[UPDATE] Super Mario All-Stars: Limited Edition (Wii) Reprint - $29.99 [3/13/11]


216 (100%)
Super Mario All-Stars: Limited Edition (Wii) Reprint

  • 4 Classic Mario Games
  • Super Mario History soundtrack CD
  • Super Mario History booklet featuring original art and interviews


Amazon - Available in stock
Best Buy - Available in stock
Gamestop (gamestop.com/wii/games/super-mario-all-stars-limited-edition/87690) - Available in stock
Toys R' Us - Available in stock
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[quote name='Thrinn']I guess we're talking about two different things. I was originally speaking about hard core game collectors after sealed copies of 10+ year old games, not the general public.

While I certainly remember the demand for Tetris DS in the past, I attribute its recent value as being kept in check by the fact that Tetris is always available in countless different iterations on just about every digital platform in existence. There appears to be three different Tetris games on the DS now, two as carts and one as DSiWare.

Nice avatar BTW. ;)[/QUOTE]

Well, I would say that the bootlegs still lower the prices of the legitimate games. Even Tetris DS for example: I've seen "new" copies of that go for far less than they would have due to the bootlegs lowering the prices of the legit new copies. Regardless of there being new versions of that available I could imagine it being worth way more in price if not for all of the bootleg copies I've seen on Amazon, eBay, and even in stores.

Since the bootlegs are grouped into the same market as the legitimate copies it lowers the average selling value of everything.

Thanks for the avatar compliment. :D
[quote name='waxHead']Even if you're living at home and dependent on your parents, videogames still won't lead to a stable financial future.[/QUOTE]

I financed my teenage years prior to getting a job by traveling to Funcoland, Goodwill, thrift stores, and flea markets and buying up high valued video games at low prices and selling them on eBay. Of course, this was right at eBays infancy, and during the era when you could still find pre-PS2 titles in a second hand retail environment. Unfortunately, eBay took off, and collectors and hoarders bought up everything not nailed down, which is why you almost never see classic games in any sort of offline retail setting anymore. Oh well, c'est la vie.
To put a somewhat educational spin on this thread...I like to use the Rule of 72 or 8/10 rule of investing (there are other variations as well). Basically at 8% compounding interest over ten years your money should roughly double. That means if you hold onto this $30 game for 20 years and it is worth $120 you probably did OK from a very general investing perspective.

Of course if your like me and supplement your hobby occasionally by selling off a game or two here and there to capitalize on short term market demand, this is a whole other dynamic.

I am very curious to see how big this reprint will be though...
Glad they decided to reprint this. Best Buy lost my order on the original shipment and by the time they let me know, they were un-findable at MSRP.
You guys saying it plays different, how is that even possible, you need to use the classic controller. I'm sure nintendo would not botch these games making them play poorly, if they done that, then people would have never paid $80 for them or pay $150 for it in the future.
I'm still trying to figure out why this collection is going for so much in the first place... It doesn't sound like they added much of anything into it that the SNES version didn't already have did they?
[quote name='confoosious']who is that pepsiman dude? he might be dumber than gavica.[/QUOTE]

I wonder that too...I've looked at other posts he made and they're hilarious lol he sounds like such a dumba$$ lol
[quote name='AJVtony831']I wonder that too...I've looked at other posts he made and they're hilarious lol he sounds like such a dumba$$ lol[/QUOTE]

someone mentioned he was banned from CAG. Who was he on cag? I don't remember the name.
[quote name='Hakudoshi']I'm still trying to figure out why this collection is going for so much in the first place... It doesn't sound like they added much of anything into it that the SNES version didn't already have did they?[/QUOTE]

If you think of them like xbox live arcade games, it would be like a compilation disc of games that would separately cost you $21 on virtual console. With the hypocritical "Limited Edition" badge on an admittedly nice box, the book and CD added, you can see how they justified charging $30 for it. But of course if they just released the SNES version on virtual console, that would only cost $8. Expect that to be available as soon as they finish selling this "last run" of the packaged game. Nintendo always wants to keep its customers happy.
[quote name='scottman']Expect that to be available as soon as they finish selling this "last run" of the packaged game. Nintendo always wants to keep its customers happy.[/QUOTE]

It will never show up on VC. If they posted it, no one would buy Mario 1, 2 or 3 from the NES section for $5/title vs $8 for them all as part of Mario All-Stars. Nintendo isn't dumb.

If you want it and still don't/never had it on SNES or the original titles, this will be your second chance at grabbing it if you don't want the VC titles all seperately.
[quote name='ps2emotions']You guys saying it plays different, how is that even possible, you need to use the classic controller. I'm sure nintendo would not botch these games making them play poorly, if they done that, then people would have never paid $80 for them or pay $150 for it in the future.[/QUOTE]

I believe you can also use the wiimote turned sideways to play these games since these games only use two buttons for gameplay. Any new problems that weren't found in the original game are likely introduced by bugs in the emulator. Needless to say that every game has bugs in one form or another, regardless of how good the programmers are. The people paying $80 for the game have probably never played this port and are unaware of any of the problems the game may have.
[quote name='Thrinn']I believe you can also use the wiimote turned sideways to play these games since these games only use two buttons for gameplay. Any new problems that weren't found in the original game are likely introduced by bugs in the emulator. Needless to say that every game has bugs in one form or another, regardless of how good the programmers are. The people paying $80 for the game have probably never played this port and are unaware of any of the problems the game may have.[/QUOTE]

I think the bug is in the wiimote d pad. I can't speak for this mario collection because I've not played it yet but cave story on the wii was almost unplayable using my wiimote because I could hit the dpad to move to the right and it would change weapons. I could not find a widespread issue of this happening but a few people online reported it. I plugged in my classic controller and it worked with no issues with it. Maybe it has something to do with the stored mii on the controller or something since I could not find a lot of people having the same problem. I venture to say this mario port will work with the classic controller just fine.
[quote name='confoosious']someone mentioned he was banned from CAG. Who was he on cag? I don't remember the name.[/QUOTE]

He was quite notorious on this forum for awhile a few years back.

I did a search for him and here was one of his typical threads.
[quote name='Rozz']He was quite notorious on this forum for awhile a few years back.

I did a search for him and here was one of his typical threads.[/QUOTE]
Why did you make me click that? After trying to read through his horrendous grammar I gave myself a migraine.

But back on topic, will the people that already pre-ordered this game receive the free t-shirt they are now offering with it?
Do you guys think Toys R Us will honor the free Mario shirts on the pre-orders placed before today?

If not, I'd cancel and re-order.

EDIT - Never mind, the promotion states you have to place the shirt in your cart while ordering, it would require re-ordering and it removes the free shipping on pre-orders, not worth the price of shipping for the shirts offered IMO.
[quote name='Rozz']He was quite notorious on this forum for awhile a few years back.

I did a search for him and here was one of his typical threads.[/QUOTE]

Thanks for that. I think.

Two questions:

1) how come it seems like 10% of CAG throughout history is banned? Almost any old thread, you'll see banned under names.

2) What exactly does "flagitious" mean?
[quote name='confoosious']
1) how come it seems like 10% of CAG throughout history is banned? Almost any old thread, you'll see banned under names.[/QUOTE]

Watch it confoosious, they are watching you!
Wow, after reading through ALL 15 pages of this thread, I hate to ask the following question.

As an old school gamer (I'm 36 y/o), AND a collector, would it be wise to pre-order 2 of these? Not looking to flip the damn thing, but wouldn't mind having a sealed copy to hand down to my kids when they get old enough to respect the "good ones". Reason being is that I skipped out on the first run because of N's history of LE's. Didn't think they were truly going to be that hard to find.
I missed out on the first one and I'm wondering if I should pick one up early if the reprint is also "limited." I also don't really get the argument that this isn't worth the $30, because if you wanna pick it up from Virtual Console all together they cost $21 and you won't even have a physical copy. But then again what about video games really is physical...
i don't really think this item will go for that much in the future. It seems as if this shipment is huge! At least one retailer should have been sold out by now? Im not sure. I have a limited amount of credit and I cant decide between this and pokemon.
I agree with the snes graphics taking away from the true nostalgia. Aldo, at the rate these are being "re-released" you will surely have many more options to hand down to your kids.

In terms of production, does anybody know what the production run will be on this one? I realize that's a rather unlikely question, but somewhere on CAG I saw a member posting production runs of other games so they must be available somewhere?

Finally, I agree with all the people who point out that a generic term like "limited" leaves the company some wiggle-room to reproduce if they wish, but whether it's coins or plates or video games I think it's unfortunate to mislead people into thinking they're getting something that's more "rare" than it truly is. I am a big Nintendo fan bordering on fanboy, but I'm disappointed they decided to do that.
[quote name='SpartenOmega117']i don't really think this item will go for that much in the future. It seems as if this shipment is huge! At least one retailer should have been sold out by now? Im not sure. I have a limited amount of credit and I cant decide between this and pokemon.[/QUOTE]

I read somewhere this shipment is smaller than the original. It's possible that demand has gone way down cause everyone who wants one has a copy (or two) already.
[quote name='SpartenOmega117']i don't really think this item will go for that much in the future. It seems as if this shipment is huge! At least one retailer should have been sold out by now? Im not sure. I have a limited amount of credit and I cant decide between this and pokemon.[/QUOTE]

Given that its been out released once and sold some copies (how many to actual end users vs speculators is uncertain) and there is limited awareness of its upcoming re-release in the general population (vs folks like CAGs) PLUS things like amazon limiting orders to one per address, I'm not surprised it hasn't "sold out" yet. It is hard to say how many there will be put out, but I think the demand for this thing is actually somewhat limited...sure Nintendo underestimated it the first time, but I think they were just being cautious and hadn't realized that speculators had picked up on what had happened to prices on the metroid prime trilogy after its availability ended...As a result, I wouldn't be surprised if they were cautious again with output simply because figuring out the actual end user demand is now just so murky.....and they don't want to get stuck with stuff that won't move (while many like Mario, not so many like game play styles from 25 years ago) plus the higher production costs associated with this edition should dampen their desire towards making more vs making less....Given that Nintendo, more often than not, competes with itself in the wii software market (6 of the top wii games on amazon at the moment are made by Nintendo), they don't have alot of interest in flooding the market with a $30 mario game collection that really doesn't highlight the wii's selling points....they much rather have folks spend that money on one of their more expensive wii games.
Hey guys, I haven't been keeping up with the thread. Is there anything that will differentiate this second shipment from the first?
[quote name='JAlbertL']Hey guys, I haven't been keeping up with the thread. Is there anything that will differentiate this second shipment from the first?[/QUOTE]

No word yet.
Finally got around to play SMB and SMB3 on this the other day. Using the wii remote sideways, the controls seemed spot on to me. People must be mistaking the lag from their LCD TVs. Especially if they haven't played these games since back in the CRT days, when there would be almost no display lag. You can probably play around with your TV settings if you want to make it less laggy. The first time I replayed these games a couple years ago, the controls seemed crude compared to today's precision games, but I wouldn't consider that lag.

As for why this didn't sell out yet, I don't think it necessarily means Nintendo printed a huge amount (although they may have). Every collector and/or speculator got multiples from the first run, most casuals were also able to snag one, and a lot of people were sated by ebay over the last few months where the price has dropped into the $40s or lower recently. I still think the original supply was enough to get one to everyone who wanted it if people didn't start grabbing multiples due to "limitedness".

The people who might want it and haven't preordered the second run yet are those who don't even know it exists yet until they see it on store shelves and the bargain waiters (although TRU gave them great opportunities already). So all Nintendo accomplished is upsetting the non-hardcore fans who found out about it too late and paid too much on ebay and upsetting the hardcore collectors and speculators who bought multiples. The only people they are pleasing are the clueless non-fans who might pick it up in the future because it says Mario and probably not even like the games or the die-hard bargain waiters who don't give them much profit in the first place. Way to know your market, Nintendo.
[quote name='scottman']Finally got around to play SMB and SMB3 on this the other day. Using the wii remote sideways, the controls seemed spot on to me. People must be mistaking the lag from their LCD TVs. Especially if they haven't played these games since back in the CRT days, when there would be almost no display lag. You can probably play around with your TV settings if you want to make it less laggy. The first time I replayed these games a couple years ago, the controls seemed crude compared to today's precision games, but I wouldn't consider that lag.

As for why this didn't sell out yet, I don't think it necessarily means Nintendo printed a huge amount (although they may have). Every collector and/or speculator got multiples from the first run, most casuals were also able to snag one, and a lot of people were sated by ebay over the last few months where the price has dropped into the $40s or lower recently. I still think the original supply was enough to get one to everyone who wanted it if people didn't start grabbing multiples due to "limitedness".

The people who might want it and haven't preordered the second run yet are those who don't even know it exists yet until they see it on store shelves and the bargain waiters (although TRU gave them great opportunities already). So all Nintendo accomplished is upsetting the non-hardcore fans who found out about it too late and paid too much on ebay and upsetting the hardcore collectors and speculators who bought multiples. The only people they are pleasing are the clueless non-fans who might pick it up in the future because it says Mario and probably not even like the games or the die-hard bargain waiters who don't give them much profit in the first place. Way to know your market, Nintendo.[/QUOTE]

Nintendo has consistently been one of the most profitable video game companies in the world for many years. The fact that they could essentially slap three Roms on a disc, print a cheapo pamphlet and sound track sampler and stick it in a box and still get 800K plus sales at $30 a pop is amazing. As such, I think they know their market quite well.
[quote name='bojay1997']Nintendo has consistently been one of the most profitable video game companies in the world for many years. The fact that they could essentially slap three Roms on a disc, print a cheapo pamphlet and sound track sampler and stick it in a box and still get 800K plus sales at $30 a pop is amazing. As such, I think they know their market quite well.[/QUOTE]

I meant it more along the lines of "please your supporters" instead of "know". I agree that they know how to milk things. But as far as price, you can't fault this one any more than some xbox live compilations discs. 3 konami games for $20?
[quote name='scottman']I meant it more along the lines of "please your supporters" instead of "know". I agree that they know how to milk things. But as far as price, you can't fault this one any more than some xbox live compilations discs. 3 konami games for $20?[/QUOTE]

My point was that Nintendo understands how to make money better than just about any video game company out there. I'm not necessarily claiming it was overpriced nor do I fault people for buying it. I just think the people who are constantly second guessing or criticizing Nintendo's decision to do this second print are foolish to think that Nintendo is going to somehow offend or piss off their "supporters". Anyone who is a Nintendo fan and already has this compilation should have no issue with other people being able to buy it since it's not like they were planning on selling their copy anyway. The only people who might be upset are the re-sellers who made it hard to find for a reasonable price in the first place and frankly, Nintendo could do without them since they don't generate additional profits for Nintendo.
[quote name='bojay1997']My point was that Nintendo understands how to make money better than just about any video game company out there. I'm not necessarily claiming it was overpriced nor do I fault people for buying it. I just think the people who are constantly second guessing or criticizing Nintendo's decision to do this second print are foolish to think that Nintendo is going to somehow offend or piss off their "supporters". Anyone who is a Nintendo fan and already has this compilation should have no issue with other people being able to buy it since it's not like they were planning on selling their copy anyway. The only people who might be upset are the re-sellers who made it hard to find for a reasonable price in the first place and frankly, Nintendo could do without them since they don't generate additional profits for Nintendo.[/QUOTE]

I agree with u. Also look at sony with GoW HD and xbox classics. Everyone is in business to make money. The people that are upset are the ones that buy boat loads and then trying to flip it. Yeah, I was disappointed that they didn't add mario world, but $30 is not bad for the small mario collection.
Lucky for us is that new release games are still $60 and haven't jump up in price.
Super Mario All-Stars:"Limited Edition" RE-Thr33nt!
now with a different cover (More Marios!) and two more songs on the CD!

Expect a Third Print in...a few months
book it!
[quote name='bg2001']I guess this edition was "Limited" to the number NA can sell.[/QUOTE]

that's really clever. I've never heard that before.
bread's done