The WWE Is Entertainment Not Wrestling Thread

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It could be worse..he could have hot dogs going into buns in his entrance video.

He certainly plays up the porn star/gigolo thing without being completely ridiculous (though he did say that "Dolph Ziggler is coming in the back door" a whole lot during his feud with Edge).
Take this with a HUGE grain of salt...

Rumor has it that Dixie Carter has resigned from her day-to-day operations position for TNA. The source of this rumor? The Honky Tonk Man.
I hope we can get a more biography based DVD release now...especially with Christian back to help with commentary during the E&C days.

Plus we should be able to get his Money in the Bank win and some Smackdown Six stuff in there now since they have eased up on Benoit a bit. (He's on the Elimination Chamber DVD, though I believe they edited any commentary about him out)
[quote name='BlueSwim']Take this with a HUGE grain of salt...

Rumor has it that Dixie Carter has resigned from her day-to-day operations position for TNA. The source of this rumor? The Honky Tonk Man.[/QUOTE]
He's broken TNA news before. Dixie is apparently stepping down in order to learn about the business.

...Took long enough.
Now she can finally watch the rest of those WCW tapes..she only saw up through 1998 before she hired Bischoff and Hogan.
[quote name='diddy310']I hope we can get a more biography based DVD release now...especially with Christian back to help with commentary during the E&C days.

Plus we should be able to get his Money in the Bank win and some Smackdown Six stuff in there now since they have eased up on Benoit a bit. (He's on the Elimination Chamber DVD, though I believe they edited any commentary about him out)[/QUOTE]

I doubt that. On this month's, they have Survivor Series 2002 online which is great because I was there and it was a great PPV. Except they edited out the complete 6 way tag between Benoit/Angle, Ray/Edge, and Los Guerreros.
Article from -

Less than a week after his successful title defense against Alberto Del Rio at WrestleMania XXVII, World Heavyweight Champion Edge has been forced to retire from in-ring competition due to injury. The unexpected news brings to an end a storied WWE career spanning 13 years and consisting of 11 World Title reigns. (CAREER PHOTOS)

The Rated-R Superstar had been suffering numbness and uncontrollable trembling in his arms and hands. This is not the first time Edge has experienced these symptoms of nueropraxia. An MRI administered at Atlanta Midtown Diagnostic Imaging last Monday was sent to Dr. Joseph Maroon, a renowned neurosurgeon and professor of neurosurgery at The Pittsburgh School of Medicine. After careful examination of the MRI, it was determined that Edge would never be cleared to compete again, and thus, he is forced to retire.

In 2003, Edge underwent a two level spinal fusion of the discs between his C5, C6 and C7 vertebrae. After being cleared to compete, The Rated-R Superstar returned to the ring, resulting in stenosis of the spine, or a narrowing of the spinal column, above and below the fused discs. This narrowing resulted in less and less of the vital fluid needed to protect the spinal cord. Medical professionals cannot clear Edge to compete ever again in WWE since doing so could result in paralysis or even death.
At least he's out before he ended up in a wheelchair or dead. Another upside is that they now have their headliner for the Hall of Fame next year.
Like Austin, he had a really good last match too. He got lucky in that regards.
[quote name='neocisco']Another upside is that they now have their headliner for the Hall of Fame next year.[/QUOTE]

-WM in Miami next year
-Rock is gonna be in the main event
-Rock is billed from Miami

Rock is gonna be the headliner of the HOF next year. Bank on it.
Sucks about Edge. But like everyone else has already said, glad that he's leaving while on top instead of having to be carried out on a stretcher.
[quote name='Mr. Beef']He's broken TNA news before. Dixie is apparently stepping down in order to learn about the business.

...Took long enough.[/QUOTE]
99.9% of it is bullshit.
I want it to be a work, but there has been a lot of retirement talk about him lately. In a perfect world, he would join the announce team and replace Booker.
As if the world needed another reason to ignore Hulk Hogan.

@jays712 if any of the guys like me,Flair,Hardy,Andre,AA,Blanchard,orndoff,Henning would have listened to doctors we would have quit15yrsago
@jays712 but I don't know Edges working environment because they are a media company not a wrestling company. HH wrestlers work hurt!
What about Foley! I bet EDGE still wants to keep wrestling,he's one of the boys big time!!! HH
I'm thinking they'll go with Kia Kong for her name. They tend to stick close to the real names for the women. (aside from Kelly Kelly)
With the exception of Hardy, they all should have (and two of them are dead, two more are partially paralyzed, and Hogan can barely walk).
Best all around Raw in ages. I enjoyed from top to bottom. It sucks that Edge is gone, seems way too soon. But if it means he stays out of the ring and stays alive i'm happy for him.
Eh... to be honest RAW didn't do much for me tonight outside of Edge's sudden retirement speech. I actually watched the show on my DVR tonight since I felt that finishing the final season of Friday Night Lights on DVD was a much bigger priority over watching RAW. Glad I made the right choice there.

The five man gauntlet felt like something TNA would have done back in 2003/2004 on the weekly PPVs in order to shoe horn someone into a title match against JJ including a shitty ending that lead to both Cena and R-Truth yes the same R-Truth that wasn't even on the Wrestlemania card to be put in the main event at whatever the hell the next WWE PPV is called. I mean its nice that the WWE is trying to put some new blood in the main event scene but for cripe sakes you can't just shoe horn someone into that when just a few weeks ago that person was in the dark match on your (allegedly) biggest show of the year.

Moving on... fast forwarded past the divas match. Didn't care. The Kong teaser video was decent. The Cole/Lawler stuff is just getting worse and worse. Santino's little Apple faction wouldn't be too bad if it wasn't involving Bryan Danielson who honestly I suspect within six months will be released out of the company. That Sin Cara match was horrible to watch. I predict in three months Sin Cara will be relegated to working matches on the exclusive Superstars if he's that lucky.

So yeah I made the right move by watching RAW on DVR. Especially when I got to watch the final two episodes of Friday Night Lights that featured the future Wonder Woman herself Adrianne Palicki. :D

As far as Edge's retirement its sad to see him go. I might not have been a big fan of his but he's certainly earned my respect when it comes to working hard night in night out. Nice to see him go out in a good manner too as champion as well.
[quote name='pitfallharry219']This Lawler/JR/Cole/Swagger deal is almost getting to be as horrible as the JR/Lawler vs Al Snow/Coach feud from 5+ years ago.[/QUOTE]

Thanks for reminding me about that. :puke:
[quote name='TheRock88']-WM in Miami next year
-Rock is gonna be in the main event
-Rock is billed from Miami

Rock is gonna be the headliner of the HOF next year. Bank on it.
Sucks about Edge. But like everyone else has already said, glad that he's leaving while on top instead of having to be carried out on a stretcher.[/QUOTE]

noone else thinks the CENA VS ROCK is a joke the WWE is trying to pull

Come on people

WM is on APRIL 1 2012

[quote name='slidecage']noone else thinks the CENA VS ROCK is a joke the WWE is trying to pull

Come on people

WM is on APRIL 1 2012


[quote name='slidecage']noone else thinks the CENA VS ROCK is a joke the WWE is trying to pull

Come on people

WM is on APRIL 1 2012


Yeah I'm pretty sure the WWE who is a public company traded on the New York Stock Exchange is going to pull a prank like this by hyping up a match like this a year in advance only to turn around and say "oh silly us we're just joking about that match happening." I'm pretty sure that would go over very well with stock holders.

Oh and let me list off the other Wrestlemania's that have taken place on April 1st along with their main event(s):

Wrestlemania 6 = Hogan/Warrior - you know one of the few times Hogan jobbed at Mania.
Wrestlemania 17 = Rock/Austin - you know when Austin turned heel when he aligned himself with his long time nemesis Vince McMahon. Not to mention that the WWE just bought out WCW right before this Mania.
Wrestlemania 23 = Cena vs HBK, Batista vs Taker, and the McMahon vs Trump "loser gets shaved" stipulation for Umaga vs Lashley.

On that note a little off topic note to mention here in that Wrestlemania 23 is also the last Mania to be standard definition produced. WM 24 would be the first Mania to be done in HD not to mention the first WWE Blu-Ray release. However the first WWE PPV to be done in HD was a few months prior with the Royal Rumble.
At first, I only read the quote and not who said it, so I assumed the person was being cheeky and saying that the notion of and build up of Cena vs. The Rock was a poopy, poopy joke.

Then I saw who said it, and realized that it was completely and utterly meant literally.
The gauntlet match sucked ass because when the 4th person was pinned, and you realized at 10:45 that it was going to be John Cena vs R-Truth on the main event of Raw, and the match was for a title match with the Miz at the next PPV, well, then you saw the end. No way Truth would win.

Well, he did (sorta). This was a turn in the sense of WWE saying "there's a finish that makes sense" (i.e., the guy who pins entire tag team divisions in one match pinning someone who hasn't been a fixture on the main show in months), but in spite of going with what makes sense, they move a guy from a damn-near "WWE Superstars™" level on the card to the main fucking event in one week's time.

But what do I know? Maybe the one thing the world needs now is R-Truth rap-a-dap-a-dooing his way to the ring.
Kept hoping Punk would fuck that Gauntlet match up somehow. Hell, kept hoping Punk would just be on TV! At least i got my weekly dose of Vickie. Gotta say, I love to hate her.
[quote name='mykevermin']The gauntlet match sucked ass because when the 4th person was pinned, and you realized at 10:45 that it was going to be John Cena vs R-Truth on the main event of Raw, and the match was for a title match with the Miz at the next PPV, well, then you saw the end. No way Truth would win.

Well, he did (sorta). This was a turn in the sense of WWE saying "there's a finish that makes sense" (i.e., the guy who pins entire tag team divisions in one match pinning someone who hasn't been a fixture on the main show in months), but in spite of going with what makes sense, they move a guy from a damn-near "WWE Superstars™" level on the card to the main fucking event in one week's time.

But what do I know? Maybe the one thing the world needs now is R-Truth rap-a-dap-a-dooing his way to the ring.[/QUOTE]

Here's my theory. You know how miz needs a clean win. 5 bucks says he pins truth at the ppv.
[quote name='basilofbkrst']Are you saying that if it was up to you that R-Truth wouldn't be "rap-a-dap-a-dooing" in front of the people?[/QUOTE]

Correct. His Casio-keyboard sampled stuff sounds TERRIBLE.

His heel persona in TNA, where he was aligned w/ Konnan, mentioning how they never got pushed because of their race? That was good work from him. Instead, he's the "go out there, turn your shit-eating grin on, and start shakin' hands and kissin' babies" WWE paint-by-numbers babyface.

Do you think R-Truth sells tickets?

- Vince McMahon was said to be furious at Sin Cara’s botched entrance on RAW last week when he attacked Sheamus. When the botch happened on RAW last night, there were guys watching monitors in the back that were joking around that “that was it” for Cara and Primo would probably be fired out of spite.

- The feeling at RAW last night among some was that John Morrison would have got R-Truth’s spot in the WWE Title Triple Threat at Extreme Rules if it weren’t for the heat on him right now for his actions towards Trish Stratus.

1) Nice knowing you, Ultimo Dragon Sin Cara.

2) That makes a lot of sense, actually (re: Morrison).
[quote name='rvdrock']Here's my theory. You know how miz needs a clean win. 5 bucks says he pins truth at the ppv.[/QUOTE]

That wouldn't surprise me. Either way, Killings is gonna take the fall, whether Cena or Miz wins. no way Miz or Cena are gonna take clean falls to each other.
Sin Cara is a terrible wrestler. He can't sell worth a damn. If you rewatch the match, it was Primo doing all the work. The selling. The intimidating heel beatdown. It was all Primo.

That said. The guy is money. He is going to make the WWE a mint in Mexico.

Also: His fingerpoint of doom is going to be legendary.

I also like that whenever he blindsides someone bigger than him (Sheamus, Swagger), he runs away instantly.
Cena is a better rapper than R-Truth. Think about that for a minute.

I'm still pissed we never got a furious Cena beatdown on Truth during the Cena-is-a-slave angle last year.


I fell asleep last night and didn't know about the Edge thing until this morning. Just watched it. He was never really a favorite (only time I liked him was in the Brood for christsake) but I'm glad he's getting out now instead of stupidly hanging around risking even further injuries. Good for him.
just my opinion but, the miz is VERY over right now... his music hit last night and got a huge pop. also yeah they need to not be so predictable... Killings is gonna be the one taking the 3 count at the ppv. maybe it will be because Cena's new angle/opponent will interfere?... dunno who that could be... maybe Punk.
Cena will take the pinfall as long as it has to do with someone like Punk interfering.
I know WWE would never do it, but after Truth and Cena had their little shoving match I want to see the angry black Ron Killings return. Has he ever been heel in the WWE? Road Dogg and K-Kwik were heels right?
[quote name='mykevermin']Correct. His Casio-keyboard sampled stuff sounds TERRIBLE.

His heel persona in TNA, where he was aligned w/ Konnan, mentioning how they never got pushed because of their race? That was good work from him. Instead, he's the "go out there, turn your shit-eating grin on, and start shakin' hands and kissin' babies" WWE paint-by-numbers babyface.

Do you think R-Truth sells tickets?

1) Nice knowing you, Ultimo Dragon Sin Cara.

2) That makes a lot of sense, actually (re: Morrison).[/QUOTE]

I haven't weighed in yet on Sin Cara but his "match" last night really was all Primo. Those hurricanranas were completely sold by Primo yet not even being close to connecting correctly.

If they were planning a triple threat Morrison would have made the most sense. It almost seems like a last minute change because of his Wrestlemania/Trish actions. Dumbass (Morrison)...

[quote name='Habbler']I know WWE would never do it, but after Truth and Cena had their little shoving match I want to see the angry black Ron Killings return. Has he ever been heel in the WWE? Road Dogg and K-Kwik were heels right?[/QUOTE]

You know the interesting thing about this is that all 3 men in this match have had rumors or indications of them switching heel/face. Frankly, I'm amazed R-Truth is getting a main event title match at a ppv but we'll see what happens. WHAT'S UP GREEN BAY!?!?
[quote name='mykevermin']^ :rofl: @ diddy.

He's shown himself to be a fantastic entertainment-er the past few months. His series with Daniel Bryan was excellent, even if the whole thing started and finished in under 7 days' time (instead of being strung out over time, using it to get both guys over). He showed it wasn't a fluke by having excellent matches with other entertainment-ers in the months since then. He was an excellent foil to a super heel in Vickie Guerrero, and despite him being hot (just like Del Rio), WWE stuck with one of the most milquetoast options to retain the title.

He has an incredible future and is a solid talent. None of this changes the fact that his ring name is Dolph fucking Ziggler.[/QUOTE]I always figured it was because Dirk Diggler sounds too much like a porn name. Not that Dolph Ziggler is much better.:lol:
I'm totally lost on this R-Truth push. He's terrible... in-ring and on the mic. Of all the lower midcard guys they could have thrown into this spot, R-truth would have been my last pick.

Every attempted push he has received has failed. Every time they pair him up with someone, it fails and temporarily damages his partner's career.

If they're going to push him, he needs a complete character overhaul. The street smart thug gimmick no longer goes over with the fans (see Crime Time).
I always felt Ron Killings worked bast as a heel. Maybe WWE could turn him heel, and have a somewhat NOD type of gimmick? It's what I've felt about him for a while, because I wanted to see him, Shelton Benjamin, Ezekiel Jackson and a guy from developmental (Abraham Washington, Xavier Woods, Byron Saxton, etc.) and have an NOD type thing. Not the whole Nation of Islam thing, but perhaps a militant black thing, or maybe just a whole dominant black males thing. Something to do with race and stuff like that. He did pretty well with the whole heel thing in TNA and XPW. In any event, they need to turn him, and quick, because the dancing, rapping black dude just ain't working.
Truth has always been nothing more than a solid mid-card act. If nothing else, though, I'm hoping that even this 3 week push results in him getting some kind of overhaul, because the goofy rapping thing destroys any credibility he has. If he had a normal entrance, this main event slot would seem way less ridiculous.

Have we become so jaded that some people actually believed that the Edge speech last night was a work? I mean, I'm a hugely cynical person, but I didn't for a second believe this wasn't the end. It stuck out to me immediatly simply because it was the only non-'manufactured' thing on the show. It was simply a moment.

Now, I've made my feelings on Edge pretty clear, so I'd be lying if I said I'd miss him. I do feel for the guy, though, since no one wants their career to end in an instant. Hell of a career, though. This does, however, pretty clearly underscore the MASSIVE problem that WWE has, and that's the fact that their main eventer list is getting smaller and smaller by the day. The bad part about Edge is that they not only lost a main eventer, but a *face* main eventer. Outside of Orton and Cena, which main event faces are left in a full-time capacity? Taker is limited, if HHH begins full time it'll only be because they *need* people, Show doesn't really count, and.... well, shit, that's basically it, huh? Someone needs to turn, and soon. Problem is, most of the heels are so good I wouldn't want them to switch, like Punk or Miz. Still, this is crunch time, and they either need a turn, or a full-on elevation. Smackdown has a built-in replacement for the ER match with Christian, but that brand is really not built for the long haul anymore.

One final Edge note... if that's really his Twitter account, Hogan can go fuck himself. No sugar-coating that one. Yes, Hulk, I'm sure that Edge wants the same quality of life that you have, because you're obviously doing so well in the physical realm. What an asshole. At the end of the day, though, Edge wins out, as I guarantee that he's financially set for life, which is something that none of those guys Hogan listed are, or were... which is why they destroyed (or continue to, in Flair's case) themselves. To top it off, Edge has always been very clear about how Hogan is his hero, so to have comments like that come from a man he looked up to at a time like this is particularly fucked.

Like whoever posted it said... man, if I didn't already hate Hogan...
^ Thing is, Christian is a short-term fix for the next PPV. They might go with him as it makes sense (quasi-vengeance for Edge vs Del Rio), but he won't be in the main event scene for long. He's Christian. Vince doesn't see him as a star and never will. Smackdown has fuck-all for even remotely believable top-card talent. It's like Rey Mysterio, Big Show, and the cast of WWE Dark Match™.

They should break up the Corre:
1) what a stupid fucking nickname. They never explained where that extra damned R came from anyway.
2) the collective 4 of them are so beyond a joke that to call them a joke would overvalue their current standing in the company.

Turn Zeke face, make him the next BIG GUY CRUSH THINGS kinda monster that Vince would love to see on his bearskin rug. He could be the next in the line of "fuck it, push the big guys as dominant babyfaces" pushes WWE loves - Lesnar, Lashley, and Batista come to mind. Put someone with him as a manager b/c Zeke can't talk (well, he *can*, but it doesn't fit with the crushkilldestroy personality he would be using). Push him to the moon. What else are you gonna do, put Kane in there against him? That'll fuckin' sell tickets.

[quote name='ShinSolidus']I always felt Ron Killings worked bast as a heel. Maybe WWE could turn him heel, and have a somewhat NOD type of gimmick? It's what I've felt about him for a while, because I wanted to see him, Shelton Benjamin, Ezekiel Jackson and a guy from developmental (Abraham Washington, Xavier Woods, Byron Saxton, etc.) and have an NOD type thing. Not the whole Nation of Islam thing, but perhaps a militant black thing, or maybe just a whole dominant black males thing. Something to do with race and stuff like that. He did pretty well with the whole heel thing in TNA and XPW. In any event, they need to turn him, and quick, because the dancing, rapping black dude just ain't working.[/QUOTE]

I like the idea, but WWE wouldn't push the envelope like that they way they would have 14 years ago w/ NOD.

(yeah, it really was that fucking long ago)
I think we're all in agreement that Truth needs a total overhaul in order for this to work. What do you think about Truth being given the Booker T gimmick? If you ground his move-set a bit, throw him in a pair of tights, limit his mic time, and drop the face jewelry... you could have a next-gen Booker T.
[quote name='mykevermin']^ Thing is, Christian is a short-term fix for the next PPV. They might go with him as it makes sense (quasi-vengeance for Edge vs Del Rio), but he won't be in the main event scene for long. He's Christian. Vince doesn't see him as a star and never will. Smackdown has fuck-all for even remotely believable top-card talent. It's like Rey Mysterio, Big Show, and the cast of WWE Dark Match™.

They should break up the Corre:
1) what a stupid fucking nickname. They never explained where that extra damned R came from anyway.
2) the collective 4 of them are so beyond a joke that to call them a joke would overvalue their current standing in the company.

Turn Zeke face, make him the next BIG GUY CRUSH THINGS kinda monster that Vince would love to see on his bearskin rug. He could be the next in the line of "fuck it, push the big guys as dominant babyfaces" pushes WWE loves - Lesnar, Lashley, and Batista come to mind. Put someone with him as a manager b/c Zeke can't talk (well, he *can*, but it doesn't fit with the crushkilldestroy personality he would be using). Push him to the moon. What else are you gonna do, put Kane in there against him? That'll fuckin' sell tickets.

I like the idea, but WWE wouldn't push the envelope like that they way they would have 14 years ago w/ NOD.

(yeah, it really was that fucking long ago)[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I really only meant Christian as a 'fill the slot' player for this PPV, as I fully expect him to drop-off again long term. The flipside of that, though, is that he could also be in line for the 'Rey Mysterio's Magical Death Propulsion' push, where Christian gets a shot only because people still have fond memories of Edge. Which, by the way, given the terrible memories of the Rey push, I actually have to applaud WWE for letting Edge go out in a startling classy way. No storyline or anything. Of course, let's see how Smackdown goes first, but I'm *hoping*.

I like the Zeke idea, but again the problem I see is that if we started naming people who could be moved up, the overwhelming majority of them would be heels. The Corre thing immediatly made Barrett pop into my head, but I don't want to see a face Barrett. Your point about Zeke is a good one, actually, and that's weirdly what they were doing with him upon his return (minus the manager, obviously), before they unceremoniously dumped him onto Smackdown and turned him heel. I still don't understand that, especially given how this group has been demolished.

Sigh. Looking at the roster page over at, I can't really come up with any great quick solutions. People that I think could easily move up are mainly heels (Ziggler, Barrett, Del Rio, Swagger, McIntyre, Rhodes, Sheamus), and the only two faces that I think could step up immediatly are Morrison (if, you know, he'd stop fucking himself over) and Kingston. Kofi is easily the guy to move up on Smackdown right now, and his Orton feud really demonstrated that, given the freedom to just be himself, he can help carry a program. I, and I guarantee you people will disagree, also think that Bourne could slot into a main event program easily, especially since the title picture on Smackdown doesn't have gigantic guys in it right now.

The biggest problem with picking an 'it' guy for Smackdown is that Del Rio is untested. They seem to be running with him, but that was also under the assumption he was working against a veteran. Does this company have the balls to do a Del Rio/Kofi program long-term? I doubt it. I wouldn't be at all surprised to see Rey slotted in against Del Rio after Extreme Rules.

This is a chance for WWE to not be 'safe', and I have my fingers crossed. A naive hope, but still.
Well, there's no real room for WWE to be "safe" here at all. I also agree that Barrett should not be a face (yet), so that's why I went with Zeke. Heath Slater is the antithesis of "WWE Sooperstar™," so I couldn't in good faith recommend pushing a dude who looks and works like he's been assigned the first match at an indy show in a high school gym.

If the dude is so inclined and/or available, it's an opportunity for Samoa Joe to tell TNA to go fuck themselves sideways, and come right to Smackdown as revive his career to be as hot as he was in ROH 6 years or so back.
I honestly have no idea what they can do as far as the main event on Smackdown now. Big Show/Del Rio?

Breaking it down there's not a whole lot of options at the moment...

Faces: Kane(for the moment) Big Show, Mysterio, Christian, Kofi

Heels: Del Rio, Cody Rhodes, Barrett, Slater, Gabriel, Zeke, McIntyre

Rhodes and Del Rio are the only ones doing anything that could be considered high level work right now.
Time to either end the brands or do some severe roster rebalancing.

Maybe another month or two of Mysterio/Del Rio? -Remember their feud didn't really have a satisfying ending since Del Rio won the 2/3 falls match on a count out.

I also think the next logical feud for Cody Rhodes is Kane given his current gimmick.
[quote name='mykevermin']
If the dude is so inclined and/or available, it's an opportunity for Samoa Joe to tell TNA to go fuck themselves sideways, and come right to Smackdown as revive his career to be as hot as he was in ROH 6 years or so back.[/QUOTE]

Seriously...the only good thing about Joe feuding with Pope is that one of them can finally get a fucking win.
Keep in mind they have already teased a Swagger face turn. Swagger has the look and experience, but can he pull it off?
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