracy and developers losing what little money they make, perhaps you won't see the benefit, but I'd also say you're not a true gamer. Protecting the system outweighs keeping a potential vulnerability on that system in this situaton.
Bah. Sony is idiotic for this. No one cared before. The real hackers were content with having an "open" platform. Now Sony have issued a challenge. Before they would have been okay. Now, not only will the hacks happen, but it will expand to piracy. Why? Because the hackers will prove they can do it. No other reason. Like I said, Sony is stupid. They shot themselves in the foot with this.

But I'm apathetic. I am currently on FW 3.15 and logged into PSN. Sony can suck it. They can suck it long and hard.
[quote name='ssjmichael']So you wouldn't bitch if leaving Linux there somehow opened an exploit leading to people pirating PS3 games, Sony losing millions, developers backing away from the system and so forth. None of those are impossible, and clearly Linux which Sony does not control is the biggest vulnerability to that.

Honestly dude use some common sense. You think Sony is removing this feature after 3.5 years because they're bored? It's based on risk probability. IF you were in their shoes I dare you to do any differently when a huge amount of money could be lost.

So re-think whether this is benefiting us. If you support piracy and developers losing what little money they make, perhaps you won't see the benefit, but I'd also say you're not a true gamer. Protecting the system outweighs keeping a potential vulnerability on that system in this situaton.[/QUOTE]

So wait, I'm not a true gamer if I feel that some games are only worth the price of a burnable BD? As Morphiend said, the 'omg hackers' that Sony is worried about breaking/cracking their console will do so now just to prove they can.

Personally, the only thing that irked me about this(besides Sony eliminating functionality) is the time of mine they wasted downloading an update that had nothing to do with me.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']So wait, I'm not a true gamer if I feel that some games are only worth the price of a burnable BD? As Morphiend said, the 'omg hackers' that Sony is worried about breaking/cracking their console will do so now just to prove they can.

Personally, the only thing that irked me about this(besides Sony eliminating functionality) is the time of mine they wasted downloading an update that had nothing to do with me.[/QUOTE]

Yes if you support piracy, I don't consider you a true gamer. That's simply my opinion. If you weren't aware, hackers, particularly George Hotz (aka GeoHot) have been working on exploiting the PS3 for months now. He has released exploits to download and has been providing updates on his work on his dedicated PS3 hacking block. He's the same guy who helped jailbreak the iPhone. In fact, there's a good chance Sony is removing Linux mainly because of him. Don't act like he was doing this just for fun. He and others clearly have been trying to crack the PS3 for some time. Whether it's for homebrew, or any other legal purposes in his mind, it's still a violation to Sony and opens the door to people who won't have such legal uses. I highly doubt they want another PSP on their hands here, they've lost millions in revenue because of piracy.

Also with regards to the update. It's simply easier to make one update for all systems than have a bunch of updates released out there. The latter s not only confusing to some but could cause problems down the line when updating to a universal fw update. It's simply more streamlined this way, even if it doesn't have anything that relates to your model. I'm positive there's some small fixes in it for all systems anyway, there always are.
[quote name='ssjmichael']Yes if you support piracy, I don't consider you a true gamer. That's simply my opinion. If you weren't aware, hackers, particularly George Hotz (aka GeoHot) have been working on exploiting the PS3 for months now. He has released exploits to download and has been providing updates on his work on his dedicated PS3 hacking block. He's the same guy who helped jailbreak the iPhone. In fact, there's a good chance Sony is removing Linux mainly because of him. Don't act like he was doing this just for fun. He and others clearly have been trying to crack the PS3 for some time. Whether it's for homebrew, or any other legal purposes in his mind, it's still a violation to Sony and opens the door to people who won't have such legal uses. I highly doubt they want another PSP on their hands here, they've lost millions in revenue because of piracy.

Also with regards to the update. It's simply easier to make one update for all systems than have a bunch of updates released out there. The latter s not only confusing to some but could cause problems down the line when updating to a universal fw update. It's simply more streamlined this way, even if it doesn't have anything that relates to your model. I'm positive there's some small fixes in it for all systems anyway, there always are.[/QUOTE]

Mainly because of him? I'd say SOLELY because of him. But this was (and probably still is) only a hack that will never be accessible to 99.9% of PS3 users (because of knowledge, skill, effort and cost constraints). And Geo has no interest in screwing over companies. His drive is knowledge, freedom and preserving what people paid for. But as I said before, Sony has thrown down the gauntlet. And that makes it officially Game Over for Sony. The hackers have already won now.

And as for not needing to update all PS3's, that's BS. First, they would have to start to make multiple locations and versions of the file that authenticates your firmware version. If you cannot see how this alone could snowball into a headache and possible future problems, you're an idiot. But I doubt that is all there is to it. Regardless of any user end options in the Slim's version of the OS, I doubt it is a ground up build made just for the Slim. The code is still there. Sony has to kill it in the case of any workaround being found. I think Sony is stupid, but not for releasing updates in general and not because they aren't going to start releasing two different versions of FW. If there isn't something to bitch about, some people will create a reason.

Don't get me wrong, I have complaints. But they involve Sony taking away features I paid for and inviting the PS3 to turn into the PSP. But instead of whine like a little girl, I found a way to stay on my current FW until a long term solution is found. As for the complaint about the PS3 becoming a pirate's playground? Well, Sony made their own bed. Screw 'em.

I still doubt a turn-key process for having piracy on the PS3 is going to happen. But if it is even possible, I think it is now an inevitable fate.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']Whatever. You all seem ok with losing a function on your system. So be it. I guess you like getting bent over by a company when they get a whim to take away functionality.

I'll just laugh if they go to offer up the 'other OS' as a pay-to-play function later on. But I'm sure some of the same suckers who are ok with them taking it away now will be the first ones in line to pay to get it back later. After all, it'll be offered up by the almighty Sony, who can do no wrong according to some of you.[/QUOTE]

Let's be honest, the PS3 + Linux is a HORRIBLE computer. 256MB of RAM is barely enough to run a bare bones YDL install. The PS3 still has a browser, which is all you really need...

I'd rather Sony work on continuing to improve PSN (and the PS3) rather than constantly combating hackers. Granted, they'll always have to combat this, but by removing this option completely, it's one less route hackers can go.
I cant believe CAGs are not up in arms over this. I agree with IATCG for once, Its an unacceptable move and as consumers we should not let things like this happen
[quote name='smiggity']I cant believe CAGs are not up in arms over this. I agree with IATCG for once, Its an unacceptable move and as consumers we should not let things like this happen[/QUOTE]
April Fools?
I have a slim so I could really care less about previous features that don't really apply to me. I'm aware of some of the things that were possible running Linux OS on a PS3, but hardly see it as a problem if you bought a PS3 to play BDs and PS3 games.

I'm sure you'll find a few butt-hurt people whine about this online but I'm more worried about their terrible servers and the lack of any chat support outside of a game
I think one thing that's in the back of our minds about this is them possibly coming in the future and saying 'we're removing PS2 BC from older models so you'll have to buy them on PSN'.
[quote name='KingBroly']I think one thing that's in the back of our minds about this is them possibly coming in the future and saying 'we're removing PS2 BC from older models so you'll have to buy them on PSN'.[/QUOTE]

I think if that were to happen, a class action would be inevitable.

It would be theoretically possible with the OtherOS.. but is a bit murky because the users have to install it themselves. Something that is enabled on a large number of their consoles by default though...? They would be so sued.
[quote name='KingBroly']I think one thing that's in the back of our minds about this is them possibly coming in the future and saying 'we're removing PS2 BC from older models so you'll have to buy them on PSN'.[/QUOTE]

I am really amazed how many people are either buying the Sony "this is for your protection" line hook, line, and sinker, or who just don't care because it's not a feature they don't use so see nothing wrong with dumping it-- despite the precedent.

I'm waiting for an "exploit"-- real or imaginary, since Sony doesn't seem to differentiate-- that uses PS2 compatibility as its way in (and it's common, many exploits on other systems with BC have used it as a way in since it requires the system to reconfigure itself and there are sometimes weaknesses in that process-- there were lots of PS2 hacks that used the PS1 mode as a way in and I think the DS was hacked using GBA mode which is IMHO the real reason behind removing the GBA slot on the DSi..) and Sony to patch it out. Where will all the "IT'Z IN THE TOS U ARE DUM!!!!!" people be then?
[quote name='fizzywix']There's a large thread on the PlayStation forums about the legality of the update

Sorry if already posted[/QUOTE]

Thanks for the link. That place is a breeding ground for trolls and fanboys, I was growing increasingly annoyed with every snarky reply. Based on the FTC information that guy posted, it really does sound like someone could argue a legal suit against Sony for this.

I think a good example would be if Apple removed the Boot Camp feature from their Intel based computers because they didn't like what some users were using Windows for. Advertised functionality which could influence a purchase for long-term use. Even if it's been 4 years, if the device is still functional and you use it for that purpose, then they're at least doing their consumers a huge injustice, and I don't think that they're indisputably within their legal right to do so.

Some people are talking about Sony's lawyers analyzing the situation to decide if it was legal. I think what they're missing is that they probably analyzed what would cost more: potential piracy on the platform for the rest of the PS3's lifepsan (ala the PSP) or a 1-time lawsuit if there was even enough commotion about it. It's just like Ed Norton in Fight Club - if the car recall would cost more than the lawsuits from people who bought faulty cars, they don't do one. So few people use the OtherOS feature (relative to the # of PS3s sold, anyway...) that they're probably just hoping most people won't care.
I don't think there is any legal ground against Sony for this. It's in the TOS that you sign for PSN that they can take out features with no notice, etc. Also, they're not forcefully taking anything away from anyone--they're giving you a choice that you have to agree to before you apply the firmware. So, in other words, you must accept the terms that you are OK with them removing the feature before you apply the firmware update.

You are not entitled to future firmware updates--they're free as long as you accept the terms. If you don't accept the terms, you're free to keep your old firmware.

Sony is 100% right in this situation; they're protecting themselves from a very real threat. The GeoHot guy contemplated, before he ever released details of the hack, that Sony might react this way. This is completely his fault--don't blame Sony. If Sony didn't stop it at this point, they may never be able to stop it.

Unfortunately, this probably will prompt even more attention from even better hackers, but that's no excuse for Sony to accept defeat when they have a way to shut this avenue for piracy down at this point.
[quote name='jh6269']I don't think there is any legal ground against Sony for this. It's in the TOS that you sign for PSN that they can take out features with no notice, etc. Also, they're not forcefully taking anything away from anyone--they're giving you a choice that you have to agree to before you apply the firmware. So, in other words, you must accept the terms that you are OK with them removing the feature before you apply the firmware update.


These are the details from the discussion in the link I posted, not arguments from myself:

The issue with that is that federal law supercedes any kind of TOS, EULA, or contract from Sony. So if there is a law being broken as outlined by that post, Sony's user agreements would not be enforcible.

Also, about the optional point, either way, you are losing "advertised" features. Either you update and lose the Other OS, or you don't update and lose countless other features, which is ultimately forcing the update or forcing you to have two PS3s to get all of the features.
[quote name='SynGamer']Let's be honest, the PS3 + Linux is a HORRIBLE computer. 256MB of RAM is barely enough to run a bare bones YDL install. The PS3 still has a browser, which is all you really need...

I'd rather Sony work on continuing to improve PSN (and the PS3) rather than constantly combating hackers. Granted, they'll always have to combat this, but by removing this option completely, it's one less route hackers can go.[/QUOTE]

But the thing is, the PS3 browser completely and utterly fuckin' sucks. I know because I had to use that function on my PS3 when my computers both decided to crash at about the same time on me.

It froze alot, it was slow and the interface just plain sucked in general.
There's a little proxy tool you can use to get on PSN without updating. Basically bypasses the FW check.
Had no idea it existed but has been around at least a year. Works well.
[quote name='fizzywix']These are the details from the discussion in the link I posted, not arguments from myself:

The issue with that is that federal law supercedes any kind of TOS, EULA, or contract from Sony. So if there is a law being broken as outlined by that post, Sony's user agreements would not be enforcible.

Also, about the optional point, either way, you are losing "advertised" features. Either you update and lose the Other OS, or you don't update and lose countless other features, which is ultimately forcing the update or forcing you to have two PS3s to get all of the features.[/QUOTE]

No, you are not losing advertised features. You can keep 100% of the features you have by keeping your current firmware. Like I said, you are not entitled to future firmware updates-- they can add or remove features with future updates at their discretion--you're free to apply the updates or not apply them. Case in point, apple actually sells you new firmware for your iPhone, you're free to not apply those updates either.

Sony's terms are enforceable because they're giving you a service, they have the right to dictate the terms of that service, as well as the terms by which you utilize the service.

Also, you do not have to agree to the terms. If it were the case that Sony pushed the updates automatically without your knowledge, and they removed features and didn't warn you about it, then one may have a case against Sony. However, in this case, you are warned beforehand and you have the option not to accept the terms.
forgive my naievity, but im assuming i need to update right? an update is supposed to *fix* but it looks like many people are having problems im confused. do i need to update/upgrade or should i avoid it? (from what i understand, its to ensure copywrite protection/unhackability)
[quote name='chrislisting']forgive my naievity, but im assuming i need to update right? an update is supposed to *fix* but it looks like many people are having problems im confused. do i need to update/upgrade or should i avoid it? (from what i understand, its to ensure copywrite protection/unhackability)[/QUOTE]

You are going to have to update, its mandatory to play online.
[quote name='Megiddo_CAG']You are going to have to update, its mandatory to play online.[/QUOTE]

That's sorta true. You can use a program (the name escapes me atm) and just use the 'proxy server' option on your PS3's network settings. I did this today to avoid losing the ability to install another OS.

GeoHot (the guy responsible for numerous iphone hacks, as well as recently gaining access to the PS3's hypervisor) said that he will be making his own patch to update with, that won't remove the 'install other os' feature.

Should be interesting...
[quote name='Methadon']That's sorta true. You can use a program (the name escapes me atm) and just use the 'proxy server' option on your PS3's network settings. I did this today to avoid losing the ability to install another OS.

GeoHot (the guy responsible for numerous iphone hacks, as well as recently gaining access to the PS3's hypervisor) said that he will be making his own patch to update with, that won't remove the 'install other os' feature.

Should be interesting...[/QUOTE]

Same here... works great.
Is it me, or since this update went live, I had a hard time downloading it first, kept stalling out, and it took till late last night for me to get it, and now I keep getting DNS error when trying to log into the PSN. It'll log in sometimes for a five minutes and then kick me out. When I try logging back in it'll just keep trying for five minutes and eventually give me a DNS error.
[quote name='Thongsy']Is it me, or since this update went live, I had a hard time downloading it first, kept stalling out, and it took till late last night for me to get it, and now I keep getting DNS error when trying to log into the PSN. It'll log in sometimes for a five minutes and then kick me out. When I try logging back in it'll just keep trying for five minutes and eventually give me a DNS error.[/QUOTE]

My one buddy was having issues logging into PSN last night. I don't know if maybe his families' wireless was messed up or if it was PSN. He tried downloading the update for Just Cause 2 and even that was going painfully slow.

Then again, he couldn't even get the update to download, since it was going to take nearly 7-8 hours, so I'm leaning towards it was his families wireless and NOT PSN.
I've got to wonder, it seems like there's a big hubbub about this thing but I'm going to sincerely ask: Who here regularly uses Linux on their PS3?

It seems like their is a lot of complaints just because they are taking something away, regardless of how useful it is. At least Sony has a reason behind taking Linue support away, and even gives substantial warning about it before applying the patch. One the other hand, it wasn't that long ago when Nintendo took MP3 playback away from the Wii without telling anyone. Somewhat comparable because a company took away a feature that was used in a miniscule number of owners, even though the circumstances are different.
bread's done