Amazon Video Game Lightning Deals All Day TODAY - Wolfenstein $40/$30 DotD

[quote name='Scorch']Despite not being the first to post it, Linkin deletes all other DOTD threads and keeps his own. Huh. Imagine that.[/QUOTE]
Just don't bad mouth Halo; I've got priors. :(
[quote name='Jswanko']4pm - Zombies eat brains

Sounds like Plants vs. Zombies to me.[/QUOTE]Fingers crossed!
[quote name='vherub']How much did Amazon have the ghostbuster slimer wii game for?[/QUOTE]Same as they did on Sunday night's Gold Box deal when they did it for the 360, $40.
Kind of a lame deal for Order of Ecclesia, I got it on the release date for only $6 more than that. Was hoping for a $10-15 copy of Judgment.
[quote name='bvharris']Castlevanie: OeS for $20.. Tempting.[/QUOTE]

Items: $28.99 Shipping & Handling: $0.00 Reward Applied: -$0.00 Promotion Applied: -$2.90 Promotion Applied: -$2.90 Lightning Deal: -$9.01
Total Before Tax: $14.18 Estimated Tax: $0.00

Now more tempting.

Actually it's so tempting that I bought it. Man I've waited so long for this. Like so freaking long. I've been dying to play a Castlevania game. This is like a dream come true. Time to knock out Dead Space and ODST before Monday.
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[quote name='FurryCurry']
Guys I think it's possible to cheat Amazon big time. I'm not going to say how and probably some of you have already realized how but I think it's really important for Amazon and the ECA to link our ECA and Amazon accounts already. Because I think we could get 90% off games if we do some cheating. I'm going to see what happens if I try it.[/QUOTE]

20% is the limit.
Remember: You don't need filler for free shipping if the price was above $25 before discounts (Gold Box/ECA).

OoE is ~$17 shipped with ECA!
[quote name='FurryCurry']
Guys I think it's possible to cheat Amazon big time. I'm not going to say how and probably some of you have already realized how but I think it's really important for Amazon and the ECA to link our ECA and Amazon accounts already. Because I think we could get 90% off games if we do some cheating. I'm going to see what happens if I try it.[/QUOTE]

Please don't, I like the ECA discount and would rather it wasn't shutdown because of idiots abusing it.
[quote name='FurryCurry']Guys I think it's possible to cheat Amazon big time. I'm not going to say how and probably some of you have already realized how but I think it's really important for Amazon and the ECA to link our ECA and Amazon accounts already. Because I think we could get 90% off games if we do some cheating. I'm going to see what happens if I try it.[/QUOTE]
It won't work, so don't waste your time.
[quote name='Jodou']It won't work, so don't waste your time.[/QUOTE]

Yeah I just read that. Well ok good. I really don't want it to work because then that'll mean no more codes for awhile again.
[quote name='Skoad']Remember: You don't need filler for free shipping if the price was above $25 before discounts (Gold Box/ECA).


Thanks, I wouldn't have caught that if you hadn't mentioned. You saved me from buying another DS game to pad it out.
YES!!! What a fantastic deal to go with my purchase of a DSi yesterday. THANK YOU AMAZON!:hot::hot:

and yeah, thanks about the reminder for FSSS, I almost had to pass on it due to not wanting anything else.
[quote name='FurryCurry']Guys I think it's possible to cheat Amazon big time. I'm not going to say how and probably some of you have already realized how but I think it's really important for Amazon and the ECA to link our ECA and Amazon accounts already. Because I think we could get 90% off games if we do some cheating. I'm going to see what happens if I try it.[/QUOTE]

I would support this as a proof-of-concept, with the stipulation that -- should it work as you fear -- your intention is then immediately notify Amazon of the glitch/loophole/bug so that it can be patched. I, too, thoroughly enjoy my ECA codes, I'm content with the 10% off, and support any actions taken to safeguard its continued existence.
[quote name='KhrevalBruuk']I would support this as a proof-of-concept, with the stipulation that -- should it work as you fear -- your intention is then immediately notify Amazon of the glitch/loophole/bug so that it can be patched. I, too, thoroughly enjoy my ECA codes, I'm content with the 10% off, and support any actions taken to safeguard its continued existence.[/QUOTE]

On the page before someone responded back by saying it caps out at 20%. Still though, I wonder if Amazon will even take notice to people abusing that.
I regret not getting the Ghostbusters Slimer Edition.

I was planning on getting the game anyway at some time and if I could have gotten a few freebies alongside it would have been nice.

Of course I didn't hear about today's gold box until about 5 minutes ago.

I'm tempted to get Castlevania but I never finished Dawn of Sorrow so I've still got that And the other Castlevania DS game to trudge through.
[quote name='maximumzero']
I'm tempted to get Castlevania but I never finished Dawn of Sorrow so I've still got that And the other Castlevania DS game to trudge through.[/QUOTE]

Get it. Great game. And it could become rare one day, so this may be the best price you'll find.
[quote name='FurryCurry']On the page before someone responded back by saying it caps out at 20%. Still though, I wonder if Amazon will even take notice to people abusing that.[/QUOTE]
Doubt it. It's a minority of us who actually can take advantage of it since we're stupid hoardersLoL! Guess who's laughing now. . .
[quote name='mkelehan']Get it. Great game. And it could become rare one day, so this may be the best price you'll find.[/QUOTE]

It'd be stupid of me to buy a game I'm not gonna play for years.
[quote name='maximumzero']It'd be stupid of me to buy a game I'm not gonna play for years.[/QUOTE]

Is it stupid? Or perhaps is it the most smartest thing ever?
OoE is one of the more annoying Drac boss battle games, but has some impressive, if not annoying mini-bosses. Worth the $20. I wonder what the upcoming Ghostbuster game will go for? Unless it gets under $30, I probably won't bite.
[quote name='maximumzero']It'd be stupid of me to buy a game I'm not gonna play for years.[/QUOTE]

I have a feeling there are a lot of "stupid" people like that on here! :roll:
But I hear ya... I'm trying to cut down so I can get to that backlog... it's ginormous now... :bomb:
[quote name='Watchman']OoE is one of the more annoying Drac boss battle games,[/QUOTE]

No fucking joke. The game was difficult kind of early/midway in, don't have much in the way of equipment or good glyphs. But I have played nearly every portable castlevania now(portrait of ruin to go after this) and after the initial learning curve it hasn't been too bad. Jesus though, dracula hits harder than a truck and is way harder to avoid(just his first form) than ANY other CV I've played. Right at him but haven't taken the time to finish the game yet after dieing multiple times.
[quote name='Magikarp830']I have a feeling there are a lot of "stupid" people like that on here! :roll:
But I hear ya... I'm trying to cut down so I can get to that backlog... it's ginormous now... :bomb:[/QUOTE]

I just played bioshock that I bought at least 2 years ago...
I hate that I missed the OoE deal (curse you, college classes!), but it will eventually have to drop price, so no biggie.

Now, as for the next deal, it pretty much HAS to be Silent Hill Homecoming. Any thoughts or opinions on it for someone who played the first and was mildly interested in the story?
[quote name='FeralWraith']Now, as for the next deal, it pretty much HAS to be Silent Hill Homecoming. Any thoughts or opinions on it for someone who played the first and was mildly interested in the story?[/QUOTE]
Unless it's on PS3 and $10, I'm not going to bother. The series went downhill quick after the amazing sequel and changing dev teams.
[quote name='FeralWraith']Now, as for the next deal, it pretty much HAS to be Silent Hill Homecoming. Any thoughts or opinions on it for someone who played the first and was mildly interested in the story?[/QUOTE]

Yes, play the second and third and keep your eye on the remake of the first on wii. It is the first they're redoing right?
[quote name='blucadet3']I just played bioshock that I bought at least 2 years ago...[/QUOTE]

Haha... really ironic thing to say... I was about to start on Bioshock, too, which I also got 2 years ago! :rofl:
well its sold out now... I doubt i would paid 17 for it.. i got the castleviania Ruin game off hastings for 4 shipped and never played it yet
Looks like Silent Hill Homecoming is the 360 version. I might have bitten on the PS3 version at $15 since ECA would bring it down to something like $12. Enjoy to those who bite on it.

I'm going to guess Amazon is going to go on equal ground for the most part on these. We've seen a Wii, DS, and 360 game. Going to guess that the 4 PM is a PC game, and the last game is the PS3 version of Ghostbusters.
[quote name='pswiifanboy']Just picked up SH: Homecoming for $8.98 with eca 20% off.[/QUOTE]
20% off? What did I miss? I got 10% off for 11.98
@craven_fiend & jbe3rd: He's referencing the ECA glitch that allows you to stack two 10% codes. It's only possible to do if you generated an ECA code prior to about a week and a half ago.
[quote name='craven_fiend']20% off?[/QUOTE]

[quote name='jbe3rd']20% off? What did I miss? I got 10% off for 11.98[/QUOTE]

They're exploiting a glitch in the ECA codes. Doesn't seem to bother many people that it's shady, but people can make their own decisions.
bread's done