[Winners Announced] CONTEST: Coded Arms (PSP) Prize Pack

I've heard good and bad things about Coded Arms. It would be interesting to finally see if the controls are as bad as everyone says.
I love FPS so to get Coded Arms is a must. If I can get it for free even better. Also adding a year to my Game Informer subscription, my favorite mag, is even better.
I thought Coded Arms was really fun, and entertaining. I only got to rent the game for a week, so I would really love to get it full time!
on the usvgl site, it says that the names need to be sent in by 8/12 but here it says contest ends 8/16 am I missing something?

I hope this doesn't jeopardize my chances of winnning.. :whistle2:s
Coded Arms is a really cool game. I played it on a friends PSP a few weeks ago, though he had the "hacked" version. Even though he didn't like it that much I thought it was pretty cool from what I played of it.

I am looking at buying it, but if I can win it here with a guide & t-shirt even better. If I do win I'll take a pick with it while wearing the shirt in one of those "see you too can win" poses. :D ;)
Hopefully the game will live up to my expectations. Heard that the American edition of the game will have more options and manueverability than the japananese version of the coded arms. sign me up.....yeah....
Sign me up for this, I'm curious if this is as bad as the reviews I've ben reading say it is. It seems odd that Konami made an FPS. Is that their first foray into the genre?
Coded Arms reminds me very much of a cryptic dream I had last night...one which, if interpreted correctly, could bring about the salvation of mankind. As such, that is the reason I need this game.
It has been foretold by the sages that "vafongulo" will recieve "Coded Arms" for free. It is written, and so it shall be done.
What an original idea of making this First Person Shooter a world inside a computer. It takes some of the best FPS gameplay like you've played in Doom3 and Half-Life 2 and has it take place in a computer world. I got to play it at the Game Crazy near me over the weekend. The graphics are cool and the control seemed pretty decent for that new analog stick on the PSP. I'd love to get it.
a multiplayer fps on psp sounds great - I need to rent this. The control scheme is my concern, but I hope they pulled it off. and I hope this opens the door fro future fps's on psp. (Killzone PSP!)
I'm in!

I've heard nothing but negative thigns about Coded Arms, but I don't mind the control scheme - it's how Turok was played. =D

Plus, I'm a sucker for those Tron-esque level designs and "Hacker" style power ups.
Count me in for the contest!

I have also heard a lot of negative things about the game, but I try not to pay too much attention to reviews. Games can be so subjective these days, and most of the negative comments have revolved around the control scheme. Given that the PSP does not have a second analog nub, I am sure they did the best they could with what they had. A friend that works in the coffee shop in my building said he got used to the controls after about an hour, and he is actually loving the game itself as he gets more into it.
I keep hearing from a few people that it's great... but I'm still skeptical.. not spending money on it, that could turn me around :)

Sign up for sheezy.
I was stupid to pass this up for $28 at Fry's a few weeks ago, now that I'm dying for new PSP game. Reviews haven't been stellar, but I played a friend's copy and it's pretty fun. I'm keeping my fingers crossed!

It will be interesting to see how FPS evolve on the PSP. In some ways, the DS is better suited for them, but I am sure we will see a lot more on the PSP. This game could be interesting.
Coded Arms looks pretty fun, and my PSP collection is pretty abysmal, so I hope I win, heh. Gotta love being a CAG.
This is the easiest and cheapest :D way to add to anyones PSP libary plus you get a subscription to GI and a T-shirt it sure pays to be cheap.
bread's done