Amazon: SMT: Devil Summoner 2 w/ plush $36.99

[quote name='dafunkk12']Mine from only has a square sticker seal; no plastic wrapping. I got #11722, and my Raiho's all sideways-y. [/QUOTE]
Looks like Raiho is kissing himself on the cover...:ziplip:
[quote name='mkelehan']Looks like Amazon is no longer offering the plushie.[/QUOTE]

I ordered one yesterday after they removed the "pre-order" message. We'll see if it comes with the plush. It is also up $2 to $36.99 now.

I say "pre-order" because this is not a pre-order offer, and it never was. It is included with every launch copy, i.e. the first run. They may have completed the first run, but I doubt it. When that supply is exhausted, I believe you will see retailers out of stock for a while (weeks?) while the second run (if any!) is manufactured.

If you are worried about the plush, get it from, which still indicates it more clearly. Also up to $36.99, though.
[quote name='Vinny']So, there's nothing holding the Raiho plush in place? That seems really stupid...[/QUOTE]

There is a piece of plastic with holes cut out for both items. The problem is, there is a bunch of wiggle room meaning there is a chance that transport will knock one of the items over.

Anyway, this looks toe awesome to open. Definitely hoping I can score either a second copy cheap or a game only down the line.
[quote name='wakkoviper']guess i got lucky. mine came in a smashed box by UPS.


Go to your account in Amazon. Choose the shipping feedback (bottom right option in the top box) and leave feedback and upload those pics. You should get a replacement since it's clearly been damaged in transit.
UPS delivered my box a little bowed, but no major damage to the plastic box or anything inside. I got number 35035, repeater!
The gamestop by me had about 6 of these this afternoon, about 5 dollars more than amazon, but considering you cant get the little plush any more from amazon, it's not bad
For those writing Amazon off, as long as Amazon has it in stock, I'm guessing you're going to get the plush. A guy with Atlus posted on GAF that a second run hasn't been printed yet, so if Amazon is still selling them it would have to be the first run (that comes with the plus and deluxe packaging).
I just don't want to take the risk of the packaging being devoured (see above). Also, it seems that I can't cancel my order even if I wanted to due to the fact that when I ordered the game I also ordered Yakuza 2, and due to the FSSS and the fact that they shipped Y2 separately, It won't let me cancel DS2.
Which is exactly what I did. The other one I saw at GS had a bent in corner, although nothing big, I asked to see the other which was in a better condition aside from the fact that the plush was upside down...facing the wrong way.
I would go to ebgay to purchase it instead of waiting for amazon to ship my damn order but taxes are almost 10% now, so I'd be paying an extra $10. :|
Not Yet Shipped:
1 item - delivery estimate: May 26, 2009 - June 1, 2009

That's the status for both my orders. It should be out sooner than that tho if past experiences are any indication.

I am paying $31.49 for each so I guess I can just deal with it since I didn't want to pay upgraded shipping.

I am tempted to go to GS and get one tho and keep the 2 I ordered sealed and pretty in storage... been really looking forward to this game.
My GameCrazy pre-order is 24280. They had a 24254 also, but I missed out on it I guess. No biggie.

Still waiting on my Amazon order. Here's hoping it isn't damaged, but if it is, I guess that will be the one I open and play.
[quote name='cdul']Here's hoping it isn't damaged, but if it is, I guess that will be the one I open and play.[/QUOTE]

There is a game in the package that I can play? GTFO.

Or maybe you meant play with the plushie. :lol:
[quote name='ninja dog']Mine's in the 30 thousands...seems like the highest number so far in the last few pages. I knew they made a fuckload of these.[/QUOTE]
31214 for me. To be fair, 40k would be less than the original Devil Summoner sold, if that's what's out there.
[quote name='ninja dog']Mine's in the 30 thousands...seems like the highest number so far in the last few pages. I knew they made a fuckload of these.[/QUOTE]

Someone on the Atlus forums reported a number in the 50 thousands. I haven't read it today, though, so maybe there's something even higher. This is by no means "limited".
[quote name='Purkeynator']Not quite. For the whole bundle itself, the going rate on ebay seems to be $50-55 with free shipping. So subtract off about $7 to send through the mail and chop off roughly 20% for ebay and Paypal fees and you are looking at about $2 profit even for the whole bundle.[/QUOTE] which is why reselling is stupid, I thought gamers buy games for gameplay.... not profit.....
[quote name='williamspam91']which is why reselling is stupid, I thought gamers buy games for gameplay.... not profit.....[/QUOTE]

When you can resell a game and make a second copy free, it's worth it.
The one I grabbed at GS had the plushie upside down and facing the wrong way. Other than that it was not damaged.
mine was pretty perfect...but i picked it out at gamestop. Pristine as ever. IN the 4000s somewhere I can't remember. I'm not gonna open it. Prolly just keep it and wait for a reprint to actually play the game.
[quote name='willardhaven']When you can resell a game and make a second copy free, it's worth it.[/QUOTE]

So you're factoring in:

Ebay + Paypal fees
Shipping (factoring the size of the box) won't get the 'free' second copy unless it's reaches....$95?
I got this thing today 13775. Crap there is no way I'm opening it. . Now I got to wait for a deal on a regular copy. Maybe 19.99 around Christmas?. Oh well!! Guess I'll just work on my back log.
[quote name='joby27']Crap there is no way I'm opening it. . Now I got to wait for a deal on a regular copy.[/QUOTE]

But Raiho wants to come out and play!

So... Atlus has made a game with packaging so perfect that disturbing it would be a crime. They should just sell this thing without a DVD inside the game case: a lot of people wouldn't be able to tell the difference. :)
I order mine from amazon on the 12th. Just missed the pre-order date by a hair, forgot about it. Anyways, it says mine will ship on the 19th, does anyone think it will come with the plushie :?: Probably should check the gamestop by me.
[quote name='Tov']I order mine from amazon on the 12th. Just missed the pre-order date by a hair, forgot about it. Anyways, it says mine will ship on the 19th, does anyone think it will come with the plushie :?: Probably should check the gamestop by me.[/QUOTE]

As I mentioned earlier, the package is with every launch copy. I am almost certain Atlus has not manufactured, let alone shipped, a second run. (There may not even be second run.) So unless you see it out of stock at retailers for a while, you are getting a launch copy.

I ordered mine after you did, and I fully expect the package; I'll report here if that is not the case.
So... does anyone know if these will be rare/profitable later on? I ask because I saw like 8 of these sitting around at my local GameStop. Clerk says they aren't even for pre-orders... I might pick up a few since, apparently, no one wants them. >=)
MY plushie had fallen over there was an opening on the side that I was able to reseat it. All that was needed was a large twist tie. LOL
bread's done