GGT 352 Is an Ultra Despair Girl named Mad Max - 'A Hideo Kojima Thread'

I might just have to import Yakuza 6. I can just skip all the cutscenes and pretend they pulled a MGSV and decided to not have a story.

You can play one now!
You got to tell the people how

Also with the announcement of 2.8 does that mean kingdom hearts 3 wont be until 2017? I had this feeling that they would wait until then. It is the series 15th anniversary. Having played Dream drop distance it isnt as big of a deal to get this but I need to play Birth by Sleep 0.2! Aqua is an amazing character and I need to know what she is doing! If they dont announce it for xbox one, im not sure if this will push me over the edge to get a ps4. I did buy a psp just for birth by sleep...
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Unlike PC and other consoles, PS4 is region free so you don't need to worry about that
Ps4 master race

I mean if any really good deals come up i may consider it buy I have time since 2.8 isnt for a little bit. Also have too many games to really justify another console. They are remaking final fantasy 7.....

I dont even have room let alone the money who am I joking.
Today has been crazy. I've gotten so much shit done! Here's to hoping I can make some time for Phantom Pain today. I wanna finish it so much.

I get to play Danganronpa on my PS4 now and that's pretty badass

I went on a date with a cute guy last night (different one, the other one just wanted to hook up with me lol). We went and saw Mission Impossible and I really enjoyed it (the opera fight scene might be one of my favorite scenes this year) and we got dinner afterwards and yeah, probably the best date I've been on

I've played enough JRPGs to know how to not fall into a trap
If time and eternity has taught us anything

Like this is what I meant the other day. I have zero game, cant talk to women let alone get a date, zeki any advice? What do women like zeki?
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I recommend you get a Vita instead so you can play Danganronpa
But can't I play that on PS4?

Things can't be better on PC if you don't let them.

Tales Of Zestiria Locked At 30fps On PCs
That seems stupid of them.

I get to play Danganronpa on my PS4 now and that's pretty badass

I went on a date with a cute guy last night (different one, the other one just wanted to hook up with me lol). We went and saw Mission Impossible and I really enjoyed it (the opera fight scene might be one of my favorite scenes this year) and we got dinner afterwards and yeah, probably the best date I've been on
Sweeeeet! Glad that date was so bomb, Jaydawg.

I've played enough JRPGs to know how to not fall into a trap
I'm glad you know this.

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Here, I'll let you in on Zeki's prime maneuver.

When anybody ever shows interest, just get up and walk away.

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Here, I'll let you in on Zeki's prime maneuver.

When anybody ever shows interest, just get up and walk away.
Thats so crazy it just might work!

I think zeki is telling me to always ask women if they like Miku and if they dont then dont talk to them?

I felt compelled this week to post a cagcast question, I was going to ask something stupid but decided to ask a more serious question. Also has everyone seen zeki's latest blog entry?
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If that's the case, then there are more people out there who wish that Miku would get discontinued.

Cuz that's what she is. A product.


bread's done