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The iWR is the one where you tap 3 directions. One tip is to input the first forward during the recovery of another move then do the other two after and press the button while still holding the last forward. If you get fast enough, you can hide the first forward during the standing animation after a crouch. It is hard as balls, but the only advice I can give is practice.

English dub of neptunia? You've been playing the game with the wrong Noire voice this entire time? SHAME!
Yeah, I've watch Aris' video on Instant While Runnings. I'm mainly trying to use it in combos and it's difficult. He teaches that you can do the 1st forward during the recovery of another move. However, you have to go back to neutral before you input the other 2 forward motions. Here is where I mess up, so how much time do you have between the 1st forward/neutral motion, and the next 2 forwards to do it?

For instance, after an air juggle, and using b4 qcb1 to sent the opponent spiraling down, Eliza is still in recovery. If I try to do the FFF4 too fast, all I get is a regular 4 and no dash up. If I do it too slow, I get FFF4 out but it doesn't hit the enemy. I assume I can mask the 1st forward when she recovers after b4 qcb1, but how much time do I have to continue the motion? It's just really tricky timing, the 1st forward isn't bad, its just I can't pin point the exact time she recovers to do the next 2. Sorry, its a bit confusing but that's what's given me the most trouble so far.

Also, I've read the comments on his tutorial, and it seems you only need to go back to neutral after the 1st forward. The next 2 forward motions can be inputted as quickly as possible and I hold the button down as you mentioned. But is it possible to input the entire FNFF4 before the recovery ends and get the move out like if you were doing a regular string? That would be so much easier if possible. If not, I would try doing FN first, but as I mentioned, I don't know how much time you have to buffer that and wait till she recovers fully to do FF4.

It's funny, because I love Asami Imai too. Not even because of her voice overs but because of her looks and her singing career. I tried using the Japanese voices, multiple times too during NG+ runs, but they always seem so much more quiet compared to the English dubs. To the point where even if I raise the volume, it sounds like mumbling and other music/sound effects eclipse their voices. This is especially evident in Neptune and Blanc's voices.

English Noire is fantastic too though, sounds like Japanese Noire but just louder. She keeps the same tone and pitches.

I'll get heat for this but her Noire work is one of the best English dubs for a character, up there with Noel Vermillion and Elizabeth.

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I got my Dreamcast copies of MvC and MvC2. Run much better than the ones I tried to burn. I got them for pretty cheap too, so I'm happy. Just need to get cases for them.

I'll be playing a whooole lot of MvC2.
Yeah, I've watch Aris' video on Instant While Runnings. I'm mainly trying to use it in combos and it's difficult. He teaches that you can do the 1st forward during the recovery of another move. However, you have to go back to neutral before you input the other 2 forward motions. Here is where I mess up, so how much time do you have between the 1st forward/neutral motion, and the next 2 forwards to do it?

For instance, after an air juggle, and using b4 qcb1 to sent the opponent spiraling down, Eliza is still in recovery. If I try to do the FFF4 too fast, all I get is a regular 4 and no dash up. If I do it too slow, I get FFF4 out but it doesn't hit the enemy. I assume I can mask the 1st forward when she recovers after b4 qcb1, but how much time do I have to continue the motion? It's just really tricky timing, the 1st forward isn't bad, its just I can't pin point the exact time she recovers to do the next 2. Sorry, its a bit confusing but that's what's given me the most trouble so far.

Also, I've read the comments on his tutorial, and it seems you only need to go back to neutral after the 1st forward. The next 2 forward motions can be inputted as quickly as possible and I hold the button down as you mentioned. But is it possible to input the entire FNFF4 before the recovery ends and get the move out like if you were doing a regular string? That would be so much easier if possible. If not, I would try doing FN first, but as I mentioned, I don't know how much time you have to buffer that and wait till she recovers fully to do FF4.

It's funny, because I love Asami Imai too. Not even because of her voice overs but because of her looks and her singing career. I tried using the Japanese voices, multiple times too during NG+ runs, but they always seem so much more quiet compared to the English dubs. To the point where even if I raise the volume, it sounds like mumbling and other music/sound effects eclipse their voices. This is especially evident in Neptune and Blanc's voices.

English Noire is fantastic too though, sounds like Japanese Noire but just louder. She keeps the same tone and pitches.

I'll get heat for this but her Noire work is one of the best English dubs for a character, up there with Noel Vermillion and Elizabeth.
I literally have zero tips for iWR. I can only do it 10% of the time with Claudio and it's the only move on block that will give him frame advantage. I just remember to hold the button and pray they're running when I hit 2.

Quiet voices? Those games were blasting audio through my headset. I had to turn the volume down via sound mixer. Blanc is meant to be quiet and kinda mumbly, but you had a hard time hearing Neptune? You need a new headset or speakers.

It's not about who voiced Noire in the dub, it's about not listening to Noire's JP VA throughout the game.

Link? Y'know, for research purposes.
You said this exact same thing for my cam streams.

Oh that's very interesting that's like an ironic type of thing that seiyuu was in JAV and then became Honoka since Honoka is Honoka and will get into JAV after high school.

Nothing wrong with doing JAV. I would drop everything and go work for the JAV business if I could.

I thought I would be Adachi, but I wouldn't mind playing with myself if I were Rise.

Maaaaan, I have played so much Dreamcast in the last weeeeek.

Spent like 20 hours in Soul Calibur and DOA2 already. Skies of Arcadia is next up. Space Channel 5 shall be soon after.
Prepare to spend hours upon hours on the amazement that is Skies of Arcadia. My most favorite RPG of all time.

It's funny, because I love Asami Imai too. Not even because of her voice overs but because of her looks and her singing career.
Well it's a start, we just need to work on you from there.



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u kno wat

fk u

i hope u and cheapy have a happy ass realtionship liking each others post and then posting aobut how it happend

i dont evean geive a fuck im not mad a thll or nayhting not even angry typing ogver here fk u anyways homie

now edj is my best friend

I literally have zero tips for iWR. I can only do it 10% of the time with Claudio and it's the only move on block that will give him frame advantage. I just remember to hold the button and pray they're running when I hit 2.
I've tried a million times to pull off iWR again. I do it after a tailspin too, so I don't know if I'm allowed to input the whole thing, or even any of the forwards during the recovery. After switching things up a couple of times, I think I finally found my own trick for it. Hope it helps. I use stick btw, and I heard its much, much harder on stick and way easier on pad and hitbox/keyboard. Basically, I do 4 forwards, instead of 3. I do the 1st F, then go back to neutral for a half second, then go crazy fast with the last 3 forwards. If I don't do 3 and only 2 Fs, I get her FF3. And no, it's not because the 1st F is too late, I've tried only doing the 3 fast Fs, and it still gave me FF2. I don't know why, but I got it a couple of times consistently with this method. Getting it to hit though, I haven't yet since I seem to do it too slow after tailspin.

I also watched the Aris tutorials on it, and like you said, he mentions doing the attack button, after the last forward.

However, reading the comments, I see a couple of methods for it:

(Aris original method) F,F,F,2 Pretty much input the 3 forwards as fast as possible, hold the last one and input 2.

(Aris viewer modified) F,N,F,F,2 Same as Aris, but elaborates that going back to neutral after the 1st forward makes things easier.

(Anti-Aris tech) F,F,F+2 This guy in the comments said if you input the attack button on the same just frame as the last forward, it's guaranteed to come out, and a bunch of people agree with him, so for some reason it's a trick it seems. This is the complete opposite of what Aris is saying.

(Aris viewer alt. method) F,F,N,F,2 Same as Aris, but put a neutral after the 2nd forward. This way, it seems like you are canceling a dash into forward 2. Also a bunch of people in the comments said it works.

It's confusing, but there's a couple of people saying each of these methods works, which is strange.

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I've also tried learning Korean Backdashing. While I do it slow af, the back back, then quarter circle back, back... etc. motion that Rip mentioned seems to be the easiest and most consistent. 

So I watched the 1st episode of Love Live today. It's alright, I find it a bit hard to keep my attention on it though. I tend to drift off a lot and think about other stuff or fidget with the remote.

The characters are pretty cute and quirky and the facial expressions are funny. But some scenes look CGI and not hand-drawn.

My computer finally crapped out, now I gotta get a new one. I might as well take this opportunity to buy one that can actually run games on it. Anyone got a suggestion for a graphics card and the amount of ram I would need? I'm not looking to run anything at max/ultra settings, or 4K 60 fps. Anything that can run Starcraft 2 and Overwatch at high and smoothly would be fine.

I don't think where else to ask and I don't want to step in the Steam thread. Any tips would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! 

Edit: I'm looking at a Nvidia 960m and 8/16 gigs of ram. Is that good enough? Is the difference of 8 gigs of ram a huge deal?

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you said computer but then you said 960m

when you said computer did you actually mean "hey guys i want to buy a casual ass laptop for my casual ass"

you said computer but then you said 960m

when you said computer did you actually mean "hey guys i want to buy a casual ass laptop for my casual ass"
Yeah, like I said, I'm not looking for anything hardcore, just something that works, and is cheap and portable. I mainly need it for school and stuff, but would love to play some games on it from time to time.

Yeah, like I said,
This is what you said

My computer finally crapped out, now I gotta get a new one. I might as well take this opportunity to buy one that can actually run games on it. Anyone got a suggestion for a graphics card and the amount of ram I would need? I'm not looking to run anything at max/ultra settings, or 4K 60 fps. Anything that can run Starcraft 2 and Overwatch at high and smoothly would be fine.

I'm not looking for anything hardcore, just something that works, and is cheap and portable.
But about that...

and is cheap

Anyways, 8 gb of ram is enough. A 960m should get you to run on high without dropping below 60fps at 1080. Blizzard games are usually pretty well optimized and can run decently on low end systems, they're just kind of always bottlenecked by the CPU, but any thing that has a 960m in it should be fine.

For that same amount of cash you can get a PC that's 3x as powerful, but you do you dawg.
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Anyways, 8 gb of ram is enough. A 960m should get you to run on high without dropping below 60fps at 1080. Blizzard games are usually pretty well optimized and can run decently on low end systems, they're just kind of always bottlenecked by the CPU, but any thing that has a 960m in it should be fine.

For that same amount of cash you can get a PC that's 3x as powerful, but you do you dawg.
I didn't want to say too much and give too many requirements and seem too picky. I didn't think there was a huge difference in laptop and desktop graphics cards either.

I thought gaming PCs were pretty expensive, up to around $3,000 or so. $1,500 to $1,000 to me seems kind of average/lowish after checking out some prices on Newegg. All the Alienwares I came across went for around $2,500 or so. So I thought anything under $2,000 would be pretty cheap.

Not only Blizzard games, I also wanted to run anything that was PC exclusive, like Player Unknown, DayZ, Dota 2, Black Desert, etc.

I also don't think I have too much freedom to build anything myself. Everything I checked on Newegg and Amazon seems to give me a standard model, then options to select the graphics card, ram, hard drive, and CD/DVD drive. I wouldn't know how to assemble anything myself either.

Putting together a PC is like putting together Legos. It's honestly really easy.

Buying a pre-built PC is akin to buying a laptop or console really. You get less for your money than you do getting the pieces yourself AKA don't look at Alienware that's like looking at a Dell (hint alienware is owned by dell). Spending $2,500 by picking out the parts yourself is what you do when you want 4K/60fps at ULTRA EXTREME settings and for it to give you daily blowjobs. A 1 to 1.5 grand pc can ran any game today at max settings just fine, probably barring some things at 4K.

Buildilng your PC also gets you intimate with it. You learn the gist of what every part does and how it all comes together to run amazing games like recettear and allows for ez upgrading for when you choose to (instead of having to buy an entire new system for which some games maybe dont even take full advantage of hint the PLAYSTATION PRO AND XBOX1X) And if some part were to fail, you can easily identity what part it is through troubleshooting and RMA it with no hassle, while something like Alienware probably puts a warranty on the entire thing and voids it as soon as you get up in dem gutz.

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So ummm... what's this about the daily blow jobs?

But in all seriousness, what if I do need it to be in laptop form though? Is it possible to build a laptop myself or pick out the exact parts I need for one? 

So ummm... what's this about the daily blow jobs?

But in all seriousness, what if I do need it to be in laptop form though? Is it possible to build a laptop myself or pick out the exact parts I need for one?
I don't know how that works.

If you want a laptop I think you just buy one.

I don't know how that works.

If you want a laptop I think you just buy one.
Yeah, laptops aren't quite as build-able as PCs. It can be done, but unless you've got experience, its best to just buy one prebuilt. When you do try to build one, you're pretty limited about options too, because certain parts only work well with other parts usually built by the same manufacturer, so often all you're really doing is assembling the same machine you can buy prebuilt.

Yeah, laptops aren't quite as build-able as PCs. It can be done, but unless you've got experience, its best to just buy one prebuilt. When you do try to build one, you're pretty limited about options too, because certain parts only work well with other parts usually built by the same manufacturer, so often all you're really doing is assembling the same machine you can buy prebuilt.
Thanks! I'll probably buy a cheaper laptop then, and just save up again to build my own PC somewhere down the line.

I forgot this was a kpop thread

I like all the pop.

I just got the platinum in Tekken 7. First one I've gotten in a looooong time. Now I want to buy it for the Xbone to get the 1000/1000.

Next up, I'm going to be playing a lot of PS2 since I just got one for $24. Gonna play soooo much old shit.
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