Amazon - Titanfall bundle 449.99 with promo code X1AMAZON

Blaster man

12 (100%)
Amazon - $50 off now too.  Use promo code X1AMAZON at checkout.  Code also valid on the standard (free Forza) version.


[SIZE=.82em]Order Xbox One and Get a Special Bonus Offer[/SIZE]
Order this item and enter the code “XIAMAZON” at checkout for a bonus offer. Valid when shipped and sold by Amazon reserves the right to change or terminate this promotion at any time. Limited to one per customer. This is a limited time offer while supplies last.


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I stopped reading their comment after I saw racism being compared to fanboy shit talking.
Lol, I should've done the same thing. But he keeps parroting himself in different topics spouting FUD. He'll probably ignore my response, being the troll he is.
Lol, I should've done the same thing. But he keeps parroting himself in different topics spouting FUD. He'll probably ignore my response, being the troll he is.
The dude doesn't know shit. MS was trying to be shady about online only. MS came out and said they were going to be, then after everyone's reaction, they changed it. Hows that shady? SMH. Hell, I knew MS was gonna change it long before they announced it. They're smart, they won't keep something everyone hates.
Who in the XBOX division thought gamers would embrace used games restrictions in the first place is the real question. That person needs to be banned from the industry.

Who in the XBOX division thought gamers would embrace used games restrictions in the first place is the real question. That person needs to be banned from the industry.
Adam Orth. And look where he's at. Asking people to help fund his new shitty idea game on kickstarter.
Hot damn, now all they need to do is drop Kinect and throw in a year of gold free and I might, MIGHT consider an X1.  No wait, still no games for it I care about. : \

Lol, I should've done the same thing. But he keeps parroting himself in different topics spouting FUD. He'll probably ignore my response, being the troll he is.
Troll? I've been a member here for 11 years. I'm far from.

The racism comment was in regards to how fast some pull the 'race card' when it's convenient to them. People are spouting 'fanboy' when not once have I ever stuck up for any other console/brand. I've only posted absolute facts. I own all last gen consoles, with the xbox 360, PS3, wii, vita, and 3DS xl. And as I stated, the 360 has my largest library of games. I favored it over every other console for quite a long time. So tell me, does that sound like a 'fanboy'? Now you see my point in comparison to the race card?

The issue is I wanted the xbone as well as a PS4. As it stands now I have no interest in either console. There aren't enough games to warrant a purchase. And the wii u just doesn't interest me. What I do though as I aged as I learned not to support companies who blatantly abuse their customers. Microsoft has always charged for xbl, yet always had ads on every late of the 360 dashboard. Now they charge $30 for heDset adapters when the last console had a headset included. You have to pay to use headsets you already own! And kinect... This isn't my opinion but a majority... most people just don't want it and would rather pay $400 for the console then buy it separately as an option.

So in the above, have I ever once showed any 'fanboyism' sticking up for anyone? I'm only stating my issues with the console and what the brand turned into. A milking, money making machine. I'm not going to be a cog in that wheel.
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You're claiming your issues are facts. You've stated your opinion, nothing more. Seems easier to just not post about something you obviously are biased against. You're entitled to not like something, doesn't mean you need to keep posting about it.
im guessing it will go back up by tomorrow.

If for some reason Xbox One is still decently behind the PS4 after this month id fully expect a drop of at least $50 by E3. If not then we likely wont see a drop for a bit.

In the grand scheme of things, Xbox One is selling a lot compared to past generations so I don't think they are in major trouble. PS4 has just caught lightning in a bottle and making it look like its doing really bad. I'm sure once they put out a Halo of any kind they will be doing fine.

Hmm really not so crazy about this purchase.  None of the games really seem worth it.  Kinect looks like it will continue to suck ass.  Really doesn't seem worth it.  But with the $60 promo credit I got from Amazon made the system much more affordable. Still with PS4 I don't think I need XBOX.

Xbox has some good games. Dead Rising 3 is pretty good. Ryse is decent. Titanfall is great if you like that. Plants Vs Zombies is good too but its timed exclusive.

Too bad Titanfall is an online-only game, that killed any interest in it for me.  Same for PvZ.  No offline play = no thanks, I don't want to have to be forced to play with people just to play a game.  I game to relax and enjoy myself, and online just doesn't fit with that at all.  Plus those games basically are severely limited due to the online-only requirement; in a year or two, they're be forgotten, disposable junk. 

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im guessing it will go back up by tomorrow.

If for some reason Xbox One is still decently behind the PS4 after this month id fully expect a drop of at least $50 by E3. If not then we likely wont see a drop for a bit.

In the grand scheme of things, Xbox One is selling a lot compared to past generations so I don't think they are in major trouble. PS4 has just caught lightning in a bottle and making it look like its doing really bad. I'm sure once they put out a Halo of any kind they will be doing fine.
March will be a huge month for the X1 in terms of sales, I can see it outselling the PS4 by a large amount. Maybe even doubling it. Tons of people are jumping on this deal. I think MS has a lot of great momentum and positive vibes on their side right now.

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Wow, there is no point in responding to Romeo. Not only is he unable to comprehend a response that nullifies EVERY one of his uneducated opinions, but..

Now they charge $30 for heDset adapters when the last console had a headset included. You have to pay to use headsets you already own!
Xbox One comes with a headset, too. LOL. You don't know because admittedly don't own one. And did you not read my post on WHY they have an adapter? How dull can someone be.. I mean, god damn.

Just stop posting, you embarrassed yourself enough as is.
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March will be a huge month for the X1 in terms of sales, I can see it outselling the PS4 by a large amount. Maybe even doubling it. Tons of people are jumping on this deal. I think MS has a lot of great momentum and positive vibes on their side right now.
like i said, i want to wait and see what it looks like. Surely sells are up but I still see huge stacks of them everywhere I go. I guess they could just have a lot of stock due to slow January and feb sells.

. I'm sure once they put out a Halo of any kind they will be doing fine.
The Halo crowd hasn't spoken yet. Many, Many Halo guys, myself included, see no need to pick up an X1 right now.
I fully expect MS to release a Halo themed console, so that's another reason I'm waiting.
The Halo crowd hasn't spoken yet. Many, Many Halo guys, myself included, see no need to pick up an X1 right now.
I fully expect MS to release a Halo themed console, so that's another reason I'm waiting.
so are you saying you are willing to pay $500 for a halo themed limited edition xbox one console?

Wow, there is no point in responding to Romeo. Not only is he unable to comprehend a response that nullifies EVERY one of his uneducated opinions, but..

Xbox One comes with a headset, too. LOL. You don't know because admittedly don't own one. And did you not read my post on WHY they have an adapter? How dull can someone be.. I mean, god damn.

Just stop posting, you embarrassed yourself enough as is.
Then I fully admit my ignorance on the subject of the headsets. Originally microsoft officially stated one was not to be included. They only followed suit after Sony stated they will include one with a PS4.

Without a doubt.

Of course, being the Cheap Ass that I am, I 'd try SOME way of getting that price down.
but doesn't m$ charge a high price tag for limited edition theme consoles? compare to regular edition consoles. if we are using the price difference in regular xbox 360, and limited edition theme xbox 360 console as comparison. wouldn't they most likely charge $600 for a limited edition theme halo xbox one console?

Yes, MS charged more for their last two Halo themed consoles, however they both came with a copy of the game, and two themed controllers.
The Halo 4 console even came with some exclusive DLC that many were able to sell off to cut some of the cost.
Then I fully admit my ignorance on the subject of the headsets. Originally microsoft officially stated one was not to be included. They only followed suit after Sony stated they will include one with a PS4.
Wow this is getting pathetic lol. Microsoft never stated anything close to that in fact they are the company that originally packaged a headset with every console. You're right about one thing though you are ignorant.
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Wow this is getting pathetic lol. Microsoft never stated anything close to that in fact they are the company that originally packaged a headset with every console. You're right about one thing though you are ignorant.
Actually, they did said at first they wouldn't pack in the headset because you can just use the kinect but then went back on that and then added one.

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Capitalizing the word FACT does not make something more of a fact.  Rather something either is or isn't a fact.  

For example, FACT WItchita State beat Kentucky by 5 points.  My capitalizing it does not make it so.   Also, it has been my experience that speaking about a company or topic about which one has such strong personal opinions can skew their objectivity.  (about facts and the like)

Mine came today at a little after 8am.  Just looking at it in the Amazon box and debating on whether I should open it or send it back, hmmm.

Mine came today at a little after 8am. Just looking at it in the Amazon box and debating on whether I should open it or send it back, hmmm.
Lol. Why did you order one if you weren't sure if you wanted one? Post purchase regret?

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Lol. Why did you order one if you weren't sure if you wanted one? Post purchase regret?
I already have PS4. I ordered because I was able to get it cheap. $342 total even with $30 tax and I'm going to sell the Titanfall code. It was too hard to resist.

I also thought Kinect would be more fun and Kinect Sports would be better but then I looked at videos on Youtube and was tremendously disappointed.

Lol @ going off YouTube videos to determine if you'll like a game. You clearly don't want the system, so just return it.
Youtube videos are a good way to determine what Kinect games or really any games will be like.
Don't base your purchase just on Kinect games, base it on games in general, and how you think you might like exclusives coming out in the future. Kinect is a gimmick, the regular games are what you should be looking at.
Don't base your purchase just on Kinect games, base it on games in general, and how you think you might like exclusives coming out in the future. Kinect is a gimmick, the regular games are what you should be looking at.
Very true. The reason I was looking so much at Kinect is because I already have PS4. I'm really not interested in many exclusives. I'm probably going to pass on Infamous. I basically play Sports games. The biggest exclusive that I'm hyped up about is MLB The Show on PS4.

If there was a Gears of War announced then I'd be very interested in that. Halo is not a must have by any measure to me but it is an enjoyable game.

So, there were a couple things I was considering.

1) I can use the X1 for the Kinect, rather than buy the PS4 camera. The Kinect will probably have more games (like Kinect Sports Rivals) which I was originally interested in. I ordered a fitness and Dance game that I thought would be fun but I'm starting to think I won't really play them at all so the Kinect might be pretty useless aside from voice commands to me. Hmmm...

2) I don't see this happening but I may end up completely favoring the X1 and prefer to play games on there.

I really don't see that happen. I find it annoying their controller still uses AA batteries and I don't want to pay for a Live subscription on both consoles. It could be good to have both and not like I spent much out of pocket to get them either so I'm really just weighing my options now and seeing if it's at all worth it to me or if it will just sit there like when I bought a Wii or any secondary console I've ever bought really.

I hope this bundle sells lots of copies so that Sony will have to lower the price of its PS4 bundles. Competition is good thing.

I think this is great for consumers and has the potential to force Sony to put out PS4 bundles. An Infamous Second Son bundle would be pretty sweet.
My dream would be for a white PS4 bundled with the next AC game, including a physical copy. Just like the AC Liberation Vita.

I hope this bundle sells lots of copies so that Sony will have to lower the price of its PS4 bundles. Competition is good thing.
and why do a lower price when its base price is still less? not to mention you are required an Xbox Live account to play Titanfall. Smart on you Microsoft, they discount the xbox $50 and give you Titanfall for free because after the free month you are required to buy xbox live, they make their money back quickly.

Sony definitely wouldn't do that. They've been selling like hot cakes and still hold the ball. They're still on top.
I think a Black Friday bundle at MSRP is highly likely. The game (Infamous SS) will no longer be new and won't be worth 59.99. It should be going for 19.99 or 29.99 by then.

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That's fine. But this deal is for people that want one now so I don't even know why you guys are clicking in here. Obviously fighting with yourselves not to buy. LOL I was there too. I'm confident this will be the best price for a while though and so I couldn't resist.

I love my PS4 purchase. I never planned on buying XBOX One but with all the credit I had to bring the cost down from Amazon it became too tempting to pass on. I'm pretty confident there will not be a better deal on an XBOX One this year though. Definitely not anything that makes you say wow I'm really glad I waited to get in on this deal.
I'm not sure why you're so confident that there won't be a better deal this year. We're not even a full 3 months into the year and we're already seeing the sale price drop at multiple retailers. It's far more likely that we will see it drop further. At the very least I imagine we'll see other $450 bundles that come with an actual physical copy of a game, but again, that's at the very least. There will almost certainly be Xbones for sale for $399.99 by year's end, if not sooner, and that will make me glad I waited. Thanks to putting half my tax return into Amazon credit (turbo tax had a nice deal where they'd add 10% of your total to additional Amazon credit), I could pay off the entire console with it, but I treat credit like real money, and I'd rather not spend it unless I think it's really a great deal. At $400 with a free game, I think it will be a much better deal, and I think it's a safe bet we'll see it by year's end.

I think this is great for consumers and has the potential to force Sony to put out PS4 bundles. An Infamous Second Son bundle would be pretty sweet.
wouldn't ps4 watch dogs bundle be more likely, seeing as before watchdogs were delay. they were selling watch dog ps4 bundles on amazon?

@BNoyes :  There is no chance in that happening.  You sound completely clueless.  I guess there are voices in your head telling you this but they're wrong.  It is brainless speculation from you.   You see that this console is $450 with Titanfall ($60 game) and you think that means XBOX One will be $400 by years end.  Or you think that the bundles will only get better and be selling at $400 by the end of the year.

Sorry but you're clueless.  Microsoft is not in that much trouble to do something so drastic.  Have fun waiting I really don't care.

@BNoyes : There is no chance in that happening. You sound completely clueless. I guess there are voices in your head telling you this but they're wrong. It is brainless speculation from you. You see that this console is $450 with Titanfall ($60 game) and you think that means XBOX One will be $400 by years end. Or you think that the bundles will only get better and be selling at $400 by the end of the year.

Sorry but you're clueless. Microsoft is not in that much trouble to do something so drastic. Have fun waiting I really don't care.
Keep in mind that there were already gift card deals for $50 at these same stores prior to this sale. I wouldn't be at all surprised to see a 399.99 Xbox One bundle on BF with a game packed in or at the very least a deal matching this with a $50 gift card from the retailers to sweeten the pot. Even newly released iPhones have massive competition with gift cards being given away on BF and I think it's safe to say that iPhone demand is much larger than Xbox One demand.

Look, you cats don't have any idea what you're talking about.  Prices will not be that low.  I don't care about some insanely overpriced iPhone's OK?  That's irrelevant.  I've been following gaming deals for a long time and the deals you think you're going to see are not going to happen.

I would've probably kept the XB1 but I haven't won shit in poker this week.  I been getting so fucked over it's insanely ridiculous.  Made 1000 last week and then this week all I see is bullshit after bullshit after bullshit.

Look, you cats don't have any idea what you're talking about. Prices will not be that low. I don't care about some insanely overpriced iPhone's OK? That's irrelevant. I've been following gaming deals for a long time and the deals you think you're going to see are not going to happen.

I would've probably kept the XB1 but I haven't won shit in poker this week. I been getting so fucked over it's insanely ridiculous. Made 1000 last week and then this week all I see is bullshit after bullshit after bullshit.
Says the guy that thinks this is a Walmart deal that Best Buy and Target and Amazon just happened to price match.... with no MS oversight... yessir. You are the one I'd be listening to.

bread's done