GGT 352 Is an Ultra Despair Girl named Mad Max - 'A Hideo Kojima Thread'

I am the king now!

The GGT has become Sliders season 5.

I've been playing alot of my Wii U backlog. Beat Batman Arkam City. I think I liked Asylum better but City did make some damn good use of the gamepad. I'll pick up Origins eventually, but I understand its two steps back on gamepad functions compared to City.

I've tried twice already to get into Wonderful 101, and it just doesn't do it for me. I'm thinking it may be the worst Platinum game I've ever played.

If Josh was not the first one to give up on us then he was at least the one before that.
I think Mikey gave up on us first, it's just that Mikey makes more guest appearances. I miss Josh.

The GGT has become Sliders season 5.

I've been playing alot of my Wii U backlog. Beat Batman Arkam City. I think I liked Asylum better but City did make some damn good use of the gamepad. I'll pick up Origins eventually, but I understand its two steps back on gamepad functions compared to City.

I've tried twice already to get into Wonderful 101, and it just doesn't do it for me. I'm thinking it may be the worst Platinum game I've ever played.
Arkham Origins is good, but I don't know how it is on WiiU. I loved it on PS3 despite all its glitches. Definitely still my favorite of the Arkham series outside of Arkham Asylum.

I need to try Wonderful 101 eventually. I love Platinum and it's their only recent game I think I haven't played.

I really appreciate them stopping Del Toro from making another really bad movie.

Hopefully he'll go back to making good things now.

This kid that lives some where around my neighborhood stopped me one day to ask if I wanted to play video games with him, he had halo 4 with him. The kid is like 10 and so of course I made a quick excuse on why i couldn't.

So like he now he has stopped me multiple occasions asking me if i wanted to hang out. I always make an excuse on why I cant. But like why dont I just tell this kid that Im an adult and hes a kid? Maybe I look really young? My sister told me to tell his parents so he doesnt do it in the future.

First time he stopped me was in front of a police officers house (since his "vehicle" is outside his house) maybe this kid is working a sting operation. Its not uncommon to see kids in the neighborhood but none approach me. I did over hear two kids talking about dating some girl and the one kid told the other one "I told you not to date white girls!" And the other kid sounded sad and said "I know". These kids were like 8 years old?! Iowa is weird

Also dont know why im telling you guys this
I play games with my 5-year old niece all the time. When she beats me in Wii U Party, she trash talks like a baller.

White girls are weird.

This kid that lives some where around my neighborhood stopped me one day to ask if I wanted to play video games with him, he had halo 4 with him. The kid is like 10 and so of course I made a quick excuse on why i couldn't.

So like he now he has stopped me multiple occasions asking me if i wanted to hang out. I always make an excuse on why I cant. But like why dont I just tell this kid that Im an adult and hes a kid? Maybe I look really young? My sister told me to tell his parents so he doesnt do it in the future.

First time he stopped me was in front of a police officers house (since his "vehicle" is outside his house) maybe this kid is working a sting operation. Its not uncommon to see kids in the neighborhood but none approach me. I did over hear two kids talking about dating some girl and the one kid told the other one "I told you not to date white girls!" And the other kid sounded sad and said "I know". These kids were like 8 years old?! Iowa is weird

Also dont know why im telling you guys this
That's not that weird. Until kind of recently there was like a 7 year old girl that lived in my neighborhood and anytime I'd take out the garbage or do laundry she'd talk to me and ask me to watch cartoons with her. I just kept telling her that I was busy or I'd ask why she wasn't with her parents and she'd just shrug or tell me that she needed more friends. She was nice, but I'm really uncomfortable around kids that aren't my brothers or their friends and I'd rather not get a reputation for hanging out with children when most of my neighborhood already seems to think I'm a NEET neckbeard. I have a new neighbor now that's around the same age as the other little girl and she also waves at me and talks to me all the time when I take out the garbage so I've taken to taking the garbage out only late at night so I don't run into her.

I don't get how kids are like this nowadays. Most kids I knew when I was little would never talk to adults outside of teachers, preachers, or cops. It just seems weird for kids these days to be so talkative to strangers. Especially adult strangers. You handled that shit like a boss, Beatles. Just ignore him next time if you want to get your point across. Though, there's also the chance that he's handicapped or something and just doesn't pick up that you don't want to play with him because he's a kid.

I was the other kid who told him not to date white girls.

He never listens.
This is one of the best posts you've ever made, dawg.

Finally finished Chapter 1 of Phantom Pain last night. My girlfriend watched me play it and while she was lost most of the time she was pretty amazed by the boss battle and everything with Skull Face. It's odd hearing the questions she asks. Most of her questions are about Quiet, but she surprisingly had a ton about Huey and Kaz.

Speaking of Kaz...

Man, I got really fucking mad that he had Quiet tortured. I don't think I've felt like I'd betrayed a character in a game like that ever before. I just felt fucking horrible that she had to go through that and that it took so long for Snake to get to her and stop it. She clearly loves Venom Snake and I feel like he has feelings for her, so there shouldn't be questions about her loyalty. That part where she was talking to Code Talker even cemented it for me. I felt fucking awful for her betrayal even being a question. Kojima really did well at making that scene just completely uncomfortable. I think Kaz's loss of limb and the original Mother Base really fucked him up because he seems almost manic in his changes in mood. He's all jokey in cassette tapes and talking about making hamburgers and then in a cutscene he's okaying torture of some of our greatest assets and going on tirades about war. Dude is just fucking gone.

Also, mostly unrelated, but Eli is a complete asshole. I don't think I've hated a kid in a game this much in a while. Everything he does just makes me hate his guts. It makes me wonder if Solid Snake was a dick as a kid, too. I'm also really wondering what the fuck is up with Psycho Mantis. I feel like I'm getting such small parts of the story right now that I'm being forced to fill in a lot of gaps by guessing at motivations and I can't tell if that was Kojima's aim or not.

Finally finished Chapter 1 of Phantom Pain last night. My girlfriend watched me play it and while she was lost most of the time she was pretty amazed by the boss battle and everything with Skull Face. It's odd hearing the questions she asks. Most of her questions are about Quiet, but she surprisingly had a ton about Huey and Kaz.
I just beat it too. I didn't get as far as your spoiler though, so I stopped reading it.

Frost was right. Some people here are too stupid to hold a conversation.
That's fine. Take your anger out on me. I'll be your rock.

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Maybe you should just leave.

Kind of like how people on gaf take breaks; you should take a break from here. Focus on your figures.

You just seem to be pretty stressed out.

Probably from so much work, school, anime convention going, and figure collecting.

Maybe take a deep breath every now and then.

Take some queues from TMK. He's been where you're at.

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I wasn't sure which you I was speaking to at the time. Zeki/Whoknows/Pepsiman/TMK/Mmmpepsi/YBX/Beatles etc.

You have many different personas and I didn't want to chance upsetting you.

Beatles and I are going to watch the next Umaru together and cry about it being the last episode, but also share our feelings on the journey of watching the best character ever do the best things.

I need Frost and Uraizen to post more. I miss quality GGT members.

I should also text Hank.
I think about texting Hank a lot, but I worry about bugging him since he's a family man now. I actually think about texting pretty much all of you pretty often, but I always end up stressing over whether I'd be bugging you guys or not.

I just beat it too. I didn't get as far as your spoiler though, so I stopped reading it.

That's fine. Take your anger out on me. I'll be your rock.
You should read the spoiler when you get to that part. <3

You can text me always.

Also always talk to me on FB or AIM while I'm at work since I like companionship and some people just refuse to talk to me on FB or AIM.

I think about texting Hank a lot, but I worry about bugging him since he's a family man now. I actually think about texting pretty much all of you pretty often, but I always end up stressing over whether I'd be bugging you guys or not.

You should read the spoiler when you get to that part. <3
I'll try to remember! I went back and read your guyses Avenger 2 spoilers after I watched it a couple of weeks ago.

Your opinions are important to me so I try to do stuff like that.

So... was that a yay or a nay on the Vita version of Shovel Knight having the DLC available at this point?  Don't want to redownload the game if it's not available yet.

So... was that a yay or a nay on the Vita version of Shovel Knight having the DLC available at this point? Don't want to redownload the game if it's not available yet.
Can't check on PSN specifically right now, but to my understanding the update went live for all platforms at the same time. You should be good.

That's not that weird. Until kind of recently there was like a 7 year old girl that lived in my neighborhood and anytime I'd take out the garbage or do laundry she'd talk to me and ask me to watch cartoons with her. I just kept telling her that I was busy or I'd ask why she wasn't with her parents and she'd just shrug or tell me that she needed more friends. She was nice, but I'm really uncomfortable around kids that aren't my brothers or their friends and I'd rather not get a reputation for hanging out with children when most of my neighborhood already seems to think I'm a NEET neckbeard. I have a new neighbor now that's around the same age as the other little girl and she also waves at me and talks to me all the time when I take out the garbage so I've taken to taking the garbage out only late at night so I don't run into her.

I don't get how kids are like this nowadays. Most kids I knew when I was little would never talk to adults outside of teachers, preachers, or cops. It just seems weird for kids these days to be so talkative to strangers. Especially adult strangers. You handled that shit like a boss, Beatles. Just ignore him next time if you want to get your point across. Though, there's also the chance that he's handicapped or something and just doesn't pick up that you don't want to play with him because he's a kid.

This is one of the best posts you've ever made, dawg.

Finally finished Chapter 1 of Phantom Pain last night. My girlfriend watched me play it and while she was lost most of the time she was pretty amazed by the boss battle and everything with Skull Face. It's odd hearing the questions she asks. Most of her questions are about Quiet, but she surprisingly had a ton about Huey and Kaz.

Speaking of Kaz...
Man, I got really fucking mad that he had Quiet tortured. I don't think I've felt like I'd betrayed a character in a game like that ever before. I just felt fucking horrible that she had to go through that and that it took so long for Snake to get to her and stop it. She clearly loves Venom Snake and I feel like he has feelings for her, so there shouldn't be questions about her loyalty. That part where she was talking to Code Talker even cemented it for me. I felt fucking awful for her betrayal even being a question. Kojima really did well at making that scene just completely uncomfortable. I think Kaz's loss of limb and the original Mother Base really fucked him up because he seems almost manic in his changes in mood. He's all jokey in cassette tapes and talking about making hamburgers and then in a cutscene he's okaying torture of some of our greatest assets and going on tirades about war. Dude is just fucking gone.

Also, mostly unrelated, but Eli is a complete asshole. I don't think I've hated a kid in a game this much in a while. Everything he does just makes me hate his guts. It makes me wonder if Solid Snake was a dick as a kid, too. I'm also really wondering what the fuck is up with Psycho Mantis. I feel like I'm getting such small parts of the story right now that I'm being forced to fill in a lot of gaps by guessing at motivations and I can't tell if that was Kojima's aim or not.
From what I have seen on the GGT and heard about you is that you are really friendly so im guessing these kids aren't afraid of you or anything do to you being and looking friendly. Like kids I think can tell that, its a new super power modern children develop and lose once the get older.
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Can't check on PSN specifically right now, but to my understanding the update went live for all platforms at the same time. You should be good.

I'll be back and shouting curse words at you if I download it and it's not in there.

(I'm going to see if there is any indication it's "out" via updated trophy list first, I'm smarter than the average bear!)

Is Shoveknight really that good? I watched Mo play it several months ago for about 15 minutes and it really didn't impress me. Maybe he was just bad at it like he's bad at Battletoads.

I've been givng Diablo 3 another shot. I still haven't gotten past Act 2, so maybe this time I'll make it to the end without getting bored.

Is Shoveknight really that good? I watched Mo play it several months ago for about 15 minutes and it really didn't impress me. Maybe he was just bad at it like he's bad at Battletoads.

I've been givng Diablo 3 another shot. I still haven't gotten past Act 2, so maybe this time I'll make it to the end without getting bored.
WOW, the shots

Shovel Knight is great, I beat it on normal and NG+, and the Battletoads level :p

Also pretty much everyone is bad at Battletoads, that's kind of its thing

Also since were bringing that up, Slalom is probably the hardest game to beat legit on the Rare collection, not even Battletoads

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Shovel Knight is fantastic.

I won't lie, all of the Taken King hype around the office has me intrigued. October has too much art stuff going on though. Inktober + Witcher 3 DLC means I'm pretty much locked down.
bread's done