Anime & Manga Thread Vol. 2: Za Warudo!!!

I'd say your taking a show based on a Kouta Hirano series,way too seriously. That and everyone on the side of the Ends were martyrs of some sort,with the Black King heavily hinted at being
I'm not trying to take it seriously, but like....even shows that I'm not caring a whole lot about and want to enjoy, I still need some logic in play. It's helpful that you seem to have figured out the general theme of the bad guys.

So I'm mildly annoyed with Drifters. Where do they come up w/ some of these "bad guys" in the show? Joan of Arc?? wha? One of the people was like...a ruler of old Russia. Neither of which are crazy bad ass fighters. Are they running out of good ideas over in Japan? Really put me off.
I only watched the first episode but Joan of Arc is bad? Is the Russian guy Rasputin? I may need to watch the next couple episodes.

I love that Tekkadan is starting to embrace their mafia ties now. It's rather refreshing to have Gundam protagonists who aren't all super pure messiahs.

Izetta is my favorite anime so far this season.

Only thing is they keep throwing in random out of place fan service moments and I wish they didn't.

There's a bunch of returning shows I love like Haikyu & JoJo. And while I like a lot of the new shows, there's no sure-fire winner. WWW.Working & Poco Udon are my favorites so far. Tiger Mask & Izetta are up there too. I haven't given much a chance for Occultic;Nine & Drifters yet. Kiss me Not Him is another guilty pleasure.

With that said my favorite thing I've seen this season is Shelter. I love it.

Drifters ep 2-3: So crazy killer samurai and kamakazi pilot are good guys while Joan of Arc and Anastasia are a sadistic fire/ice killer bitches? And I'm pretty sure the main bad guy (Black King) is Jesus. Somebody has a complex of misplaced nationalist heroes.

What's next? You gonna have Jack the Ripper swoop in and save a child from almost being run over by a tank driven by the evil General Patton?

damn.... that actually sounds interesting.... I could write this shit.

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Drifters ep 2-3: So crazy killer samurai and kamakazi pilot are good guys while Joan of Arc and Anastasia are a sadistic fire/ice killer bitches? And I'm pretty sure the main bad guy (Black King) is Jesus. Somebody has a complex of misplaced nationalist heroes.

What's next? You gonna have Jack the Ripper swoop in and save a child from almost being run over by a tank driven by the evil General Patton?

damn.... that actually sounds interesting.... I could write this shit.
Pretty much how I feel about it lol

I finally got to watching Evangelion 3.33. I then read a lot on the web explaining what I had just watched :p

I know it got a lot of hate, but I liked it. Looking forward to the conclusion in 20xx.

I noticed that Eva 2.22 and 3.33 blus came in similar cases (one orange, one blue), but my 1.11 doesn't match that style. I looked online and saw some 1.11 with red covers in the right style. Were those ever released in the US?

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Had to drop Dennou Coil seven episodes in. Interesting, but a bit too...childish (for lack of a better term). Would prefer more action and more adult themes. happy it was dubbed at least.

Currently reviewing my MAL list to see what I want to watch that's dubbed.

I finally got to watching Evangelion 3.33. I then read a lot on the web explaining what I had just watched :p

I know it got a lot of hate, but I liked it. Looking forward to the conclusion in 20xx.

I noticed that Eva 2.22 and 3.33 blus came in similar cases (one orange, one blue), but my 1.11 doesn't match that style. I looked online and saw some 1.11 with red covers in the right style. Were those ever released in the US?
I will reserve judgement on 3.33 until 4.44 comes out. I think the setup is nice, but the payoff needs to be worth it.

And no, I don't think an alternate cover was ever made for 1.11.

EDIT: As I said in the other thread, fuck yes, fuck yes, fuck YES!

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Anyone watching Euphonium? Is it me or have a few characters, notably Oumae, have a voice change? I went back to season 1 and that seems to be the case. It really puts a damper on the show because the new VA is so....meh. I wonder if that's why the show was delayed a smidge?

Anyone watching Euphonium? Is it me or have a few characters, notably Oumae, have a voice change? I went back to season 1 and that seems to be the case. It really puts a damper on the show because the new VA is so....meh. I wonder if that's why the show was delayed a smidge?
I saw the first two episodes. Is the arc with senior vs junior over yet? It turned me off. I think the conflict is stupid and a boring non-issue. But crazy glasses senpai is still butt hurt.

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Started Steins;Gate (for like the third time) on Tuesday. 11 episodes in and enjoying it so far. We'll see if the second half of the series holds up.

I finally finished Amanchu. It wasn't bad but it wasn't good either. it's just somewhere in the middle. It's a scuba diving show with very little scuba diving. The scuba stuff is sprinkled throughout the show but it's mainly about Teko trying to be more social & adventurous. I actually really enjoyed the scenes were they focused on the scuba. 

The characters look great when they're not in chibi "trying so hard to cute" form. And why do the cat's look like that?

I think this show tries too hard to be cute, charming while throwing in a funny little mascot. But none of it worked while it should have been more about the scuba stuff. At least the op was nice so It's a 5/10 for me.

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I finally finished Amanchu. It wasn't bad but it wasn't good either. it's just somewhere in the middle. It's a scuba diving show with very little scuba diving. The scuba stuff is sprinkled throughout the show but it's mainly about Teko trying to be more social & adventurous. I actually really enjoyed the scenes were they focused on the scuba.

The characters look great when they're not in chibi "trying so hard to cute" form. And why do the cat's look like that?

I think this show tries too hard to be cute, charming while throwing in a funny little mascot. But none of it worked while it should have been more about the scuba stuff. At least the op was nice so It's a 5/10 for me.
Agree on the 5/10

This magical girl raising show is freaking gruesome lol. People getting kibbled left and right. My kind of show! I love how it's almost a sadistic twist on the usual magical girl show. Has anyone been watching it? Impressions? Also, Drifters, the other blood-spatter fest is entertaining. Clearly the writers did some solid research on combat tactics, even if the central plot is weird as hell. Kind of curious to see how they all turn out. Today's episode of IBO was a snoozer. So many death flags raised.

The 20th Detective Conan movie recently came out via (extremely poorly done) fansub, so I've gotten back into the series. God, do I miss FUNimation's voice cast, name changes and all. Kogoro's current voice actor is better than his original, but R Bruce Elliot is so much more pleasant sounding. 

Finished Steins;Gate (and the 25th episode/OVA). Can't believe it took me this long to give it a proper chance! Great pacing, characters, story (albeit with some plot holes), and animation. The English VA was a treat. Let me to add the PS Vita game to my wishlist for purchase later and interest in the other non-dubbed episodes.

As with every anime I finish, I have no idea what to watch next. Dubbed definitely preferred, especially for my morning commute. My friend keeps suggesting DBZ Kai, not sure if I'm ready to make that kind of time investment. Would prefer a 12 (or 24) series, with action and humor similar to OPM. Or fantasy like Log Horizon or SAO.

What show is this?
I'm guessing it's Magical Girl Raising Project.

From ANN: A social game called The Magical Girl Raising Project allows one in tens of thousands of people to be a "magical girl" — possessing extraordinary physical capabilities and looks, as well as special magical powers that set them apart from the rest of the human race. But one day, in a district containing 16 magical girls, the administration announces that it must halve the number of magical girls to solve the problem of magical energy. At first, the 16 magical girls race to collect more "magical candy" than their competitors, but the rules quickly become twisted, and it quickly becomes a murderous battle for survival among them.

I'm guessing it's Magical Girl Raising Project.

From ANN: A social game called The Magical Girl Raising Project allows one in tens of thousands of people to be a "magical girl" — possessing extraordinary physical capabilities and looks, as well as special magical powers that set them apart from the rest of the human race. But one day, in a district containing 16 magical girls, the administration announces that it must halve the number of magical girls to solve the problem of magical energy. At first, the 16 magical girls race to collect more "magical candy" than their competitors, but the rules quickly become twisted, and it quickly becomes a murderous battle for survival among them.
Hmmm, sounds interesting. Like Battle Royal/Hunger Games meets Magical Girl . Where do I watch this?

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March... Lion ep 4-5: This show teeters on being silly to serious at the drop of a hat. I don't think the funny parts are very funny, but I like the drama parts. We got to see more of the MC's backstory. EP 5 was very interesting and it shows more of why he is such a reserved person. Still best op & ed song.

DB Super - I just want to see this arc end already. I can only take so much of these sudden outbursts of anger (especially Trunks) only for Black & Zamasu to shut them down like little bitches. And I knew containing Zamasu in the jar was a joke & failure from the start. Please end this next week so we can get to the multi-universe tourney arc.

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March... Lion ep 4-5: This show teeters on being silly to serious at the drop of a hat. I don't think the funny parts are very funny, but I like the drama parts. We got to see more of the MC's backstory. EP 5 was very interesting and it shows more of why he is such a reserved person. Still best op & ed song.

DB Super - I just want to see this arc end already. I can only take so much of these sudden outbursts of anger (especially Trunks) only for Black & Zamasu to shut them down like little bitches. And I knew containing Zamasu in the jar was a joke & failure from the start. Please end this next week so we can get to the multi-universe tourney arc.
It's been dragged on a bit too long, especially when we know fusion and earrings exist to make Vegeta/Goku on par with them. That being said, I'm still a sucker for DBZ nonsense so I'm tolerant of it. I do agree the whole Trunks thing is ridiculous....they would have been better off with turning him into a god or something and letting him win the day. Something along the lines of "well all the other gods are dead and the universe needs a legit one, so you're it buddy!". Not like DB plots ever make sense.

Blamasu's problem is that he has no evolution. He showed up super strong and got stronger and all the development of the arc happened the first time Trunks came back into the past. In particular, everything revolving around the second battle could have been cut easily.

Another problem is that there are no subordinates or minions for the good guys to waste time on, so the plot relies on the strongest good guys, Goku & Vegeta, to be defeated again and again, especially since Beerus and Whis didn't make the trip.
 Whis might be aware but I wonder if Beerus has any clue Goku & Vegeta can fuse.

But I see what you mean about the lack of minions. Plus with more lackys you get to see guys like Piccolo give us a show.

But they're never going to put Vegeta "over the top" are they? How cool would it have been if Vegeta won the last tourney.

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Of course Vegeta's never going to surpass Goku permanently. That would be like if one of the other Strawhats besides Luffy defeated the Big Bad of each arc.
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Of course Vegeta's never going to surpass Goku permanently. That would be like if one of the other Strawhats besides Luffy defeated the Big Bad of each arc.
I'm not saying permanently, but give him a solid "I won it for the team this time."

But the Strawhat comparison isn't the same. Goku & Vegeta are rivals who want to get stronger than the other. No one in the Strawhats think that about each other besides maybe Sanji & Zoro who have more of a comedic rivilery.

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I watched a ton of anime last night to cleanse myself of this nasty prez election.

Poco's Udon World ep 4-5: Still one of my personal favorites this season. Nothing more to add other than it's more of the same cuteness

Drifters ep 4: I don't really know what to make of this show. The mix of serious action to "Three Stooges" comedy is weird. I guess I'm missing something in translation because none of it is funny. Only reason I'm sticking with it now is for the action. But I may drop this.

Kiss Him Not Me ep 4-5: This went exactly where I thought it would. Showing how shallow some of the boys are. The introduction of the new girl is welcomed. She's very manipulative but her genuine affections for Kae keeps the boys in check. Probably my favorite rom/com this season.

Magical Raising Girl Project ep 1-2: I gave this a shot and I like it. I guess I haven't gotten to the really dark stuff yet but I sense it coming next episode. Funny how this is the only type of magical girl show I'll watch. The ones where they die.

Also keeping up with Natsume Yujin-cho. It's great to have an episodic show like this. A great show to chill with when there's nothing else on.

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I wish the film was hedging closer to SAC than the movies, but that was to be expected even if they're using Kuze.

There was one thing that annoyed me, though. The line "This is Major." I know they've apparently gotten rid of Motoko Kusanagi, but the lack of "the" in that line sounds weird.

In other news, Dragonball Super was both filled to the brim with complete bullshit, but yet was still so very awesome.
So GitS has now gone full circle. Matrix emulated it, and now GitS is emulating the Matrix.

Looks like they're taking the first episode of SAC and mixing it with the 1995 movie. No tachikomas either, I guess. Batou looked like Jack Black in his scene.

In other news, Dragonball Super was both filled to the brim with complete bullshit, but yet was still so very awesome.
Yep. Potara lasting for only an hour when it was supposed to be a permanent fusion. Trunk's Spirit Bomb sword (which was cool as shit). Good to see Trunks get the win.

Although it was brief I though Vegito as SS Blue was awesome.  Hot damn.  There's no way they could end it with Vegito so the length of the fusion was not surprising.

So GitS has now gone full circle. Matrix emulated it, and now GitS is emulating the Matrix.

Looks like they're taking the first episode of SAC and mixing it with the 1995 movie. No tachikomas either, I guess. Batou looked like Jack Black in his scene.
Looks like she's also wearing her red outfit from Arise at one point so I guess they're taking something from everything.

In other news, Dragonball Super was both filled to the brim with complete bullshit, but yet was still so very awesome.
That pretty much defines Dragonball. Complete bullshit, but awesome. I enjoyed that episode a lot. Spirit bomb always wins it against the big bad.

That pretty much defines Dragonball. Complete bullshit, but awesome. I enjoyed that episode a lot. Spirit bomb always wins it against the big bad.
except for against vegeta

or against freiza

I don't think it even used against androids or cell...

either way the only time in the main story (aka not inlucding movies) that the spirit bomb ever wins anything is against buu o_O

except for against vegeta

or against freiza

I don't think it even used against androids or cell...

either way the only time in the main story (aka not inlucding movies) that the spirit bomb ever wins anything is against buu o_O
Freezer just refused to die because they needed a bad guy to drive a few 100 episodes. Spirit bomb is a pretty signature move though! I was bummed that Goku didn't try his kaio ken earlier in the battle. Maybe they didn't want to cheapen it so quickly?

The spirit bomb has always been a big ol' blue ball when comes to DBZ final attacks. At least Trunk's spirit bomb sword was "off the cuff" and didn't take 2-3 episodes to charge only fail. It was quite satisfying.

I started watching Rainbow: Nisha Rokubou no Shichinin. I never knew this show existed until someone recommended it to me. I like it but this is some dark shit. If you liked shows like Kaiji or Prison School give this one a look. If you like shows like Flying Witch & Non Non Byori stay away.

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Finished Re:Zero. Solid all around with a few dips here and there. I read last night there the first 25 episodes/season 1 cover the first three arcs in the manga (or light novels?). Should I wait for White Fox to announce season 2, or just check out the reading source?

I think I'm finally going to check out The Girl Who Leapt Through Time. Been on my list for a while now.

Finished Re:Zero. Solid all around with a few dips here and there. I read last night there the first 25 episodes/season 1 cover the first three arcs in the manga (or light novels?). Should I wait for White Fox to announce season 2, or just check out the reading source?

I think I'm finally going to check out The Girl Who Leapt Through Time. Been on my list for a while now.
ReZero anime caught up to the source from what I heard. It's going to be a while for anymore unfortunatly.

So, I've been rewatching Digimon Adventure 02 and come to the part where Chimeramon is defeated and the Digimon Emperor stopped once and for all. He goes on and on about how he'll just reboot the Digital World. TK and the others come in and say that you can't just reboot the Digital World since Digimon have evolved from just being 1s and 0s into being real creatures.

They should just rename the show "Digimon Adventure: Continuity Snarl."

bread's done