Mass Effect 3 Discussion Thread

Hale to the Commander
Jennifer Hale speaks about her two decades voice-acting, fame and garnering respect in games.

Just once, I would love to see an article mention the Mass Effect series without getting into the ending "controversy." :p
Good article, though I agree that it would be nice to have a ME article not bitch about the ending. :roll:

In other news, made it through most of Citadel and have been pretty impressed with it. It's certainly fan service and dripping with so many good lines/dialogue exchanges, it's almost criminal.

I finished up my ME1 insanity run last night. I've played through it probably 8 times now and the ending sequence STILL gives me chills. Seeing Sovereign arrive at the Citadel, Shepard at the end of ME1, etc is still one of the best moments in gaming.
I picked up ME1 again last night.  Kinda funny, as much as I love this game, it can be boring at times.  :dunce:

I picked up on the Citadel and then headed over to Noveria and the non-combat sequences can drag on a bit. I actually fell asleep and woke up with the camera swinging around as my thumb was still on the stick.  Doh!  I just need to get in the groove since I came off of action heavy games wtih Bioshock Infinite and Tomb Raider. 

Once I get through this Engineer playthrough, THEN I'll tackle my insanity run with the soldier.


I played again tonight and it all came back to me pretty quickly.  I'm still on Noveria but well into the mission.  And, seriously, I don't know why most people hate on the Mako so much.  Every time I get into that buggy I'm having fun.  Yes, driving it is like trying to perform surgery with a pool noodle, but it's fun. 

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In other news, I went through more of Citadel this weekend, though I'm wondering, what's the difference between a Paragon pull-up and a Renegade pull-up? :rofl:

I went through that sequence three times before I finished it, since I drifted off for a moment the previous two times, the second time being less than 20 from the end. :wall: Damn 2AM gaming.

I picked up ME1 again last night. Kinda funny, as much as I love this game, it can be boring at times. :dunce:

I picked up on the Citadel and then headed over to Noveria and the non-combat sequences can drag on a bit. I actually fell asleep and woke up with the camera swinging around as my thumb was still on the stick. Doh! I just need to get in the groove since I came off of action heavy games wtih Bioshock Infinite and Tomb Raider.

Once I get through this Engineer playthrough, THEN I'll tackle my insanity run with the soldier.


I played again tonight and it all came back to me pretty quickly. I'm still on Noveria but well into the mission. And, seriously, I don't know why most people hate on the Mako so much. Every time I get into that buggy I'm having fun. Yes, driving it is like trying to perform surgery with a pool noodle, but it's fun.
ME1 isn't an action-packed as ME2 or ME3, though I think the story is better than the latter two games.

That is pretty funny about falling asleep with the controller during some of the non-combat sequences. Was it an elevator that did you in? ;)

I prefer the Mako to the "two hits and you explode" Hammerhead.
No question there. Heavy armor > vertical flight.

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What were they thinking with that Hammerhead. The parts with the turrets in Overlord are near unplayable. You breathe on the controller wrong and the thing blows up!

What were they thinking with that Hammerhead. The parts with the turrets in Overlord are near unplayable. You breathe on the controller wrong and the thing blows up!
That's why learned exactly how long range the Hammerhead's gun would fire because I would snipe at long range to try and not get killed by a wet sneeze hitting the hull.

Hover strafe strafe hover strafe hover hover strafe.
Only way to get through that part.

Sadly putting ME on the backburner for a little bit, currently have AC2, The Witcher 2, New Vegas (2nd playthrough), Kingdoms of Amalur, and Far Cry 3 to push through. So many games so little time...

Dude, I hear ya.  This XBL Games on Demand sale is going to add to my backlog significantly and I've been thinking about going back to Amalur for a while.  That's a great game, right there.

For anyone that was waiting, Omega DLC is 50% off right now. Credit to MJKjets in the deals thread. Not sure if this a weekly special, but it appears so far that it is unannounced. Go go!

However, Citadel is still full price.
Yeah it's the sale in the Kinect Central section if you're looking for it but it's legit, Major Nelson posted it on his blog. Only available on sale today through next Monday.

I sure hope every 360 owner who doesn't have it already buys Mass Effect 1 for $5. :D
Problem is that all the dudebro-types that went to ME2 because it was more shooter than RPG might not like ME1 because it's more RPG than shooter.

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With the Omega sale, the only piece of ME story DLC I'm missing now is Pinnacle Station...gonna have to fight the temptation to get it!
I bought it several months ago because I had extra points and was starting a fresh ME1 playthrough. I regretted it. Wish I had those points back now for the awesome GonD sale going on now.

Eh, I liked Pinnacle Station, it was a neat little arcade simulator but yeah it was a huge bummer that you couldn't earn any experience for it. I did get the achievements for it which were not easy (to be best with each arena and objective/beat the later challenge). The station has a cool view and is an easter egg in ME3.

Eh, I liked Pinnacle Station, it was a neat little arcade simulator but yeah it was a huge bummer that you couldn't earn any experience for it. I did get the achievements for it which were not easy (to be best with each arena and objective/beat the later challenge). The station has a cool view and is an easter egg in ME3.
I was mainly commenting about the price. When Bring Down the Sky can be had for $1, there is no excuse for Pinnacle Station to cost more than that. Not even half as good as BDTS.

Still, if you are a completionist, Pinnacle Station is a must.  My first time playing it I couldn't stand it, but on my 2nd playthrough I got into it and really had a good time.  Got all the achievements and everything, which isn't too hard with a high level character.  

It's impossible on insanity. And I don't mean really hard. I mean game broken impossible.
Yeah I don't think I was on insanity but I was on a harder level the first time and had more fun the second time when it was a little easier.

Besides, that DLC gives you great gear from your new apartment if you rock it that is.

By the time I played Pinnacle Station I already had Spectre gear that was better than what the dlc gives. So I was a bit disappointed in that too.

By the time I played Pinnacle Station I already had Spectre gear that was better than what the dlc gives. So I was a bit disappointed in that too.
What about your squad mates? I liked how you could pull some strings at your new apartment and request better stuff because you know you're going up against unimaginable odds lol.

What about your squad mates? I liked how you could pull some strings at your new apartment and request better stuff because you know you're going up against unimaginable odds lol.
Dude, I so do not remember that. Dammit, I guess I will do pinnacle station this play through after all.
Well, finished omega yesterday. Glad I waited for a sale. The new enemies were pretty cool, but about halfway through it I was sick of the dark and dull environments. Plus no real long term implications other than a few war assets. Flare is a pretty cool bonus power, but the cooldown is pretty big so I'm not sure if it will fit in with my power strategy overall. For anyone on the fence, I would say Omega is worth the 600 points. There's a lot of fun in there, and some pretty good loot throughout.

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Started new game plus with my FemShep and am currently at the point where I can do the Omega/Leviathan DLC's which I hadn't touched yet (did do Citadel on first playthrough but will do it again eventually.)

Changing two things in my NG Plus playthrough, one of which is already taken care of.
Got Kelly to change her name, will screw over Krogan since Wrex is dead with my FemShep. If I ever do a BroShep run Wrex will be alive for that.

Yeah, I'll pick up Pinnacle Station for my next runthrough of ME1 probably.  I'll start a brand new character on casual difficulty so it should be a fun change of pace.

Kinda funny, but you can tell they're not really that serious fans of the series.  It's all pretty common knowledge stuff.  Even the ME: Assault tidbit.  They even have prototype footage in the ME3: Last Hours app.

That was a great blog post!  Beyond the art, some of which has been put out there already, the commentary was really interesting.  I love those Shepard/Saren concepts!  He said a couple things that seemed to confirm things related to ME3's ending that I thought were interesting.  Particularly about the state of the Mass Relays post end.  His comments seemed firm, as in, "these things happened" vs "what Shepard thinks is happening" i.e. indoctrination theory. 

Also, the new ME comic: Foundation started this week.  It's a good read, but it is purely an introduction and origin of the "new" character that will be featured in some way throughout the 12 week run of this series.  I like it, but I don't know that I'd recommend dropping $4 on it. 

I was just playing multiplayer last night. My how things have changed. So many more MP characters now.
Man, I can imagine. Still a lot of people playing? I think the update with the Volus characters is the last one I checked in for. Kinda want to hop back on for a while before I let my XBL subscription lapse.

Man, I can imagine. Still a lot of people playing? I think the update with the Volus characters is the last one I checked in for. Kinda want to hop back on for a while before I let my XBL subscription lapse.
I had no problem joining full bronze, silver and gold games with no people dropping out. I just didn't have a very good character build to use. Spent a lot of time in gold spectating the geth juggernaut and volus adept essentially doing the themselves between the two of them.

Thought you guys would like this one.

Sprites are red lightning that occur above the clouds during thunderstorms, making them incredibly difficult to see and study. To search for sprites, researchers must take to the skies during a storm to get the best possible view from this phenomenon. Though they only last a fraction of a second, they are capable of taking on many shapes.

More info:


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