Amazon Vote...Both PS3's and Wiiii

Poor guys and your precious voting system. I'm sorry if I offended you. Why don;'t you all vote and get me out of here instead of whining about it like little babies?
Better yet, why don't you:

Vote so that only a few people can make phone calls
Vote so that only a few people can buy houses
Vote for jobs

It's SO much better then getting was is normal, like what is retail price, eh?

oh wait, you're gonna whine about this too, huh?
This is true, but I wouldn't have conitnued if it wasn't for... certain posts..

I see the advantages to this, free shipping, no tax... But thats why I gave those examples. They all their advantages too.

Their is a huge difference between attempting to win the lottery and having the convenice of going into a store and buying something.

Besides, you guys seemed to have my main point, which is the unacceptable-ness. Instead of selling it to anyone, they sell it to people of their choosing. When does 'people of their choosing' become ebay users? Billionares? Instead of selling to everyone, they are selling to who they want to. That is what makes it wrong.

Which is basically what this is, people are happy about what amounts to a lottery that is retail price. If this was another site it would be hate mailed to hell.

I'll stop now, it is a person's choice if they want to do this, but it isn't a hot deal by any means.
[quote name='AdultLink'] If this was another site it would be hate mailed to hell.[/QUOTE]

This is CAG. Not Fatwallet.

[quote name='AdultLink']I'll stop now[/QUOTE] Thanks.
[quote name='Trakan']AdultLink, if you don't like Amazon's voting process, there's really no need to post in this thread.[/quote]
He won't be, for a week.
[quote name='gunm']:applause:

Also a :applause: to Trakan for showing incredible restraint. :)[/quote] I'm not in a restraint mood at the moment, after seeing AdultLink's posts. Plus, a week will be beyond the voting and seeing who wins the voting.

Think of it as good mod, bad mod. You know which is which.
Current odds as of 11:54p PST:

Sony PS3 20GB* 5 to 1
Nintendo Wii* 12 to 1
Sony PS3 60GB* 24 to 1

Not sure of the sources they are using (though I seem to remember this from before), but it's still pretty scary knowing one has a better chance of being killed by an asteroid than winning the lottery with one ticket.
[quote name='gunm']Current odds as of 11:54p PST:[/QUOTE]

I want your time machine, it's not even 11pm PST where I am yet :). Ech, these odds are getting worse and worse. I shoulda voted for the 20gb!
[quote name='getmyrunon']I want your time machine, it's not even 11pm PST where I am yet :). Ech, these odds are getting worse and worse. I shoulda voted for the 20gb![/quote]

Oops, my bad: I meant 10, not 11...:oops:

Of course it's 11 now, right? ;)
Good riddance, AdultLink!

I'm in, what the hell. Voted for a Wii.

Seems like a fair way to handle the sales, especially after the last fiasco.
This is the best way for Amazon to sell their next gen consoles. Thank god they didn't force a bundle like every other online retailer :(
Just wondering but how do you think they will be giving out the oppertunity to buy these systems? Promotional Code or will they just charage the card? The only reason i am signing up is to give away a code if i win one (To a CAGer free of course) and i really dont want to get charged for a Wii or PS3...

Thanks for any response (it is probably said somewhere just too lazy too look)
Well after waiting at Bestbuy for the last camp of the holiday season, and not getting a Wii... my chances seem good here (not to mention 5 online cancelations due to insufficient stock).

The wii is one fucking hot item.
[quote name='ananag112']So I have a better shot at being killed by an asteroid then dating a supermodel?[/quote]

You? Yes.

After my second friggin' unsuccessful "standing outside in the cold" attempt this morning, I decided to vote Wii. I have aspirations of playing Zelda on Christmas day, and re-living the magic of Christmas '98. Except naked.

Also, I implore everyone else to vote Wii also. The PS3 has no good games yet (obviously), but the firmware is also messed up right now and all the BC games look/play like crap. I tried to play Okami on my brother's PS3 and it was disgusting.
[quote name='tototheexplorer']You? Yes.

After my second friggin' unsuccessful "standing outside in the cold" attempt this morning, I decided to vote Wii. I have aspirations of playing Zelda on Christmas day, and re-living the magic of Christmas '98. Except naked.

Also, I implore everyone else to vote Wii also. The PS3 has no good games yet (obviously), but the firmware is also messed up right now and all the BC games look/play like crap. I tried to play Okami on my brother's PS3 and it was disgusting.[/QUOTE]

If you want to actually get the Wii, you should be encouraging people to vote for the PS3 ;)
[quote name='wampa8jedi']If you want to actually get the Wii, you should be encouraging people to vote for the PS3 ;)[/quote]

Wha...what? I thought this was just like older Amazon polls, where the winner is the only one available for purchase?
[quote name='Monsta Mack']Well after waiting at Bestbuy for the last camp of the holiday season, and not getting a Wii... my chances seem good here (not to mention 5 online cancelations due to insufficient stock).

The wii is one fucking hot item.[/quote]

I know I've missed out on two camps and had 3 on-line orders cancelled due to insufficent stock (or morons like Radioshack that had them online but never really received a shipment).
[quote name='abhinav']Just wondering but how do you think they will be giving out the oppertunity to buy these systems? Promotional Code or will they just charage the card? The only reason i am signing up is to give away a code if i win one (To a CAGer free of course) and i really dont want to get charged for a Wii or PS3...

Thanks for any response (it is probably said somewhere just too lazy too look)[/quote]

You'll get an email with a link or code. You don't get charged, but you can't transfer the code. It has to be purchased on your account.
[quote name='jlseal']no, this is a lottery for the right to purchase one of whatever you vote for.[/quote]

I'm an idiot. Um...hey guys, those 20g PS3s look really cool.
I already have the Wii so I put in for the PS3. However, the more that I think about it, the more I realize I would have rather picked up a Wii for a friend then purchase a 60GB for myself. Funny, three months ago I could have never imagined myself feeling this way.
[quote name='imascrub']no tax and free shipping is already a $60-$100 savings depending on where you live and which shipping option you choose over most other online stores

and if you're on amazon prime trial (like me!) that's free 2 day shipping, or overnight for $4[/quote]

I would agree with you but the problem is that NOT EVERYONE is guaranteed a ps3. If it was the opposite then yeah this would be a great deal but this being a raffle disqualifies this as a VIDEO GAME DEAL. Can we move this to the sony or nintendo section?
[quote name='oasisboy']I would agree with you but the problem is that NOT EVERYONE is guaranteed a ps3. If it was the opposite then yeah this would be a great deal but this being a raffle disqualifies this as a VIDEO GAME DEAL. Can we move this to the sony or nintendo section?[/quote]
Mods aren't going to move this, so deal with it.
I've been lucky enough to find both a 60GB Ps3 and a Wii. However, I voted for a Wii to try to score one for my friend.
The Amazon Xbox 360 fiasco was a disaster, so this makes a lot of sense to me. I wish more online retailers had handled it the same way.
The reason nobody is voting for 20 gb ps3s is that you can get them for well under retail on eBay right now. I just tried to sell mine with a reserve and it went for $430 + shipping (which was like $50 for 1 day). Just looked and saw about a dozen others go for the same price. Guess I'll just be keeping it now :)
[quote name='oasisboy']I would agree with you but the problem is that NOT EVERYONE is guaranteed a ps3. If it was the opposite then yeah this would be a great deal but this being a raffle disqualifies this as a VIDEO GAME DEAL. Can we move this to the sony or nintendo section?[/QUOTE]
Damn you are annoying. I hope you get banned too.

The price has nothing to do with this being a deal. Right now, the only place(s) you can order a Wii is either eBay or Amazon 3rd party sellers and other such places for way more then the Nintendo suggested retail price.

Don't take the "Deals" in "Video Game Deals" so literally. Lighten up and do something besides refresh this forum and bitch about a thread not following your definition of a deal, what ever that may be.

I wouldn't have even known to sign up for a chance to get a Wii if it was not for this thread. I want a Wii, but I'm not going to make any special effort. A 1 in 15 chance of getting a Wii is still better odds then getting to the store when they open. So, currently this has really been my only chance since the Wii launched.

And if it must be a deal for you, ordering from Amazon will negate tax (for most), shipping (if you choose), and gas (which is expensive). Sounds like a deal to me. And if you have a AMEX Amazon 25% off coupon, this is a steal.
[quote name='Raphael']Seriously it's kinda ridiculous to enter a contest to give away money, almost as bad as lining up.[/quote]

Please explain why clicking a button is almost as bad as waiting 5 + hours in line. The bottom line is many people still want these systems for Christmas and it ain't happening unless they win one here.
[quote name='b3b0p']Damn you are annoying. I hope you get banned too. [/quote]

I love you too. Banned? for what? for not agreeing with the rest of you that this is not a deal? Whatever happened to free speech and giving an opinion?
[quote name='bortle']The bottom line is many people still want these systems for Christmas and it ain't happening unless they win one here.[/quote]

There is always ebay. As a matter of fact you can probably score a good deal on a ps3 with games.
[quote name='oasisboy']There is always ebay. As a matter of fact you can probably score a good deal on a ps3 with games.[/quote]

Not for Wii and either way you have to deal with the seller. No guarantee they can/will get that out to you by Christmas.

Updated Odds (Not so good):
Sony PS3 20GB* 15 to 1
Nintendo Wii* 23 to 1
Sony PS3 60GB* 38 to 1
[quote name='oasisboy']I love you too. Banned? for what? for not agreeing with the rest of you that this is not a deal? Whatever happened to free speech and giving an opinion?[/QUOTE]

Whatever happened to using proper grammar in all your sentences?
[quote name='captainfrizo']Whatever happened to using proper grammar in all your sentences?[/quote]
Please correct my sentences. I need to learn from the expert.
[quote name='oasisboy']Yep, you are a teenager alright.[/quote]

Can someone just ban this guy already? How many threads does he have to come in and bitch about for God's sake?
A deal is getting something for cheaper than usual.
As of now, getting a PS3 or Wii for MSRP/retail asking price *is* a deal.
ARGH!!! So close to the deadline, and I STILL can't decide which I want to go for.

I guess I should go for the Wii, as I've got Gamecube games to play, whereas I won't be buying any PS3 games until they come down in price. On the other hand, I might be able to get a Wii with a discounted Marvel Ultimate Alliance tomorrow. I kind of like that they only let you go for one though, just so everyone has a better show of at least getting one.

Thank goodness one of those guys was finally banned. As much fun as it was to have every other thread "THIS ISN'T A DEAL %&$*(@^&@#^$# "
How "might" you be able to get a Wii? I'm I REALLY want one. But, don't we all? :p

[quote name='Wolfpup']ARGH!!! So close to the deadline, and I STILL can't decide which I want to go for.

I guess I should go for the Wii, as I've got Gamecube games to play, whereas I won't be buying any PS3 games until they come down in price. On the other hand, I might be able to get a Wii with a discounted Marvel Ultimate Alliance tomorrow. I kind of like that they only let you go for one though, just so everyone has a better show of at least getting one.

Thank goodness one of those guys was finally banned. As much fun as it was to have every other thread "THIS ISN'T A DEAL %&$*(@^&@#^$# "[/quote]
[quote name='charcoal2k']So wait if i win do i have to buy it on tuesday? Since i dont get paid till thursday i wouldnt be able to since im like 55 dollars short in my checking account :([/QUOTE]

Yes, you do. Check with your debit card company. Most competitive accounts allow overdraft protection of up to $500, and won't charge interest if you refill it within 48 to 72 hours, so it might not be a problem for you.
The final standings as I see them:

Sony PS3 20GB* 22 to 1
Nintendo Wii* 28 to 1
Sony PS3 60GB* 44 to 1

These are better odds than the Zune last week.
bread's done