Will Rocko and I meet up for an OTT photo shoot?

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[quote name='JStryke']It's probably my bad. After a while of talking about certain subjects, I kind of start getting...not sure what word I'm looking for here.

I do feel kind of like crap now though. >_>[/QUOTE]

[quote name='munch']Gay?[/QUOTE]

Not gay. Not that I'm aware of anyways.

But certain subjects do get me depressed when I think about them. So, while I maybe shouldn't, I try to limit my thinking of them when I can.
I apologize for anyone who "Dan dittone" added on google+. He is my friend and apparently he's on a mission to get the world's biggest circle. Feel free to block him if you want.
Finally bought a nice wireless mouse for my laptop so I can replay Half Life and Portal.

[quote name='munch']Hey guys, I wrote a book review for a website that I think you should all read. It would be even better if you liked the site on facebook. It would be even better better if you bought the book through our referral site. The book, Summer for the Gods, is great.[/QUOTE]

The Scopes monkey trail is beyond jaw-dropping to me. The Creation Museum is in Northern Kentucky and when I drove by it (and also the planned Noah's Ark "Amusement Park") I was completely dumbfounded.

Sometimes I honestly wish I could be so completely oblivious and simple minded.
[quote name='flowery']Finally bought a nice wireless mouse for my laptop so I can replay Half Life and Portal.

The Scopes monkey trail is beyond jaw-dropping to me. The Creation Museum is in Northern Kentucky and when I drove by it (and also the planned Noah's Ark "Amusement Park") I was completely dumbfounded.

Sometimes I honestly wish I could be so completely oblivious and simple minded.[/QUOTE]

You should read that book. it's how history should be written. . . .and did you like my review?
[quote name='munch']You should read that book. it's how history should be written. . . .and did you like my review?[/QUOTE]

I am thinking about picking it up when I go to the bookstore later this week. The review was really good and presented it from a good point of view instead of expressing an opinion.
Is that the museum that shows people riding dinosaurs like horses? Lol. fucking bible-thumping retards.

Jstryke, you're just in a rut and it's making you see every aspect of your life in a negative way. Don't over-think it bro.
[quote name='Admiral Ackbar']I'm in the same boat. :([/QUOTE]

Not sure how that's possible. I'm not in a boat at all. In fact, I don't know where the nearest boat is even located.
[quote name='Temporaryscars']Is that the museum that shows people riding dinosaurs like horses? Lol. fucking bible-thumping retards.[/QUOTE]

Yes, I imagine you would have a blast there (even if it's just standing outside laughing like Nelson). I literally can't wait to see the "full-scale" Noah's Ark.


Does anyone think the Resistance Bundle is worth it for $40? I wish older video games didn't cost so much. Also, why is Batman: Arkham Asylum still $30 and COD: Black Ops $50?
First question, no. Batmang is worth $30. Black Ops is worth $50 depending on how much you'll play it. I didn't pay for mine, but if I did, I would have gotten my $50 and then some. The map packs are the biggest fucking rip off of all time though. I still buy them because I'm a $$$.
[quote name='Temporaryscars']Would you idiots stop dicking around? If a goon like me can find a chick and get married, then you goobers can too. It's just a matter of time.[/QUOTE]

This is true. Have you seen his picture? You can't be much worse.
So I got the UFC trainer game (figured it be good to do on my rest days from the gym) and I was freaked the fuck out. It guessed I was 5'8, 24 years old and 180 pounds. I'm 5'8, 24 years old and 165 pounds.

Maybe it got the age info from my Live account? But how was it so close with the weight and spot on for height? Kinect is listening to me...
[quote name='Maklershed']A Dance With Dragons is out today. Gonna purchase on my Kindle when I get home. :whee:[/QUOTE]

I'm on A feast for crows right now. I think I'm going to try and wait for the paperback.
People have been waiting for years! I think I can maybe wait another one for the paperback. I'll probably cave in if I can get a deal.
I think what turned me off from reading was the The Road. I got through most of it but found it so boring, then stopped reading.

My gf keeps talking about some Hunger Game thing.
[quote name='munch']I'm on A feast for crows right now. I think I'm going to try and wait for the paperback.[/QUOTE]

I'm going to wait for the library to get the paperback. Or the used bookstore. Cheapass for life.
I thought about getting some books since I have absolutely nothing to do until I get a job. Then I realized I was thinking about reading. F that.
[quote name='seanr1221']I think what turned me off from reading was the The Road. I got through most of it but found it so boring, then stopped reading.

My gf keeps talking about some Hunger Game thing.[/QUOTE]

I thought The Road was fantastic. And Hunger Games is actually pretty good for a young adult book. But then again I'm a nut for anything post-apocalyptic so I might be biased.
After about a year hiatus I sign up for Netflix again (about two weeks ago) and now I get an email that my $9.99 plan for one dvd and streaming is gonna jump up $6. Incredible timing.
[quote name='Maklershed']After about a year hiatus I sign up for Netflix again (about two weeks ago) and now I get an email that my $9.99 plan for one dvd and streaming is gonna jump up $6. Incredible timing.[/QUOTE]

Haven't gotten the email yet, but I'll be dropping to streaming only. I did see the articles about them separating the plans and charging $8 a month for each streaming and dvd.
*random guy 2 farted*

Random Guy 1: Dude thats nasty!
Random Guy 2: It's a fart, its supposed to be nasty.
Random Guy 1: That's not funny. It stinks!
Random Guy 2: It's supposed to stink!
[quote name='Maklershed']After about a year hiatus I sign up for Netflix again (about two weeks ago) and now I get an email that my $9.99 plan for one dvd and streaming is gonna jump up $6. Incredible timing.[/QUOTE]

I dropped dvds about two months ago. The last dvd I got from them was The Book of Eli and it just sat there for 6 weeks before I sent it back without even opening the envelope.
Book of eli is great. Its funnny how since last week, most of the movies I watched on tv stars denzel washington.

Training Day
Manchurian Candidate
Taking of Pelham 123
Remember the Titans

I think I got a man crush..
[quote name='giantqtipz']Book of eli is great. Its funnny how since last week, most of the movies I watched on tv stars denzel washington.

Training Day
Manchurian Candidate
Taking of Pelham 123
Remember the Titans

I think I got a man crush..[/QUOTE]

Training Day is awesome but not nearly as good as the best Denzel movie of all time .. Man on Fire. Creasy drinks Canadian Club in that movie. :whee:
Denzel was pretty good in the early 90s. Philadelphia and Crimson Tide were about tops for him. I thought he was overrated in Training Day.
I feel like he over-acts in everything he's in. John Travolta is worse though. I've never seen an actor chew scenery like he does. I can't watch either of them without cringing to death.
[quote name='Temporaryscars']Nicholas Cage has times when he's good and times where he's bad. I've never seen good Denzel or Travolta.[/QUOTE]
I liked DW in Eli and and Travolta in Pulp Fiction. I think both roles worked for them, granted as tailored as they were.

Have you seen Ricochet? I think it and the performance he gave in Inside Man epitomizes what your talking about.
So, all the stairs in my house has carpet on it, which I hate, so I pulled it up and installed new treads and risers over them. What do you think?

Ignore the top riser, I still have to finish that part.

[quote name='Temporaryscars']I haven't seen those. I refuse to watch any movie with Denzel in it.[/QUOTE]

Book of Eli is pretty dope.
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