"TheMangoKnife really hates the 'Green Bay Fudge Packers'" OTT.

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[quote name='darthbudge']I think we would nominate Kinglsey for a Best Supporting Actor award. His performance was $$$$.[/QUOTE]
Agrees, that cat has serious chops.
[quote name='Temporaryscars']Awesome. More bizarre fucking food. You guys should open a food stall in Bombay or some shit.[/QUOTE]

I was under the assumption that black pepper, salt, cinnamon, apples and brown sugar are considered "normal" accompaniments to pork roast. The only "bizzarre fucking food" is the celeriac, which is celery root and is the other end of normal celery.
Temp probably insists on eating only white bread and cuts the crust off of it. He also probably doesn't like natural peanut butter and insists on eating crappy Jiff or something.
[quote name='Chika']I was under the assumption that black pepper, salt, cinnamon, apples and brown sugar are considered "normal" accompaniments to pork roast. The only "bizzarre fucking food" is the celeriac, which is celery root and is the other end of normal celery.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, if you ignore the fact that you ate a vanilla flavored pig. Milkshakes. Yes. Cookies? Sure. Pork? Get out of town. Seriously. Go.

[quote name='darthbudge']Temp probably insists on eating only white bread and cuts the crust off of it. He also probably doesn't like natural peanut butter and insists on eating crappy Jiff or something.[/QUOTE]

Pretty strong words coming from a guy known for mixing chips and cheezewiz and other bullshit or whatever it was that you ate that one time.
Speaking of snow, somebody at work said we're supposed to get hit hard again this upcoming Wednesday. Anyone else hear anything like that? PA guys maybe?
[quote name='Maklershed']Another PS3 system update. :whee:

EDIT: Only took 11 minutes that time.[/QUOTE]

Assuming you didn't update on Thursday? Or are you the herald of good news that my PS3 is fixable?

His name was scars . . .Temporaryscars.
And just got a text from my mom not too long ago. She wanted help moving as she planned on doing it Wednesday. I had to convince her not too since it's supposed to snow that day. Whether she thinks I'm trying to get out of it or not though, who knows, since her response was "ok, never mind".

Speaking of snow, work was nuts today. There was a 30% chance of 10 snowflakes and everybody and their brother comes in today like it's the end of the world. Days like today make me want to look for a new job even though I most likely won't even be living in this area a few months from now.
man, why the fuck does CAG always go to a blank page when I log in from the front page? I have to google "cheapassgamer forums" every time after I log in now. So annoying, but I think it has something to do with browsing on the iPhone, then logging in on a PC.
[quote name='Maklershed']Frisky, how much snow did you get last night?[/QUOTE]
Nothing noticeable from what I could tell earlier.

Looks like it might snow a bit from Tuesday to Thursday over here.
Just checked Noaa.gov, and currently this "snow storm" that's supposed to hit is now instead going to be "wintry mix". And it's going to start earlier on Tuesday now which sucks for me (why can't these things be contained to my off days?). Going to be fun >_
01010011 01110101 01100011 01101011 01110011 00100000 01100100 01101001 01100011 01101011 00101110
It was so nice out today I stopped and got a banana split.

I was disappointed that nobody was out on the private golf course that is near this house. fucking lame yuppies.

Also, the Kroger brand teriyaki beef jerky isn't very good.
[quote name='Maklershed']Watching An Idiot Abroad makes me thank Jesus, God, and Baby Jesus that I was born in the United States.[/QUOTE]

Is it the India episode?
[quote name='flowery']It was so nice out today I stopped and got a banana split.

I was disappointed that nobody was out on the private golf course that is near this house. fucking lame yuppies.

Also, the Kroger brand teriyaki beef jerky isn't very good.[/QUOTE]

My love for you like ticking clock.
my gf's little 8 year old cousin added me on fb today

r.i.p. the relationship between me and efd's lil cousin january 30 2011 12:14 pm -january 30 2011 12:31 pm
[quote name='Maklershed']Watching An Idiot Abroad makes me thank Jesus, God, and Baby Jesus that I was born in the United States.[/QUOTE]
Traveling to Africa did that shit for me.
[quote name='Temporaryscars']I wish I lived in PA. I'll probably move there in a few years.[/QUOTE]

I moved from PA a year ago and trust me, no you don't.
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bread's done