The Wii U Pre-Order Thread - $349.99/$299.99 - 11/18/12

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Head Cheap Ass
Staff member
14 (100%)
Consoles* Amazon did not take preorders, see note.

Best Buy
Consoles Both models sold out online & in store

Consoles Both models sold out online & in store

Toys R Us
Consoles Both models sold out online & in store

Consoles Both models sold out online & in store

Wii U Bundle Sold out online, in store pre-orders were not taken
Wii U Deluxe Sold out online & in store
Wii U Basic Sold out online, in store pre-orders were not taken

Consoles/Games Deluxe model sold out online, in store pre-orders were not taken

Consoles/Games Deluxe model sold out online, in-store pre-orders were not taken

Deluxe Bundle Bundled with New Super Mario Bros U, Black Ops 2, and Zombi U-Out of Stock

Consoles/Games Reservation List Only for NTSC Basic & Deluxe models

Fry's Electronics
Consoles Both models sold out online

Consoles Both models sold out online

Consoles Both models are no longer available for pre-order at the physical location.

Nebraska Furniture Mart
Consoles Both models sold out online

:hot:Nintendo World Store
Consoles: Both models are no longer available for pre-order at the physical location in NYC.


  • Newegg, as of now (Friday before launch) is selling the deluxe console as a bundle only. It is listed for immediate shipping, not as a pre-order.

  • *Amazon email sent out to those who signed up for Wii U pre-order notification:
Dear Customer,

Thank for you signing up to be notified when the Wii U is available.
Unfortunately the Wii U console is not available at at this time but please check back in the future, as availability may change. We do have the latest Wii U games and accessories available now so check them out. Thank you for shopping with Amazon Video Games.
System Information

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[quote name='druggie218']OK, son, since I'm 40 ! and been doing this for 7 years.

But if do not value your seller account, feel free.[/QUOTE]

oh sorry about that. :)

i was just playing around with the son part. Yea, amazon really does not care. This after years of selling as amazon FBA program and 100% feedback.
[quote name='confoosui9343']oh sorry about that. :)

i was just playing around with the son part. Yea, amazon really does not care. This after years of selling as amazon FBA program and 100% feedback.[/QUOTE]

They do care. I was warned twice with old republic ce preorders.
[quote name='pROvIs']They do care. I was warned twice with old republic ce preorders.[/QUOTE]

well till i get my warning i will continue to do sell any wiis i get. it's highly unlikely they would ban without warning first. i have a "professional account" 39.99 per monh with amazon seller.
[quote name='confoosui9343']well till i get my warning i will continue to do sell any wiis i get. it's highly unlikely they would ban without warning first. i have a "professional account" 39.99 per monh with amazon seller.[/QUOTE]

Hater will screw u up lol
[quote name='confoosui9343']oh sorry about that. :)

i was just playing around with the son part. Yea, amazon really does not care. This after years of selling as amazon FBA program and 100% feedback.[/QUOTE]

No problem.

I hear ya but it would be a terrible time of year to receive a suspension. And they can and have suspended pro-merchant accounts without warning, just sayin.
[quote name='confoosui9343']well till i get my warning i will continue to do sell any wiis i get. it's highly unlikely they would ban without warning first. i have a "professional account" 39.99 per monh with amazon seller.[/QUOTE]

For a minute I thought I had to put you on ignore too like the other clown, but I see you are not him so no need. He is obnoxious.
[quote name='confoosious']I didn't. He's just making shit up.[/QUOTE]

i'll post a screenshot later tonight from my seller's account to shut this naysayer up
[quote name='confoosui9343']hey guys, i bought 4 of the layways from walmart. already flipped 3 on amazon for 150 profit each. :)

i'm happy. i'm looking to buy some more now. :applause:

a couple of years ago i was able to flip about 50 super mario brothers all-stars le for wii. did the same with mass effect 3 LE but ended up breaking even because price tanked because of negative reviews.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Nintendonly']Banned from this site, hence the alternate account you are using. Also, where the fuck do you get the funds to buy $1500 worth of one game to resell on ebay? I'm referring to Super Mario All-Stars.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='confoosious']Guys. Just ignore him. He's obviously a fake account by one of the idiots from the OTT thread just trying to troll me. Guess it's a slow day working at the gas n sip.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Nintendonly']Okay, but how the fuck did you get 50 Super Mario All-Stars to flip?[/QUOTE]

[quote name='confoosious']I didn't. He's just making shit up.[/QUOTE]
Nintendonly, why are you asking confoosious about something confoosui9343 claimed about himself? And confoosious, why are you claiming that confoosui9343 is making anything up about you? I mean, I know his similar username is "confusing" to a casual thread-skimmer, but you three are directly addressing each other and can't seem to keep tabs on who or what is saying what about whom. Yet it's easy for me to understand that confoosui9343 is talking about himself, not confoosious.

Furthermore, if confoosui9434's intent was to pass himself off as confoosious, he would 1) have the same avatar and 2) wouldn't be directly quoting and replying to him.

Then again, I'm only seeing the few posts I quoted. Maybe you guys know something about him I don't.

Also, what's so hard to believe about someone having $1,500 to spend on games? Resellers have lots of money sitting in the bank so they can invest when the time is right. That's the cost of being a reseller- the more money you blow on personal expenses, the less you have for business.
[quote name='Nochance']I like how you blurred the price, lol. Mario All Stars LE never sold for $80. Hell, its still less than $80 for a sealed one on Ebay.[/QUOTE]

here's a pic with price.

i sold them for $90 (only 1 or 2 sellers on amazon,couple weeks before release) and the price eventually averaged down (flood of sellers) to 60. then price went back to 70-80 after a while and dropped once more. i still made a nice profit.

anyways let's get back to the wii u subject. the profit for these does exist right now.
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[quote name='cakefoo']Nintendonly, why are you asking confoosious about something confoosui9343 claimed about himself? And confoosious, why are you claiming that confoosui9343 is making anything up about you? I mean, I know his similar username is "confusing" to a casual thread-skimmer, but you three are directly addressing each other and can't seem to keep tabs on who or what is saying what about whom. Yet it's easy for me to understand that confoosui9343 is talking about himself, not confoosious.

Furthermore, if confoosui9434's intent was to pass himself off as confoosious, he would 1) have the same avatar and 2) wouldn't be directly quoting and replying to him.

Then again, I'm only seeing the few posts I quoted. Maybe you guys know something about him I don't.

Also, what's so hard to believe about someone having $1,500 to spend on games? Resellers have lots of money sitting in the bank so they can invest when the time is right. That's the cost of being a reseller- the more money you blow on personal expenses, the less you have for business.[/QUOTE]

It's a long dumb story but here goes:

- A while ago, there was a long debate whether SMB LE would be teh rarez. I said that nobody knew (you can probably find that thread)
- Some dumbass named sean kept insisting that I said that I flipped a bunch of them ever since. which I didn't. He'd bring it up out of the blue for no reason. It stopped for a while cause I ignore him and his idiot friends. I guess he's bored today though.
- The name isn't the same but it's close enough so that in the future, he gets to say "hey, didn't you sell a bunch of Mario LEs" and people will be like "oh yeah, I remember that." :roll: The guy truly is a asshole.
- He (or one of his cronies) obviously made up a new account with a variation of my name to try to joke that he's me (obviously not that closely) and troll me about something I didn't do. It's kinda sad really. But you know, kids will be kids. They'll snicker to each other over PMs and then lose interest and go back to whatever other nonsense they do. Which is why it's best to ignore them.
[quote name='confoosious']it's a long dumb story but here goes:

- a while ago, there was a long debate whether smb le would be teh rarez. I said that nobody knew (you can probably find that thread)
- some dumbass named sean kept insisting that i said that i flipped a bunch of them ever since. Which i didn't. He'd bring it up out of the blue for no reason. It stopped for a while cause i ignore him and his idiot friends. I guess he's bored today though.
- the name isn't the same but it's close enough so that in the future, he gets to say "hey, didn't you sell a bunch of mario les" and people will be like "oh yeah, i remember that." :roll: The guy truly is a asshole.
- he (or one of his cronies) obviously made up a new account with a variation of my name to try to joke that he's me (obviously not that closely) and troll me about something i didn't do. It's kinda sad really. But you know, kids will be kids. They'll snicker to each other over pms and then lose interest and go back to whatever other nonsense they do. Which is why it's best to ignore them.[/quote]

[quote name='Paladinion']So im anybody actually going to PLAY there WiiU, or are we just trying to gobble up the pre-orders and sell them to each other?[/QUOTE]

I bought mine to play... Super Mario Bros Wii is one of the funnest games I have played co-op.. never laughed so much at a game before :) Really looking forward to the new one and lego city. A HD (no jaggies!) Zelda in the future will be great as well!
[quote name='Paladinion']So im anybody actually going to PLAY there WiiU, or are we just trying to gobble up the pre-orders and sell them to each other?[/QUOTE]

I plan on keeping mine unless I'm not well off financially at that time.
[quote name='Paladinion']So im anybody actually going to PLAY there WiiU, or are we just trying to gobble up the pre-orders and sell them to each other?[/QUOTE]

I reserved just one and fully intend on keeping it and enjoying it.

I've come full circle on the concept of forced bundles. I kinda wish retailers would force bundles on these launch systems. They don't need to dictate which games or accessories, just something that would take the price up over $500. I think it would reduce a lot of this reselling if every retailer required that each console preorder also required that you preorder 2 $60 games and an accessory like a Pro controller or Wiimote.
[quote name='myiamoto']I plan on keeping mine unless I'm not well off financially at that time.[/QUOTE]

There's also the "I have 2 preorders because I'm afraid to get screwed by BB/Walmart/Target/Whatever but only need 1" camp.

I could be wrong but I don't think these will be that hard to find. Not like pay $600 hard.
[quote name='Paladinion']So im anybody actually going to PLAY there WiiU, or are we just trying to gobble up the pre-orders and sell them to each other?[/QUOTE]

birthday present for myself.

I solely owned a 360 for this gen but I plan on getting every system for the next generation starting with the Wii U.

I could careless about people selling theirs, if that is what they are doing, it is what it is. More power to them. There was many chances up to this point to get in on a pre order for those that missed out.
[quote name='Paladinion']So im anybody actually going to PLAY there WiiU, or are we just trying to gobble up the pre-orders and sell them to each other?[/QUOTE]
I bought mine to play it. I don't feel the need to take advantage of people to make a quick buck.
[quote name='Paladinion']So im anybody actually going to PLAY there WiiU, or are we just trying to gobble up the pre-orders and sell them to each other?[/QUOTE]

I just quit my job to focus on placing Wii U pre-orders full-time. I have 2 pre-orders at every walmart in the state. I also got my family members to pre-order for me. I hope to make enough money to last until the next Xbox comes out. Then I will repeat the process.
[quote name='darkskill']I just quit my job to focus on placing Wii U pre-orders full-time. I have 2 pre-orders at every walmart in the state. I also got my family members to pre-order for me. I hope to make enough money to last until the next Xbox comes out. Then I will repeat the process.[/QUOTE]

There is at least a 4% chance that this post is true.
Mitt Romney would take advantage of the average Joe, he did it to the people of Massachusetts when he was govenor.
The people whining about resellers understand that this is only the black bundle, right? Do you guys see white ones selling well over MSRP on ebay?
[quote name='Paladinion']So im anybody actually going to PLAY there WiiU, or are we just trying to gobble up the pre-orders and sell them to each other?[/QUOTE]

I have 1 to keep and 2 to sell. Hopefully the 2 I sell pays for the 1 I keep.
[quote name='Paladinion']So im anybody actually going to PLAY there WiiU, or are we just trying to gobble up the pre-orders and sell them to each other?[/QUOTE]

I have 3 preorders. One I plan on picking up and the other two as backups. If my friend isn't able to get a console (a late preorderer), I'll be selling him one of my backups if they're available. As soon as I get one, I'm cancelling the other preorders.

While I could probably sell them and make a profit, I'd rather not. I just want one.
[quote name='Paladinion']So im anybody actually going to PLAY there WiiU, or are we just trying to gobble up the pre-orders and sell them to each other?[/QUOTE]

I was going to keep mine, but after the graphic upscaling news, and a list of other features that have become lackluster, it's off to ebay for a nice profit.
[quote name='screwkick']I was going to keep mine, but after the graphic upscaling news, and a list of other features that have become lackluster, it's off to ebay for a nice profit.[/QUOTE]

Please elaborate on this graphic upscaling news.
[quote name='Paladinion']So im anybody actually going to PLAY there WiiU, or are we just trying to gobble up the pre-orders and sell them to each other?[/QUOTE]

If I can get a Preorder/Order on Amazon, Ill play Zombie U.
I'm keeping mine. The only reason I want one so badly is for HD Nintendo games. I couldn't care less about the tablet or any of its other features. I just want some HD first party titles!
[quote name='Paladinion']So im anybody actually going to PLAY there WiiU, or are we just trying to gobble up the pre-orders and sell them to each other?[/QUOTE]

I'm keeping and playing my deluxe Wii U, very much looking forward to it.
I'm playing mine and going to be playing it a lot unlike my wii. Not that the wii didn't have any games but I was buying ps3 and 360 games but with the wii u I'm going to play it way more than and have all the games I can get it for it.
I just hope the Pro Controller will work with VC games. I hate that Classic Controllers have to be tethered to the Remote. It's one of the main reasons my launch Wii hasn't been connected to anything in years. :(
Im looking forward to playing mine im keeping it and when the smash bros. comes out its on Prolly a few months minimum straight will be on that title alone...
[quote name='screwkick']I was going to keep mine, but after the graphic upscaling news, and a list of other features that have become lackluster, it's off to ebay for a nice profit.[/QUOTE]

more details on the whole graphics part please.
Glad to see some people in here actually looking to play the thing. We will have to start a thread later on where we can post our friend codes and such...have a Cag WiiU community where we can later organize some SSB games and such. Im so excited now, one month from today.
[quote name='Nochance']The people whining about resellers understand that this is only the black bundle, right? Do you guys see white ones selling well over MSRP on ebay?[/QUOTE]

If the Wii U is truly going to be a hot item, I actually think the white might present the greater opportunity for profit. For example, if the black sells at $525, I think resellers will be able to sell the white for $490 or $480 and thereby take advantage of a $500 threshold some parents might have. Face it though, there are more than enough wealthy parents out there who won't care about the markup. Paying $200 more than list to you and I may seem unreasonable, but a 45 year old making 200,000 a year would gladly pay the mark up to not sit outside of a Target or deal with the masses at a Walmart.
[quote name='Paladinion']So im anybody actually going to PLAY there WiiU, or are we just trying to gobble up the pre-orders and sell them to each other?[/QUOTE]

I have a WiiU Deluxe paid in full with NSMBU, ZombiU, Scribblenauts Unlimited, and CoD: BO2.

I'm definitely keeping mine and playing it (unless Gamestop screws me). I had a 2nd preordered at Target as a backup to make sure I get one on launch, but they cancelled the order because they can't guarantee stock.
[quote name='thepoetvd776']more details on the whole graphics part please.[/QUOTE]

They are probably referring to the fact that when you play Wii games on the Wii U, they won't be "upscaled" to the HD resolution, like most blu ray players do for DVD's.
[quote name='Paladinion']So im anybody actually going to PLAY there WiiU, or are we just trying to gobble up the pre-orders and sell them to each other?[/QUOTE]

Yup i bought mine to play. I really wasnt all to excited for the Wii U at first. When i first saw a little of it from E3 it didnt impress me too much. Much later i had a good friend who always stays on top of the latest videogame news and what not and he was sending me articles about the features of wii u, tech specs and exclusives and for the first time in a long while i found myself getting excited for a nintendo system. Ive never done a new console launch so that in of itself its exciting, plus now i get a hd wii with 1080p and easy accessible 60 fps for developers, an innovative and immersive gamepad controller( the wii mote and nunchuk are innovative too i discovered recently as i hijacked the family wii to play a little LOZ:TP) and strong 1st and 3rd party support. Im excited for the next generation as a gamer and always will continue to be since sitting in my cousins family room playing Callico Vision. Thanks to CAG i was able to get some good TIV and will be purchasing Ninja Gaiden, Pikmin 3, Darksiders 2, MH:Ultimate and NSMB all from Amazon. My deluxe and zombiu are payed off at Gamestop and i recently bought a wii classic controller pro. So i am pretty much committed, my now absent backlog can attest to this, and cant wait to enter into a new level of gaming. It just gets better and better for gamers.
[quote name='Paladinion']Glad to see some people in here actually looking to play the thing. We will have to start a thread later on where we can post our friend codes and such...have a Cag WiiU community where we can later organize some SSB games and such. Im so excited now, one month from today.[/QUOTE]

I don't think there any friend codes I hope, it's your Mii In Miiverse we meet up there.
[quote name='JUSTSULTAN']Yup i bought mine to play. I really wasnt all to excited for the Wii U at first. When i first saw a little of it from E3 it didnt impress me too much. Much later i had a good friend who always stays on top of the latest videogame news and what not and he was sending me articles about the features of wii u, tech specs and exclusives and for the first time in a long while i found myself getting excited for a nintendo system. Ive never done a new console launch so that in of itself its exciting, plus now i get a hd wii with 1080p and easy accessible 60 fps for developers, an innovative and immersive gamepad controller( the wii mote and nunchuk are innovative too i discovered recently as i hijacked the family wii to play a little LOZ:TP) and strong 1st and 3rd party support. Im excited for the next generation as a gamer and always will continue to be since sitting in my cousins family room playing Callico Vision. Thanks to CAG i was able to get some good TIV and will be purchasing Ninja Gaiden, Pikmin 3, Darksiders 2, MH:Ultimate and NSMB all from Amazon. My deluxe and zombiu are payed off at Gamestop and i recently bought a wii classic controller pro. So i am pretty much committed, my now absent backlog can attest to this, and cant wait to enter into a new level of gaming. It just gets better and better for gamers.[/QUOTE]

Colecovision!!! The first real arcade type quality System with graphics that far surpassed Atari 2600 blockovision. I loved that thing.I even had the Adam Computer add on and tape player drive!
[quote name='tightclaws']Colecovision!!! The first real arcade type quality System with graphics that far surpassed Atari 2600 blockovision. I loved that thing.I even had the Adam Computer add on and tape player drive![/QUOTE]

Sorry for the mis-spelling! But yeah we had goodtimes with that...was it Coleco or the 2600 that had Pitfall and some kung-fu game where you go up stairs to the next badass?
I have two preorders... one for me to play (early 30s, married, no kids... I have every Nintendo console to date) and one for my wife's sisters family for Christmas. Flippers can do what they want, but I love video games more than money.
[quote name='JUSTSULTAN']Sorry for the mis-spelling! But yeah we had goodtimes with that...was it Coleco or the 2600 that had Pitfall and some kung-fu game where you go up stairs to the next badass?[/QUOTE]

Perhaps you're thinking of Kung-Fu on the NES?
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