The Official PlayStation Vita Thread - 11/4: FW 3.00 Coming Just in Time for the PS4 Launch!

[quote name='Wolfpup']Dang, really? I thought HDMI was confirmed? That was one of the cool features for me. Oh well, worse thing remains the sealed battery IMO. Maybe the only bad thing really.[/QUOTE]
No, it was never confirmed.

Hustle Kings for NGP looks to make good use of most of its control features (front touchscreen for making shots, rear screen for chalking your cue, sixaxis for camera movement to look around the table, mic for voice chat, and camera for taking your picture for your avatar). It also includes cross-platform multiplayer functionality and even asynchronous multiplayer so that you can play MP with people that don't have a ton of free time. They're also going to offer all of the PS3 DLC for the NGP version.

Super Stardust Delta isn't a port of HD, but a follow-up with new modes, weapons, and more.

We sampled the traditional Arcade Mode, and got a feel for two new weapons, the Laser Melter and Ice Laser (names not final). Unlike SSHD’s singular, screen-clearing smart bomb, each primary weapon comes with its own secondary attack that you activate with a touch of the screen. The Laser Melter drops a black hole that sucks everything in – including your ship, if you’re not careful. The Ice Laser shoots out a huge swarm of missiles that home in on targets.

The only thing that’s really needed to make a good portable Super Stardust are two analogs (check) and a pretty display (check), Delta features an intuitively implemented use of the six axis gyros; you tilt the NGP to see what blast-able fodder is lurking just over the planet’s horizon. There’s also a devastating Shockwave attack that you activate with a quick, light shake of the device.

However, if all you wanna do is shoot like you’re used to, developer Housemarque is working on a “purist mode,” which will more closely mirror the controls in the PS3 version.

The team promises online play (details TBD) as well as some new special play modes that make heavier use of the touch controls. But ultimately, that’s icing on the cake. This is the Super Stardust you know and love, and finally playable as it’s meant to be played on the go.
I'm so excited for this system. I really hope that it pressures Nintendo and the 3DS globally and not just in Japan. I love Nintendo games, but I would be lying if I said that I think the 3DS is a good piece of hardware (or at least worth the money). Please deliver Sony! I want better handheld games.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']Silent Hill: Book of Memories was announced for NGP during the Konami Press Conference. They offered no real info besides a title card.[/QUOTE]

Cool...well at least that's two potentially awesome games for it. I was disappointed that most of the stuff looks like shovelware so far (well, I mean out of like 4 or 5 games I knew of), other than Uncharted which of course looks awesome, and is by Bend Studios, who are awesome.

Not that launch window games worry me much one way or the other! :D

1up has some info on Reality Fighters and Little Deviants:
Little Deviants


When a system boasts multiple hardware features like a gyroscope, multitouch pad, cameras, and the like, then you should expect at least one launch game to be little more than a tech demo for said features. Little Deviants seems to be the closest to said title, as it's a collection of 30 minigames -- each featuring one-to-three uses of the NGP's hardware features.

We've previously touched upon how one of the minigames involves manipulating terrain via the back touchscreen, and played a few more in that vein. There's a version of Whack-A-Mole that uses both the front and back touchscreen -- you simply need to tap the face of the critter you're smacking, and some of them face away from you. Or one where you're falling down a crazy cavern (think Mega Man), and use the sixaxis to tilt the level around your falling deviant. The most complicated minigame involved an Augmented-Reality shooter, where you move the system around to find critters to blast at on-screen (similar to Face Raiders for the Nintendo 3DS) -- with the added element of using the touchscreen to wipe goop away from your viewscreen. We'll see if any of the games become more than gimmicks as we get closer to launch.

Reality Fighter


Our first impression of this little fighting game is "Photo Dojo HD." While that DSi game converts players into little sprites for a simple and free/low-cost fighting game, Reality Fighter uses Augmented Reality to generate characters and backdrops for your bouts. After capturing your face, you can then outfit your character with goofy accessories before choosing a fighting style.

Like Photo Dojo, the actual gameplay is pretty straightforward: hit buttons until someone else falls. The producer on-hand that was demoing the title remarked that the team aims to have about as much depth to the fighting mechanics as Street Fighter, but that wasn't evident in our short playsession. The use of Augmented Reality stood out most -- when it worked. Having fighters on a glass table seemed to confuse the game a bit, as it had a hard time figuring out the difference between table and ground, and the characters would bounce around as a result. Somewhat like Little Deviants, this seemed to be more tech gimmick showcase rather than actual game.
Looking very good. I like the fact that all PSP downloadable games will be backwards and upscalled. I think at the right price NGP can do some damage to the 3DS if they launch at $200. It will be interesting what titles we see for the NGP announced at E3.
so is this like the ps go and all games are downloadable only, no UMD games anymore
i find that rough as im not ready to shill out $30 for a DL game.
On the other hand if you can do Gamesharing with this thing I may be in.
^Today, the PSN only allows 2 (or maybe 3) PSPs to be tied to the same user name. On top of that- i think you can only use content that was purchased by the user you are signed in as, which would mean you'd need to log in and out to access whatever content you'd be trying to gameshare.

It was a little too much of a pain for me to ever get into it. I have PSone games on some share accounts and i never bothered putting them on my PSP because of it.
[quote name='adriley313']so is this like the ps go and all games are downloadable only, no UMD games anymore
i find that rough as im not ready to shill out $30 for a DL game.
On the other hand if you can do Gamesharing with this thing I may be in.[/QUOTE]
No, there are physical and digital games.
A bunch of games were shown off at the press conference, with LBP, Uncharted, ModNation Racers, Ruined, and Street Fighter X Tekken being demoed.

The name is confirmed to be PlayStation Vita and the price will be $249.99 for the Wifi version and $299.99 for the 3G model with AT&T. They also confirmed that it will be out this holiday season.

Bioshock Infinite is also coming to Vita along with Virtua Tennis, something that looked kind of like Tenchu, a Vanillaware game, and Dynasty Warriors from the montage. They say the major publishers (Square, EA, Ubisoft, Konami, and others) are all working on games, so we should hear more in the near future.
Got pictures of Cole from inFamous in the PSVita version of Street Fighter x Tekken on my site: assuming that Capcom just tagged their screens incorrectly. Though, this may be from the PS3 version, it's not entirely clear on their press site.


A couple more on the site.

This didn't come across too well in the press event, but Cole will also be in the PS3 version of the game.

Also, my two cents. I need more games to justify a purchase, it's the PSP all over again. This thing on paper is amazing, but another LBP and ModNation don't exactly inspire me to go and plunk down my hard earned money just yet.

Sony just posted their Vita anouncement PR on the PS Blog with some good info:
Just moments ago during our 2011 E3 press conference we proudly unveiled an incredible 2011 software lineup and amazing new PS3 peripherals, and also shed new light on our highly anticipated handheld gaming device, officially named PlayStation Vita (PS Vita). “Vita,” which means “Life” in Latin, was chosen as the name for our next-generation portable entertainment system because it enables a revolutionary combination of rich gaming and social connectivity within a real world context.

By blurring the lines between interactive entertainment and reality, our goal was to design a device that offered a revolutionary combination of rich gaming capabilities and social connectivity, bringing users closer to each other and closer to their gaming experiences wherever they are. Connectivity was a key objective and our goal was to create experiences and content that would challenge the traditional notions of gaming. It was vital to make a device that was an extension of a user’s entertainment world, no matter where one would go.

Successively launching in the global market for $249 starting the end of this year, PS Vita incorporates a beautiful 5-inch multi-touch organic light emitting diode (OLED) as the front display and a unique multi-touch pad on the rear. Two analog sticks enable a wider range of game genres. Together with the front touch screen and the rear touch pad, PS Vita offers new gameplay, enabling entirely new experiences.

We know you’ve been closely following all of the news since we announced the product in January. With mobile connectivity playing a huge role in PS Vita’s interactive experience, we know many of you have been wondering what carrier will be helping us bring you closer to other users and closer to your gaming experiences on the go. Today, we proudly announced a partnership with AT&T, which powers the nation’s fastest mobile broadband network, who will serve as the exclusive service provider for PS Vita in the United States. By having both Wi-Fi and 3G/Wi-Fi models available, PS Vita will enable infinite possibilities for you to “encounter,” “connect,” “discover,” “share” and “play” with your friends wherever they are.

The excitement doesn’t stop there. We believe that 2011 will be a defining year as we usher in a new era of portable gaming. With the official North American unveiling of PlayStation Vita also comes the introduction of an extensive line-up of software for the platform. PS Vita’s launch lineup is a force to be reckoned with, featuring exciting and attractive new titles from SCE Worldwide Studios, including UNCHARTED: Golden Abyss, LittleBigPlanet, and Ruin (working title), which utilize PS Vita’s groundbreaking technology to make unprecedented immersive, interactive and social game play available on-the-go. In addition, titles such as Little Deviants, Hot Shots Golf, Reality Fighter, Hustle Kings, ModNation Racers, Wipeout, Super Stardust Delta and a broad range of third-party game developers and publishers make use of PS Vita’s unique feature set. We can let all of you know that the biggest and best 1st and 3rd party gaming franchises will be coming to PS Vita.

Further enhancing your entertainment experience are new PS Vita features, such as “LiveArea,” an interactive space for each PS Vita software title that allows you to access the latest game information through PlayStation Network; “near,” a pre-installed application that lets you see what other PS Vita users in the vicinity are playing; “Party,” which lets you voice chat or text chat while playing games or using the Internet browser; and “Welcome Park,” a tutorial application designed specifically to guide you through PS Vita’s new user interface. For more information, be sure to visit

2011 is sure to be an epic year for us here at PlayStation. We’re always looking for ways to create compelling experiences for all of you and we’re very excited to bring you unparalleled gaming experiences with PS Vita. Let us know your thoughts and looking forward to having you try out PS Vita for yourselves!
Very Very Excite!
If Capcom can get a new monster hunter out within like 4 months of the Japanese launch, Nintendo can kiss their dominance goodbye in Japan.
NGP/Next Generation Portable = Playstation Vita

My initial impression:
Interesting name choice/change. The negative part for this device is that it is only 3G through AT&T. I use a different cell phone provider. Wish this wasn't so Iphone-esque by giving more options on other big named cell phone companies. I guess I can settle with WiFi, hopefully it will run better than my PSP. Price is a little high too, so I'm going to wait.

The positive part is its like a smart cell phone and PSP/PSPgo all in one. All the features do make the PSPgo look so obsolete. I'm going to get this in the future after a redesign and price drop just like the 3DS since I have a backlog of PSP/DS games already.
It's too bad they couldn't announce pricing earlier. It seems that after Jan or Mar there was almost no new information on the PSV and the people who were on the fence between it and 3DS didn't seem to have any reason to wait out the PSV. I'm sure I would have gotten them both anyway but I probably wouldn't have gotten the 3DS at launch and instead would have tried waiting out a price drop knowing what I know now.
[quote name='anotherpoorgamer']NGP/Next Generation Portable = Playstation Vita

My initial impression:
Interesting name choice/change. The negative part for this device is that it is only 3G through AT&T. I use a different cell phone provider. Wish this wasn't so Iphone-esque by giving more options on other big named cell phone companies. I guess I can settle with WiFi, hopefully it will run better than my PSP. Price is a little high too, so I'm going to wait.

The positive part is its like a smart cell phone and PSP/PSPgo all in one. All the features do make the PSPgo look so obsolete. I'm going to get this in the future after a redesign and price drop just like the 3DS since I have a backlog of PSP/DS games already.[/QUOTE]

Price is high? Are you insane? The price is low, especially considering the specs...*gasp*
Got press releases for Virtua Tennis 4 and Street Fighter X Tekken on Vita:
SEGA® Europe Ltd. and SEGA® of America, Inc. today announced that the renowned Virtua Tennis™ series is scheduled to be a launch title on NGP. Developed by the original Virtua Tennis Team in Japan, Virtua Tennis 4 will mark the third time the series has been a launch title on new Sony Computer Entertainment hardware, following the successful Virtua Tennis releases at the launch of the PSP® (PlayStation®Portable) system and PlayStation®3 computer entertainment system.

No tennis title would be complete without the world’s top stars, and there are 22 to choose from in the game, including Federer, Nadal, Murray and Djokovic, but Virtua Tennis 4 really comes into its own when showcasing the technology the NGP has to offer. On top of front and rear Touch Panel controls used both on and off court, gamers will also be able to play the whole game with classic pad controls. NGP’s Party function makes the World Tour Map and Online Mode fully social experiences where gamers can track their friends progress, chat, share stats and comments, and challenge people to online matches.

Add to this some exciting customization features using the NGP Camera, such as customizing your character with a photo of your own face, plus a special Touch Versus Match which allows two players to battle on the same NGP. Virtua Tennis 4 promises to bring tennis on handheld consoles into the next generation.
Capcom, a leading worldwide developer and publisher of video games today announced that the greatly anticipated fighting game STREET FIGHTER® X TEKKEN® is in development for NGP. In addition to confirming the title for the new portable entertainment system from Sony Computer Entertainment (SCE), Capcom has unveiled that iconic character Cole MacGrath from the inFAMOUS series will be a playable character exclusive to SCE platforms.

STREET FIGHTER X TEKKEN is scheduled to release for the PlayStation®3 computer entertainment system in 2012 and details will come soon for NGP.
[quote name='Redeema']

Also, my two cents. I need more games to justify a purchase, it's the PSP all over again. This thing on paper is amazing, but another LBP and ModNation don't exactly inspire me to go and plunk down my hard earned money just yet.[/QUOTE]

Can't agree more. I honestly have no idea what everyone is so excited about. All this first party stuff just gets a yawn from me. Hustle Kings? Really? Now that the 3DS is out, I think it's safe to say both of these new handhelds will start the same way their predecessors did- with a slow start.
I was day 1 at $300, so I might get 2 at $250.

The thing is, I really really really hope they didn't gimp the Vita to make it to the $250 price point. They cut the RAM in half, amongst other things, didn't they?
[quote name='elessar123']I was day 1 at $300, so I might get 2 at $250.

The thing is, I really really really hope they didn't gimp the Vita to make it to the $250 price point. They cut the RAM in half, amongst other things, didn't they?[/QUOTE]

The ram thing hasnt been confirmed anywhere that i've seen.
Cutting the ram would be disastrous for the developers, who would have to redesign their games for the new limit after working with old limit for the better part of a year now. I've not heard anything about that, so I'd be willing to bet that it was just a false rumor.
While I'm absolutely floored they managed to bring this in at $250, that's still an unknown quantity. I don't want to get into a discussion about specs, since it really matters less than most people would think (PSP vs. DS says 'hi'), but the 3DS launch seems to indicate that the general public is hesitant to plunk down $250 on a handheld.

I'm excited about the price, but let's be fair... people are ecstatic that they managed to set a price point that one handheld is already not really selling at.

Regardless, this'll make fall pretty interesting.
Well, it had to be a GSM carrier for international compatibility and that meant AT&T or T-Mobile (which are the same thing if the merger goes through). I'm hoping that it won't actually be locked to AT&T but instead they are just arranging an attractive pricing plan since it would be pretty stupid to lock it to AT&T forever and prevent you from using it when you travel or move to another country (for a subsidized phone that might be justified, but not a portable gaming device).
Yeah, I'm very happy for us and Sony that they released at such an unexpectedly reasonable price point. They really learned their lesson and did things right with the Vita on the price and their launch games look far better than those for the 3DS. I almost feel bad for Nintendo....almost, but not quite having paid $250 for my 3DS (not regretting it, but I have a strong feeling the price will be dropping VERY soon).

VERY curious to see what the 3G adds to it. Will that be just for multi-player gaming support, or will they include web browsing (with Flash?), NetFlix streaming, etc. Different pricing plans or just one price. Will it be locked to AT&T or will AT&T just be the default provider (but you can use others). Will it use the mini-SIM like in the iPhone, a standard SIM, or the newer "micro" SIM cards I've been hearing about?

And personally, I LOVE their focus on being able to switch back and forth between my PS3 and PSP with the same game. Obviously I want game that fully take advantage of the Vita's features, but I also like being able to have choices where I play a game. And there could be some awesome dual-device game bundles where the Deluxe version includes both PS3 version and a code to get the PSV version. All kinds of cool opportunities. VERY excited to see how this goes.

Only thing that would really make it perfect was if I could trade-in all of my UMDs for PSN versions, but if they don't I'll still be buying one at launch.
Wow, I guess there is E3 news today? I was so busy with the BBV merch sale that I completely forgot about all this other stuff ;).

At $250 I will most likely pick one up, even though I have only played my launch PSP like twice in the last 2 years. I have a PSP-3000 I got 1 1/2 years ago that is still sitting sealed in its box too... I guess I would need one of those for all the UMD's I've bought over the years though.

I haven't read up yet but assuming the 3G is with some sort of monthly fee I will definitely be passing on that. I feel horribly ripped off by the iPhone plans through AT&T, especially since twice in the last 2 months we've gone over the data limit (and been charged for that) even though the 3G is turned off nearly all the time and we have it hooked up to Wifi at home. Because of "privacy" issues AT&T can't tell me what app is supposedly doing that - they have quite a massive scam going on there and I will not give them a penny more than I have to.
the trailer shows Dragon Crown, which looks very much like a VanillaWare game. That could be a day 1 purchase for me.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']A bunch of games were shown off at the press conference, with LBP, Uncharted, ModNation Racers, Ruined, and Street Fighter X Tekken being demoed.

The name is confirmed to be PlayStation Vita and the price will be $249.99 for the Wifi version and $299.99 for the 3G model with AT&T. They also confirmed that it will be out this holiday season.

Bioshock Infinite is also coming to Vita along with Virtua Tennis, something that looked kind of like Tenchu, a Vanillaware game, and Dynasty Warriors from the montage. They say the major publishers (Square, EA, Ubisoft, Konami, and others) are all working on games, so we should hear more in the near future.[/QUOTE]

Woah. All of that news is best-case-scenario pie-in-the-sky for me. $250?!? Bioshock Infinite is hitting the system? A bunch of real games were demoed?

Dang...the ONLY thing giving me pause is that sealed battery, though realistically, can I resist?

I'm also not 100% sure what I'll end up doing for multiplatform games. Seems like it's somewhere in between the PSP and PS3 in performance...will it be a minor difference with PS3? Or fairly major? I mean Uncharted will be a must buy for me (like the franchise, love Bend studios), but while it looks great for a handheld game, it's noticeably distant from the PS3 game.

But I'll take a hit normally, getting something portable, and this'll be a lot closer...
Here's what I have to say to people bickering about specs vs. price: They showed off Uncharted on the PSV and it looked amazing. No way in hell they'll tell devs to cripple their games to run on lower specs this late in the game. So, with that logic in mind, $250 for the PSV is an amazing deal.
There's one last thing that could be a chink in their armor, give me game prices, without game prices we could be in for a repeat of what happened to the PSP. People didn't want to pay $40 for a portable game and so they didn't, they chose to pirate and not support the system at all. If these games can have such ridiculous specs and look that good, I can fully understand them bringing Vita games in at $50. That should be your biggest worry, and would easily justify them selling the system at a loss when they're making $10-15 per game sold.
I think PSV game prices will be the same $40 as the current PSP titles. Developers have said dev costs are closer to that of the PSP than the PS3, which is good. I'd imagine PSP prices will drop to $30 for new releases to make way for $40 PSV prices.
Just put in my pre-order at Amazon. Sort of questioning if that'll be the pre-order I stick with (as opposed to picking it up locally or whatever) or not but at least it's in.

That said... Sony blew me away on this one. I have been fairly critical of NGP because I really thought while the specs were awesome, there's no way they'd bring this thing in at a decent price... this is the company that brought us the $599 PS3 and $249 PSPgo, after all. But I am FLOORED. I was watching the Sony press conference expecting at LEAST $299 (if not $349) for wifi and my jaw about hit the ground when they said $249. I paid $249 for a launch PSP, I paid $249 for a launch NDS, you bet I'll pay it for a Vita.

I DO have some concerns still, I do worry they'll keep cutting the specs (I really hope the 256mb RAM thing is bogus; sure right now it's okaaaay for a portable but in a few years it's going to be an issue) and the system will end up not being as powerful as we're all assuming. Or the build quality will suck. Or the gorgeous OLED screen will be totally stuck/dead pixel prone (Especially because I attract stuck pixels like a magnet, everything I buy with an LCD has them and I always have to return stuff to get better screens.). Or something.

I am disappointed that AT&T is the exclusive 3G partner. There is NO WAY IN HELL I am paying AT&T for ANYTHING after my horrible cell experiences with them (and the fact nothing I hear makes me think anything has changed). But hey, it'll save me $50. I was hoping for a decent 3G partner, and maybe a "free" 3G connection with a low bandwidth limitation (which may still happen). If they allow a small amount of bandwidth per month free, I MIGHT consider going for the 3g version, but if it's data plan packages like the iPhone, no way will I pay AT&T. I don't "game on the go" very much and when I do I'm almost always near wifi; if not I'll have my cell phone on me for internet access.

Overall, Sony just won E3 for me, and I can't imagine what Nintendo could do to steal the limelight back for the 3DS. (I can see if the new console is REALLY impressive it'll help but I sort of doubt they'll pull as big of a surprise as the Vita's price) I don't feel particularly ripped off by the 3DS, I knew going in that it was going to be a bit of a drought for games (and I was able to take some pretty cool 3D pics on a vacation last month I wouldn't have been able to have without the system!), but that said-- I can see Nintendo having to do something drastic. I'm lucky in that I can afford to have both systems; but for the average gamer who can't, there's no real compelling reason to pick a 3DS over a Vita unless you MUST own everything Nintendo. (and I do think the cloud of the Vita really hurt the 3DS; people knew there was nothing spectacular coming for the 3DS before E3, so they decided to wait and see what happened... Nintendo needed a much better launch.)
For the 3G plans, I really wonder how they will position them and what kind of customer profile they will target. For a "kid" (anyone who's parents need to pay for their 3G plan), I'd also think you'd need some sort of annual plan or something VERY cheap (maybe $5/month? which still = $60/year). Just not sure how they expect to make that work since it isn't a phone and it won't be the greatest web browser (like the iPad).

What will consume the data bandwidth and how can they limit the bandwidth to make the plans cheap? I can see where they might limit game downloads to WiFi (since they could be huge) and the 3G is only for online gaming and web browsing.

Or maybe 2 different plans:
1) Online gaming only (unlimited usage)
2) Online gaming (unlimited usage) + game downloads + video streaming (maybe with a 5GB data cap)

As far as the price is concerned, I think Sony was smart to keep the price so low, but I think their real plan was to make bigger profits on the new proprietary storage cards.

The device doesn't have any built-in storage (helped keep the price down), so you'll either be buying physical games or you'll be paying big $ for their new storage cards (won't be able to leverage your microSD, MS or M2 cards). And since the new cards will be proprietary and unique, Sony will be able to charge whatever they want...which based on their history will be double or triple what you would pay for SD/microSD or anything else that is available from a third-party. So that 16GB card you want to hold all your new PSN games...expect to pay $80+ for the next year or two.

But in another year or two after initial release, I expect they'll have a new Vita+ which will be at the same price point ($250/$300) but will include 16/32GB of storage while the original model w/o storage will drop to $175 or $200.
Wait, there's no storage and they will have proprietary memory cards? WTF!? That is a cheap way for Sony to artificially lower the price. So I no longer consider this to be the same price as the 3DS. Sure, it is still competetive, but I'm going to add $50 to the cost in my own internal caculations based on that info...
Well, it might come with a 2GB card like the 3DS does, but it will still be proprietary so the prices will be higher than normal per GB. And this model also supports the continuation of the physical media as the preferred method of purchase, which is good for retail sales (and used game sales) and getting lower-than retail prices on games (which are less frequent on PSN), so it's not all bad.

Plus, I'm sure the new game cards will be MUCH smaller and portable than the UMD disks they are replacing (and might even be supported in whatever PSP model that replaces the PSV).
[quote name='DarkonJohn']Well, it might come with a 2GB card like the 3DS does, but it will still be proprietary so the prices will be higher than normal per GB. And this model also supports the continuation of the physical media as the preferred method of purchase, which is good for retail sales (and used game sales) and getting lower-than retail prices on games (which are less frequent on PSN), so it's not all bad.

Plus, I'm sure the new game cards will be MUCH smaller and portable than the UMD disks they are replacing (and might even be supported in whatever PSP model that replaces the PSV).[/QUOTE]

Yeah, if it comes with a 2GB card then that would be OK, I guess. They didn't say anything about this? I don't know why it is that I can't find this info on places like IGN. They have very scant articles there that don't mention any details. All these sites now rely on "video" reports and I don't have the time to watch some tool report on the conference. I want to see a write-up summary but those lazy bastards can't handle that apparently ;).
great price on the PSV but I'm not in the mood to pay full price at launch and already have a DS backlog to keep me busy for some time. So I think I'll hold off until the 2nd revision. I hope its a hit and that by the time I pick it up sony already has a line of budget price "greatest hits" games.
Just finished watching the Sony press conference ... I wish they'd kept calling it NGP. Vita just seems stupid.

Retarded name aside, I will probably pick one up. Little Big Planet, Mod Nation Racers (way cool track creation tools!), and Uncharted all look like games I would enjoy. RUIN, the action RPG they demoed, looked pretty cool too. Cross console saving is something I would like to see in other titles - I'd definitely play games more if I could switch to my PS3 after playing while I was out and about.

Looking forward to the rest of the show.
[quote name='token2k6']fuck, spoiled by CAG, didn't get to finish watching the presser, but $249-$300! Holy fuck that is awesome![/QUOTE]
Hah, don't worry. We were watching it on G4 and got "spoiled" by the ticker running along the bottom :lol:
bread's done