Xbox One - General Discussion Thread

Yeah, that's been covered on both platforms. Current Xbox Live Gold and PS+ accounts will carry on to X1/PS4 and still work on your 360/PS3 as well.

Pisses me off that they are not bringing Home Gold to 360 too. What justification can they possible have for charging us 3x as much to play online on the 360 (me and my two boys)? It doesn't even have their cloud magic. :( obviously they are trying to push us into getting an X1, but we don't want to give up our 360s. They got rid of Family Gold and are now forcing us into separate Gold accounts. It makes me not want to get an X1 at all.

So the Gold Family Pack is gone on the 27th of this month.

 "Microsoft confirmed to IGN that each member of the Family Pack will keep the full membership term -- so if you had 10 months left, everyone in the Family Pack gets 10 months on their individual profiles."

"In addition, anyone affected by the change here will receive three extra months of Xbox Live Gold. "

Sad to see it finally end, but I think I still have 8 months left, and it looks like they're giving me 3 extra months so thats good.

""Before your memberships convert, you can still add family members to your Xbox Live Gold Family Pack, for a total of up to four accounts,""

Hmm...I wonder if we can still do the trick where you remove someone from the plan, give them 2 years of gold, and then add them back to add a year for the whole family. If you can get cards for $35, it might be a good idea to spend the $70 and then on the 27th when it ends, each member will still have a year left on each of their accounts.

Assuming that trick still works.

Pisses me off that they are not bringing Home Gold to 360 too. What justification can they possible have for charging us 3x as much to play online on the 360 (me and my two boys)? It doesn't even have their cloud magic. :( obviously they are trying to push us into getting an X1, but we don't want to give up our 360s. They got rid of Family Gold and are now forcing us into separate Gold accounts. It makes me not want to get an X1 at all.
There is no SD to HD change. There is not 8bit to 16 bit change. No cd to DVD, etc. They need a reason to get you to buy a new system so they're using features.
There is no SD to HD change. There is not 8bit to 16 bit change. No cd to DVD, etc. They need a reason to get you to buy a new system so they're using features.

So a more powerful system change isn't good enough?
So a more powerful system change isn't good enough?
Time will tell.

I'm definitely not as excited for this coming generation as I was previous ones as there just isn't as much new. Really little innovation, just more powerful machines so we'll get better textures, more 60 FPS games etc. But I'm not much of a graphic's whore so I don't really care much about that stuff.

I'd have been fine with this current generation going another 2-3 years easily as current games still look great to me and I'm still having a blast with current gen games. But I'll probably keep my PS4 preorder just so I can try to keep up with the AAA games that interest me and not end piling up a backlog as I don't enjoy gaming as much when there are a bunch of games on the shelf (I don't collect) as it starts feeling like a chore to clear them out.

dmaul is right unlike the jump from ps2/xbox to 360/ps3 we will not see that big of a leap in power and looks of games overall. I think that is why both ms and sony is putting so much effort in the non game stuff on these systems this time a round. 

lol he beat me to it man this controller sounds awsome. Can use any usb cable to make it a wired controller thats huge for pc gamers or people that is close enough and don't need batteries for wireless. kinect can see the controller thanks to a small light that come out of guide button and you don't need a giant reflective light on front :D

we still have 3 months to wait for this sucker i want it now   :bouncy:

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why does it have to be like ps3 controller? last i checked 360 had wired controllers. Good chance you can't charge battery with usb seeing battery is shut off once it's plugged in

Did I say it has to be like like a ps3 controller?

Im saying I can do this currently with my PS3 controller so that basically the Xbox one controller will work in this way as well?

Details about the Xbox One controller:

So here's a question...since the new controller can be both a wireless and wired controller, it should be able to plug into the pc and work right? Have they confirmed that?
It will get official support next year, but you should be able to get it to work without it as a generic usb controller. You may have to configure it yourself depending on your OS.

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i have tons of recharge AA batteries so i like that the battery pack holder is flat now.  i kind of like the way your fingers sat next to the pack and stayed there.

So you can't use it on PC at launch, but maybe sometime in 2014.

You can use it on the PC, but the official driver won't come out until 2014. Your PC should recognize it as a generic usb gamepad. You may have to configure the buttons yourself (takes like a minute), but it should work fine.

yeah, figured till there is an official driver it will just work like how the ps3 controllers work now on PC.

Not bad I guess. I found it annoying before that I couldnt use my wireless 360 controller on my pc even with a play and charge kit.

That seriously looks like the best controller ever.

I love my 360 controller but I have to buy a new one every 3+ years cause the controller "moves" on it's own or the triggers start to crap out. Sometimes cleaning fixes it, sometimes it doesn't. The buttons also use to stick, and as said in the video the battery compartment had some issues as well in the past. It looks like they fixed everything, and I hope the investment is worth it. Microsoft defenitely developed a money pit for me when it came to buying their old systems and controller. The 360 S fixed the console problems, and now this controller looks to improve reliability and stop me from having to buy a new one every few years (I game 40+ hours a week on the 360 so the wear and tear was a factor for sure).

I do however wish prices would drop $10ish on the controllers. I can understand the cost of these things but I'm sure the markup is pretty nice for MS on the accessories. The price of a brand new game is still steep imho for controllers. Well I guess It's cheaper then that Wii U tablet lol.

As far as batteries go, again, I don't really care. I have eneloop batteries that last me a good 2 weeks before they have to be charged again and the play and charge kit is there as a option for people that are too lazy to charge batteries once every week or so while they are gaming..

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Any reason they are waiting to announce a release date? Or is it simply they don't know yet still exactly when they can ship enough units?
So basically now instead of having the option of a low cost wired controller, you only have the option of a high cost wired+wireless controller? I mean it's a good feature, but I hope they make a good, cheap wired controller too. But I doubt it. 3rd party, perhaps, but those tend to be craptastic.

So basically now instead of having the option of a low cost wired controller, you only have the option of a high cost wired+wireless controller? I mean it's a good feature, but I hope they make a good, cheap wired controller too. But I doubt it. 3rd party, perhaps, but those tend to be craptastic.
3rd party companys will make them for sure rock candy makes great wired controllers for 360 so hope they make one for x1

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So basically now instead of having the option of a low cost wired controller, you only have the option of a high cost wired+wireless controller? I mean it's a good feature, but I hope they make a good, cheap wired controller too. But I doubt it. 3rd party, perhaps, but those tend to be craptastic.
I have a wired Xbox 360 controller that I use on my PC. For whatever reason in some regions MS released more of the wired controllers in other regions so I was able to import one for cheap. So you might be able to import a wired Xbox One Controller if they decide to go that route again.

Was just coming to post that.  So it no longer has to be plugged in, but still comes in every unit.  Better than nothing, slightly ups my take on the chances of a Kinect-less sku down the road.  Still think that's pretty unlikely unless it's really lagging in sales.

Not sure the point of this move anyway.  The people with privacy concerns who wanted to not have to keep the Kinect plugged in are probably still not going to buy an X1 that comes with Kinect--I don't see being able to unplug it being enough to shut up the bitching from that crowd.  I think those are mostly folks who just will never buy an X1 period.

Bravo, that was a big issue for me. After all the issues with XB1 were out, and all pretty much reversed now, the unable to unplug kinect was still the deal breaker for me.

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Bravo, that was a big issue for me. After all the issues with XB1 were out, and all pretty much reversed now, the unable to unplug kinect was still the deal breaker for me.
Same here. The Kinect is still the determining factor for me as to when I'll end up getting the Xbox One. Launch is already totally out of the question because I already have the PS4 paid for, but I may still get it after the first redesign or major price drop. If they decide to keep it in the box for the life of the console, then I'll just wait for it to near the end of its life-cycle.

I still suspect they'll sell an Xbox One without the Kinect in either 2014 or 2015.

If they even do it at all it will be when they do a redesign in 3 to 4 years. No way they are going to change that before release.

Thought it was cool that you can actually see what your friends are doing on 360 even when you are on the X1 and they can see what you are doing. That came out of the AMA today.
I don't know with the way how Microsoft been doing a few 180's lately it could be a possibility that there will be a Kinect-less Xbox one at launch.

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Ok so I think the chances of that happening are less than 1% but I will entertain what you are saying and just point out that it would create an insane problem for retailers who have taken preorders on the product for the past 2 months. No way that happens. Only way it even remotely could is if they removed the Kinect all together. Not gonna happen.
Ok so I think the chances of that happening are less than 1% but I will entertain what you are saying and just point out that it would create an insane problem for retailers who have taken preorders on the product for the past 2 months. No way that happens. Only way it even remotely could is if they removed the Kinect all together. Not gonna happen.
Why could it not happen? Taking preorders and selling a product are very two different things and is very simple to adjust since no actual physical inventory exist yet. You just cancel or move you preorder over to the different sku that you want, just like how you can do it for a game with a collector's edition or special edition that is announced later. I don't really see any difficults of announcing a sku with just a Xbox One system since Microsoft basically said the Kinect is not mandatory for the system to work.

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Why could it not happen? Taking preorders and selling a product are very two different things and is very simple to adjust since no actual physical inventory exist yet. You just cancel or move you preorder over to the different sku that you want, just like how you can do it for a game with a collector's edition or special edition that is announced later. I don't really see any difficults of announcing a sku with just a Xbox One system since Microsoft basically said the Kinect is not mandatory for the system to work.
They should have just built a camera and voice commands into the actual console itself. Then there wouldn't be this Kinect sticking point.
So at this point its pretty much an xbox 360 with a bluray drive.

Both systems are like that.

It truly is absolutely pathetic to be honest.

How about next console time, we simply don't develop a new console at all, just make the *same damn one* with a (^2) next to it or something shitty, and call it a day?

But hey, that's what gamers want right? More of the same, dont actually do anything, just make the same system, slightly more powerful ka?

Honestly, every console has pretty much just been a more powerful system upgrade, lol.

What huge changes were made between NES and SNES besides better graphics which allowed different type of game play?

Same thing from SNES to PS1/N64. The biggest change there was adding memory cards and starting to go to cd.

PS1/N64 to PS2/GC/Xbox? Again, mostly graphics. This is when having multimedia started to be added. DVD player hard drive and internet.

PS2/GC/Xbox to PS3/Wii/360? Better graphics again! Nintendo actually did try to change the way we game with motion controls and Sony and Microsoft tried to add it as well but most people didn't want it.

And here we are again, going to a new generation and the biggest change? Graphics and adding more sharing features as far as making and uploading videos.

Really, looking back, its always been graphics/better hard where every new generation. Nintendo tries to actually do something different but people laugh at it. Sega did a lot with Dreamcast and look how that turned out?

Well maybe I'll be buying one at some point now. You guys talking about how it's all the same now are being silly imo to put it nicely.

Since the Atari 30 years ago, the console has been basically the same thing as always. If people want a camera with it in the end, then there will be a camera. If people want waggly controls and second screen tablets or any other bs, then there will be. 

Well you do mention multimedia but I think if you're going to quantify all the achievement into better graphics you're going to overlook a lot of improvements. Xbox Live took the scene and pretty much changed the game. Online multiplayer, on consoles anyways, was born and many people today take that for granted with the system they're gaming on today. I grew up in the back end of nowhere so we didn't have the infrastructure to play online but boy once I moved to college it was like a whole new world for me. It was also pretty big stuff when I called my high school buddy and have him not pick it up but his PC to do it so we could play Doom II multiplayer.

I think with each jump into the next generation we've gotten more from our system. The Xbox and PS2 let us play DVDs or rip music and listen to them while we played our games. Each system had an internet jack so you could hook up to the internet for online multiplayer, ohhhhhhh (Toy Story Aliens).

Xbox 360 and PS3 let us stream content to our TVs without worrying about physical mediums. They also tried their hand with the motion controls, since this was proving to be quite successful for Nintendo, and aside from all the great games coming out we were given apps for entertainment purposes.

Xbox One and PS4 are going to give us more options and features, more connectivity and yeah better looking games. There's a lot under each system's hood, there could even be more with cloud support, so I think with Xbox One and PS4 we're going to see a beautiful 1080P 60 fps future connected to a global f'n world - where with some games singleplayer and multiplayer will not even be a term used anymore.

Both systems are like that.

It truly is absolutely pathetic to be honest.

How about next console time, we simply don't develop a new console at all, just make the *same damn one* with a (^2) next to it or something shitty, and call it a day?

But hey, that's what gamers want right? More of the same, dont actually do anything, just make the same system, slightly more powerful ka?
Yes, because making Kinect installation optional completely eliminates all of its new features and all of the new features of the X1. Get real.

Yes, because making Kinect installation optional completely eliminates all of its new features and all of the new features of the X1. Get real.
It stunts growth being optional. I agree with that.

But this still is their vision, just not totally mandatory.
They should have just built a camera and voice commands into the actual console itself. Then there wouldn't be this Kinect sticking point.
Honestly, all the media stuff they've shown has mostly been voice command stuff. They should have just built in a mic for that stuff and made the camera an optional accessory for people who want top play dance games, fitness games etc.

Honestly, every console has pretty much just been a more powerful system upgrade, lol.
Kind of, but in the past there's mostly been more than just better graphics.

I mean, sure 8 bit to 16 bit was just more power/better graphics, but then we got N64/PS1/Saturn and the move to 3D gaming.

Then PS2/360/GC was just better 3D graphics. But then this gen we added HD/widescreen gaming, much more robust online gaming etc. that mixed things up.

Hell, typing that out I guess it's kind of alternating between a gen that's just better graphics, then one that adds a bit more, then just better graphics, and back and forth. So I guess this is pretty standard. :D

bread's done