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  1. vindicator

    Muslims detained at stadium, obviously profiling not involved

    And what should have been done? Let them go, and if something did happen then what? I guarentee people would be screaming the administration dropped the ball. All this money being put into tighter security is being wasted. It's better to be safe than sorry.
  2. vindicator

    Serious Sam II - co-op?

    Theres still a cannon weapon. Anyways, if you plan on playing the game and plan on playing co-op, then it's a must buy. Just set the difficulty setting a tad higher. Nothing beats driving or flying vehicles around the level with a bunch of your friends while blasting away hoards of enemies...
  3. vindicator

    Serious Sam II - co-op?

    The funniest one I've seen was the rabbit meat grinder.
  4. vindicator

    Serious Sam II - co-op?

    Just so you know, there isn't nearly as much humor in SS2 as the first one.
  5. vindicator

    Serious Sam II - co-op?

    Beat the entire game on co-op with two other people. It was immensely fun. Though it gets very repetitive shooting hoards and hoards of the same enemies room after room. I don't think I would have enjoyed this game as much as I did had I been playing it by my self for some reason.
  6. vindicator

    Remember How I Asked Why the Mayor and Governor Did Squat?

    Or the man who writes like a highschool drop out. Are we suppose to take that drivel seriously? I mean, of all the hundreds of bloggers out there who desperately try to pin the blame on Bush, you pick that one. That was quite honestly the most inane, and frivolous written piece of work I've...
  7. vindicator

    Guess who got a contract to help clean up Katrina?

    Yeah, I guess it is Bush's fault. He should've spend all that war money on Star Trek technology and found a way to automatically "beam" all those National Guards men to the disaster area instread of having them drive cross country.
  8. vindicator

    Guess who got a contract to help clean up Katrina?

    Thats right, Bush was holding back the supplies. They weren't allowed in until his great arrival.:roll:
  9. vindicator

    Guess who got a contract to help clean up Katrina?

    They are the best prepared and best qualified company to handle this job. Whats the point of this thread?
  10. vindicator

    So it a trend for kids to get high by choking themselves?

    Actually, whats happening now is the kids are actually hanging themselves. I've heard several news stories of kids dying because they either hung themselves on a tree or in the closet with the light cord.
  11. vindicator

    Dell laptop power cord replacement

    I have a Dell laptop that I pruchased in early 2002. But last year Dell notified me of a power cord recall because of a defect in that model power cord. I believe the models affected were those from September 1998 and February 2002 with some of Dell's Latitude, Precision, and Inspiron...
  12. vindicator

    Slipknot sues Burger King

    As much as this lawsuit amuses me, this just offended me.
  13. vindicator

    Cindy Sheehan - Camping Out in Crawford

    She is still distraught. She is still greeving. At least according to her. It's the way shes going about it. “And the other thing I want him to tell me is ‘just what was the noble cause Casey died for?’ Was it freedom and democracy? Bullsh*t! He died for oil. He died to make your friends...
  14. vindicator

    Cindy Sheehan - Camping Out in Crawford

    That is exactly what I posted and as stated in the letter. Casey Sheehan's grandparents, aunts, uncles and numerous cousins. I never made any mention of Cindy being the only family member in the protest. Nor that her immediate family is against her protest.
  15. vindicator

    Cindy Sheehan - Camping Out in Crawford

    Then don't join the military! The military is not a babysitting service. First "wanker", and now "self centered ignorant little prick" Should your ridiculous posts even be taken seriously anymore? Your childish antics definity point to no. btw, you really need to learn to use quote tags.
  16. vindicator

    Cindy Sheehan - Camping Out in Crawford

    She is deeply distraut over the loss of her son, wouldn't you say it is clear evidence that she is not in a good mental state? If you VOLUNTARILY rejoin the military, I think you'd be well aware of the possiblities of being sent to Iraq. I don't approve of Bush using 9/11 for politcal gain (if...
  17. vindicator

    Cindy Sheehan - Camping Out in Crawford

    Casey Sheehan re-enlisted last August and planned to make a career in the military. According to his father, Casey "loved the Army because it gave him a chance to serve his country." If you ask me, she is tarnishing the memory of her son and dishonoring him through her actions. This is no...
  18. vindicator

    Cindy Sheehan - Camping Out in Crawford

    The following email was sent out by Casey's aunt and godmother: Her son apparently was proud of his service in the military, the family described him as promising to "do his best and serve honorably" upon going to Iraq. She is just shaming his memory at this point. is now paying...
  19. vindicator

    Having trouble with the Battlefield 2 demo- I've tried everything!

    I have similar specs as you, 2.4 ghz athlon 64 fx-53, 1gig ram, ATI X800XT PE. And while I can run the game, both demo and full version, It will crash on me in the middle of playing. Only I get the blue screen of death and the only way to get out of it is with a reset. I have a feeling this...
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