Anime and Manga Thread Vol. 1: Visions of a God

[quote name='PrarieD0G']KL, when are you gonna post some pics of your anime collection? Finished moving?[/QUOTE]

I was just thinking about this today, actually! Trying to figure out how the hell I'm going to do it... I don't have nearly enough shelf space for everything, which is a problem. I'll figure something out soon, though, even if I have to just lay everything out on the floor. Might as well compile a full list while I'm at it.
[quote name='Kirin Lemon']I was just thinking about this today, actually! Trying to figure out how the hell I'm going to do it... I don't have nearly enough shelf space for everything, which is a problem. I'll figure something out soon, though, even if I have to just lay everything out on the floor. Might as well compile a full list while I'm at it.[/QUOTE]

When you re-realize that you own Kurau and that you have not watched it yet, you should seriously consider watching it in the near future.:D
[quote name='Razzuel']When you re-realize that you own Kurau and that you have not watched it yet, you should seriously consider watching it in the near future.:D[/QUOTE]

That one's actually out on my shelf, and not stored away in a box, so it'll be soon-ish. But thanks for the reminder.

Currently finishing up Eva 2.0. This is some intense shit.

Edit: Great, now I get to wait at least a year and a half for more. HUGE CLIFFHANGER, augh.
[quote name='Kirin Lemon']I was just thinking about this today, actually! Trying to figure out how the hell I'm going to do it... I don't have nearly enough shelf space for everything, which is a problem. I'll figure something out soon, though, even if I have to just lay everything out on the floor. Might as well compile a full list while I'm at it.[/QUOTE]


[quote name='Kirin Lemon']That one's actually out on my shelf, and not stored away in a box, so it'll be soon-ish. But thanks for the reminder.

Currently finishing up Eva 2.0. This is some intense shit.

Edit: Great, now I get to wait at least a year and a half for more. HUGE CLIFFHANGER, augh.[/QUOTE]

It's even worse for people like me waiting for the dub.

Although, the movie is making me want to start watching the series again (stopped at 10 episodes, i got bored xD). I heard the dub has improved, and the fact that the camera jitters every time it changes scene annoys me to hell, but i really do want to see it through to the end.
[quote name='Razzuel']Awesome! Maybe through are combined brain power, we will be able to figure out what exactly happens during the ending.

Wait, what do you mean in high definition? The Place Promised in Our Early Days was only released on DVD in North America; unless you are talking about the Japanese Blu-ray, but that doesn't have any English subtitles.

I was searching for an answer on other websites like IMDB and Anime News Network, but either no one knows the answer or no one is even talking about that part of the ending.[/QUOTE]There are "places" where you can get a subbed version. It's where I got mine. I normally don't download anime, but Shinkai's artwork is deserving of a high def tv, and it's annoying that they haven't released it on blu ray here in the states. So I had no other choice. But yeah, I'll watch it again over the weekend and see what I can come up with.
[quote name='the_punisher']Although, the movie is making me want to start watching the series again (stopped at 10 episodes, i got bored xD). I heard the dub has improved, and the fact that the camera jitters every time it changes scene annoys me to hell, but i really do want to see it through to the end.[/QUOTE]

Yuck. Do your eyes a favor and watch the Platinum versions. Not only do they eliminate the jitter, but the whole show has been digitally remastered with better color and cleaned up frames.
[quote name='Kirin Lemon']Yuck. Do your eyes a favor and watch the Platinum versions. Not only do they eliminate the jitter, but the whole show has been digitally remastered with better color and cleaned up frames.[/QUOTE]

Really? Didn't know it was remastered too, hmm....I wish i could get the entire series non-thinpak with all the slicovers and the artbox, but that's almost impossible to find now. I could just get it online, but i'm trying to be a good citizen :cry:.
[quote name='Chronis']^^I hate the way they pronounce the name in that show...[/QUOTE]

Psh, what the hell are you talking about? They pronounce Eureka's name correctly in the show. Sorry, but I just started watching Eureka Seven, and I thought I should ask.

Is it just me or is anyone else annoyed at the "Endless Eight" episode arc for the 2nd season of Haruhi Suzumiya? It has been essentially the same scene for the past 3 episodes with different camera shots. I understand they're trying to
convey that it's a time loop but you would expect there would be some kind of resolution by the 3rd time around. Hell, they could've introduced a resolution midway through the 2nd episode of the arc. As the audience, we don't need to go through the more than 15,000 times the characters have experienced the loop.

For anyone that has read the books which this particular arc is based on, is there significance for what the animators are doing?
I'm not sure why the final episode of the Red Ribbon arc in Dragon Ball wasn't on the Commander Red saga DVD and was instead included as the first episode of the Fortuneteller Baba saga DVD. It just concludes the fight with Commander Black and Goku meeting up with the others that were on their way to help Goku before going back to Roshi's island.
I was just about to ask hero to fix his sig. But looks like I didn't have to.

[quote name='Razzuel']Psh, what the hell are you talking about? They pronounce Eureka's name correctly in the show. Sorry, but I just started watching Eureka Seven, and I thought I should ask.

I just don't like the way it sounds, especially when my American ears have been trained to think "eur ree ka."
Just finished Gankutsuou: The Count of Monte Cristo. Fantastic series, loved the story and the visuals were great. I thought the 3D stuff was done very well, the sci-fi/fantasy elements were also very cool.

I've also recently finished Berserk, Grave of the Fireflies and Now and Then, Here and There. Enjoyed those and will probably pick up the Berserk manga once there's another RightStuf sale on them.

Probably going to start Cowboy Bebop Remix next, never got to buy all of the original DVDs when I was younger but I enjoyed the first four volumes.
[quote name='Razzuel']Psh, what the hell are you talking about? They pronounce Eureka's name correctly in the show. Sorry, but I just started watching Eureka Seven, and I thought I should ask.


Eh-eu-y-reh-kah actually ;).

[quote name='hero101']Watch School Rumble 2nd Season now. Anime fans demand you watch it.[/QUOTE]


[quote name='GenDV138']Just finished Gankutsuou: The Count of Monte Cristo. Fantastic series, loved the story and the visuals were great. I thought the 3D stuff was done very well, the sci-fi/fantasy elements were also very cool.

I've also recently finished Berserk, Grave of the Fireflies and Now and Then, Here and There. Enjoyed those and will probably pick up the Berserk manga once there's another RightStuf sale on them.

Probably going to start Cowboy Bebop Remix next, never got to buy all of the original DVDs when I was younger but I enjoyed the first four volumes.[/QUOTE]

Good to hear, seems like we have some of the same interests, and i just got that series recently.

I have some updated of my own. Thanks to Peggle (and Battlefield 1943), i haven't watched as much anime lately, so i haven't had many updates. But i beat Peggle, so update:

I just finished the second volume (episode 10) of Eh-eu-y-reh-kah Seven, and i love it now. The first two episodes made me think of dropping it since the dub actually hurt my ears, but apparently someone got the memo. The dub significant improves in a short time, and once all of the characters are introduced, you really get into the series. I think it was episode 8
when they're in the ditch being bombed
that i really told myself, yes, this series is awesome.

There are times when i blink and think they're showing clips of FullMetal Alchemist
religious group is being slaughtered, army did it, main character is confused, but becomes a man
, and the OP (style of the music and video) remind me of FMA as well for some reason.

Speaking of the op, the op/ed's are fantastic, and just as everyone has told me, the music overall in ES is excellent. I'm glad i have both parts of the soundtrack, it's great. I'm looking forward to the rest of the series :).

I probably would've watched more, but sadly i watched Paul Blart: Mall Cop.

It was funny =/
[quote name='the_punisher']Eh-eu-y-reh-kah actually ;).[/QUOTE]

Too bad you are wrong. Maybe you should watch the Japanese extras, or figure out how to play OGG files. ;)
The following is about School Days:

I just watched the first 1/3 of the first episode, and thought to myself big deal? I wanted to know why it was infamous among anime fans, so after that 1/3, i decided to just watch the end.

Anyone know the feeling they got after watching 2 Girls 1 Cup, that feeling like you want to throw up, take back those precious minutes of your life back, scarred for life?

That just happened to me, so for anyone who's ever included School Days in a post ever, fuck you.
[quote name='the_punisher']the following is about school days:

i just watched the first 1/3 of the first episode, and thought to myself big deal? I wanted to know why it was infamous among anime fans, so after that 1/3, i decided to just watch the end.

Anyone know the feeling they got after watching 2 girls 1 cup, that feeling like you want to throw up, take back those precious minutes of your life back, scarred for life?

That just happened to me, so for anyone who's ever included school days in a post ever, fuck you.

Finished Genshiken 2 today. It seemed a lot different from the first season, but I still enjoyed it just as much, if not more. Same nerds as before, only a focus on relationships.

I was mad that
they didn't really give a solid conclusion to the Ogiue x Sasahara relationship though. I mean they never even really said they liked each other! man, I hope they come out with a 3rd season or something.

I didn't understand at all who Ogiue was when I first started watching. I found out that there is an OAV, (basically the last 3 episodes of the first season) which would explain it... rrrg. Oh well, I'll go back and watch it.

Conclusion: Genshiken is awesome.
I just finished watching Memories. Memories is a collection of three animated shorts: Magnetic Rose, Stink Bomb, and Cannon Fodder. I loved all three shorts.

They all had their own great story. Each short had it's own animation/art style. Cannon Fodder had the most interesting art style of the three; it is probably one of most unique art styles as well.

I don't want to say anything specific since it is probably best if you go into the shorts without knowing what to expect—like I did.
I've wanted to watch Memories ever since I saw Neo Tokyo/Labyrinth Tales, but I haven't been able to find it in the wild. I can't really buy online, and I'm against downloading rips. The local Anime store had a bootleg, but I'm uneasy about those, too.

Speaking of Neo Tokyo, from what I hear, the ADV dvd is really rare. Is that true? I found mine at Best Buy, and they still have a ton of the two-packs with Fist of the North Star.
I need some recommendations. I've convinced myself that late 80s-early 90s was the best era in anime. I love Ghost in the Shell, Akira was awesome and I really need to watch it again, Vampire Hunter D looks awesome from what I've seen, and the same goes for Appleseed.

So I'm looking for stuff from that era, back when all the animation used to be done by hand. To give you an idea of my tastes, I love Cowboy Bebop and Zone of the Enders stuff, Hellsing was awesome, I enjoyed Noir, and Gundam Wing was fun when I used to watch it on Toonami. The original Mobile Suit Gundam is too slow and cheesy for me.
[quote name='DarkSageRK']I thought you liked Elfen Lied. Did you just cover your eyes at the naughty bits?[/QUOTE]

Elfen Lied was consistently "awesome" like that. (Just in case, i'll spoiler it).

I'm not going to say that EL wasn't a love story, but School Days seemed like a love triangle, and it's about trying to "get the guy", so that ending doesn't exactly seem sane. Also, she fucking cut open a girl to see if she was pregnant. What. The. fuck.

I sorta wish i'd watched the whole series, but i probably wouldn't have made it to end since i'd think it was some sorta joke. It's all cute, love, w/e, and then it ends like that. It's just not right, what if little kids were watching that...

As for EL, it's always creepy, chopping up little boys, killing little dogs, murder, the whole show is one creepy, awesome, mess.

[quote name='Flak']I need some recommendations. I've convinced myself that late 80s-early 90s was the best era in anime. I love Ghost in the Shell, Akira was awesome and I really need to watch it again, Vampire Hunter D looks awesome from what I've seen, and the same goes for Appleseed.

So I'm looking for stuff from that era, back when all the animation used to be done by hand. To give you an idea of my tastes, I love Cowboy Bebop and Zone of the Enders stuff, Hellsing was awesome, I enjoyed Noir, and Gundam Wing was fun when I used to watch it on Toonami. The original Mobile Suit Gundam is too slow and cheesy for me.[/QUOTE]

I didn't see a Neon Genesis Evangelion mention?

Other than that, the only old anime i really know is Astro Boy ;).

And if anyone was wondering, Eureka Seven has now become epic. It was episode 12,
military ship and the GekkoState dueling it out while Renton and Eureka have a duel of their own
, that was so epic it made the entire show awesome. Can't wait to see more.

In other news, the Evangelion 1.0 dub premiers at Otakon, and i probably won't be able to go. Great. :cry:
[quote name='Flak']I need some recommendations. I've convinced myself that late 80s-early 90s was the best era in anime. I love Ghost in the Shell, Akira was awesome and I really need to watch it again, Vampire Hunter D looks awesome from what I've seen, and the same goes for Appleseed.

So I'm looking for stuff from that era, back when all the animation used to be done by hand. To give you an idea of my tastes, I love Cowboy Bebop and Zone of the Enders stuff, Hellsing was awesome, I enjoyed Noir, and Gundam Wing was fun when I used to watch it on Toonami. The original Mobile Suit Gundam is too slow and cheesy for me.[/QUOTE]

You're looking for early 90s but the shows you listed aired in the mid to late 90s?

If you enjoyed Ghost in the Shell give Stand Alone Complex (the TV series) a try. Early 90s stuff is a bit more difficult to recommend. It was awesome at the time, but a lot hasn't held up well. Try Outlaw Star (one of my all time favorites), Blue Seed and Evangelion.

Are you interested in comedy series?
Finished up Dual! Parallel Trouble Adventure today. It was a pretty good robot fighting type of show, and the goofy characters made the non-fighting parts of the show worth watching.
[quote name='Flak']I need some recommendations. I've convinced myself that late 80s-early 90s was the best era in anime.[/QUOTE]

Ahaha, oh, goodness no...

[quote name='Flak']Vampire Hunter D looks awesome from what I've seen, and the same goes for Appleseed.[/QUOTE]

This made me cringe a bit.
Just ignore him, Kirin. Close your ears and pretend you never heard it.

I've been watching Bakemonogatari. Fantastic anime. 5/5. Can't wait for episode 3~
I just finished episode 17 of Rurouni Kenshin. Sorry, but I am enjoying this a lot more than Trust and Betrayal. The interactions between Kenshin, Kaoru, Sanosuke, and Yahiko are awesome.
Never saw Appleseed, because I hate anything that looks like it has something to do with robots.

Vampire Hunter D is aight.
Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust is awesome.

[quote name='Razzuel']enjoying this a lot more than Trust and Betrayal.[/quote]
[quote name='Razzuel']The interactions between Kenshin, Kaoru, Sanosuke, and Yahiko are awesome.[/QUOTE]
[quote name='Razzuel']enjoying this a lot more than Trust and Betrayal.[/quote]
[quote name='Razzuel']The interactions between Kenshin, Kaoru, Sanosuke, and Yahiko are awesome.[/QUOTE]
[quote name='crystalklear64']


Uhh. *Throws hands up into the air to emote a mild form of confusion*

I said sorry, haha.
[quote name='crystalklear64']Its ok. I have bad taste in anime.[/QUOTE]

I feel like everyone does to some extent. All we do is say we love something, and KL and Sage say it sucks.Then one of them says something awesome, Utena, and someone else says it sucks.

It's a viscous cycle.
Hmmm, Bakemonogatari seems like a mix between sayonara zetsubou sensei and blood+ though it's only been 2 episodes so I can't be sure about the latter. Canaan seems interesting. I'd like to play the Wii game it's based on.
[quote name='Flak'] Gundam Wing was fun when I used to watch it on Toonami. The original Mobile Suit Gundam is too slow and cheesy for me.[/QUOTE]
May Char have mercy on your soul...

Sieg Zeon!
[quote name='jaykrue']Hmmm, Bakemonogatari seems like a mix between sayonara zetsubou sensei and blood+ though it's only been 2 episodes so I can't be sure about the latter. [/QUOTE]

Don't tell me you watched gg's. -_-'
For all your crappy Toonami show, lame Naruto Manga, and
Have you guys seen the banner on ANN?

It's very strange the way they're promoting Gungrave.

Nearly all of the images are Brandon as a badass, but for 90% of the actual anime, he's not like that at all, and honestly, i didn't like those parts as much as i did the actual mafia storyline.

Regardless of whether you've seen it or not, it's still amazing. I have the original thinpak, and the packaging is awesome.
[quote name='the_punisher']Have you guys seen the banner on ANN?

It's very strange the way they're promoting Gungrave.

Nearly all of the images are Brandon as a badass, but for 90% of the actual anime, he's not like that at all, and honestly, i didn't like those parts as much as i did the actual mafia storyline.

Actually, it was 50%. And normal Brandon doesn't have the same visual appeal, even if the show went downhill at that point.
[quote name='Kirin Lemon']Actually, it was 50%. And normal Brandon doesn't have the same visual appeal, even if the show went downhill at that point.[/QUOTE]

Well, it only really got intense during the last couple episodes. Up until that point, they weren't very signficant.

And that's true, but even the screenshots are of the "zombies". There's barely any cool mafia shots =/
Thing about Gungrave is that the whole show was so cheesy.

I was looking forward to the show but after the first episode's "fight" where he shoots those... ice monsters or whatever, my expectations dropped... only to be even further disappointed by the end. One of the most overrated shows IMO

Skimmed To Love-Ru.. art was good at least ;)
For those that love romance-harem-comedies, check out Princess Lover.

Also, more people need to watch MAJOR. I love my animated baseball dramas.
[quote name='DarkSageRK']Don't tell me you watched gg's. -_-'[/QUOTE]

I didn't know gg was subbing it. I was streaming it on my lappy since my desktop is down (which I use to torrent anime).

EDIT: I never thought that the Axis powers in WW2 could be so adorable. Thanks for messing up my thought process, Hetalia.

EDIT2: Replace Axis powers with every major country involved in world politics from WW1 to now
bread's done