20,000th Registered CAG Contest Thread - Win $200 good at VideoGameDeals.com

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Head Cheap Ass
Staff member
14 (100%)
Congratulations Ledhead, the winner of the $200 www.VideoGameDeals.com voucher winner!

A big thanks to everyone that is a part of the growing CAG community. We're all helping make the dream of cheap video games a reality.

To celebrate our 20,000th registered user, CAG is going to give away 20,000 pennies in the form of a $200 VideoGameDeals.com Gift Voucher.

To enter this giveaway, simply post in this thread and tell us what being a CAG means to you. Do not post anything but a single entry in this thread.

Winner will be chosen at random.
One entry and post per person.
Contest ends September 30th at midnight EST.[/b]
CAG means not having to say I'm sorry. Wait, no, that's something else. CAG means being able to confuse my wife by bouncing around the room like a litle kid before grabbing the keys, running for the door, shouting "Cheapgamesgottagoloveyabye!"
being a cheap ass gamer is what i am a complete utter cheapass that helps other cheapasses be cheapasses and play games while you are doing it! that is what it means to be a true cheapassgamer!
CAG rerouting my money from books for classes and what have you to video games. ^^

But really it means the best deals and a fun community.
CAG means less money in my bank account because I can't resist good deals. I haven't eaten in days, but look at all the games I have!

Damn you, CAG! *shakes fist*

I think I'm eventually going to have to construct a house out of PS2 game boxes. :?
To me, being a CAG means knowing how to work the system, but not cheating the system. It means having knowledge that others do not have (such as foreknowledge of what will be on sale a week in advance, or what the real price of a game is, as opposed to the marked price), but tempering that knowledge with the wisdom not to abuse it by turning a valid score into a fraudulent scam (redundant? perhaps).

Being a CAG means having a network of people who are more interested in helping someone get the game they want than in getting as much money as they possibly could for said game. Sometimes being a CAG means giving someone else a great deal (like selling something someone else wants at or below cost, or just giving it to them free of charge), and appreciating the deal from their point of view (Hey, cool for them, they just got a free game!), instead of pinching every penny to only get great deals for one's self. I know all CAGs are not like this, but there are enough who are to keep me coming back.
Hi I just recently joined because like many of you I'm an avid gamer and I'm always looking for the best deals out there and CAG definitely helps me out with looking for them.

Congrats on 20k registered that's quite a feat,.
I just bought a GC, and I'm in college, so I can't afford much else. This site makes it great to find things I can afford that I really want. I'm so excited that I found this site. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
I love saving money and they do all the work here for you. No need to check every site every day. Just check Cheapassgamer and you will find what you need. The only problem is I end up buying more games than I have time to play. I think I may even enjoy saving money on games more than I enjoy playing them :D
Being a CAG means working together with other CAGs in order to get the best deals on video game related items. It does NOT mean taking advantage of deals for your own profit (especially for eBay). It's about the games, man, the games!
I havent been here very long, but to me CAG means a good place to find deals and a relaxed place even for just chatting.
It means finding the cheapest deals on both newer games I want and older ones I passed up because I had to pay full price for some high profile game that turned out sucky. It then becomes a way of life to get good deals on videogames that would otherwise break me. It also means logging on whenever possible to make sure I don't miss anything, even if that means being repeatedly reprimanded at work for accessing a site with the word 'ass' in it, even if its explained as a friggin videogame deal website to my plant manager in his office. It also shows you that when you post a deal you think is hot, turns out five other posters beat you to the punch hours ago, definitely showing you the awesome value of this site to videogame deal hunters!
Being a CAG means that, even on my part-time budget, i can enjoy all sorts of games. Also, being a CAG means i get to exploit all of Circuit City's incrediably cheap sells before they even put the games in the 4.99 bin. Finally, being a CAG means that i didn't feel ripped off when i got Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, cause had i paid the full 29.99, i'm sure i would have.
CAG is my all time favorite website. I've saved a ton of money on the great deals I've found here (we won't discuss how I actually spend more money on games then ever before thanks to the many deals I never would have found without CAG). I'm also impressed with the generosity of fellow CAGers, who are willing to take the time to let the rest of us know about the deals that are out there. Long live Cheap Ass Gamers!!! :notworth:
CAG is an outrageous community of video game fanatics forever seeking the very best video game deals to feed their hobby.
Being a CAG is all about getting your game on without breaking the bank. Being a gamer these days is insanely expensive, but if you happen to be a CAG(as everyone should be) you can stretch your cash a little bit further.
CAG means that I don't go out of my gord buying every new game the second that it comes out.

And going out of my gord is a bad thing, though, I feel as if I spend most of my time out of it.

My gord I mean.
I get way to excited when I get something worth $60+ for 5 bucks. CAG is making my dreams come true. I need CAG to help my growing collection of games. We all need CAG. Thank you Cheapy D.
CAG means piling up a big stash of games that would take years to finish, which means you won't get to play a game on system that is not obsolete.
CAG means no more googling for prices.

CAG means no more inferior coupon websites.

CAG means no more unwanted mailing list .subscriptsion.

CAG means more money in my pocket.

CAG means less time in the popcorn stand at work.

CAG means less time trading AMD stock and more time playing Mario Kart.

CAG means more dietcokes per hour (2.5) now that I'm playing more games.

CAG means checking every Friday for new deals.

CAG means swearing at the computer for a sweet deal on a game I want.

CAG means swearing at the computer for a sweet deal on a game I suddenly want ;)

CAG means less time with real girls and more the plasitcy PS2 girls.

CAG means more medium Wendy's frostys accumalating in my trash bin.

CAG means more less writing since I can finally afford Ink Jet Cartridges.

CAG means delayed college essays, and more time playing The Sims.

CAG means Captain Crunch is now assosciated with an intense game of Dynasty Warriors in the morning.

CAG means more money to host my websites.

CAG means more money to waste on my websites.

CAG means manic depression due to lack of contact with nasty sales clerk.

CAG means healthier lifestyle also because of lack of contact with nasty sales clerk.

CAG means higher morales, appreciate for life arises from doing well in both life and in Metroid Prime.

CAG means being grounded inside is a godsend.

CAG means calling in sick to work to grab a good deal doesnt always cost you lost wages.

CAG means seeing your manager skipping to go to BB for the same deal, is always less awkward.

CAG means 3 fellow neighbors no longer carpool to BB/CC always seem to arrive for the same deal, without first phoning each other ;)

CAG means more good deals, not more competition for deals.

CAG means $2 is better spent on a PS2 game then a McDonalds Meal.

CAG means $2 is better spent on a PS2 game then ANYTHING ELSE.

Scratch that, $2 on a PS2 game is second best to donating to CAG.

CAG means personal hygiene takes a back seat to a early morning deal.

CAG means personal hygiene takes a back set to a afternoon deal ;)

CAG means the presidential debate can wait until I scour for a decent coupon.

CAG means my friends in college can afford to play the latest games with me (Im in HS, not a bum)

CAG means friends online can help you more then friends on the ground. They may not take a physical bullet for you, but a hit to the wallet to help you can be just as good.

CAG means downtime wouldnt cause a relapse to an inferior coupon forum, but a withdrawl from society the the forthcoming apocalypse. Thank god Cheapdy doesnt go with low-cost hosting.

CAG means a feeling of gratitude so deep, that Im willing to succumb to a near fatal lapse of fatigue just so I can post a portion of my feelilngs.

CAG means it puts the lotion on its skin or it gets the hose again.
Being a CAG means not wanting anyone to pay more than they need to for any game or accessory. CheapAssGamer.com's website and forums have definitely been a great help to that end!
I'm gonna buy games anyway, CAG helps me to find the best deals out there. Of course, there are so many good deals and so little cash-ola. :D
some people are clearly just making new accounts to post in this thred.... me on the other hand i want in this contest but dont remember if i posted already :/
To me, being a CAGer is not only about reading about and using deals from any of our unselfish users, it is also about myself sharing or adding to deals with plenty of other CAGers. Community, that is what this place is all about.
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