Animal Crossing New Leaf

I'm really impressed by the attention to detail they gave the villagers this time around. How they comment on certain items in their house, or the accessories I'm wearing. And how they can sit on benches, shake trees and appear to put things in their pockets. They can even visit eachothers houses. I've seen two villagers pull out nets and follow a grasshopper around. My eagle villager even leaves adorable bird footprints everywhere he goes!

But there was one time when things got too real...

I went into Henry's house and witnessed this:


Needless to say, I got out of there as fast as I could!

I'm really impressed by the attention to detail they gave the villagers this time around. How they comment on certain items in their house, or the accessories I'm wearing. And how they can sit on benches, shake trees and appear to put things in their pockets. They can even visit eachothers houses. I've seen two villagers pull out nets and follow a grasshopper around. My eagle villager even leaves adorable bird footprints everywhere he goes!

But there was one time when things got too real...
I went into Henry's house and witnessed this:
Needless to say, I got out of there as fast as I could!

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Lilman, do you happen to have a Stego Tail, a Plesio Skull, and/or an Ichthyo Skull?
I have Plesio Skull and Icthyo Skull, but no Stego Tail. I'll open my gate for a bit, but I'm logging off in an hour. You can also come tomorrow morning if you like.

-Edit- Looks like Daglora has all 3. I'll still leave my gate open for an hour more tonight.

Thanks to some generous donations, I only need one more fossil: parasaurus tail

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I could use your:

Fern Fossil
Pteranodon Left Wing

I can give you a T-Rex Tail and a Midna Mask.
Taking the dog out real quick then I'd need to dig those out of the museum so maybe 20 mins or thereabouts. I'll PM you when I have everything together and I'll pop open my gates.

Just missed a scorpion. Was walking down screen and by the time I noticed it and got my net out it had jumped off the cliff. I guess it preferred suicide to a comfy life in the museum...

Back around and still hoping someone has a spare Ichthyosaur Skull to finish off my fossils...

Giving away:


Anklyo Skull

Ankylo Skull

Ankylo Skull

Apato Tail

Apato Torso

Apato Torso

Archelon Skull


Diplo Skull

Diplo Skull

Diplo Skull

Iguanodon Skull

Iguanodon Torso

Mammoth Torso

Mammoth Torso

Megacero Skull

Megacero Tail

Parasaur Torso

Peking Man

Plesio Torso

Ptera Right Wing

Ptera Right Wing

Sabertooth Torso

Shark Tooth

Shark Tooth

Spino Skull

Spino Skull

Spino Torso

Stego Skull 

Stego Skull

Stego Skull

Styraco Skull

Styraco Skull

Styraco Tail

T. Rex Torso

Tricera Skull

Tricera Tail

Tricera Tail

Tricera Tail


I can be, gonna take a few minutes to find them in the museum though.
Take your time. My gate will be open. You can come drop them off when you get the chance.

Edit: I think I just missed you?

Someone came into my town and dropped off a Stego Tail and a Plesio Skull. Whoever that was, thank you! I appreciate it. :)

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Anyone got some Hero Pants I can have? It's the last item I need for the collection. I can't get em to save my life. I have quite a few duplicate fortune cookie items and would be willing to trade.

About to open up my town for a bit to do some trading!

Here's what I need:

Tricera Tail

Pachy Torso

??? (6 from left, 5 from right)

Archelon Skull

Megacero Tail

Pteranodon Skull

Diplo Torso

Below are some of the extras that I have:

Feel free to take if you need one, even better if you have any I need!


Ankylo Tail

Dimetrodon Skull

Dimetrodon Torso

Diplo Chest

Diplo Tail x2

Ichthyo Torso x2

Iguanodon Skul

Mammoth Skull

Megacero Skull

Plesio Skull

Raptor Torso

Sabertooth Torso x2

Stego Skull

Styraco Skull

Tricera Skull

Trilobite x2

T. rex tail

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I have the following fossils...

Plesiosaur skull x3
Styraco torso x2
Ptera left wing
Dimetrodon skull x2
Dino track x3
Archelon skull
Ptera right wing
Triceratops skull
Fern fossil
Iguanodon torso
Raptor torso
Diplo torso
Plesio torso x3
Stego tail
Ichthyo torso x2
Spino tail
Ammonite x2
Shark tooth
Trex tail
Spino torso
Diplo skull x2
Diplo tail
Plesio neck
Diplo neck
Parasaur torso
Archelon torso
Mammoth skull

Looking for trades

Fossils I need

Peking man
Megacero tail
Diplo chest
Parasaur tail
Pachy torso
Ankylo skull

Looking for minimalist and modern furniture. Anything minimalist actually. Also looking for kitchen stuff. counters, etc.
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I have the following fossils...

Plesiosaur skull x3
Styraco torso x2
Ptera left wing
Dimetrodon skull x2
Dino track x3
Archelon skull
Ptera right wing
Triceratops skull
Fern fossil
Iguanodon torso
Raptor torso
Diplo torso
Plesio torso x3
Stego tail
Ichthyo torso x2
Spino tail
Ammonite x2
Shark tooth
Trex tail
Spino torso
Diplo skull x2
Diplo tail
Plesio neck
Diplo neck
Parasaur torso
Archelon torso
Mammoth skull

Looking for trades

Fossils I need

Peking man
Megacero tail
Diplo chest
Parasaur tail
Pachy torso
Ankylo skull

Looking for minimalist and modern furniture. Anything minimalist actually. Also looking for kitchen stuff. counters, etc.
I have some of those fossils. My second town has not completed that part of the museum yet, so we might be able to work out some sort of fossil trade. I need to check which ones Arkham needs.

I also have the modern set in my catalog. Most of the minimalist set (missing wall and floor), and random kitchen items (Range, sink, Deluxe range, Kitchen sink, stove, kitchen corner, various appliances)

In unrelated news, anyone else notice that those whose towns you've visited tend to appear by invitation in your Streetpass Mii Plaza?

I noticed my counter going up and I didn't get any more hits than my usual. At least it's not such a flood like Mario Kart 200 extra Miis in a plaza in one day because of that game. (Which, with the new Streetpass Mii Game Warrior's Way, actually works in your favor now)

Yeah, it seems like Nintendo's online games add via invitation now.  I wish more people were playing MK7 though, that way I'd be able to add more people to my 2nd 3DS easier.  I guess I'll wait until Pokemon for another flood :O

Still looking to sell/trade/give away some Nintendo/Balloon items.

Block Floor (3x)
Samus Mask (2x)
Toad Hat
Fi Mask
Big Bro's Mustache (2x)
Blue Falcon (2x)
Red Pikmin
Yellow Pikmin (2x)
Hero's Pants
Goal Pole
Super Star
Yoshi's Egg
Super Mushroom
Wii Balance Board
S.S. Dolphin
Triple Bananas
Triple Red Shells
Fire Flower (2x)
1up Mushroom
Fire Bar
Balloon Chair
Balloon Sofa
Balloon Lamp
Balloon Hat (4x)
Balloon Clock (2x)
Balloon Dresser
Balloon Bed
Still need
Shark Took
Balloon Table
Balloon Television
I know I have some Modern Furniture that I could order, but I'm not sure which ones people are looking for.
Peggy is moving out of my town on August 1st. Let me know if anyone would like her.

I also have Katie in my town for anyone that wants her.

Will be updating my trade list in a bit. Have to add/remove some fossils and Nintendo items.

Town 2 only needs an apato torso and archelon torso.

I need to revise my fossil stash. Too many trades/gifts in the last few days.

Both towns have thunderstorms this morning,mand turnip prices over 100.
Can you place turnips on the ground in a storage room or will they rot
As far as I know, they won't rot until Sunday (unless you time travel, of course).

I usually use storage, though.

Not sure if I'm going to do turnips or not. My initial rush to fund everything is waning, and I have more than enough for any decent projects I get offered in Town 1.

Town 2 is building slower, and I'm almost done with the main house there.

As far as I know, they won't rot until Sunday (unless you time travel, of course).

I usually use storage, though.

Not sure if I'm going to do turnips or not. My initial rush to fund everything is waning, and I have more than enough for any decent projects I get offered in Town 1.

Town 2 is building slower, and I'm almost done with the main house there.
In the ground > immediately rotten
In storage > will rot after a week

Damn that's what I thought

'Nips are 93 in my town again.

You mind if I came thru to buy?
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Yeah, it seems like Nintendo's online games add via invitation now. I wish more people were playing MK7 though, that way I'd be able to add more people to my 2nd 3DS easier. I guess I'll wait until Pokemon for another flood :O

Still looking to sell/trade/give away some Nintendo/Balloon items.

Block Floor (3x)
Samus Mask (2x)
Toad Hat
Fi Mask
Big Bro's Mustache (2x)
Blue Falcon (2x)
Red Pikmin
Yellow Pikmin (2x)
Hero's Pants
Goal Pole
Super Star
Yoshi's Egg
Super Mushroom
Wii Balance Board
S.S. Dolphin
Triple Bananas
Triple Red Shells
Fire Flower (2x)
1up Mushroom
Fire Bar

Balloon Chair
Balloon Sofa
Balloon Lamp
Balloon Hat (4x)
Balloon Clock (2x)
Balloon Dresser
Balloon Bed

Still need
Shark Took
Balloon Table
Balloon Television

I know I have some Modern Furniture that I could order, but I'm not sure which ones people are looking for.
I have the Amber and a Balloon TV, for Balloon Bed and Yellow Pikmin

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bread's done