The WWE Is Entertainment Not Wrestling Thread

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the reason KOKO B. Ware vs. Rick Martel was such a better match than anything going on today... those guys were better wrestlers than 80% of the WWE roster... mostly because the roster is so green.
You can't see me, but I can assure you I'm facepalming:

WWE has an information sheet titled "The Language of WWE" that they send out to people that do international voice-overs for their TV shows in other countries. The sheet includes a list of "Incorrect Terminology" and a list of "Correct Terminology."

"The Language of WWE" reads like this:

"World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) is a publicly traded entertainment company (NYSE: WWE) that creates and delivers a weekly action soap opera to its passionate fans.

WWE has been a recognized leader in entertainment for more than 25 years and has developed into one of the most popular and sophisticated forms of global entertainment today.

As a global entertainment brand, the language that we use when communicating on WWE is critical.

Please ensure that you are familiar and employing the below, effective immediately. "

Here's a look at some of the terms:

* "Wrestling" or "catch" is banned. Some European countries still use the term "catch" to describe pro wrestling and "catchers" to describe wrestlers. "The Language of WWE" states that the following phrases are incorrect: "Wrestling is broadcast in 145 countries," or "Catch is broadcast in 145 countries." The correct terminology is: "WWE is broadcast in 145 countries."

* "Sports" is incorrect. "Entertainment or Action Soap Opera" is allowed. For example, "WWE is exciting entertainment" or "WWE is an exciting action soap opera" is allowed. In the last example, "action soap opera" is printed in bold, presumably to make sure there's no confusion.

* "Catchers" or "wrestlers" are not allowed. Incorrect examples are "Catchers are unique characters" or "Wrestlers are unique characters." The term "WWE Superstars" is allowed.

* "Athletes" or "Sportsmen" are now allowed either. WWE gives the following example to use: "WWE Superstars are entertainers with tremendous athletic prowess."

* The term "fight" is not allowed. Matches must be referred to as "match" or "bout."

* "Fighting" is also not allowed but the term "action" is.

"The Language of WWE" printout concludes with the following "Key Soundbytes":

* WWE is pure entertainment

* WWE is an action soap opera

* WWE Superstars are entertainers with tremendous athletic prowess
Well I guess that old "sports entertainment" line is out too. Vince McMahon hates wrestling and wrestlers.
If this were 2 weeks ago, I would've thought that terminology paper thing was an April Fool's joke. The terminology is just completely fucking ridiculous.
Someone in that company is completely fucking delusional. I assume it's Vince, or at least I hope it is. Scary thought: what if it's actually not him, and the dream of everything reverting back to normal after he dies is a falsehood?

I mean, maybe I'm naive, but I want to believe that HHH, if he's the one put in charge, thinks this is the most ridiculously stupid shit ever, but is smart enough to just keep his mouth shut right now. I mean, look at that list. LOOK AT IT. How can anyone that claims they 'love' the business not laugh at that openly?

For fuck's sake, the name of their biggest PPV is WRESTLEMania. The secondary world title is engraved 'World Heavyweight WRESTLING Champion'.

Just... just fuck off.

This is the most ham-fisted marketing 101 shit ever.
[quote name='pimpster4183']Joe won't ever be signed by WWE because he doesn't fit Vinces idea of an "entertainer" muscled up and oily.[/QUOTE]

Not every WWE star is jacked up, but they keep themselves in shape and have a toned look to them. I am of the opinion that if you are making money in wrest...entertainment you should invest time and effort in how your body looks.
That terminology press release makes it abundantly clear they are attempting to appeal their product to broader audiences.

"Soap opera action"to appeal to women, etc.

See, the thing is, anyone who would think this is silly is already someone they've "got." Very few people are going to stop watching WWE because they refuse to say wrestling. Sure there'll be some but those will be more than offset by the direction they are attempting to direct their product, which is, more mainsteam.
[quote name='RedvsBlue']Sure there'll be some but those will be more than offset by the direction they are attempting to direct their product, which is, more mainsteam.[/QUOTE]

My question is, how do you go more mainstream when you're at the top of the pile? People watch UFC because it's real, and no matter what, WWE is pre-scripted. They won't ever appeal to the same audience 100% of the time. Most WWE fans are UFC fans, but most UFC fans are WWE fans who left because WWE toned the violence way down.
[quote name='RedvsBlue']That terminology press release makes it abundantly clear they are attempting to appeal their product to broader audiences.

"Soap opera action"to appeal to women, etc.

See, the thing is, anyone who would think this is silly is already someone they've "got." Very few people are going to stop watching WWE because they refuse to say wrestling. Sure there'll be some but those will be more than offset by the direction they are attempting to direct their product, which is, more mainsteam.[/QUOTE]

But this is marketing... and even though we're existing fans, we're still being marketed to.

Think of WWE as your favorite brand of domestic beer. In this example, we'll just say Budweiser. Now Budweiser releases their new marketing strategy... informing the public that they no longer want to be affiliated with sporting events, male bonding, and/or blue collar society. Instead, they now want to be re-imaged as the beer of choice when it comes to antique shopping, parenting, and at-home book clubs.

Now, when your friends come over for a night of poker, bullshitting, and/or "action soap opera" viewing, the last thing you're going to want to pull out of the fridge/cooler is some cold Budweiser (unless it's for a gag of course). It would be like attending a serious keg party with three bottles of Boone's Farm Strawberry Hill.

I'm all for strategic re-branding. But in this case, WWE is neglecting to include die-hard wrasslin' fans into the equation. Remember, according to Neilsen, the 18-35 year-old demographic is still the most important target audience. I don't think many 18-35 year-olds are going to be pleased with being labeled as fans of "action soap operas."
What if Joe and Kong were paired up on Raw and dominated the non-main event Superstars & Divas as a "power couple"?
[quote name='007']
For fuck's sake, the name of their biggest PPV is WRESTLEMania.[/QUOTE]

Lulz, Yeah they're going to have to fix that

Entertamia ?

Action Soap Operamania

Those are rubbish, hopefully one of Vince's yes men can do better.
I get the feeling that even if the WWF hadn't sued them, Vince would have ended up changing the name.
I guess I should have been more clear in my post. I, in no way agree with this marketing strategy, I was merely pointing out their likely justification and mindset for it.

My point of view differs from theirs; I don't think changing the descriptive name of the product is going to bring in much in the way of the new viewers. WWE is such an established wrestling company at this point that the average person won't understand or care about the change to "soap opera action" and will, at the end of day, still be wrestling.

Where I may differ from other is that I don't think this will cost them any significant amount of viewership. Or, in the alternative, you could end up with the "new coke" effect in that as soon as they drop this "no-wrestling" policy the resulting publicity will drive up their viewership beyond what it was prior to the new direction.

Really though, wrestling is a little silly. We can (and should) all admit that. Something like wrestling doesn't need to be taken seriously to be entertaining. I think that's what a lot of anti-wrestling people don't understand. My girlfriend sees me watching Raw and says "oh, it's just so dumb and fake" but then proceeds to turn on The Bachelor in the other room... My point being, at least wrestling these days is a little more upfront about their silliness. But I digress.

Overall, what I'm saying is that my general opinion of wrestling/WWE isn't going to change (nor will my viewing habits) because it isn't "wrestling" anymore and I have a feeling the vast majority of people will probably feel the same way. Ask yourself this, if you didn't read internet rumors and dirtsheets would you have even noticed that much of a difference in their product this week vs. 2-3 weeks ago before the no-wrestling policy began?
I stopped watching Raw a few years ago and now, due to their open disdain for wrestling fans, I'll most likely drop SD and WWE as a whole. It's clear that they want nothing to do with offering the type of product that I want to watch. It's been bland for a long time now plus I'm just tired of being insulted. I refuse to be the allegorical abused wife that thinks that the husband will eventually change their ways. WWE knows that most people will still watch no matter how much they complain about the product. If you're willing to keep watching all the while saying how poor WWE is then the hard truth is, by willingly still participating, you're now part of the problem. If it's so bad, don't complain. Do the only thing you can do that matters. Stop watching. I'm done with WWE.
[quote name='pimpster4183']Joe won't ever be signed by WWE because he doesn't fit Vinces idea of an "entertainer" muscled up and oily.[/QUOTE]

have they fired fat ass Brodus Clay yet?
The previous style that was being used from about 99-01 honestly wasn't that bad if you look back. Especially in WWE, it's more or less the same thing it used to be. It's just that the wrestlers aren't taking as many risks. As long as you can do and take a move properly, you're gold.

It was really just a lot of recklessness and apathy towards what was going on in the ring. I remember Raven drop toehold'ing Scotty Riggs onto the wrong side of a chair. Kurt Angle breaking Holly's arm by missing a moonsault. Edge temporarily paralyzing a member of Los Boricuas. Foley throwing himself off the Hell in a Cell while Undertaker stood there. Bret Hart was given brain damage from a Goldberg back kick. Even before this period, Owen Hart was attempting God knows what and hugely cut Steve Austin's career by almost crippling him.

Even after this period and the matches got grass-growing boring, you had Kidman nearly caving in Chavo's face, Flair's head getting busted open from being sandwiched in between two tables, Kevin Nash walking.
Thinking it over more, I truly dislike how much identity this takes away from the product.

"WWE Superstars are entertainers with tremendous athletic prowess" is such a fucking generic term. Let's see here...

"Cirque du Soleil performers are entertainers with tremendous athletic prowess."
"The Harlem Globetrotters are entertainers with tremendous athletic prowess."

At the corre core, that's what I understand least about this. It's not a rebranding about unique characteristics, it's the most general statements possible. Tell me either of those two examples are wrong. When 99% of the world's population knows you as a wrestling company, I'd think it would hurt more in the long run to try and pretend that you aren't. Own it, and tell people that WWE is the best wrestling company in the world. To fix the other problem, in my mind, the easiest thing to do would be to 'rebrand' the different company segments.

You see a movie promoted as a WWE Film, you have preconceptions going in. You see a movie promoted that's produced by Titan Films, that goes away. Go back to that model, when 'WWF' was simply the wrestling product. Titan Sports. Coliseum Video. Vince obviously sees that WWE has a negative connotation to it, but instead of doing the obvious thing and branching out without it, he's trying to use words to change the world's perception of a company that's been around for over 30 years. Unless they literally stop airing Raw and Smackdown, it just won't happen.

But, really, at the end of the day, if you show professional wrestling on TV and claim it's not wrestling, you just look like an asshole. That's the short answer.
I can't see why people are butt-hurt over WWE admitting that their product is a "soap opera". Kayfabe has been dead for years and they're just being honest. My father told me years ago (when the territories were still viable and kayfabe was still king) that pro wrestling was soap opera for men. I hope that nobody believed that Undertaker had supernatural powers or that Hulk Hogan could withstand crippling moves due to the power of Hulkamania.

Now getting pissed about how bland and stupid stuff has become, well yes, I'm with you on that.
It's not the change. It's the forcing of it. Like cramming it down our throats. It's still wrestling to us and we will refer to it as such. I mean what's wrong with sports entertainment. Has Vince just lost it?
[quote name='rvdrock']It's not the change. It's the forcing of it. Like cramming it down our throats. It's still wrestling to us and we will refer to it as such. I mean what's wrong with sports entertainment. Has Vince just lost it?[/QUOTE]

It's the fact that Vince thinks the WWE is somehow better than wrestling that bothers me.

"WCW did wrestling shows and they failed, we do entertainment shows, that's the difference"

The man is deluding himself in epic fashion.
[quote name='BlueSwim']What if Joe and Kong were paired up on Raw and dominated the non-main event Superstars & Divas as a "power couple"?[/QUOTE]

They could mesh their fat together to become Super Samoa Kong!

5 bucks says she doesn't even get to use "Kong" because it's likely too close to other copyrights. I'm almost willing to bet she shows up as Kia Stevens and is almost immediately entered into some sort of feud with Beth Phoenix.
[quote name='mogamer']I can't see why people are butt-hurt over WWE admitting that their product is a "soap opera". Kayfabe has been dead for years and they're just being honest. My father told me years ago (when the territories were still viable and kayfabe was still king) that pro wrestling was soap opera for men. I hope that nobody believed that Undertaker had supernatural powers or that Hulk Hogan could withstand crippling moves due to the power of Hulkamania.

Now getting pissed about how bland and stupid stuff has become, well yes, I'm with you on that.[/QUOTE]
You know, when I was a little kid I thought that shit was real. I remember being about 6 years old and fighting with some friend because he said it wasn't. Who cares if the shit was over the top? Or even if it is like a male soap opera, let people have fun sometimes.

Hell, it's a good thing Roddenberry never tried to sell Star Trek as a space based soap opera.
[quote name='mogamer']I can't see why people are butt-hurt over WWE admitting that their product is a "soap opera". Kayfabe has been dead for years and they're just being honest. My father told me years ago (when the territories were still viable and kayfabe was still king) that pro wrestling was soap opera for men. I hope that nobody believed that Undertaker had supernatural powers or that Hulk Hogan could withstand crippling moves due to the power of Hulkamania.

Now getting pissed about how bland and stupid stuff has become, well yes, I'm with you on that.[/QUOTE]

Butt-hurt. :applause:

I will use this daily.
[quote name='Clak']Hell, it's a good thing Roddenberry never tried to sell Star Trek as a space based soap opera.[/QUOTE]

Watching TNG now is cringeworthy at times with how bad some of the acting is.
Smackdown screencap:
[quote name='KaneRobot']I sincerely hope this leads to an assault of fans bringing signs that just say "WRESTLING" to TV tapings.[/QUOTE]

They'll confiscate 'em. No doubt.

[quote name='007']For fuck's sake, the name of their biggest PPV is WRESTLEMania. The secondary world title is engraved 'World Heavyweight WRESTLING Champion'.[/QUOTE]



They remodeled it once to toss the WWE logo on there, what's to keep it from happening again?

[quote name='RedvsBlue']I guess I should have been more clear in my post. I, in no way agree with this marketing strategy, I was merely pointing out their likely justification and mindset for it.[/QUOTE]

I don't know that anyone confused you for a WWE apologist. I at least know you were trying to explain how it possibly makes sense from a marketing vantagepoint. Thing is, it's a dumbass maneuver. Walks like a talk, talks like a duck, called "entertainment."

[quote name='neocisco']I stopped watching Raw a few years ago and now, due to their open disdain for wrestling fans, I'll most likely drop SD and WWE as a whole. It's clear that they want nothing to do with offering the type of product that I want to watch.[/QUOTE]

There's WWE's risk. They've made so many moves in years that shows they don't give a fuck what wrestling fans think or want. Matt Cross was a sacrificial lamb, put on Tough Enough to at least *pretend* this contest ends with someone becoming a wrestler. Then they kill him off in week 2 with a contrived excuse that makes zero sense. The message is clear: wrestlers not wanted. They produce shows that are guaranteed to show more entrances than match, as the entrance - the music, the pyro, the lighting, the poses - is more important to crowds than the match, in WWE's eyes.

By the way, Triple H's weird thing when he came out to "For Whom the Bell Tolls" was fucking AWFUL. It wasn't entertaining, it was a fucking dance recital. It's why adults are turning away from the product and why UFC is fucking destroying them in PPV buys.

Internet dirt sheets pointed out that Vince was LIVID that Sin Cara fucked up his entrance again on Monday. No word on the sloppiness of the match itself, or the fucked up finish. But he messed up his entrance twice now, so he's t-minus 4 weeks from ending up in the WWE Shithouse™.

[quote name='007']"Entertainment du Soleil"
"The Harlem Entertainers"[/QUOTE]

Think about the language change that way. They're stretching themselves too thin and, in the process, losing their unique cultural niche, abandoning the one thing that worked for them, and providing zero incentive to watch their product.

WWE doesn't say "We're MORE than wrestling," which I think would make some of us groan, but be okay with. They deny they even ARE wrestling. That's fucking ridiculous.

They can't treat my money and viewership like it's a given, specifically if their product changes take away from what makes me want to watch their product in the first place. Brand loyalty is a reciprocal relationship, and if you show enough contempt for customers you take for granted, or if you have enough hubris, you'll wind up in second place. Just look at how the PS3 is doing in the US compared with the Xbox.
I'm curious as to what Triple H thinks about all of this anti-wrestling rhetoric. Are we going to have to wait until Vince is dead before it gets better?
[quote name='diddy310']I'm curious as to what Triple H thinks about all of this anti-wrestling rhetoric. Are we going to have to wait until Vince is dead before it gets better?[/QUOTE]
For all we know, this new direction could be coming from Stephanie and HHH.
[quote name='mogamer']For all we know, this new direction could be coming from Stephanie and HHH.[/QUOTE]
I'm more inclined to believe it's coming from Vince, if the dirt sheets are to be believed. But then again, they *are* dirt sheets. Speaking of which...

Jim Ross, as noted last week, was called at about 6 p.m., or three hours before Raw started, to come to the Phillips Arena. He wrote that he had purchased an expensive new suit. As Vince likes to do, he had Michael Cole spray barbecue sauce all over the suit. Ross did write that the suit was ruined. Vince has on more than one occasion done that. He had wrestlers brawl on and ruin Howard Finkel’s car years ago that Finkel had just bought. Most likely after getting his jollies, the company will pay Ross back for his suit.
Vince is such a troll. :lol:
[quote name='davo1224']Watching TNG now is cringeworthy at times with how bad some of the acting is.[/QUOTE]
Same thing with some wrestling matches, but hey, that's part of why it's so awesome.
[quote name='neocisco']He's the world's richest 15 year old.[/QUOTE]
Like Richie rich with less maturity. This is the guy who named his yacht "sexy bitch" after all.
There would be other highlights, of course, including a run as a member of a reenergized Four Horsemen, but things in WCW started to sour by '98.

“Once guys like Scott Hall and Kevin Nash ran roughshod over the business, it was not fun anymore,” Malenko revealed. “I saw myself and my comrades around me that loved this business more than anything become very disenchanted. It made it a struggle to go to work.”

Dean existed in this poisonous climate for the better part of a year. He won titles and had solid matches with talented opponents, but he was unhappy. His friends were unhappy, too, and together they were about to stage a walkout that would shake up sports-entertainment.


Malenko didn't shake up shit. Chris Masters has had a higher profile WWE career than 007 Dean Malenko.

Hell, his best WWF match was versus Scotty 2 Hotty:

I know, I know, Malenko's a company man. But who's dumb enough to believe this bullshit?
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