The Spooky OTT

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[quote name='Thekrakrabbit']Legal weed, hm. Well...alcohol is already given out like candy all over the place so I guess weed isn't going to be a whole lot worse.

Neither are exactly great for safety concerns though (driving, etc.)[/QUOTE]

Where is alcohol given out like candy?
The Washington law will put pretty strict rules on DUI and testing and such. They're really trying to spin it as being exactly the same as alcohol intoxication.
Right. Although some claim the washingon DUI standard of nine nanograms (ug) is too low.
The Oregon law proposedhad no limits on the amount of plants owned and would set up a comission overseen by growers and users, nothing independent.

Oh man, my wife fell for the "Buy my steaks from this truck" scam. It was a painted, licensed truck, but still.... :rolls eyes:
Just found out we have a ballot measure that would force porn stars to wear condoms for filming. I need to get out and vote today!

[quote name='Temporaryscars']Soooooo about Max Payne 3...[/QUOTE]
Kmart's going to have Max Payne 3 for $9 on Thanksgiving I think.
MP3 was didn't feel very Max Payne-ish. It felt more like Splinter Cell minus the stealth element. I miss the style of the older games.

Still, great game all around.

BTW, taping a water bottle around your gun won't make it quieter. Might blow up in your face though.
[quote name='Temporaryscars']

BTW, taping a water bottle around your gun won't make it quieter. Might blow up in your face though.[/QUOTE]

I've seen the two liter bottle, weather sealant foam and duct tape work and the oil filter thing too. It's not comparable to a real suppressor though.
[quote name='munch']Hey temp, let me hold on to max payne 3 for a bit.[/QUOTE]

You'll have to hold on to my Xbox for a bit as well. Maybe. Otherwise I would.

[quote name='h3llbring3r']I've seen the two liter bottle, weather sealant foam and duct tape work and the oil filter thing too. It's not comparable to a real suppressor though.[/QUOTE]

It's possible with weather sealant, but again, you run the risk of blowing shit up in your face.

The oil filter (and Maglight, as seen in Walking Dead) actually does work.
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[quote name='SneakyPenguin']Dang, always seem to end up in the credits to games I dislike. LiPs, F3AR, now Fable The Journey and Halo 4.[/QUOTE]

F3AR was gooood. Embrace it.
[quote name='Admiral Ackbar']Jesus Christ, it's gonna be Florida 2000 all over again.[/QUOTE]

I'm actually hoping somebody can sweep enough of the other swing states so that bullshit doesn't happen again.
Unfortunately it could be over shockingly quickly, basically over before it starts. Florida is going to come in before any other significant state so we should basically be able to call a victor pretty soon.
Good Lord this election system is ridiculous. Romney could very well win the popular vote and he seems to be winning more states overall but he loses because of a couple of "key" states.

Stupid system that makes no sense. Since when does somebody who gets the majority of votes from the country lose in an election. If you didn't understand this ridiculous system you would be like "WTF???"
[quote name='Thekrakrabbit']Good Lord this election system is ridiculous. Romney could very well win the popular vote and he seems to be winning more states overall but he loses because of a couple of "key" states.

Stupid system that makes no sense. Since when does somebody who gets the majority of votes from the country lose in an election. If you didn't understand this ridiculous system you would be like "WTF???"[/QUOTE]

Ask George W. Bush about that.
The system shouldn't even be in place. It wasn't like that in the 1700s and it shouldn't be like that now. I'm not a history major but when did this stupid electoral system get implemented and who the hell decides the value of each state?

Since when is Ohio/Florida so, so, soooo important but 40 other states are "worth" practically no "electoral votes"
OK, I can agree with that. It doesn't matter about size but it should be done on popular vote. How can Romney be leading by a MILLION votes but he "loses"? Clearly the majority of the American people wanted him to be the President but because of the electoral system he is the loser here...
[quote name='Thekrakrabbit']OK, I can agree with that. It doesn't matter about size but it should be done on popular vote. How can Romney be leading by a MILLION votes but he "loses"? Clearly the majority of the American people wanted him to be the President but because of the electoral system he is the loser here...[/QUOTE]

All the values you are seeing at the moment are incomplete and projected. I am pretty sure that when everything is accounted for Obama will have won both the electoral and popular votes.
The electoral college was implemented at the founding of the nation to give small states a voice in the election. States with total populations of less than 1 million (Alaska, Montana, Wyoming, North & South Dakota, ect.) are given more of a voice in elections using the electoral college vs. the popular vote. Without the electoral college New York, California, Florida and Pennsylvania would control every election based on their huge populations.

Of course they can't be weighted equally because then you would have a small population being able to have as much influence as a large population. Every state gets an electoral vote for each Senator and member of the House of Representatives. Each state gets two Senators but the number of members of the House of Representatives are determined by population.
[quote name='Thekrakrabbit']The system shouldn't even be in place. It wasn't like that in the 1700s and it shouldn't be like that now. I'm not a history major but when did this stupid electoral system get implemented and who the hell decides the value of each state?

Since when is Ohio/Florida so, so, soooo important but 40 other states are "worth" practically no "electoral votes"[/QUOTE]

The stupid electoral system was established in 1787 and was written into the Constitution.
[quote name='Invicta 61']The electoral college was implemented at the founding of the nation to give small states a voice in the election. States with total populations of less than 1 million (Alaska, Montana, Wyoming, North & South Dakota, ect.) are given more of a voice in elections using the electoral college vs. the popular vote. Without the electoral college New York, California, Florida and Pennsylvania would control every election based on their huge populations.

Of course they can't be weighted equally because then you would have a small population being able to have as much influence as a large population. Every state gets an electoral vote for each Senator and member of the House of Representatives. Each state gets two Senators but the number of members of the House of Representatives are determined by population.[/QUOTE]

Ding ding! Correct answer! Give the man a cigar.
He correctly explained something that is in every 8th great civics textbook.
(read: this should be common knowledge and you shouldn't need it spelled out for you)
[quote name='eldergamer']Ding ding! Correct answer! Give the man a cigar.
He correctly explained something that is in every 8th great civics textbook.
(read: this should be common knowledge and you shouldn't need it spelled out for you)[/QUOTE]

LOL A few days after the 2000 election, this guy I knew said "you see what's happening in the election? Who's running the country?"


It's amazing how many people don't understand how their own country runs.
[quote name='Maklershed']83/seanr - get read for some snow![/QUOTE]


I am prepared...Bread, Milk, Eggs, Assassins Creed III, World of Warcraft Time Card, XCOM.

Are they really calling for 3" - 6" inches? And with the rain, they aren't going to be able to pre-treat the roads.
[quote name='Number83']:whee:

I am prepared...Bread, Milk, Eggs, Assassins Creed III, World of Warcraft Time Card, XCOM.

Are they really calling for 3" - 6" inches? And with the rain, they aren't going to be able to pre-treat the roads.[/QUOTE]

From what I saw, the closer you get to Philly the worse its to be. I think down there and Maryland area is to get close to a foot. Reading is more on the level of 2-5.
[quote name='Maklershed']83/seanr - get read for some snow![/QUOTE]

I've been keeping an eye on local weather reports, but I see nothing about snow in the forecast. I'm thinking you guys are crazy.

Odd, now it's showing for tonight. Didn't show earlier.
Where I am in Maryland they are calling for less than 2 inches, and above freezing temps. I checked some locations in Western Maryland and they were the same.
It's already snowing in Hartford...the guys in the Data Center are telling us we have to pick up the slack. They're going home.


Black people are tougher than white people because they're black.
Budget Budge are you Mormon or Jehova Witness? I'm thinking the latter but I don't remember. If the former, I'm curious who you voted for.
Even worse, that black panther up there steals from the rich to give to the undeserving poor, AND he's gay. It's like a liberal holy trinity: The Black, The Queer and The Robin Hood.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']Snow? I think we're supposed to get temps in the low 60s this weekend.[/QUOTE]

Yeah so are we. That's the crazy part.
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