The Santa's Slay Wrestling Thread

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Christopher Daniels was the very first wrestler I ever met. It was the TNA One Year Anniversary show in Nashville and after the show there was a meet-and-greet with a lot of the locker room. He had a firm handshake and looked me straight in the eyes when he was talking to me. That left one hell of an impression on me.

Three other memories I have about that show are getting strangled by Jerry Lynn for a photo op, meeting a completely disinterested Perry Saturn, and ignoring some loud-mouthed nobody who would give autographs to anyone who climbed to the top of the bleachers to meet him. I passed since I didn't think he was worth the effort. You now know him as the longest-reigning WWE Champion of the modern era; C.M. Punk. :lol:
I think I've told this story before in one of these infinite threads, but here we go again.

In high school, when I had some interest in being a pro wrestler, back when I was naive and stupid, I went to California to visit cousins and we went to an All Pro Wrestling (APW) card where Christopher Daniels had a match against, I think, Suicide Kid. This had been in, perhaps, the late-1990s. I think he's one of a few wrasslers who have become better over the years. Just a stellar craftsman who can do it all.
Here are the Impact taping results for next week. I'm not sure why they taped in advance. Are they not doing Impact live anymore?

* Tara defeated Velvet Sky with help from Jessie Godderz
* Zema Ion and Kenny King defeated Rob Van Dam and Christian York
* Taz came out and talked about joining Aces & 8s
* Bobby Roode defeated Hernandez when Austin Aries interfered
* Kurt Angle came out to call Mr. Anderson to the ring and challenged him to a steel cage match next week. Anderson accepted.
* Joseph Park came out to announce he will challenge someone on Open Fight Night next week.
* Sting confronted Bully Ray and Hulk Hogan in the ring. Sting urged Hogan to lift Bully’s suspension.
* Jeff Hardy defeated Daniels to retain the World Title. Taz came down and cut a promo on Hardy. Aces & 8s appeared and attacked Hardy. Hardy had to be helped to the back.

I like just about everything they've been doing lately:
Daniels and Kaz
the world title picture/Hardy/Aries/Roode/Storm
Aces & Eights (the Tazz turn was surprising and nicely done to finally advance the story a bit)
the X Division stuff as well as Kenny King/RVD

But the Bully Ray/Sting/Hogan shit has grown beyond tiresome. The only thing that could make it worse at this point is if Eric Bischoff shows up.
[quote name='Scorch']He finally got his intro up to two minutes.[/QUOTE]

It was ridiculous but at least it started with dem boys.
[quote name='metaphysicalstyles']Cliff Compton has posted a glorious wrasslin' fan photo on Facebook.[/QUOTE]

Useless post is useless without said photo.
[quote name='pitfallharry219']Unless you're really into fat chicks or sweet mullets, it's not worth seeing.[/QUOTE]

No truer words have ever been spoken.....
[quote name='Vulcan2422']You gotta marry one, fuck one and kill one. Go....[/QUOTE]

Lol damn. Where is the suicide button when you need it!
[quote name='mitch079']From what I heard, they already cut Vachon from the roster.[/QUOTE]

God, getting cut from an indie roster must feel like getting kicked out of a strip club. That's when you know you've hit bottom.
Thanks, man. I need another daily shirt website to visit alongside TeeMagnet. It's not like I've run out of space or anything. (Heeelp meeee.)

This one is pretty neat.

It may be the beer talking, but I got to thinking about PAC's new name (Adrian Neville) and realized it's not so out of place when you think of the name Bray Wyatt. I'm wondering if they are planning to pair the two together. The dynamic is classic WWE: One slower big guy, one fast high flyer.
So, with the new meme Steelhorsing being the hot thing over the past day, what are the chances that WWE will try to use it as an angle tonight as well? Most of the things they are doing right now are rehashed or blatantly ripped off anyways, so why not, right?

[quote name='Spyder187']So, with the new meme Steelhorsing being the hot thing over the past day, what are the chances that WWE will try to use it as an angle tonight as well? Most of the things they are doing right now are rehashed or blatantly ripped off anyways, so why not, right?

Slim to none.
[quote name='pitfallharry219']Are they not doing Impact live anymore?[/QUOTE]

TNA is doing shows in Europe for the next few weeks which is why Impact is taped for this upcoming week. I believe the next four after that will be taped during the Europe tour.
That's fine with me. If they're going to be having taped shows they couldn't do much better than having those shows in front of Euro crowds since TNA is especially popular over there.
Production costs and hauling all that stuff overseas would probably outweigh what they are trying to do (ie. cut costs, maximize profits so they can sign more WWE castoffs this spring, etc.).
[quote name='HydroX']Production costs and hauling all that stuff overseas[/QUOTE]

This mentality concerns me - not you specifically, but I think what you're implying is consistent with what a lot of fans expect. They want the "trimmings" of a pro wrestling show. The idea is that the product is "less than" if it fails to include the video screen, pyro, lighting effects, etc.

I truthfully love watching the old WWF programs from MSG. No video or pyro, entrances, the classic microphone hanging from the ceiling in the ring, etc. The old smoky arena look. That, to me, is...pardon the overused word, but...vintage. I dig it, I'd love to see less lighting, less emphasis on the trivial things that we seem to demand. It's important, but it's overused. Run-ins are, today, 100% accompanied by theme music. Are the show producers magicians? No, they simply know that fans won't identify the disconnect between a "spontaneous" run-in and having that person's music cued up.

I'm not insisting that wrestling lose those trimmings - of course, it's part of the appeal. But I don't think it is absolutely necessary all the time for a television program. Take the show on the road, show us what a sweet international crowd thinks of the roster. As long as you have the wrestlers with you, what else do you really need?
IIRC, when TNA was last in the UK they didn't have all of the "trimmings" and it didn't matter one bit. The crowds were ridiculously hot because they were there to see the wrestlers, not the shiny dog and pony show. If the flash and sizzle is essential to someone enjoying a wrestling show than they're not really there for the wrestling in the first place.
I don't recall what they did in the past. I know that a company that wants to portray itself as "global" (this includes WWE too) should be more willing to show that it is popular globally. Sell out the "Waffle House Arena" in Davenport, Iowa? Big deal. Draw 15,000 screaming in Mumbai? I'm impressed.
[quote name='neocisco']IIRC, when TNA was last in the UK they didn't have all of the "trimmings" and it didn't matter one bit. The crowds were ridiculously hot because they were there to see the wrestlers, not the shiny dog and pony show. If the flash and sizzle is essential to someone enjoying a wrestling show than they're not really there for the wrestling in the first place.[/QUOTE]

Well said.

The thing is though, not everyone is there to see the "wrestling" aspect of it. Some people tend to drag their significant other or a friend who could care less just because they don't want to go alone. To the people who are there "just because", the "shiny dog and pony show" (I love it.) makes or breaks the experience for them.

Now for the overseas shows, I'm sure that doesn't apply near as much since they don't get TNA or WWE on a daily basis like the 'States does, but I'm sure it still applies in some cases.

Also Little Jimmy is more apt to have a blast if Big Johnny's entrance includes pyro and a giant screen showing his entrance video. In turn, Big Jimmy is more likely to spend money on merch seeing that Little Jimmy is having a good time.

Dolla, dolla!
I don't disagree. Ain't gonna get a "Road Warriors" pop without theme music. But my point was that not *all* of the trimmings are needed. Rent a ring from a local group (far easier now that they're using a traditional ring). Banners may be a challenge. Live without video and pyro.
[quote name='mykevermin']I don't disagree. Ain't gonna get a "Road Warriors" pop without theme music. But my point was that not *all* of the trimmings are needed. Rent a ring from a local group (far easier now that they're using a traditional ring). Banners may be a challenge. Live without video and pyro.[/QUOTE]

Oh no doubt. I dig "vintage" (or vanilla, whatever you wanna call em) shows as much as the next guy. My post was mostly just saying that I'm sure it costs a shit ton of money to send your set overseas, which obviously Vince isn't afraid to do in some cases. UK, mostly. I don't think I've seen the TitanTron™ anywhere else, but I'm sure that's easily proven wrong.
[quote name='Spyder187']So, with the new meme Steelhorsing being the hot thing over the past day, what are the chances that WWE will try to use it as an angle tonight as well? Most of the things they are doing right now are rehashed or blatantly ripped off anyways, so why not, right?


You're forgetting how late WWE is on most of their pop culture shit. I'm fully expecting some kind of Snakes on a Plane angle soon.
Where WWE is concerned, I wouldn't be at all surprised if they have a Euro setup that permanently stays in storage there until it comes time for a tour. Regarding TNA, I think they do a more stripped down version (though not bare bones) when they're overseas. All they really need are some banners to hang from the ceiling, ring aprons, turnbuckle covers and a few other little set dressing pieces and they're good to go. The heavy stuff can just be rented otherwise.

Logistical stuff like this always intrigues me. Not just for wrestling but everything from security for overseas state visits to military operation setups and takedowns. The coordination required for these kind of efforts can just be astounding.

Agreed. Some of the modern shows physically diminish the relevance of the wrestling because the set and design are so visually intrusive. I distinctly remember some really shitty camera angles at WM (last year? two years ago?) because of the "tent" they set above the ring and the posts in the crowd that went all the way up.

EDIT: Actually, there's something incidentally brilliant about not having all the crap - the cameras are focused on the *wrestlers* for the whole segment. I appreciate that.
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