The Steve "Dr. Death" Williams Memorial Wrestling Thread

TNA bringing in dudes like Val Venis, Orlando Nobody-Cares-Enough-to-Get-His-Name-Right, and the Nasty Boyz is starting to be okay with me.

If they're used as job boys, because that's all they should be. There's nothing to be gained in this world by having Orlando Jordan pin Desmond Wolfe - not heat, not ratings, not sales. These dudes are relics of the past as well as job boys from WWE days. But I have a feeling TNA is going to be booking your perennial jobber crew from "Heat" and "Velocity" over their own, homegrown, talent - under the guise that this will help the company.
So they brought in Hardy and Flair who will generate some interest, as well as Hall and X Pac who MIGHT garner some interest in used correctly. Then they brought in Val Venis, who although is a talented wrestler, his gimmick was played out like 8 years ago AT LEAST, and Orlando "Afro Boy" Jordan, who is best known for being a JBL Stooge and for tapping out to He Who Shall Not Be Named (tm) in less time than it took Voldemort to take a whizz.

Eh.. hell with it. RAW won the night IMO because they showed TWO ads for Bayonetta as opposed to Impact's 1.
Not gonna lie I marked out when X-Pac, Hall, Nash, Hogan, and Bischoff were in the ring together. I know it's a re-tread and they're all old, but damn it I really liked the nWo angle when it first started.

I think Impact definitely beat RAW, but I wouldn't say either show was that great. The Hitman stuff on Raw was ok, but really nothing much happened. The matches on Raw still sucked, and the story lines are still lame. At least with Impact there were some genuine surprises and the AJ-Angle match was very good, much better then any match on RAW. I also feel like TNA has the potential for a lot of very good new storylines now whereas RAW just has the same old crap. The likelihood of TNA dropping the ball is still very high, but at least they have some interesting possibilities now.
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While I won't even begin to address the 'Impact was great' segment of the board, I will assert this: Surprises or not, they were all so poorly executed that they became meaningless to me. I don't know if it was intentional or just poor production, but every surprise or debut was just mishandled on a grand scale.

I think this is one of those 'red state/blue state' things where no matter which show you thought was better, the other side is just never going to see it. Or maybe it's just me... honestly, when I see people assert that TNA was far and away the better show, it just baffles me.

For what it's worth, though, it's nice to finally be excited to talk about wrestling.
Don't click unless you want my thoughts on next week's Impact spoilers...

Angelina Love is back, and apparently is now a face after beating the crap out of TBP. Cool. Unfortunately that means we'll have to see her carry the other three through a match at some point.

I hope everyone likes the nWo, cause we're getting Beer Money vs. The Outsiders at Genesis. Might actually be decent if Hall shows up...TNA should really just tape everything over a couple of days to ensure he'll actually be there.

Sean "call me Val, and we'll get sued" Morley is in TNA, and is going to feud with Daniels. He's also starting a "TNA Films Division", which I hope leads to Alex Shelley kicking his ass for gimmick infringement.

Team 3D called out The Nasty Boys for wrecking their dressing room when they were in Japan (the dressing room they had set up...while they were in Japan...yesterday...that had pictures of themselves in it). They'll probably meet up in what is sure to be the most anticipated match of 1995.

Tomko's been revealed as the "masked man". Flair is apparently AJ's advisor or something. Meanwhile, the weeks of Tomko's assaults on AJ result in a five minute Impact match that ended in a Kurt Angle save.

Oh, and The Young Bucks debuted against the Guns. They're now called Generation Me, the dumbest tag team name since The Young Bucks. I can't really expect much out of a company that did employ The Dicks.

Don't worry, the 6-sided ring is safe.
[quote name='JaytheGamefan']as have some HC photos of Tammy posted there.[/QUOTE]

...current? She seems to have looked ok at times ever since the "OMG SHE'S FAT!!111" pics came out years ago. I'm surprised there are "rave reviews" about any recent photos of her, but stranger things have happened.
I wonder if they are going to have Xpac be apart the Outsiders so they would wrestle under "Freebird Rules" and have him as a third partner in the Tag Team since we know Nash has the Tag Title case from Feast or Fired?
I enjoyed Impact, but I really hope the crew learns from what was wrong with it and improves. I'm also hoping that all the old WWE job-guys are exactly that, JOB GUYS. As much as I love Sean Morley, nothing will kill Daniels career faster then having him lose cleanly to Morley.

I'm also hoping they're not done with suprises. Hoping RVD pops up again at some point. RVD / AJ Styles = money draw, whether they use it to hype a PPV or Impact.

They'll probably meet up in what is sure to be the most anticipated match of 1995.

[quote name='cdeener']I wonder if they are going to have Xpac be apart the Outsiders so they would wrestle under "Freebird Rules" and have him as a third partner in the Tag Team since we know Nash has the Tag Title case from Feast or Fired?[/QUOTE]

They probably have him for backup, just in case Hall no shows a PPV again.:roll:
The origins of the Dr. Death moniker, from the amazing Observer obit on Steve Williams -
The nickname Dr. Death actually came from Lakewood High School, as he had suffered a broken nose, but continued to wrestle that season wearing a hockey face mask, and thus got the nickname that stayed with him the rest of his life.

Another interesting tidbit -
I first became aware of Williams in 1980 through T.J. Kerr, a friend at the time and one of the winningest coaches in college wrestling history. Kerr came back from the NCAA tournament, and noted that there was this heavyweight from Oklahoma who had this fire and charisma, and a great name, Dr. Death, who was a natural for pro wrestling. A year later, Kerr noted that when the top coaches were wanting to impose a weight limit on the heavyweight division, because the feeling was the 400 pound heavyweights who couldn’t really move but also couldn’t be moved easily, were leading to dull matches and making the heavyweight division appear to not be athletic. They decided to come up with an upper weight limit, and few know this, but it was Steve Williams, who the 285 pound weight limit in the heavyweight division, which still exists to this day, came from.

Info on the Bret post-show deal -
After the cameras were off, the crowd gave Hart a big standing ovation and all of the babyfaces on the show (as well as Chris Jericho and Jack Swagger), with the notable exception of Michaels and HHH, came to the ring, along with The Hart Dynasty, who were booked to appear but then never used on the show. Mark Henry (who Hart and Leo Burke helped train in 1996) and D.H. Smith carried Hart on their shoulders and carried him around the ring. This was all being taped, so it may wind up on the new Hart Family DVD, being released in conjunction with Stu’s induction. He signed a bunch of autographs, and nearly lost it when a fan had a Calgary Hitman hockey jersey signed by Owen Hart on.

Jeff Hardy stuff -
It was reported Hardy signed a short-term deal, but others say this was similar to the original appearance of Bobby Lashley, where they put him on with no contract. One friend of Hardy’s noted to us that he was led to believe this was likely to be a one-time deal, and that Hardy had come home from Orlando and did not appear on the TV show taped the next day, and that he did not sign a contract. As coincidence would have it, Hardy’s appearance came on the same day that the grand jury in Moore County officially indicted Hardy based on his 9/11 arrest. Police came to Hardy’s home in Cameron, NC, and claimed they found 262 Vicodin pills, 180 Soma pills, 555 milliliters of anabolic steroids, residue of powdered cocaine and drug paraphernalia, with a street value of $2,500. He was indicted on charges of trafficking in opium (Vicodin is considered part of the opiate family), two counts of possession with intent to sell or deliver a Schedule III controlled substance (believed to be the steroids), maintaining a dwelling for drugs, possession of cocaine and possession of drug paraphernalia.

The indictment surprised a lot of people because while the Hardys have been tight-lipped publicly, many of the WWE wrestlers friends with them were told the case was weak and would be immediately thrown out. State of North Carolina law mandates a minimum prison term of five year and ten months for a conviction for trafficking in opium. North Carolina state law mandates that anyone caught with four grams of opium, heroin or other opiate is to be charged with trafficking.

Some unfortunate Kobashi news -
Kenta Kobashi, 42, apparently has no feeling in several of his fingers in his right hand. He was told he needs immediate elbow surgery. Without surgery he will not be able to regain use of his fingers. With surgery, there is no guarantee he’ll be able to regain use of his fingers. There is also no timetable of when he’ll be able to return. He’s come back from so many surgeries and even cancer so you always think there’s another Kobashi comeback at Budokan Hall, but there may not be this time.
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- A source described last night's Impact tapings in Orlando, FL as "disorganized."

- An Observer said there were "boring" chants. Segments had to be re-taped, and fans chanted "we want wresting."

- The attendance was said to be less than capacity.

- TNA was handling out Twizzlers at the show.

- Scott Hall is apparently under the impression he won't be around after the Genesis PPV.

- Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff arrived to the show together. Bischoff's business partner Jason Hervey was also backstage.

- Prior to the taping, Hogan spent much time in is office. (Yes, he does have his own office). Bischoff and Vince Russo were seen running around engaging talent backstage and putting plans into motion.

- Team 3-D arrived at Universal Studios around 5:30PM following a flight back to the States after working the 1/4 Tokyo Dome show.

- Orlando Jordan was backstage last night.

- The young girls seen in the Jeff Hardy-Shannon Moore outdoor segment Monday night are apparently related to Tomko. They girls were also at last night's taping.
Change Twizzlers to Nachos, and I'd go to a TNA taping in a heartbeat.
[quote name='JaytheGamefan']The nickname Dr. Death actually came from Lakewood High School, as he had suffered a broken nose, but continued to wrestle that season wearing a hockey face mask, and thus got the nickname that stayed with him the rest of his life.[/QUOTE]

That's great. Especially because I doubt they'd let someone do that today in high school wrestling.
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Here's are the hosts for RAW pver the next few weeks.

1/11: Mike Tyson
1/18: Jon Heder (from Napolean Dynamite) and Don Johnson (from Miami Vice)
1/25: James Roday and Dule Hill (Cast of "Psych" on USA)
2/1 : William Shatner

I'll check out the Cornette rant in a few.
[quote name='cdubb1605']when did sunny ever do hardcore?[/QUOTE]

Missy took some Polaroids of Tammy screwing and put them online. Someone got them from her site and put them on the F4W board, which I frequent, and of course, saved the photo.
me 2!!!11

Are "James Roday and Dule Hill" a new low? I haven't watched every week but these are the least noteworthy hosts I've noticed.
The Cornette link isn't down for me, but you have to click on the link and manually right click the mp3 file - the link posted here isn't to the direct mp3 file.
[quote name='JaytheGamefan']The Cornette link isn't down for me, but you have to click on the link and manually right click the mp3 file - the link posted here isn't to the direct mp3 file.[/QUOTE]

Thanks for that. I'm listening now.

Love how he said Beer Money was the best team in wrestling...then caught himself and said one of. Still a slave to whoever his employer is at the moment :lol:
While we're in pic mode (wonder if that guy in the Sunny pics is a worker or just some random guy?), I saw someone put this link up at DVDVR - it's the Myspace of "superfan" Masa, who I know has been mentioned in at least a few biographies. Jericho said something like "if you're a wrestler and you don't have a picture with Masa, you ain't shit" in his book. This guy has pictures with a pretty amazing lineup of people.
[quote name='KaneRobot']While we're in pic mode (wonder if that guy in the Sunny pics is a worker or just some random guy?), I saw someone put this link up at DVDVR - it's the Myspace of "superfan" Masa, who I know has been mentioned in at least a few biographies. Jericho said something like "if you're a wrestler and you don't have a picture with Masa, you ain't shit" in his book. This guy has pictures with a pretty amazing lineup of people.[/QUOTE]

Ha, some of those are really cool.


Tajiri has aged so much.


Jericho & Ultimo Dragon
Something about Tammy doing NSFW stuff for Missy Hyatt's site? I dunno, I'm just hopping on the sexy Sunny pic bandwagon. :p
So the Feb. 1st Raw that I'm going to.. night after the Rumble, possibility of Bret Hart being there, and
William Shatner
is hosting?

The only way this could get better is if Cena didn't show up.
Ok I'm rewatching Impact and I have to ask: what the fuck was the catalyst for Lashley turning heel? When he and Kristal walked out he was getting cheered and was the ultra babyface, and then Sharmel does a complete 180 dissing the crowd and asking or his release.

I can say, without hyperbole, that this is seriously THE most unprovoked heel turn I've ever witnessed.
bread's done