PSNOT 2.0 - I kind of want to subscribe to IndieBox.

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The shark move is to get them to cook catfish for you. So much better than the chicken wings. Most people do not know that they do that. I know every store I have ever been to in GA and FL have it.
oh damn, they do catfish? next time i'm down there, definitely gonna try some.

I think I've seen and read enough about souls type games to know that it'll never be my cup of tea. More power to you methodical nerds that love em though. I imagine most people wouldn't want to play a trillion games of match three to increase a fictional score just high enough to beat an internet chum in a contest that was never agreed upon either. ain't life funny, rite guyz?
Would it change your mind if I mentioned there is a particular enemy you have to kill over and over for several hours in order to get a rare crafting drop that is required for the Plat?

i never got into zidane and 9 much. my friend loved it and we were hilariously bad at importing games but we got a 'japanese copy' of that to play a few months early so that was great being as text heavy as it was. i thought 6, 7 and even 8 were better than 9. 9 seemed like a throwback to the older ff days. idk

we doing some rdr again today? lets gold all the advanced co op missions like bad ass cowboys
I'm down for rdr, obviously. I was reading, and seems like the 10 chain kill is easy to do on the "escape" mission if one of us uses the cannon to fire down on that town. Also the 25 dynamite/deadeye kills can be done to each other in free roam.
oh damn, they do catfish? next time i'm down there, definitely gonna try some.
Yeah, they dont advertise it though. You have to ask. A neighbor told us about it a long time ago. I try not to eat too much fried stuff anymore, so it has been a while since I got it. It never disappoints though.

Played some more DA:I last night and this morning. I'm enjoying the world and gameplay and characters more and more as I get into it even though the main story continues to be garbage. Definitely one of those games where I'd rather just wander around doing all the subquests, collection, slaughtering, and exploration stuff. I can't remember if I started the game on normal or casual difficulty, though; one I pick up all the missables I'll probably restart in nightmare. No idea how hard that is--I like a challenge but some games just take it so far they quit being fun. 

I know Velo has been playing the MP. Did anybody work through the SP story on nightmare?

ok ill stream but im drinking/smoking so expect breaks cuz i dont know about their bong policy on twitch

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i got my plat Mild.
Congrats on the plat, Pharm. The Twitch app on my phone kept locking up, so I missed the last mission you completed for the plat. Unfortunately, I did click on that pic that Stotch posted; I still can't get that image out of my mind.

The shark move is to get them to cook catfish for you. So much better than the chicken wings. Most people do not know that they do that. I know every store I have ever been to in GA and FL have it.
I didn't know Publix did this. I'll have to check the next time I'm waiting forever at their deli counter; my only real gripe with Publix. There's a local BBQ place right around the corner from work that has fried catfish nuggets. Whenever a service tech pays a visit, I always take them there for lunch. If it's there first time there, they always look at me like I'm crazy for loading my plate with catfish nuggets instead of BBQ; until they try it. The BBQ there is good, but the catfish nuggets are the TITS!

Haven't told my kid yet that I finished downloading DI 3.0 for PS3 yet because I am getting games in the Arcade to knock out the one sketchy trophy.  Taking care of it while I can.


ok ill stream but im drinking/smoking so expect breaks cuz i dont know about their bong policy on twitch
Most streamers that I know smoke turn off the camera like you do, but they still talk about it on stream. I know one guy who pulled a dumbass move and said he would ship somebody some green, and also talked about how he can use the N word because he grew up in 'the ghetto'. He gets cross-faded all the time and says weird stuff lol.

TrueTrophies has me ahead of Mild and shows that he completed Montezuma.  So did I win?  Or do the points not actually update even though it recognized that he was the first gamer on the site to complete it already?

Also, I got the official Judge signed divorce papers last night.  So as of yesterday I am officially divorced. 


To celebrate I wont be going anywhere tonight.   Just playing whatever the kid wants til she goes to bed then watching football and playing games.  HYPE!

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TrueTrophies has me ahead of Mild and shows that he completed Montezuma. So did I win? Or do the points not actually update even though it recognized that he was the first gamer on the site to complete it already?
The points usually update over night I think. So you aren't out of the woods yet.

I thought this comment was a pretty funny way to summarize George Lucas over the past few years:

2012 George Lucas: "This is great. I can retire, and Disney can make new Star Wars movies! AND I have $4 billion!"
2013 George Lucas: "You have (1) new voicemail: JJ? It's George. I was just wondering if you'd gotten a chance to read those scripts. So excited about the new movies. Call me back."

2014 George Lucas: "I'm just worried that you might be making a movie for the fans, and that that you don't seem to be at all interested in intergalactic trade politics."

Taken from here.

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Now I gotta figure out how to split my 401K.  The ex is getting a good chunk.  #smallpricetopay

Also, I was thinking yesterday about how much I am paying in alimony.  I figure once thats done in 2 years I will celebrate by buying a nice new car.  The car payment wont even be half what I am paying in alimony so fuck it.  Need a nice ride for myself.  #andfortheladies

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Your killing me smalls.
I think it'll be about +1500 points when all is said and done. So you can still bridge the gap before it updates! get out of that office!

also have fun with shock and awe in stardust ultra - cro makes it sound like it's not tough but nope, it's pretty nuts. it's also really fun.

Now I gotta figure out how to split my 401K. The ex is getting a good chunk. #smallpricetopay

Also, I was thinking yesterday about how much I am paying in alimony. I figure once thats done in 2 years I will celebrate by buying a nice new car. The car payment wont even be half what I am paying in alimony so fuck it. Need a nice ride for myself. #andfortheladies
you have to split your 401k? how does that even work?

You should plan ahead on getting a minivan or a station wagon. You know you're going to fuck this all up pretty quick.


Option 2 is the only way to do it without tax issues.  No penalties or taxes owed Gator.  Just need to give her half the balance and be done with it.  I do have to pay someone to complete the doc though.  But it shouldnt be too bad.  And my company is huge they have to get these all the time so it shouldnt be difficult to finish.

Qualified Domestic Relations Orders

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Now I gotta figure out how to split my 401K. The ex is getting a good chunk. #smallpricetopay

Also, I was thinking yesterday about how much I am paying in alimony. I figure once thats done in 2 years I will celebrate by buying a nice new car. The car payment wont even be half what I am paying in alimony so fuck it. Need a nice ride for myself. #andfortheladies
I will sell you mine. The ladies will have to sit in the back though.

Working from home these last three days has spoiled me, even if I was sick most of it.  Not looking forward to a real actual office again next week.

Just got back from eye dr, everything good and vision is same, wife had hers too, she got new glasses and I got more contacts.

Came home with The Gator Lunch Special

Picked up a 6 pack of schafly kolsch and a 4 pack of founders breakfast.

My vision keeps getting better.  I was at -4.25 a few years ago and every year its gotten better. This year its -2.5.  Contacts.

Also going to buy new tires for my car tomorrow.  New years hype!

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A kolsch is heavy on malt sweetness, right? There's a kolsch at the store here (forget the brand, but not Schafly) and I was thinking of trying it, but I'm doubtful I'd like it.
Am I the only one who seems to have missed all the GotY lists so far? Did I just not see them all, or have they not come out yet?

A kolsch is heavy on malt sweetness, right? There's a kolsch at the store here (forget the brand, but not Schafly) and I was thinking of trying it, but I'm doubtful I'd like it.
Not really all that sweet, just a crisp clean style. Think more like a pilsner than something more full.

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